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days, until the arrival of the Portsmouth to the relief of the garrison, receiving on board a number of the families, as a night attack was constantly expected. Their offers of assistance, and the formidable appearance they presented, were well calculated to reassure the citizens, who had felt much uneasiness at the smallness of our force. A few days later a corvette and store-ship arrived, when the garrison was reinforced by the addition of two more carronades, an abundance of ammunition and provisions, the quarters strengthened, and an additional force of ten marines and sixteen seamen landed.

On the 8th of December, by a communication from Lieutenant Heywood to the commander of the squadron, it appears that the main Mexican force had retired from before La Paz, and established their head-quarters at San Antonio, while the outpost of sixty men under Angulo was at Media Flores, about twenty-five miles distant, the main body at San Antonio consisting of three hundred and fifty men. On the 21st of January he again writes that the enemy is hovering around his po


content to remain at home and receive their nightly visits without some adequate return. Accordingly, on the morning of the 6th, the enemy appearing more scattered, a considerable force being to the northward of the cuartel, while at the same time a strong party, posted at the lower end of the street, kept up an annoying fire; judging this a favorable moment for a sortie, and taking with him twenty-five men, he charged upon the latter party, dislodging them and driving them into the hills, and then returned to the cuartel without the loss of a single man.

Again, on the morning of the 7th, he issued forth and rescued some property belonging to the Californians who were in the mission house; and the same day, hearing that some rice and tobacco were stored in a house three hundred yards distant, in the main street, he sallied forth with thirty men to secure it. In this attempt some sharp fighting ensued, in which one of the volunteers was killed. Charging down the street, the enemy was driven to the cover of a corn-field in the outskirts of the town, where they were reinforced, and commenced a hot fire. The sallying party returned to the cuartel, having in part accomplished their object; but the enemy had previously forced the building in the rear, and carried off a part of the contents.

That day, or the next, a party consisting of two officers and six men, in attempting to communicate with a schooner, was surrounded by a force of one hundred and fifty of the enemy's cavalry, and taken prisoners. After this capture, Lieutenant On the 10th the enemy, having entire Heywood writes that his force consisted possession of the town, had perforated all of twenty-seven marines and fifteen sea- the adjacent houses with port-holes, occumen, (five of the latter sick,) besides some pying a church in the rear of the mission twenty Californians. From that date the on a high and commanding position. Their enemy was constantly in sight, intercept- flag was displayed on a building ninety ing all communication and cutting off yards distant, from front, sides, and rear whatever supplies might have been ob- of which they were enabled to throw a tained from without the garrison. "Em-raking fire, which they kept up incessantboldened by their success in the capture of the small party, and no longer deterred by the presence of the corvette, and having been baffled in their demonstrations upon La Paz, they again resolved to attempt the reduction of San José with such an overwhelming force as to place the result beyond a doubt." With three hundred cavalry they contracted their lines, and by the 4th of February had completely closed around the little garrison, firing at all who showed themselves at the posts or on the parapet.

Lieutenant Heywood, now feeling somewhat better prepared, and having, as it were, felt the enemy's pulse, was no longer

ly, the least exposure of our persons drawing from them numerous discharges. Their rifles appeared to be excellent, and were skillfully used, the balls continually entering at the port-holes of the cuartel.

On the 11th, the same course was pursued by the enemy, and it was seldom that any in the garrison could get an opportunity of returning their fire, they kept so closely under cover. On this day, the second in command, Passed Midshipman M'Lanahan, was wounded by a ball in the neck, on the right side, a little below the thyroid cartilage, the ball lodging in his left shoulder. He expired in about two hours. This was a severe loss to Lieu

tenant Heywood and to the navy. He was an officer of great promise, intelligent, energetic, and brave to temerity. "He fell with one hand clasping the flag-staff that upheld the colors he had so intrepidly defended, and died in the hour of victory, an early but enviable death." This left Lieutenant Heywood with but one other officer.

On the 12th, at daylight, it appeared that the enemy had raised a breast-work, one hundred and fifty yards to the northeast of the cuartel, entirely commanding the watering-place. The cannon of the garrison were turned upon this, but with no effect. Some water was obtained at night, but at considerable hazard, the enemy keeping a close watch upon the garrison. The means of obtaining water being thus cut off, it was determined to sink a well in the lowest ground in the rear of the second house. The work was immediately commenced, and during the 13th and 14th the men worked industriously and cheerfully, there being, with the greatest economy, but four days' water in the garrison. The commander, and one other officer, with fifty-eight persons, including the sick and wounded, and twenty of the enrolled natives, now constituted the entire force of this little band; and with the buildings crowded to excess with women and children, who were to be fed, provisions became scarce. The bread was entirely gone, and all that remained was salt-meat for a few days, at half-allowance.

