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Territory of Michigan.

[MAY 9, 1834.

vestigation, and the time now afforded them was scarcely descent of property, and holds out inducements to young sufficient for the purpose, and if they were compelled to men to emigrate to the West. Article 5 provides that the meet in session at eleven, it would be impossible for Northwest Territory shall be divided into not less than them to do what was necessary or expected of them by

the Senate.

Mr. TIPTON'S object was to facilitate business, and he thought most of the business now to be acted on was in the form of bills, but he had no objection that the resolushould be laid on the table.

On motion of Mr. EWING, the resolution was laid on the table.

The resolution setting apart Fridays and Saturdays, during the remainder of the session, for the consideration of private bills exclusively, was taken up for consideration, and after some conversation between Mr. WEBSTER and Mr. HENDRICKS, it was adopted.


The Senate then proceeded to consider the bill authorizing the people of Michigan Territory to form a separate State Government.

Mr. EWING moved to lay the bill on the table, as the Senate was thin, and the subject was important.

Mr. TIPTON urged its consideration without delay, and asked the yeas and nays on the motion; which were ordered, and are as follows, to wit:

YEAS.-Messrs. Brown, Calhoun, Clayton, Ewing, Frelinghuysen, Knight, Naudain, Porter, Prentiss, Rob. bins, Silsbee, Smith, Southard, Sprague.-14.

NAYS.-Messrs. Bell, Benton, Black, Grundy, Hendricks, Hill, Kane, Kent, King of Georgia, Linn, McKean, Shepley, Swift, Tallmadge, Tipton, Tomlinson, Webster, White, Wilkins, Wright.-20.

So the motion was decided in the negative; and the bill, and also an amendment submitted as a substitute for the whole bill, were then considered.

three, nor more than five States, as Congress might deem
proper. The western State to be bounded by the Mis-
sissippi, the Ohio, and Wabash, and a due north line from
post St. Vincennes to the Canada line. The middle State
bounded by the north line, the Wabash, the Ohio, and a
line drawn due north from the mouth of the Great Miami.
The eastern State by the last mentioned north line, the
Ohio, Pennsylvania, and the Canada line, and each State
to be not less than 100 nor more than 150 miles square.
The ordinance also provides that Congress shall change
the boundaries of these States, if found expedient, and to
form one or two States north of an east and west line
drawn through the southern extremity of lake Michigan;
and whenever any of the said States shall have 60,000 in-
habitants, it shall be admitted into the Union on an equal
footing with the original States in all respects whatever.
The same ordinance also goes on to say, that so far as it
may be consistent with the general interest of this con-
federacy, States may be admitted at an earlier period and
with less number than 60,000. In 1805 the Territory of
Michigan was organized, north of an east and west line
drawn through the southern point of lake Michigan. The
three first-mentioned States, Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois,
have been admitted, and in forming the State of Indiana,
ten miles were taken off the south of the Michigan Terri-
tory and added to Indiana. The bill now proposed to
admit Michigan and Arkansas both at the same time. In
1832, the question of applying for admission was submit-
ted to the people of Michigan; they decided by a very
large majority in favor of establishing a State Government.
I find, on examining the population of other Territories
that have been admitted, that the Territory south of the
Ohio, now State of Tennessee, had a population of

Population. Year. Admitted.
35,791 1790
45,365 1800






1616 adm't that y'r. 1810

50,000 40,352 1818 Kentucky, Alabama, Maine, and Missouri, when admitted, had less than Michigan and Arkansas. Five Territories were admitted on less population than these Territories have, and four had a greater population. Arkansas had 41,000 one year ago, and Miller county not included.

