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LEONARD R. BACON, editor of the "Independent" and 66 New-Englander," was born on the 19th of February, 1802, in the city of Detroit, Michigan. His father was one of that band of noble pioneers who have done so much for the advancement of the religious interests of the Great West-the American home missionaries. He was poor indeed in this world's goods; for he possessed nothing beyond a bare subsistence, unless we estimate the legacy which he left to the world of three sons and four daughters, all now engaged in active usefulness. Dr. Bacon's father died in the year 1817, after the family had resided several years in the towns of Hudson and Tallmadge, Ohio.

In his eleventh year, young Bacon commenced preparing for college in an institution near Hartford, Connecticut, where some of his father's friends resided. He entered the sophomore class of Yale College at the early age of sixteen. His class included many others who have since


arrived at considerable distinction: among them were the present President of Yale College; Prof. Twining, the distinguished civil engineer; Hon. J. H. Brockway, of Connecticut; Prof. Stoddard; Hon. Garret Duncan, of Kentucky, and others.

Into such a class Mr. Bacon entered, under rather disadvantageous circumstances, being the youngest of its members with one exception, and without a full preparation, as his pecuniary prospects rendered it necessary to sacrifice the advantages which might have been gained by the study of the previous year. Yet Mr. Bacon ranked high in all the studies of his comrades, and was esteemed one of the very best writers among them. He gave evidence of a strong social disposition, and took an active part in the meetings of the literary societies, which he regarded as a means of improvement well worthy of attention.

Mr. Bacon received aid from the Education Society during his collegiate course,

sufficient, with his own exertions, to maintain him. His father died soon after he entered college, and the young student was left self-dependent. Yet it may be questioned whether poverty is not a richer inheritance to a man of mind than any amount of wealth. Necessity, if anything, will develop the true man. It is this which teaches self-reliance and energy, and strengthens all the muscles of manhood.

Dr. Bacon's intentions, before entering college, had been to prepare himself for the Christian ministry: with this understanding, he was assisted by the Education Society, and after graduating at Yale in the autumn of 1820, he went to Andover to prosecute a course of theological study. Soon after leaving the seminary, at the age of twenty-three, he was invited to preach, as a candidate, at the First Congregational Church of New-Haven, in Centre-street, of which he is now pastor. He was ordained there in March, 1825. The post is a prominent one, having been previously filled by the late lamented Prof. Stuart, of Andover, who was dismissed in 1819; and subsequently by Prof. Taylor, of the New-Haven Theological Seminary, who left it in 1832. The Church itself was first established in 1639, in an ancient barn, the site of which is now occupied by the residence of the late Noah Webster, of Dictionary memory.

The present edifice was repaired and enlarged in 1842, and on its reopening Dr. Bacon delivered an eloquent sermon, which has been published. The Centre Church is pleasantly situated in the heart of that beautiful city. It is of simple architecture, harmonious proportions, and crowned by a lofty spire.

The Church now numbers between five and six hundred, a large, yet most harmonious body, free from the discords and jealousies which have rent in pieces many a smaller society. They are united in their pastor, whom they justly esteem. In 1828 and 1831, Dr. Bacon's labors were rewarded with extensive and powerful revivals of religion.

In the year 1851 Dr. Bacon made a tour of the continent of Europe, likewise visiting some of the missions of the American Board in Western Asia. While among the Mountains of Nestoria, he and his party met with a dangerous, yet most romantic adventure, in which they barely