"In such an emergency, surrounded by nearly ten times their number, less undaunted spirits might reasonably have succumbed to the perils of a siege which was hourly becoming more straitened. But the little garrison, though a small band, were true to themselves. There were neither murmurs nor thoughts of surrender. They still vigilantly guarded the defenses, with but limited rest or food, while the bullets or shot of the enemy flew in by the loop-holes, or plunged through the walls. Yet there was no flinching. Ever on the alert, they incessantly watched the enemy," taking the opportunity of every or any exposure on their part, to send the leaden messenger with unerring aim among them.

five days-during eleven of which they were closely hemmed in, and subjected to incessant annoyance, requiring the closest, unceasing vigilance-resisting many determined assaults, and making several dashing and successful sorties. Yet their position had become eminently critical, and without speedy relief their well-defended flag could not have long retained its proud position.

On the afternoon of the 14th, the United States corvette Cyane arrived and anchored. It was truly a joyous sight to the besieged; but some doubt was entertained of their being able to render any immediate assistance, the enemy being so vastly superior in numbers. Yet had the disparity been much greater, the noble commander of that vessel would not have hesitated an instant in hastening to the relief of the garrison. The report of artillery had been heard by them on board; the American flag had been seen still waving over the heads of the little band; and it was evident to them that the post was closely besieged; therefore, preparations were immediately made for landing all the force that could be spared from the vessel.

Lieutenant Heywood passed a night of extreme anxiety, lest, in landing at that late hour, they might be drawn into an ambuscade. He therefore, with much forethought, though hard pressed by the enemy during the night, as he had been for eight nights previously, refrained from using his artillery, though he might have done so with much advantage, that the commander of the Cyane might remain in ignorance of the contest going on.

At daylight, on the 15th, a force of one hundred and two-namely, eight officers, (all the commissioned officers, except one lieutenant and the purser, being of the party,) eighty-nine seamen, and five marines, under the command of Captain Dupont, landed, formed in two companies, and commenced their march for the garrison. From the moment of leaving the beach, and during their entire progress, they were subjected to a sharp fire on their flank and rear from every cover along the road. Whenever an enemy was seen, he was greeted with a shot; and wherever the fire appeared concentrated and was espeThis gallant little band had now, under cially annoying, both companies would face their most heroic and determined leader, to the right or left, and pour a volley in since the return of the Mexican force from the proper direction: cavalry threatened La Paz, sustained a close siege of twenty-in front, but were driven back, and retired

under the steady progress of the two columns. "On approaching the mound of San Vincent, it was found occupied by the enemy in force, presenting a formidable array; but the Americans pressed steadily on, (still annoyed on the right,) and, rising the hill, a discharge from a field-piece, followed by a well-directed volley, drove the enemy before them into the bushes." After passing the hamlet, the enemy closed in on their rear, reoccupying the mound and huts, whence a brisk fire was kept up, and again in passing a field of well-grown sugar-cane, and still further on, from the shelter of a long row of plantains and bananas. The fire of the enemy was well sustained throughout, but fortunately not as well directed, most of the balls passing over the heads of the Americans.

The gallant little band in the garrison watched with much anxiety the progress of their friends, appearing to them more closely pressed the nearer they approached; though they derived much confidence in witnessing the effect of their fire upon the enemy and, as there was a strong force still occupying the town, Lieutenant Heywood, at the head of his whole party, sallied forth and drove them from the cover of the houses, from which they had been annoying him; and, having cleared the way, advanced to join the party from the Cyane, who were then quite near.

After cordial greetings, the two forces united, and marched into San José, the enemy retreating before them.

A few detachments of the enemy being seen by the officer in charge of the Cyane, separated from our party, and lingering about, a few well-directed discharges of shell from that vessel entirely dispersed them, and opened the communication with the vessel. The Mexicans then fell back to their camp at Las Animas, and at night retreated to San José Viego, two leagues up the valley.