Mr. TIPTON said he would not disguise the fact, that he felt more than an ordinary solicitude for the passage Tennessee, of the bills admitting the people of Michigan and Arkan- Ohio, sas Territory to form constitutions, and for their admission Louisiana, into the Union of the States. His anxiety was increased Indiana, about by having had charge of their applications from an early Mississippi, day in the session. It would be recollected by the Senate that he introduced bills for their admission some months ago. These bills were referred to a select committee, of which he had the honor to be chairman. The committee was divided in opinion, and the subject was suspended by circumstances beyond his control, for months, and finally a majority of the committee instructed him to report an amendment to strike out the bill from the enacting clause, an insert an amendment authorizing the taking of the census. The census thus taken, is to be laid before Congress at its next session.

It is not a matter of surprise that the people of the Territories should be anxious to form State Governments. This is always the case. The Federal officers in the Territories depend upon the President and Congress for office and for emolument, and not on the real sovereigns, the This amendment, if adopted, would be dilatory in its ef- people; and, in his opinion, the people acted wisely in subfects, and would postpone the decision to one year. To mitting to the burden of State Government, for the dearthis he hoped the Senate would not give its sanction. He est right of freemen, that of choosing their rulers. The had prepared an amendment authorizing the taking of the people of that Territory made application to the last Con. census by the United States marshals for each Territory, gress, but it was not acted on. Their Legislative Council and if there are 47,700 inhabitants, federal numbers, in sent us a memorial, and Mr. T. hoped the Senate would both or either Territory, the Governor is to lay off dis- not longer neglect to do these people justice. The tide tricts and order an election of delegates to form a consti- of population, like the tide of our Mississippi, he said, was tution. What could be said in favor of one of these continually rolling westward-nothing could prevent it. Territories might as truly be said of the other, and his We might retard the growth of the West, by refusing amendment, if adopted, placed the admission of both on them the protection of our laws, but it would progress equal grounds, depending on the contingency of each westward to and beyond the Rocky mountains. A large Territory having 47,700 inhabitants, the same population proportion of the emigrants of this day were graduates that entitles a like number to a representative in Congress from your colleges in the Eastern States, and nothing was from the other States. He was at a loss to see how the so animating to a young adventurer, as to know that as Senate could reject a proposition, in itself so just. The soon as he locates in a Western Territory, it will be admit ordinance of July, 1787, for the government of the Terri- ted into the Union, and that he will be eligible to the tory northwest of the Ohio river, may be called the foun- highest office in the State.

dation of good government in that country. This ordi- Mr. T. said we might as well undertake to stay the hand nance provides the means of education, regulates thel of time as to prevent the growth and power of the free

MAY 12, 1834.] Exiles from Poland.—Memorials from New York, Pennsylvania, and Michigan.


men that will inhabit the valley west of the Allegany YEAS.-Messrs. Forsyth, Grundy, Hendricks, Hill, mountains, and between the great Lakes and the Gulf of Kane, King of Alabama, King of Georgia, Linn, Moore, Mexico. Already a settlement on the west bank of the Preston, Shepley, Tipton, Tyler, White, Wilkins, Wright. Mississippi, north of the State of Missouri, has laid on—16.

our tables a petition praying Congress to extend the pro- NAYS. Messrs. Benton, Black, Clayton, Ewing, Fretection of our laws over that country. We owe it to our linghuysen, Kent, Naudain, Poindexter, Porter, Prentiss, constituents, to our country, and selves, that our legisla- Robbins, Smith, Southard, Sprague, Swift, Tallmadge, tion should keep pace with our population and the exten- Tomlinson, Waggaman, Webster.-19. sion of our settlements; and he hoped, before Congress The question was then put upon ordering the bill to be adjourns, we will authorize the admission of Michigan and engrossed, and decided by yeas and nays, as follows: Arkansas, and form the territorial government of Wiscon- YEAS. Messrs. Benton, Black, Calhoun, Clayton, Ewsin. In this territory the Indian title has been extin-ing, Frelinghuysen, Grundy, Hendricks, Kane, Kent, guished to twelve millions of acres of land that will soon be in market.

Mr. CLAYTON said he had no objection to the bill, but the question of settling the northern boundary line of Ohio was before the Judiciary Committee, and he thought this bill ought not to be passed till that was settled.

