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viduals. The number of vessels which entered and left the port of Viareggia (including foreign vessels,) for the last year, is reckoned at 120. No Austrian vessel has ever been known, voluntarily, or by stress of weather, to have approached the Lucchese shores.

Maritime Commerce. The maritime traffic of Lucca may be divided into direct and indirect, as it comes through Viareggio or Livorno. The direct commerce is the smallest. The exportations are of oil, fruit, corn, vegetables, wood for burning, brooms, and other small articles. The importations by sea, are salt fish, colonial produce, coal, wine, and a small quantity of manufactured articles.

Land Commerce. Lucchese commerce is centered in Livorno. Very little merchandise is brought by way of Viareggio, between which city and the capital, the mountain of Chiesa interposes itself. It is far cheaper and quicker for the merchants to obtain their supplies from the Tuscan emporium. Hence, the maritime commerce of Lucca takes the character of a land commerce from Livorno. The importations consist, principally, of colonial produce, salt and other provisions, manufactured goods, hardware, and other articles of foreign origin. The exportations consist of oil, to the value of 800,000 lira, silk goods, value about 200,000, caps, and other linen and cotton fabrics, value about 100,000. The oils are principally sought after from the North. The silks and caps are greatly in demand in the Levant, and are carried to Tunis and Algiers. The rest, as it passes through Livorno, is mixed up with the commercial operations of that port.

General Observations. Oil, its production and sale, has ever been the great resource of Lucca. There has been no great variation in its production. The industry engaged in silk, as well as that in wool, has greatly increased. The caps of the Donati fabric, enjoy a great reputation through all the Levant, so much so, that the manufacture cannot supply all the demand that comes from Beyrout and Tunis. The connection between Algiers and the whole coast of Africa and Lucca, is greatly extending itself. The manufacturing industry of Lucca is, therefore, in a state of progress. It is, nevertheless, susceptible of still greater development. Running waters abound in the territory of Lucca, affording constant water-power, which is of inappreciable advantage, and which the inhabitants will, in time, learn to turn to due account. A railway is in course of construction between Lucca and Pisa, by means of which Livorno will become the only outlet of Lucca, to the total exclusion of Viareggio. These, and other circumstances, will enable the manufactures of Lucca to make great progress. And this is also inferred from the natural disposition of the inhabitants, their hereditary habits, the great abundance of running waters, the small remuneration for labor, and from the surplus population which cannot find sufficient employment for it in agriculture. It is hence that the periodical emigrations take place to Tuscany, Corsica, Sardinia, and Algiers; emigrations that would cease the moment that sufficient employ. ment was created at home.


Population. From an official document which has fallen into my pos. session, I find the population of Tuscany, in 1803, was, in the cities, 211,695; in the country parts, 847,236; total, 1,058,931, distributed in various employments, as follows: agriculture, 921,111; commerce and

manufactures, 81,660; public employments, 30,000; military, 4,000; church, 22,160; total, 1,058,931. In 1841, according to the census then taken by authority, the population amounted to 1,489,980, being an increase since 1803, of 431,949. The present distribution into classes is not known, but the best probable estimate is as follows: agriculture, 1,263,007; commerce and manufactures, 150,000; public employments, 40,000; church, 16,373; military, 7,000; fisheries and marine, 13,600; total, 1,489,980; of which the Florentine provinces number 699,422 ; Pisanese provinces, including Livorno, 342,733; other provinces, 447,825; total, 1,489,980. From this estimate it appears that the number of individuals engaged in commerce and industry, has increased in the greatest proportion.

Commerce and Industry. The last thirty to forty years have entirely changed the nature of Tuscan commerce. It was formerly entirely one of transit; now it is essentially one of consumption. Livorno used to be one perpetual fair for the interchange of oriental and western products. This has now altogether ceased. Let us return to the year 1803, to institute a comparison. In that year, the importations amounted to 14,910,135 lira, and the exportations to 14,041,579 lira. The importations were of silk cloth, flax, rope, cotton, gall-nuts, dyewoods, drugs, medicines, metals, wax, glass, wines, liquors, linen cloth, and hardware. The exports were of oil, grain, wine, fresh and dried fruits, salt meat, building timber, coal, tartar, silk cloth, straw and felt hats, sulphur, iron, and alabaster. Fortytwo years ago, foreign grain hardly appears in the list of imports. Now it is the chief import. On an average of years, there arrive one million of sacks, which, at the medium price of ten lira per sack, amounts to 10,000,000 lira. This is an addition of a new and important branch of commerce since 1802. Since then, the exports have been deprived of two rich articles of commerce, straw hats, and works in alabaster, but have been enriched by several new articles of value, namely, salt of borax, pitcoal, copper, litharge, statuary marble, paper, potash, &c. We do not know the amount of the exports from Tuscany, but may estimate it at about three times the value of the exports of 1803. They are greatly on the increase. When Tuscany shall have extended and matured its undertakings in works of metallurgy and mineralogy, she will not a little have improved her economical condition. The balance of commerce will preponderate in her favor. The products which she has to sell, will surpass in value those she will have to buy. This change for the better is neither imaginary nor improbable. The greater growth of grain along the coast will diminish the imports of foreign grain. Her industry, favored by local circumstances, is making healthy progress. The time seems not remote, when Tuscany, from her extended coast, her islands, and her numerous ports, will become essentially a maritime and commercial state. To question this truth, were to confess ignorance of her geographical position. To get to the sea was the cause of the bitter wars that the Republic of Florence sustained and waged, and which ended in the ruin of Pisa. The Medicean sovereigns maintained a naval force beyond what was necessary. Few soldiers, but many sailors, was the maxim of the Grand Duke, Peter Leopold. That esteemed prince lavished his treasures to create a war-marine, and to extend the merchant service. His many undertakings for such purposes, have ever been reckoned worthy of all praise and of imitation. It is not grateful to think that his projects with respect to the

