Abbildungen der Seite

fcribes the new method in contradiftinction to the old. Where the difference of level was confiderable, frequent locks were formerly interpofed at prefent the canal is begun as near the ri ver head as is confiflent with a steady supply of water, and continued on a level to near its mouth. One defcent is then fufficient, and the veffels are raifed and funk by a machine, acting on the combined principles of a wheel and an inclined plane. Reflections occafioned by the Frequency of Fires in the Metropolis; swith Thoughts on Measures for adding Measures for adding to Puble Security, and Remarks on the Law of Arfon. By Philanthropos. 8vo. 15. Robinfons.

The author of this pamphlet points out fome defects in the Jaws now exifting againt wilfully and malicioufly ferting fire to houfes; and he propofes fome means for the prevention of fires in the metropolis. In particular he fuggefts the expediency of a fire-watch and a fire-jury; both which he recommends, and we think with good reafon, as promifing great fecurity against devastations from fire. The fubject is certainly of the utmost importance to the public, and merits the moft ferious attention. An Addrefs to the Public from the Philanthropic Society, inflituted in 1788, for the Prevention of Crimes and the Reform of the Criminal Poor. 8vo. 6d. White and Son.

The plan of this laudable Society is already, we believe, generally known to the public. The great object of it is, to prevent the commiffion of crimes, by taking under its protection fuch children as would otherwise be left to follow the example of profligate parents, and become the pests of the community. An inftitution of this kind unites the purposes of charity with thofe of police, and renders it in fact the interest of every individual to promote fo falutary a defign. We are glad to find that the Philanthropic Society is not only enabled to continue, but extend its benevolent patronage to the objects of its attention; and there is reafon to expect, from fuch well-directed exertions, the moft happy fuccefs.-The prefent pamphlet contains a list of fixty-eight children who have been lately refcued from the gulf of moral destruction, and are now training in the principles of religion and the habits of virtuous induftry. Every friend to humanity and to public happiness, muft unite in applauding the inftitution, and promoting the views of this Society.

The Key of Natural Philofophy; or, an Introduction into the Knowledge of Nature. Being a plain Philofophical Treatife. By the Rev. Thomas Clement. Evs. 25. 6d. Printed for the Author.

This Key is in every refpect new; but we cannot add that it very fuccefsfully unlocks the myfteries of Nature. The caufe of the ebb and flow of the tides, the deluge, earthquakes, volcanos, and gravity, are the principal fubjects of the treatife. As


we wish not to mislead our readers, or to mifeprefent our author, we fall transcribe his fentiments on the first fubject.

However, be that as it may, I am clearly convinced that the fea would not flow and ebb, was it not for the frein waters which continually fall into it, which conflantly ferve for its food or aliment, and which therefore fupport it in fermenting or operating by periodical fits perpetually, whereby the feil, after it has fallen into the fea, is tranfmuted into falt water; in like manner as proper wort poured among fermenting liquor, fuch as fermenting ale, or fermenting liquor of another kind, will ferment or operate too by fits, and thereby become the fame fort of liquor as that wherewith it is mixed; or, like as the nutritive part of the food of animals is thus converted into their respective natures, into their blood and bodily fubftances; which transformation of the fresh into falt-water evidently accounts, at the fame time, for the fea-water continuing always of the fame tafle and quality, notwithstanding all the rivers of frefl water that continually run into the fea, which otherwife would be unaccountable. In fhort, the flowing and ebbing of the fea is nothing else but its alternate working and refting, fupported by the fresh waters which perpetually fall into it, and which are its proper pabulum. To which fermenting or operating of the fea, its fubfiftence, as that of a live element, is manifeilly owing; yea, this is the way whereby all nature elfe fubfifts, as I fhall further flew in the fequel of this treatife."

If, gentle reader, you prefer-poetry?-no, rhyme? it is not rhyme either. If, however, you prefer what Mr. Clement calls heroic verfe,' he has obliged you alfo in this way.

'Once on a morn I mus'd on mundane things,
'Specially on Neptune's wide domains;

I then did think what the true caufe might be
Of the flowing and ebbing of the fea :-
'Tis the working and refting of the main,
Caus'd by the fresh water mix'd with the fame;
Which, like as wort, the produce of the malt,
Into ale, is thus transform'd into falt.
Hereupon evidently does depend

The existence of its whole finny kind,
As well as the life of the sea itself,

And of all fublunary nature else.'

The cause of gravity is, in his opinion, magnetical attraction. The Corn-Trade of Great Britain, for eighteen Years, from 1748, to 1765. Compared with the eighteen Years, from 1771, to 1788. Shewing the National Lofs in the latter Period to have been above Taventy Millions of Money. By Robert Rayment, Efq. 8vo. Is. 6d. Whieldon.

Though there feem to be fome erroneous opinions and conclufions in this little pamphlet, the principal parts of it are ac


curate and important. The lofs to the kingdom in the corn, trade from 1771 to 1788 is shown to amount to more than twenty millions. We think that part is owing to the increase of population; part is certainly the effect of increafing luxury, and much of it owing to different customs, and above all, to the numerous horfes now kept for the purposes of rapid conveyances, for fplendor, and for fhow. The evil would appear of still greater magnitude, if the various enclofures and the different navigable canals are confidered, which add to the quantity of corn and leffen the requifite number of horfes. The remedy is not easily discovered, nor if found could it be with propriety applied. The increase of inclofures and of navigable canals will do fcarcely more than prevent an increase of the evil: the exempting hair-powder made from potatoes from the tax would have but a tranfitory effect; and an additional tax on horses not employed in agriculture or manufactures, if admitted by parlia ment, would but flightly alleviate the misfortune. In short, we nuft, it is to be feared, bear the ills we have, and counteract the evil by diligence and industry in the conduct of our prefent manufactures, by fpirit and activity in the purfuit of new ones. Letters upon Parliamentary Impeachments. By a Barrister at Law. 8vo. Is. Stockdale.