Mr. BLACK said he saw no provision in the bill exempting the public lands from taxation for five years. There were also some other amendments not in the bill, which he deemed it very proper should be put in it.

Mr. TIPTON said he had no objections to any amendments which might be thought proper.

On motion of Mr. CLAYTON, the bill was then laid on the table for the present.

The Senate then proceeded to consider the bill granting a township of land to certain


Mr. POINDEXTER moved to amend the bill by requiring one settler for every five hundred acres, instead of three hundred, as provided for in the bill; which was agreed to.

Mr. LINN then moved an amendment to insert "Missouri," so as to authorize the location in that State, if the President shall think proper.

Mr. POINDEXTER said, that these exiles preferred a location in a non-slaveholding State.

Mr. LINN remarked, that his wish was not to restrict these persons; he rather wished to give them a greater latitude for their choice.

The amendment was not agreed to. Mr. KANE was opposed to the bill. In its present form it would authorize a location on the Galena lead mines. He did not approve of the preference given to these people over our own citizens, and he, for one, was unwilling to make the discrimination. He therefore moved an amendment, confining the location "to lands subject to sale at private entry."

The amendment was not agreed to.

King of Alabama, King of Georgia, Knight, Linn, Nau-
dain, Poindexter, Porter, Prentiss, Preston, Robbins,
Silsbee, Smith, Southard, Sprague, Swift, Tomlinson,
Waggaman, Webster, Wilkins.-29.

NAYS.-Messrs. Brown, Forsyth, Hill, Moore, Shep-
ley, Tallmadge, Tipton, Tyler, White, Wright.-10.
Mr. CALHOUN moved that when the Senate adjourn,
it adjourn to meet on Monday.

On this question the yeas and nays were ordered, and the question being taken, it was decided in the affirmative: yeas 26, nays 14.

The Senate then adjourned.



Mr. WEBSTER presented a memorial from citizens of
Rochester, in the State of New York.

This memorial, said Mr. W., is signed by 1,371 persons, and, I am authorized to say, contains the names of persons who have been heretofore friends and supporters of the present Executive. The city of Rochester is one of those new creations which have sprung up, in western New York, as by a sort of enchantment. Some twenty years ago, it was a wilderness; it is now a city, of twelve thousand inhabitants. With vast water power at command, and a great wheat country around it, it is naturally a place for extensive manufacture of flour. The manufacturers of this important article find themselves greatly embarrassed by the state of public credit. A great portion of the signers of the memorial are mechanics, and they suffer from loss of employment. The memorial declares that the value of products is diminished; the usual means of obtaining credits cut off; business suspended; the demand for labor diminished; and the undertakings and enterprises which promised benefit to the community suddenly arrested.

I have some knowledge of some of the persons whose names are to this paper; and I have received assurances Mr. HENDRICKS was opposed to the bill. He was of the respectable character of others. Their representwilling to sell these persons the land at a minimum price, ative in the other House is so capable of doing them juson a long credit, but not to give it to them. A case of tice, in all respects, that I need not dilate on the various foreigners, similarly circumstanced, existed in Indiana. topics of the memorial. I have no doubt of the truth and A large number of emigrants from the cantons of Swit- accuracy of their statements, nor of the correctness of zerland settled there, in the most abject poverty, and hav- their judgment in assigning their suffering to the removal ing devoted themselves to the cultivation of the vine, by of the deposites. In this respect, I believe a great maindustry and economy they had accumulated a respecta- jority of the country concurs entirely with these memoble property. He merely suggested the plan of sale, on rialists; and it seems strange to me that any intelligent and extended credit, to the chairman of the Committee on well-informed person can entertain a different opinion. Public Lands. Mr. W. next presented a memorial from the citizens