escaped massacre by the Koords. and his companions left Mosul on the 21st of May, 1851, with the intention of making their way across the mountains to the Nestorian mission at Oroomiah. They met with no adventures until they arrived in the hill-country, at a small village named Beyish, where the party were within a hair's-breadth of being murdered while sleeping, by a band of robbers, who were induced temporarily to defer the execution of their design by fear of damaging the reputation of the village. But on the following day they intercepted the travelers in the midst of their journey in a narrow and lonely pass. "Six worse-looking men," wrote one of the party, "it would be difficult to imagine. Each man wore around his high conical felt-hat a turban of handkerchiefs of every hue and texture, in his hand a long gun with short and narrow breech, and in his belt the universal Turkish carved and two-edged dagger. The leader of the gang was a man of middle age, with black eyes and a grisly, untrimmed beard, and with half his front teeth knocked out." The party was surrounded by the savages with rifles leveied, and grinning horribly; and having paid a black mail of fifty piastres, they were conducted, as prisoners, to the castle of a neighboring agha. Arrived here, they were received by the agha, a tall person, and elegantly dressed and equipped for that region. This person, with a princely wave of the hand, bade the travelers retire to the hill-side, a few hundred feet distant, while his royal highness should decide their fate.

They had received intimations from their servants that it was the intention of the agha to kill them, and this had been quite manifest from the conduct of the people whom they met. In anticipation of this fate, Dr. Bacon and his companions betook themselves to prayer, and awaited the course of events with calm resignation. But Providence had other designs, and the danger was averted, and that by a Koordish Pocahontas, the agha's wife. The trunks of the party were thoroughly searched, and all the money and other valuables therein contained were speedily appropriated by the chief of the robbers, yet in the most courteous manner imaginable.

Owing, in all probability, to the interference of the agha's wife, the bloody

intentions of the Koords were somewhat modified, and the council sat on the rocks debating whether to kill the Franks, or send them into the mountains. The latter expedient was determined upon; but before starting, the travelers were obliged to submit to another search. Dr. Bacon's son gives an amusing account of the manner in which some of their personal effects were appropriated :

"A black silk cravat, which had seen much service in New-Haven drawing-rooms, was twisted about the suspicious-looking head of an uncommonly dirty boy. A pair of heavy riding

boots were transferred to the shoulders of a youth who bore the gallows-mark' on his features with unmistakable distinctness. A satin vest of Mr. Marsh's was circulating through the crowd on the person of a dirty child, who

boasted no other wealth than a ragged shirt and a green pomegranate. I looked at the youngster with a smile of congratulation; but he turned on his heel and strutted gravely away, his new garment trailing on the ground at every step."

From this place they were led in another direction by an escort of the agha's, and by a good Providence came to the village of a benevolent mullah, to whom, under God, the party owed their ultimate preservation. They were received with kindness by him, passed the night in security under his roof, and occupied the next day in prescribing remedies for numerous diseases which were presented to their attention. There Dr. Bacon's knowledge of surgery was turned to good account. The travelers were informed by Mullah Mustafa that messages had been sent to all the aghas toward Oroomiah to rob and murder them, and that the only safe course was to return to Mosul, and the good man volunteered to accompany them in person over the most dangerous portion of the journey. "He declared to us that if we had been angels from heaven, or pashas, he would not have gone to this trouble for us; but as he saw that we were men who willed only what God willed, and did what he commanded, he would do for us whatever was in his power."

Dr. Bacon and his companions recommenced their journey with gloomy forebodings, which were not without foundation; for at the next village they barely escaped death, even though accompanied by the venerated mullah. The agha of ́this village had received a letter from the one first named, directing him to rob and

murder the party, with the view, doubtless, of shifting the responsibility of the outrage to other shoulders than his own. Preparations had been made to fulfill this request, and a band of ruffians sat waiting the approach of the travelers to dispatch them. Mullah Mustafa had tried every means in his power to dissuade the agha from the bloody deed, but without effect, until, appealing to his greedy desire of power, he persuaded the old savage that these travelers were men of influence at Mosul, and that, by securing their influence against Mellul Agha, (the first-mentioned robber,) he might obtain a supremacy over that rival in the government of the district. This plea succeeded, and the party were set free by Khan Abdul,

who also made a full revelation of the conspiracy against their lives among the Koordish chiefs. The travelers were then treated with great courtesy, and Khan Abdul remarked with a smile, that "if we had come alone he should have certainly killed us all; but as we were under the protection of his friend Mullah Mustafa, we were quite welcome; he was sorry that we could not remain four or five days with him, that he might show us proper honor." Coffee was then brought, and the party sat down with no great relish to the table with men who, but a moment before, were ready to deprive them of their heads.