The mode of conducting parliamentary impeachments in this country, is hitherto very far from being fettled with any degree of precision. While this continues to be the cafe, many plaufible arguments may be adduced on both fides of the question; but they must all yield to the fuperior force of parliamentary determination; and to that laft refort of contending parties we leave the fubject of this production.


AS fome doubts have been expreffed relating to the publication of the Tranfactions of the French Humane Society, we purpose to examine their last volume in our next Number. We thank the Gentleman who communicated it to us, and trust that Humanitas' will referve his opinion till he fees the account of it.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]



ACON's mifcellaneous pieces, 213
Badcock's, Mr. letter to Dr
White, 6r. See White.
Balfour's, Dr. treatife on putrid in-
testinal remitting fevers, 530-An
ill-digefted and abftrufe perform-

[blocks in formation]


[ocr errors]
[ocr errors]

Becket, archbishop of Canterbury.
character of. See Berington.
Bell's new Pantheon,
Bengal calendar, for A. D. 1791, 701
Berington's hiftory of Henry II. and
Richard I. and John, 227.-His
character of Becket, 228.-Rather
the apologift of that prelate than
the hiftorian of Henry,
Bertholon on the effects of electricity
on vegetation,
Bewick's hiftory of quadrupeds, 414
Bicknell's grammatical wreath, 459
Bidlake's fermon on the interment of
the duke of Cumberland, 697
Billardiere's journey to mount Liba-
Blair's, Dr. fermons, vol. iii. fecond
Blake's, fir Francis, political tracts,
Blue Monday, explanation of that



Bligh's narrative of the mutiny on
board the armed flip Bounty, 536
Bomfton's adventures,
Bowles's grave of Howard,
Brewster's fermons for prifons, 455
Brooke, mifs, in her reliques of Irish
poetry, carries her zeal for the lite
iary honour of her counrry too far,


22.Similarity of the ftory of
Oifin to that of Fingal, 26. Spe-
cimen of the marvellous from Moira
Borb, 29.-War odes, 30.-Love
Bruce's travels to difcover the fource
of the Nile, 43.-Trade of Africa,
Arabia, and India, originally car-
ried on by caravans to Affyria, 46.
-His opinion of the flave-trade,47.
-Christianity introduced into E-
thiopia, A. D. 333; and the fmall-
pox, A. D. 356, 51.-Exerts his
medical abilities fuccefsfully at Gon-
dar, which establishes and
character, 255.-Cuftoms among
the Abyilinians, 257.-Proceeds on
his journey, 259.--Difcovers the ob-
ject of his undertaking, 264.-Exa-
mination of his abilities as a travel-
ler, an antiquary, and a philofo-
Furgefs's fermon on the divinity of
Burke's reflections on the revolution
in France, 517-Remarks on, 685.
-Reply to, 694 See Vindication.
Barney's, Dr. hiftory of Mufic, vol.

III. and IV. 618.Invention of re-
citative, 619.-Origin of the ora-
torio, &c. 621-Introduction of dra-
matic music, 623-Ot the Italian
opera, 625.

[ocr errors]

CALONNE fur l'etat de la France, 671
Carmen feculare pro Gallica gente ty
rannidi ariftocratice erepta,
Caffander's criticifins on the diverfions
of Purley,


[blocks in formation]



Collectanea de rebus Hibernicis,
Comments on the convention with
Conduct of the parliament of 1784
Confiderations on the expediency of
revifing the liturgy and articles of
the church of England,
Contraft, the, written for the use of
Sunday schools,
Cooper's, Dr. fermon for the benefit
of the Charity and Sunday-schools
at Great Yarmouth,
Copper ufed in ancient medals, and
cutting inftruments, analyfis of, 441
Cork Lad of Kentmere, account of
Correfpondence, 104, 224, 344, 464,
584, 704
Cotte's memoir on meteorology, 197
Courtenay's philofophical reflections
on the late revókstion in France, 456
Criticisms on the Rolliad, part I. and
Cunningham's Inquiry into the Co-
pernican fyftem,


Curious facts and anecdotes not con-
tained in the memoirs of Philip
Thickness, efq.




Caffini's experiments to afcertain the
temperature of caverns,
Catalogue of the pictures in the Shak-
fpeare gallery,
of publications relating to
proteftant diffenting minifters, and
the repeal of the corporation and
test acts,
Calleau's tableau general de la Suede, 561
Chalmers' life of Daniel de Foe, 377
Chillingham castle, account of an ex-
traordinary breed of black cattle
Cheyt Sing, a pocni,
Chriftian's, the, pocket companion,
Clarke's, James, furvey of the lakes
of Cumberland, Weltmorland, and

[blocks in formation]

D'Ifraeli's defence of poetry,
De Luc's idees fur le méteorologie,
Death of Cain,
Domoftheni oratio adverfus Leptinem, cum
jaboliis veteribus & commentario per-
petuo. Accedit Eli Ariflidis decla
matie ejufdem caufe. Cura Fr. Arg.
Dillon's memoirs of the revolution in
Dog, Greenland, account of an extra--
Newfoundland, account of a,
Donaldfon's propofal for hicreafing our
national wealth, twelve millions
Dornford's tranflation of Pütter's

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