Mr. PRESTON and Mr. SHEPLEY made a few re- of Mifflin county, Pennsylvania. This memorial, he marks, the former in favor, and the latter against, the said, was on the same subject, and expressed similar bill; when it was ordered to be engrossed for a third sentiments as the preceding. It prayed earnestly for rereading. lief. The county of Mifflin, said Mr. W., is a central The bill to provide for the legal adjudication and set-county of Pennsylvania; its products are those of agricultlement of the claims to land therein mentioned, was then ture, and of the manufacture of iron. Every body knows taken up; upon the consideration of which, a considerable the character of the Juniata iron, and this is one of the debate ensued. counties in which it is made. I have received this memorial from a committee appointed to transmit it, composed of persons whom I believe to be very respectable. I am assured, sir, that the produce of this county, including

Mr. SHEPLEY moved to amend the bill, by allowing testimony to be taken in courts of justice, upon which the yeas and nays were ordered.


Polish Patriots.-Michigan and Arkansas. —Rhode Island Election, &c.

The memorials were then referred.

[MAY 12, 1834.

iron, has sold for half a million of dollars a year. It is ites, in the manner in which they were removed. They supposed that this produce has fallen twenty per cent., so think they daily see an assumption of power; and they that the loss to this county, in one year, by this depression cannot approve it. In consequence, they express an of prices, is no less a sum than one hundred thousand earnest hope that the " experiment" may be abandoned, dollars. It is believed too, sir, that if it were thought and the public money restored to its proper custody. that memorials, remonstrances, and petitions, would influence the determination of Congress, two-thirds of the On motion of Mr. WILKINS, the Senate proceeded to citizens of Mifflin county would be found uniting in ma- ballot for a member of the Committee on Foreign Relaking application to Government, although it is a county tions, to supply the vacancy occasioned by the resignation which has been strongly in favor of the present adminis- of the honorable Mr. RIVES; and, on counting the ballots, tration. The pressure of the times has fallen on them it was found that Mr. CLAY was chosen. with great force, perhaps with peculiar and extraordinary DONATION OF LANDS TO POLISH PATRIOTS. force, from the nature of one of their leading pursuits. These memorialists think that the removal of the depos-triots who have been sent to this country by the EmpeThe bill granting a donation of lands to the Polish Paites, with the panic and loss of confidence thereby oc-ror of Austria, was announced on its third reading; when casioned, is the obvious and true cause of the difficulties under which the country labors; and they earnestly hope question, and they having been ordered, the bill was passMr. WAGGAMAN called for the yeas and nays on the Congress will not delay proper measures of relief. They ed by the following vote:

think a national bank necessary to a sound and well-regu- YEAS.-Messrs. Benton, Calhoun, Clay, Clayton, Ewlated currency, and they see no wisdom in trying uncertain and dangerous experiments. These memorialists, sir,ing, Frelinghuysen, Kent, King of Georgia, Knight, are free and independent citizens; they are among the McKean, Moore, Morris, Naudain, Poindexter, Porter, great body for whose good government is established. Prentiss, Preston, Robbins, Silsbee, Smith, Tallmadge, They are tax-payers, and support Government cheerfully, Tipton, Tomlinson, Webster, Wilkins.-25.

in all its just and necessary measures. But then, they think that Government is made for the people; that, in its administration, regard should be had to nothing but the public good; and that they have a right to expect such a course of proceeding, by Government, as shall not reduce the value of their property or their labor, or derange the credit and business of the community, or essentially interrupt their industry and prosperity. It seems to me, that this is a reasonable expectation, and no more than a reasonable expectation: and I assure these worthy citizens of Mifflin county that, for one, I shall persevere, with unabated zeal, till the currency of the country is restored, till property resumes its just value, and till American industry shall be again made sure of its honest earnings.

Mr. McKEAN asked if Mr. WEBSTER would read the names of the committee.

Mr. WEBSTER then read their names as follows, viz. William Mitchell, Jacob Haller, sen., C. Hoffman, George W. Patton, James Culbertson, Jas. T. Hall, John I. McCoy. I presume, said Mr. W., that the honorable member from Pennsylvania knows these gentlemen, or some of them.