The march of this force from the Cyane, through an enemy so vastly superior in numbers, well mounted, and having every advantage in knowledge of the ground, was certainly an intrepid exploit, creditably, skillfully, and boldly planned, and gallantly executed and well worthy did they prove themselves of the great honor of bringing relief to the brave defenders of San José. On the side of the Americans there were but four wounded, which is truly wonderful, considering the incessant

fire to which they were exposed; on that of the enemy the loss was known to be thirteen, which report swelled to thirtyfive. The number of wounded could not be ascertained.

In the several attacks on the garrison, the enemy had fifteen killed and many wounded, while the loss on the part of the Americans was but thirteen killed and four slightly wounded.

The garrison having been relieved and provisioned, Lieutenant Heywood still retained command of the port until the 20th of April, when he was relieved by Captain Naglee, who arrived with one hundred volunteers of the New-York regiment. The presence of the Cyane being deemed no longer necessary, Lieutenant Heywood and his party embarked in that vessel and were conveyed to Mazatlan.

Such was the defense of San José by Lieutenant Heywood; and the encomium passed upon it by the commodore of the squadron in his report to the navy department, that "the annals of no war can furnish instances of greater coolness, more indomitable perseverance, more conspicuous bravery, and sounder judgment,” was surely well merited. We have felt that some appropriate tribute was due to the memory of that distinguished officer: not that we need to make known to the navy, or remind them, that such deeds marked the progress of the late war on the western coast, for the events described are well known to them and justly appreciated; nor that we would, at this late day, call for honors or rewards to him who has gone where worldly distinction can no longer reach him. The scene of his exploits was too remote from the capital, and the officer too modest and unobtrusive in his manners, to command the just notice of the executive. Less brilliant deeds have met with ready advancement, and, even in the navy, in some cases, with temporary and gratifying commands. In the army, where all were brave and many greatly distinguished, brevets were thrown wide-cast, and promotion readily granted. We are far from envying our brother officers of the army the reward they receive, and would rather rejoice that brevets, with their baneful influences, are not entailed upon our corps; but as the navy claims to have done well the work which fell to their lot, we feel that individual acts of gallantry, such as those of Lieutenant Heywood,

should have met with something more tangible, more substantial, than bare complimentary expressions.


ARCASTIC people are wont to say


A dashing charge on the artillery of an that poets dwell in garrets, and simple enemy, the skillful maneuvering of flying people believe it. And others, neither sarartillery, a well-timed and well-directed castic nor simple, send them up aloft, among broadside on the ocean,-these and other the rubbish, just because they do not know brilliant deeds, in the heat and excitement what to do with them down stairs, and of action, turning the scale and securing a "among folks;" and so they class them victory, are all worthy of commendation: under the head of rubbish, and consign and thus heroes are made, and for these them to the grand receptacle of dilapidated heroes are rewarded. It is well; but the "has beens" and despised "used to bes," defense of San José must take a higher the old garret. stand it bears less the character of an impulse than of a principle-a settled purpose. The flying artillery, the dashing and imposing charges, and the heavy battery, were not within the scope of his resources; but a spirit which no peril, no circumstance could move; a sense of duty, which would not allow him to hesitate or waver while life lasted.

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Officers of our navy have been made heroes for one solitary act of successful gallantry M'Donough on Champlain, Perry on Erie, Decatur, Hull, and others. No praise was too great to express the grateful satisfaction of the country. It was well. These have gone to their graves, honored far and wide, throughout the length and breadth of the land, and their names will be handed down as watchwords and incentives to deeds of heroism in after years.

But how with poor Heywood? What benefit accrued to him? What appropriate notice was ever taken by the executive of his conduct on this occasion? The humble station held by Lieutenant Heywood at the time of his death is evidence that his claims were overlooked. Well might Commodore say, as he introduced Lieutenant Heywood to the Honorable Secretary of the Navy, on the occasion of his visiting the Saranac previous to her departure for Brazil: "In any other country he would have been knighted."

Yet the name of Charles Heywood is not lost to the navy. While the flag which he so bravely defended at San José, torn and disfigured by the shots of the enemy, remains at the Navy School at Annapolis, the young midshipmen will proudly point to it; and, while they narrate to each other the noble deeds of that little band, their fresh young hearts will beat with enthusiasm, and respond in healthful tribute to his memory.

The garret is to the other apartments of the homestead what the adverb is to pedagogues in parsing: everything they do not know how to dispose of is consigned to the list of adverbs. And it is for this precise reason that we love garrets, because they do contain the relics of the old and the past; remembrancers of other, and happier, and simpler times.