Before starting, a young Koordish dandy, with rings, and soap-locks, and silvermounted dagger, who had been quite vociferous in recommending plunder and massacre, having heard of Dr. Bacon's medical operations on the previous day, came up with his hands pressed upon the pit of his stomach, complaining that his "heart was as hard as iron," which expression he meant to have understood in a metaphorical sense, as, in the East, it denotes an attack of colic. Dr. Bacon informed the young gentleman that he was troubled with the dyspepsia, and prescribed rhubarb and pills enough to last till they should be out of reach of the mountains.

At this place the travelers bade farewell to Mullah Mustafa "with feelings of the profoundest gratitude." Dr. Bacon's numerous friends and relatives in this country remember the benevolent old Mussulman with feelings approaching affection, and many others will recollect with pleasure his name who has preserved

a man so useful to his country and to the Mustafa as an acknowledgment. The Church.

In letters of the party the magnificence of the mountain scenery is graphically described, and, under different circumstances, the journey would doubtless have been enjoyed highly; but they were not yet out of danger. One prospect at length presented itself to their eyes, which was hailed with great satisfaction. Away beyond the desert the Tigris gleamed-a little streak of gold-the happy assurance of ultimate safety. The mountain was descended with thankful hearts, and the party bivouacked over night with glad hearts, though without other covering than blankets, while the rain poured down in torrents. The next day they arrived at a large Christian village, crowded with people in holyday attire, who came out to meet the travelers, filled with the greatest astonishment; for the report had gone out that they had all been stripped and murdered. "A Chaldean first seated himself on one Iside of Mr. Marsh and a Jewish Rabbi on the other, and white-turbaned Moslems and swarthy Zizidis were scattered thickly through the crowd that came to gaze upon


But Christian, and Mohammedan, and Jew, and even the very devil-worshippers themselves, declared again and again that nothing could have delivered us but the special protection of God."

After leaving this village they came near falling into the hands of an agha against whom Mullah Mustafa had specially cautioned them, as a man in whom no confidence should be placed; but were providentially delivered from this danger. The next day was the Sabbath; but the travelers felt obliged to press on, as they were not entirely beyond the reach of danger, and reached Akkre in the morning. Hence they made two forced marches by night to Mosul to avoid the attacks of the Bedouins, who were committing audacious robberies in sight of the city. They themselves brought the first news of their adventures to their friends, who were filled with wonder and gratitude to God at their deliverance.

Measures were immediately taken to obtain redress for these outrages, and memorials were transmitted to Constantinople, where the matter was taken up by Sir Stratford Canning and the American ambassador with praiseworthy energy. Suitable presents were also sent to Mullah

matter has since been taken up by the Turkish government, and these marauders have been compelled to make full satisfaction to all the parties concerned. Thus terminated an adventure such as rarely occurs to diversify the stereotyped routine of newspaper correspondence from the East. From the adventures of Dr. Bacon let us turn more particularly to the man himself.

Dr. Bacon is about fifty years of age. If we did not know positively to the contrary, we should set him down as a native of Yankeedom beyond all doubt. We will at least venture to assert that his father came from that region. Were we called upon for a specimen of the real Yankee-not the pumpkin, clownish stage character, or, more properly, caricature, but the energetic, indomitable, wide-awake descendant of the old Puritan fathers-we should certainly point to Dr. Bacon. Resolution and steadiness of purpose are manifest in all his muscles and movements, in the lines of his face and the tone of his voice. Many would, perhaps, on slight acquaintance, detect traces of an overbearing disposition in Dr. Bacon's manner; but this is not confirmed by any personal knowledge of the writer. The tendency of very strong characters, however, is often too much in this direction.

Dr. Bacon is about the medium height, somewhere about five and a half feet. He is rather thick set, has a slight stoop in the shoulders, and a head of larger dimensions than is ordinarily seen. The forehead is remarkably high, eyes large and dark-colored, shadowed by heavy brows of very irregular formation, which, according to physiognomy, denotes great vivacity. His mouth is large, and the lines about it evince energy and habitually severe application.