Mr. McKEAN said, he knew some of the gentlemen, and presumed them all to be respectable.

NAYS.-Messrs. Black, Brown, Grundy, Hendricks, Hill, Kane, King of Alabama, Robinson, Shepley, Swift, Tyler, Waggaman, White, Wright.-14.

So the bill was passed, and sent to the House of Representatives for concurrence. STATE GOVERNMENTS FOR MICHIGAN AND


The bill to authorize the people of the Territories of Michigan and Arkansas to form for each a constitution and State Government, came up as the special order of the day; when,

On motion of Mr. EWING to lay the bill on the table, Mr. TIPTON called for the yeas and nays on the question, and it was decided as follows:

YEAS.-Messrs. Bell, Calhoun, Clay, Clayton, Ewing, Frelinghuysen, Kent, King of Georgia, Knight, Moore, Naudain, Poindexter, Porter, Prentiss, Robbins, Silsbee, Smith, Sprague, Swift, Tomlinson, Waggaman, Webster.-22.

NAYS. Messrs. Benton, Black, Brown, Grundy, Hendricks, Hill, Kane, King of Alabaina, McKean, Mangum, Morris, Robinson, Shepley, Tallmadge, Tipton, Tyler, White, Wilkins, Wright.-19.

So the bill was ordered to lie on the table.


Mr. WRIGHT, in behalf of Mr. POTTER, one of the individuals interested in the result, requested that the subject should be postponed until Monday next, and made the special order for that day.

The request was acceded to by Mr. POINDEXTER, and the consideration of the report was then postponed and made the special order for Monday next.

Mr. WEBSTER said he had yet one other memorial to present, and that came, not from citizens of any State, On motion of Mr. POINDEXTER, the Senate then but from citizens of a Territory. It comes from citizens of Detroit, opposed to the recent measures of the ad- proceeded to consider the report of the select committee ministration in regard to the deposites. These citizens on the Rhode Island election; when held a meeting, at which a memorial was adopted, which has been signed by nearly four hundred names, and which I now present to the Senate. The memorial is ably and spiritedly drawn, and sets forth the manner in which the great check which credit and confidence have suffered, operates upon the interests of the people of Detroit The very life-blood of Western enterprise, they say, is credit; and this credit has received a most severe shock. The existing state of things checks emigration into this growing Territory. Emigrants, the memorialists say, are not only less able to buy lands, but less able, also, to incur the expense of removal from other places. It is quite evident, Mr. President, that the present state of things must greatly diminish the amounts received at the land offices, and keep back capital from the new States and Territories. These topics, it will be perceived, the memorial treats fully. But the memorialists have not shut On motion of Mr. CLAYTON, the Senate proceeded their eyes to the other view of this great subject. They to consider the report of the Committee on the Judiciary, have looked to the question of legality, and they cannot on the subject of the message of the President concernfind the constitutional or legal right to remove the depos-ling the pension books.

AMENDMENTS TO THE CONSTITUTION. On motion of Mr. BIBB, the Senate proceeded to consider the resolutions offered by him some time since, the further consideration of the resolutions was then proposing certain amendments to the constitution; and postponed till Thursday next, and made the special order for that day.


MAY 13, 1834.]

American State Papers.—Memorials from Pennsylvania and New Jersey.

Mr. CLAYTON, after some remarks, moved to amend the resolution of the committee, by adding the following words: "except when specially authorized to do so by act of Congress."

So that the resolution may read


The CHAIR expressed some doubt as to the propriety of receiving proceedings with no other authority than a mere newspaper publication.

Mr. CLAY said there was no doubt that the original account was in the hands of the member of the other

"Resolved, That the Department of War is not war-House representing that district. It had been the usage ranted in appointing pension agents in any State or Ter- of the Senate to receive proceedings published in newsritory where the Bank of the United States or one of its branches has been established, except when specially authorized to do so by act of Congress."