marine have been forgotten, as they appear not less wise, commendable, or even necessary, than others that have received greater praise and a more sustained attention. Impartial and enlightened men begin to perceive this, and, after a time, the public will become convinced that the prosperity of Tuscany will ever be in proportion to the assiduity and success with which her sons plough the ocean. Profiting from the lessons of the past, she will learn to obey a great geographical necessity. And then will arrive a new era for the grand duchy, which, developing her present neglected navigation, will attain her proper importance, and take rank among the chief states of the Italian peninsula.

The Tuscan Coast. Count Fossornbroni once showed to Napoleon that the low sea lands on the coast could not be made dry but by a process of filling up. The emperor objected the slowness of the process. "Sir," replied the illustrious mathematician, "permit me to say that the process you thus designate as too slow, is, from its nature, the shortest, since no other can be found." Struck by this fit and short answer, the emperor tapped him familiarly on the shoulder, saying, "you are right." This well-known anecdote proves that the raising of these sea lands is an enterprise of such a character that those who may witness its commencement will not see its completion. The work is gigantic, and requires an unshaken tenacity of purpose. Nevertheless, it is true that that vast and fertile district, restored to its pristine salubrity, would repay amply all outlay in improving its economical and sanitary condition. The memorials drawn up by Frederick Tartini on this subject, are full of interest. They were printed at Florence, in 1838. The lucid author, after alluding to the many and complicated misfortunes that, for many centuries, have fallen on this district, discusses its present state, and speculates on its future. Leaving the facts which are mentioned in the book, I shall confine myself to pointing out concisely how this coast sunk into its lowest state about the end of the last century, and how, at present, it is gradually improving. The atmosphere of the district has certainly, on the whole, not been improved. Indeed, while the low lands are in the process of being raised, the deadly miasma spreads the more. What has been effected, has, however, acted beneficially as an example; and, with the hope and expectation of greater advantages, have worked prodigies. The certainty of the earnest and powerful assistance of the sovereign authority has re-animated the depressed mind.

Since 1818, the population has increased, and is still constant in this Rumerical progress, more from natural additions than from immigration. Fifty years ago the land on this coast was almost without value. In 1784, the marquisate of Castiglione, extending 930 noggia, was valued at $28,732, about thirty dollars per noggia. Now the value is threefold; and, in twenty years, will be increased tenfold. Man flies from places of personal insecurity, and where pestilential air shortens the too short years of life. Thus fatal to human life, the lands could not, for want of labor, be made to yield their proper fruit, and their value was, consequently, at the lowest point. Now, however, in consequence of the expectations of the future, their value has been greatly increased; on an average, about one-third; being rather more, in some parts, and less in others. Signor Francolini's well-reasoned memorial in the last number of the Agricultural Journal of Florence, (No. 74,) may be advantageously consulted on this point. That article is entitled, "On the general increase of product


and of value of the lands of the Maremma." It must not be concealed, however, that a spirit of speculation has greatly added to this rise in value. Societies have been formed for the purchase of large allotments for re-sale in small ones. One of the largest speculators is the house of Rocca, of Geneva; a house which, for the extent of its credit and largeness of its operations, passes for the first commercial house in Italy. The grandducal government has also let out to tenants considerable tracts, with right of transmission, and, in certain localities, for an almost nominal rent. The expenses attending the cultivation are very great, in building of laborers' cottages, felling of trees, embankments, &c., &c. Consequently, many who have entered incautiously into these speculations, without sufficient capital, have been involved in great difficulty. Investments in these undertakings can be rendered profitable to sons and grandsons only; and whoever seek to realize immediate profits, must betake themselves to other objects of investment. The gain, though remote, attracts, and the protection guarantied by law encourages the timorous. Hope thus feeds the speculation. The advantages which shall accrue when restored salubrity to the air shall have rendered the population dense, far exceed all existing expectations. They include many causes of prosperity other than an improved and extended agriculture. The unexplored mineralogical and metallurgical sources of wealth, will, when opened up, give much greater value to the soil. The forges of Follonica, the pits of coal, the lakes of salt of borax, are so many fields of labor and sources of wealth for the benefit of the country.