They have come to build houses now-adays without garrets. Impious innova


You man of bronze and "bearded like the pard," who would make people believe, if you could, that you never was "a wee toddlin' thing;" that you never wore a "rifle dress," or jingled a rattle-box with infinite delight; that you never had a mother, and that she never became an old woman, and wore mob-caps and spectacles, and, may be, took snuff: go home once more, after all these years of absence, all booted and whiskered, and six feet high as you are, and let us go up stairs together into that old-fashioned spacious garret that extends from gable to gable, with its narrow oval windows with a spider-web of a sash, through which steals "a dim religious light" upon a museum of things unnameable, that once figured below stairs, but were long since crowded out by the Vandal hand of these modern times.

The loose boards of the floor rattle somewhat as they used to do-do n't they?— when, beneath your little pattering feet, they clattered and clattered, when on a rainy day, mother, wearied with many-tongued importunity, granted the "Let us go up garret and play." And play? Desperately little of play have you had since, we'll warrant, with your looks of dignity and your dreamings of ambition.

Here we are now, in the midst of the garret. That old barrel-shall we rummage it? Old files of newspapers-dusty,


yellow, a little tattered! 'Tis the "Western A crown is resting on his cherub brow; Star." How familiar the type looks! How and her robes are spotless in the better it reminds you of old times, when you looked | over the edge of the counter, with the "letters or papers for father!" and those same Stars, just damp from the press, were carried one by one from the fireside, and perused and preserved as they ought to be. Stars? Damp? Ah! many a star has set since then, and many a new-turfed heap grown dewy and damp with rain that fell not from the clouds.

[blocks in formation]

There, you have hit your head against that "plate!" Time was when you ran to and fro beneath it; but you are nearer to it, now by more than "the altitude of a copine." That plate is filled with forgotten papers of seeds for next year's sowing; a distaff, with some few shreds of flax remaining, is thrust into a crevice of the rafters overhead; and tucked away close under the eaves is "the little wheel," that used to stand by the fire in times long gone. Its sweet, low song has ceased; and perhaps she that drew those flaxen threads but never mind-you remember the line, do n't you?

"Her wheel at rest, the matron charms no more.'

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Well, let that pass. Do you see that little craft careened in that dark corner? It was red once; it was the only casket in the house once, and contained a mother's jewels. The old red cradle, for all the world! And you occupied it once; ay, great as you are, it was your world once; and over it—the only horizon you beheld bent the heaven of a mother's eye, as you rocked in that little barque of love, on the hither shore of time, fast by a mother's love to a mother's heart.

And there, attached to two rafters, are the fragments of an untwisted rope. Do you remember it, and what it was for, and who fastened it there? "Twas "the children's swing." You are here, indeed; but where are Charley and Nelly? There hangs his little cap by that window; and there the little red frocks he used to wear.

But we must not tarry longer now, but will return some other day; for that old garret is more nearly like a human heart, full of gentle and tearful memories, than aught else on earth but human hearts themselves. God keep that garret with all its treasures safe, though fame may prove a vision, fortune an idle dream, and the aspirations of men fruitless.

Let the reflections upon the past be tempered with a spirit of humility and submission to the Divine hand; for the relics of nature as well as art must be laid aside to waste by the corroding touches of the finger of time.


EAN SWIFT was a great enemy to


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extravagance in dress. Of his mode of reproving this folly in those persons for whom he had any esteem, the following instance has been recorded:-When George Faulkner, the printer, returned from London, where he had been soliciting subscriptions for his edition of the dean's works, he went to pay his respects to him, dressed in a laced waistcoat, a bag wig, and other fopperies. Swift received him with the same ceremony as if he had been a stranger. "And pray sir," said he, "what are your commands with me?" "I thought it was my duty, sir," replied George, "to wait upon you immediately upon my arrival from London." "Pray, sir, who are you?" George Faulkner, the printer, sir." You, George Faulkner, the printer? Why, you are the most impudent, barefaced scoundrel of an impostor I ever met with! George Faulkner is a plain, sober citizen, and would never trick himself out in lace and other fopperies. Get you gone, you rascal, or I will immediately send you to the house of correction." Away went George as fast as he could, and having changed his dress, returned to the deanery, where he was received with the greatest cordiality. "My friend George," said the dean, "I am glad to see you return safe from London. Why, here has been an impudent fellow with me just now, dressed in a lace waistcoat, and he would fain pass himself off for you, but 1 soon sent him off, with a flea in his ear." -Workingman's Friend.

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