The amendment having been agreed to

Mr. WRIGHT stated that he had intended to make a few remarks, but not expecting the subject to be taken up to-day, he had left his notes at home, and was not now prepared to go into the debate. He would, therefore, if no objection were made, or no other Senator was disposed to speak on the subject, move to postpone the consideration of the subject until to-morrow.

Mr. CLAYTON assenting, the subject was postponed until to-morrow.


The resolution authorizing the purchase of thirteen copies of the American State Papers, was taken up for



Mr. McKEAN presented the original, as read in the other House. He had been especially requested to present these proceedings to the Senate. The proceedings were read.

Mr. CLAY said he wished to say a few words upon these proceedings. He was exceedingly glad to hear a voice emanating from the interior of Pennsylvania, expressive of the sentiments of that people, with regard to public affairs. These proceedings came from a county, rich in its resources, and numerously peopled by the cul[tivators of the soil. Mr. C. said he had been given to understand that the meeting was composed of citizens of all parties, and among them a large body of the anti-masonic party. He was glad that that party had subscribed to the resolutions. It was hardly to be supposed that they should countenance a palpable violation of the laws and of the constitution. He was pleased that the anti-masons The resolution was supported by Messrs. FRELING- had joined the rest of their fellow-citizens in recommendHUYSEN and EWING, on the ground that the working what, in his judgment, was the only effectual remedy was indispensable to members of Congress in the per- to relieve the people, to wit, the restoration of the depos formance of their legislative duties; that the work was ites, and the re-charter of the Bank of the United States. already printed; and the object was only to supply those We have been laboring here, said Mr. C., for months, to new Senators who had not obtained them. effect this object, but he was sorry that a co-ordinate Mr. KING, of Georgia, opposed the resolution on con- branch of the Legislature were disposed to differ with us. stitutional grounds-that it was taking money out of the Mr. C. said single facts illustrate truth better than a Treasury for the purchase of books for the private libra- speech or argument. He had received a letter from ries of members, without an appropriation by law; and Nashville, enclosing a check drawn by the Patriotic Bank that any other work or works might, with the same pro- of Washington for $19 87. The failure of that bank had priety, be purchased, and to any amount and extent. He not reached Nashville at the time it was received, but the admitted that works might be purchased which were ne-owner of the draft could not obtain an offer of more than cessary for the use of the members in the performance of $18 for the amount. The writer, however, of the letter, their public duties, but that they should be confined to had advanced the holder (a poor man) $20, and remitthe office, and not be given as an absolute property to the officer.

Mr. K. moved to lay the resolution on the table for the balance of the session; which was disagreed to.

ted the draft to Baltimore, where he apprehended no draft had been remitted by the Post Office Department, difficulty would occur in converting it into cash. As the he thought the Government ought to make it good. He Mr. K. then moved an amendment, that the books had been requested to call on the brokers, the only class should be left in the hands of the Secretary of the Sen-of men who were making money out of the embarrassate, by the Senators, at the termination of their service, for ments of their fellow-citizens, and dispose of it, although the use of their successors; which was negatived. but half the amount should be obtained. He would state The question recurring on the adoption of the resolu-another fact. A milk-man had by his industry obtained tion, Mr. K. asked the yeas and nays; which were order- $1,200, which he deposited in the Bank of Maryland. On ed, and are as follows, to wit: the failure of that institution, he sold his certificate of deYEAS.-Messrs. Bell, Bibb, Clay, Ewing, Frelinghuy-posite for $700, and placed his money in the Maryland sen, Hendricks, Kent, Knight, McKean, Moore, Naudain, Savings Institution, which shortly after failed; and thus Poindexter, Prentiss, Robbins, Robinson, Silsbee, Tall-the poor milk-man "jumped out of the frying-pan into madge, Tipton, Tomlinson, Wilkins.-20. the fire." Will not facts like these, said Mr. C., forbid NÄYS.-Messrs. Benton, Black, Calhoun, Grundy, the idea of an adjournment until something should be Hill, Kane, King of Alabama, King of Georgia, Linn, done? How can gentlemen meet their constituents, when Mangum, Morris, Shepley, White.-13. they bear with them no tidings of relief? Sir, said Mr. So the resolution was agreed to, and it was then order-C., late as it is in the session, I trust something will be ed to be engrossed and read a third time. done to revive confidence, and restore the sacred charOn motion of Mr. POINDEXTER, the Senate pro-acter of the laws, and that we may return to the bosoms ceeded to the consideration of Executive business; when, of a distressed community with the consciousness of havafter spending some time therein,