Dr. Bacon's manner, as a speaker, is pleasing his action quite energetic, sometimes vehement. He is not a finished elocutionist, but he possesses a powerful and well-trained voice. He rarely fails of entering fully into the spirit of his subject, and evinces sincerity and earnestness in every performance.

The mind of Dr. Bacon is of a strongly mathematical cast; this a physiognomist would read in his lofty forehead. He excels in debate, and is quite a master of logic. His style and thoughts are clear and

accurate, and he is rarely misunderstood. portant occasions, combined with some

He has a great power of generalization-a mind comprehensive as well as acute. These traits are evinced in various critical essays on the manifold subjects which come within his province as an editor and a reviewer. He has a remarkable power of expression, which years of platform practice have developed and strengthened. This is one of the greatest and most desirable accomplishments of a public speaker, the power of communicating his thoughts with correctness and ease under any circumstances. There is a solidity in Dr. Bacon's character which manifests itself in his public addresses. He appeals to the reason and good sense of his hearers -he gives them facts and weighty argument. He does not, therefore, produce so much of immediate effect upon an audience as those who appeal more to the passions, but there is always something in his speeches to be remembered and thought over at home.

Dr. Bacon's sermons partake of the character of his speeches. They are sound, practical, earnest and impressive. Yet occasionally he is kindled by some extraordinary motive to an unusual effort, a splendid display of massive eloquence. His style is usually not without ornament, but the embellishment is less noticeable than the labored and imposing framework.

Dr. Bacon possesses a large share of sarcastic wit, which is frequently brought into play in debate, and sometimes with great effect. He is very often engaged in controversy, so much so as to create an impression, to some extent, that it must be congenial to his feelings.

Such champions are needed, and we know of no one who seems better constituted by nature for such a post than Dr. Bacon. A debate is the element in which he appears to feel most at home. His earlier productions show more of that scathing sarcasm to which he has a natural inclination, than those of later years.

Dr. Bacon is one of those men who can take no subordinate part in any movement which interests him. Indifference is foreign to his nature. He does not hesitate to give his personal services in every case where the cause of truth and justice is to be promoted, even though it may turn to his own disadvantage. His readiness to give his services on all im

thing of a commanding air, which is natural to him, sometimes impresses a stranger with the idea that he has a little of the pope in his disposition; yet it is nothing more, we have reason to believe, than is common to men of unusually energetic and active temperament.

The extent of Dr. Bacon's literary labors is a proof of great industry and perseverance. To these, rather than to his efforts on the platform, or in the pulpit, he owes his influence and wide reputation. For the last twenty-seven years he has been constantly engaged in ministerial duty, and during that time, also, has published all the permanent matter which bears his name, besides a great number of anonymous communications which have appeared in periodicals with which he has been connected at different times.


He has been engaged in editorial labors, at different periods, for many years. This is a business, by the way, for which few men are better qualified than Dr. Bacon. He was connected with the "Christian Spectator," a quarterly, issued at NewHaven, which was discontinued about the year 1840. He is now senior editor of the Independent," and a regular and effective contributor, and chairman of the association which conducts the "New-Englander." To the "Spectator" he contributed a series of essays on slavery, which were afterward collected and published in a more permanent form. A large number of occasional sermons have been published by request, and several in the "National Preacher." On December 22d, 1838, he delivered an annual address before "The New-England Society of the City of NewYork," containing a sketch of the Puritan history, and a most elaborate and valuable analysis of Puritan character, which was published by request of the society. Dr. Bacon has a particular fondness for the department of history. He has published a large octavo volume, of four hundred pages, containing a series of thirteen discourses, delivered in New-Haven, in 1838, on the Ecclesiastical and Civil History of Connecticut," from the establishment of the colony up to that time. He has also written a small but excellent work for the use of young Christians, besides some other productions, which we cannot at present enumerate. Earnest, vigorous, laborious, talented, he is a man for the times.


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