In addition, many new articles of produce are being introduced; bridges are being built, new roads are being made, and the means of communication are being multiplied. A railroad from Livorno, across these plains of the Maremma, to Rome, is projected. When we contemplate, therefore, the improvements already made, and those which will, probably, be made, we foresee the gradual rise in wealth and value of these low lands. As the new cultivation is but of recent origin, the increase of products cannot be, at present, very great. Grain has increased from 10,000 to 15,000 sacks per year, within the last twenty years. The plantations of the olive, the mulberry, and the vine, are of recent introduction. My inference from all is this, that the Maremma district will become, one day, the most valuable of all in the grand duchy, and as populous as any.

Of Manufacturing Industry in the Department of Pisa. The industry of this department is very insignificant and noiseless. Coarse manufactures of wool, of cotton, and of linen, have, however, increased, for consumption in the neighboring parts. Some glass and earthenware factories are to be met with, but are carried on with poor success. This province furnishes hardly any but the coarsest manufactures for exportation. Of this coarse kind, are bricks, brooms, ordinary marble tables and mortars, vessels of terra cotta, and Turkish caps, made in Pisa and the village of Calci. These are sold at Livorno, and are carried to Algiers, and various parts of the Levant.

Of the Navigation of the Arno. With all deference to the geographers, the Arno is rather a torrent than a river. In the summer it is not at all navigable, and in the winter, only during a few months, and then by the smallest craft. These small craft leave Livorno, through an internal water communication, called the Copertini, to Pisa, where they enter the Arno, and, when the volume of water permits, ascend as far as Florence.

Building materials afford the principal freight by the Arno to Livorno ; and provisions afford, principally, the return freight. Other traffic, whether to or from the sea, generally takes the land route, as being quicker, while not more expensive. The barge-owners are general carriers, making use of both water and land carriage for the conveyance of merchandise, according to the season of the year. The moment the railroad now constructing from Pisa to Florence is finished, both these means of transportation will be superseded.

Railways in Tuscany. When the Leopold railway, from Florence to Livorno, was first projected, the opinions prevalent as to its utility, were very discordant; and much clamorous opposition arose, the result of prejudice. A few months after the opening of the first part from Pisa to Livorno, witnessed a wholly different state of public opinion, and now, similar undertakings are viewed with a favor, and followed up with an ardor, as marked as was the coldness and distrust attending the first undertaking. Those who feared the utter ruin of their local industry have not had their fears realized; and the passenger traffic has so surpassed expectation, that those most reluctant hitherto, have become reconciled to this new mode of locomotion. Livorno contains 80,000 inhabitants, and Pisa, 20,000. From the 11th of March, 1844, to the 8th of January, 1845, 476,469 persons have been conveyed along the line. During this period, the whole of the inhabitants of both places have been conveyed, each individual, five times. The returns have been twice the amount estimated, namely, 4,000,000. A dividend of 6 per cent is talked of. The success attending this railway, as well as that of Lucca, has awakened a spirit of speculation that may end to the disadvantage of the incautious. But this very mania for railway undertakings will change the whole aspect of the country. The facility of sharing the risk, serves as a spur to cupidity, and draws the most timorous into the new movement. The value of existing undertakings is doubled, and new ones are started. The mind is startled and stimulated by the many examples of large fortunes suddenly acquired. So that, judging from these indications, I prophesy that the grand duchy will become, eminently, a commercial country. I will allude to a striking fact in confirmation of my views. The Leopold railway had not a single shareholder in Tuscany. That of Lucca met with a little more favor. But when the Siena line was projected, within twentyfour hours nearly the whole amount of capital required, was raised in Livorno. This railway, looking to the probable results, will be the least productive.

In certain special cases, the force of example is irresistible. But what will be the ultimate result of all these railways? To this question there is a response in an article by Signor Leonida Landucci, inserted in the last number of the Giornale Agrario, of Florence, No. 74. The author writes "The Leopold railway, terminating at Florence, will be one of mere passenger traffic. If, afterwards, it should be extended, it will become the principal artery of circulation for internal commerce." Signor Landucci wishes this railway to be constructed from Florence to Fojano, thence, by two grand lines, one on to Rome, and the other to the shores of the Adriatic. "Thus," says he, "the goods of Germany will come to us by the port of Ancona, and those of France, England, Africa, and the Indies, will come to Umbria, to Marca, and to the Romagna, from Livorno.' These suggestions of Signor Landucci have met with much approbation,

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