The Senate adjourned.


ADAMS COUNTY (PA.) MEMORIAL. Mr. McKEAN presented a newspaper containing the proceedings of a meeting of inhabitants of Adams county, held on the 5th April last, disapproving of the course of the Executive relative to the deposites, and recommending their restoration to the Bank of the United States, and a re-charter of that institution,

ing performed our duty. He trusted that a part of this
would unite with a portion of the other House to restore
the country to its wonted vigor and prosperity.
The proceedings were referred to the Committee on
Finance, and ordered to be printed.


Mr. FRELINGHUYSEN said: Mr. President, I have been requested to present to the Senate a memorial signed by 1,445 citizens of the county of Middlesex, and city of New Brunswick, in New Jersey, who are friendly to the


Memorials from New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Ohio.

[MAY 13, 1834.

present course of the administration-opposed to the re- at the close of the session, and felt grateful to a kind charter of the bank, and who concur with the late instruc- Providence, that had healed our divisions, and restored tions of the Legislature to their Senators and members amity to all our relations. The President, early in the of the House of Representatives. This memorial is alto- season, had visited the Middle and Eastern States, and gether respectful in language, and possesses the uncom- was welcomed by all parties with respect, and, I may mon merit of brevity. I hope it will be read, printed, add, with gratitude. His fellow-citizens rejoiced in an and referred to the Committee on Finance. occasion that permitted the expression of their esteem I am also charged, sir, with a memorial from 300 citi- and good will for their Chief Magistrate. Those who exzens of the county of Morris, in New Jersey, opposed to pected to re-assemble in our public councils, anticipated, the late rash experiment of the Executive, in the removal with no common satisfaction, the pleasant duty of harmoof the public moneys from the Bank of the United States; nious and tranquil legislation. There seemed to be no and who believe that duty to the country requires of the other prospect, than that we should meet together, and, President to retrace a step so ill considered, and fruitful without distraction or discord, deliberate on the great inof evil. I beg leave further to present the memorial of terests of the country. At such a hopeful crisis it was, 241 citizens of Elizabethtown, New Jersey-201 citizens that the President was pleased to strike a blow which asof Livingston, New Jersey-and 100 citizens of Union tounded the whole nation-brought its business to a stand, township, in the same State-all holding the same senti- and suddenly and violently arrested a tide of prosperity, ments of regret and complaint, with respect to the hostile such as we never before enjoyed. And so soon as the attitude of this administration towards the bank. Mr. public mind recovered from the shock of this measure, it President, my fellow-citizens of the Middlesex memorial began to denounce it as an inroad upon the law and the will find that those, in our common State, whom they are constitution. True, sir, the unrestrained presses of party pleased to denominate, in their memorial, "a few bank assailed every man who questioned the transaction with partisans," are increasing, and, indeed, have already be- the odious calumnies of bank attorneys, bought up friends, come, a formidable body of freemen. and purchased advocates. But the people did not believe it. They knew better, and have, in clear, deep, and indignant terms, repelled these slanders, and besought the party in power to pause.

We have introduced their names to the Senate, not only by hundreds, but thousands, many of whom were, until lately, the friends of the President and the support. ers of his policy, and who have been constrained, by causes which they could no longer resist, to oppose a meas ure whose influence on the prosperity of the country they have seen to be so disastrous. Sir, I feel bound to say, in my place, that, so far from these consisting of "a few" only, they do, in my clear conviction, at this moment, compose a decided majority of the good people of the State of New Jersey; and such, I have no doubt, will be the demonstration of the next fall elections. The process is going on before the people; they are now satisfied that the remedy is with them, and that we can do nothing but raise our solemn protest, as we shall; and they are coming up to the rescue of the constitution with a noble firmness and an ardent patriotism. The issue cannot be otherwise, as I trust, than triumphant, for sound principles and the authority of our laws.

I rejoice, Mr. President, at the aspect of political affairs with the people. They have too much good sense to decry, or consent to break down, the Senate. They range on our side, sir, and encourage us, unflinchingly, to withstand this tempest of passion and abuse. They console us by the assurance that, however factious presses may deem us, they continue their confidence in the integrity of our conduct, and urge us to an unyielding resistance of power. And, sir, let the administration believe that, however unavailing may be our efforts, we will, as strength shall be granted, set our faces as a flint, and firmly and fearlessly acquit our consciences of the duty which we owe to the constitution and the country,

I move, sir, that these respective memorials be printed and referred to the Committee on Finance.

YORK COUNTY (PA.) RESOLUTIONS. Mr. FRELINGHUYSEN also presented resolutions adopted by a number of very respectable citizens of Hallam and part of Windsor, in York county, Pennsylvania, opposed to the removal of the deposites and friendly to the United States Bank. Mr. F. said that this meeting professed to embrace all parties, and he was authorized to state that members of the meeting had sustained the Executive, in such was its character, and that one of the conspicuous this late measure, until his own observation of its consevailed with him frankly to change his own course and enquences convinced him of its ruinous tendencies, and predeavor to bring the Executive branch of the Government be made of these resolutions. to wiser counsels. Mr. F. moved that a like disposition

Mr. President, one circumstance, in the discussions of the present session, has struck me with great surprise. We, who have resisted as we could, the late measures of the Executive, have been charged, and by some of our own body, with mere party purposes, and a design of creating and spreading abroad a factitious alarm. At the commencement of our debate, the existence of any dis. tress was denied-when that forced conviction, it was then ascribed to panic, panic; all the work of speeches on this floor, got up for no end but to carry forward party devices! Sir, if I had no other object than one so unworthy, I would say to this administration, Hold on your career-drive on the ruinous expedients which you have adopted, and the sooner will such policy accomplish your total discomfiture. No, sir; it is because we regard the measure as oppressive to the country, and destructive LICKING COUNTY (OHIO) MEMORIAL. of its commercial prosperity, that we have and do, with Mr. EWING presented the memorial of sundry citi pure intentions, seek relief for our constituents. Party zens of Licking county, in the State of Ohio, praydesigns! why, sir, I believe that, even now, if the Presi-ing for the restoration of the public deposites, and redent could be persuaded to review his proceedings, and charter of the Bank of the United States. reinstate the public moneys, and restore confidence to Mr. E. said that he could not give the exact number of trade and enterprise, that he might enjoy a measure of the memorialists, but it was large, and he believed the tranquil and general popularity not surpassed since the memorial expressed the sense of a majority of the people times of Washington. How was it when the last spring of the county. He said it was stated, by the gentleman opened upon the administration? The tariff had been ad-who handed him the memorial, that the meeting from justed by the noble stand of the honorable Senator from which it originated was got up by highly respectable citi Kentucky, [Mr. CLAY,] for which the American people zens, formerly friends of the present administration. It should never cease to be grateful. The unhappy collis-was done for the purpose of consulting on the crisis in jons with our sister State of South Carolina had all been the affairs of our country, in the capacity of a people, not happily accommodated; we shook hands together in peace of a party, or of parties; and the meeting was attended,

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