Abbildungen der Seite

Penfylvania, but common to all the Colonies in proportion as their Frontiers are more or lefs extended and expos'd to the Enemy. That the Colony of Virginia, in which there are very few, if any, Quakers, and none in the Assembly, has lost more Inhabitants and Territory by the War than Pensylvania, That even the Colony of New-York, with all its own Forces, a great Body of New-England Troops encamp'd on its Frontier, and the regular Army under Lord Loudon pofted in different Places, has not been able to fecure its Inhabitants from Scalping by the Indians ; who coming fecretly in very small Parties skulking in the Woods, must sometimes have it in their Power to furprize and deftroy Travellers, or fingle Families fettled in scattered Plantations, notwithstanding all the Care that can poffibly be taken by any Government for their Protection. Centinels posted round an Army, while standing on their Guard, with Arms in their Hands, are often kill'd and scalp'd by Indians. How much easier muft it be for fuch an Enemy to destroy a Ploughman at Work in his Field?

2. That the Inhabitants of the Frontiers of Penfylvania are not Quakers, were in the Beginning of the War fupplied with Arms and Ammunition by the Affembly, and have frequently defended themselves and repelled the Enemy, being withheld by no Principle from Fighting; and the Loffes they have fuffered were owing intirely to their Situation, and the loose scattered Manner in which they had fettled their Plantations and Families in the Woods, remote from each other, in Confidence of lafting Peace.

3. That the Difputes between the late and prefent Governors and the Affembly of Penfylvania, were occafion'd and are continued chiefly by new INSTRUCTIONS from the Proprietors to thofe Governors, forbidding them to pafs any Laws to raise Money for the Defence of the Country unless the Proprietary Eftate, or much the greatest Part of it was exempted from the Tax to be raised by Virtue of fuch Laws, and other Claufes inferted in them by which the Privileges long enjoy'd by the P‹ople, and which they think they have a Right to, not only as Penfylvanians but as Englishmen, were to be extorted from them, under their prefent Diftreffes. The Quakers, who, tho' the firft Settlers, are now but a fmall Part of the People of Penfylvania, were concern'd in thefe Disputes only as Inhabitants of the Province, and not as Quakers; and all the other Inhabitants join in oppofing those Inftructions, and contending for their Rights, the Proprietary-Officers and Dependents only excepted, with a few of fuch as they can influence.

4. That tho' fome Quakers have Scruples againft bearing Arms, they have, when most numerous in the Affembly, granted large Sums for the King's Ufe, (as they exprefs it) which have been apply'd to the Defence of the Province; for instance, in 1755 and 1756, they granted the Sum of 55,000l. to be raised by a Tax on Estates real and perfonal; and 30,000l. to be raised by Excife on Spirituous Liquors; befides near 10,000l. in Flour, &c. to General Braddock and for cutting his Roads, and 10,000l. to General Shirley in Provifions for the New England and New York Forces, then on the Frontiers of New-York; at the fame Time that the Contingent Expences of Government, to be otherwife provided for, were greatly and neceffarily enhanced. That however, to remove all Pretence for Reflection on their Sect, as obtructing military Measures in Time of War, a Number of them voluntarily quitted their Seats in Affembly in 1756; others requested their Friends not to chufe them in the enfuing Election, nor did any of that Profeffion ftand as Candidates or request a Vote for themselves at that Election, many Quakers refufing even to vote at all, and others voting for fuch Men as would and did make a confiderable Majo rity in the House who were not Quakers; and yet four of the Quakers, who were nevertheless chosen, refus'd to ferve, and Writs were iffued for new Elections, when four others not Quakers were chofen in their Places; fo that of 36 Members, the Number of which the Houfe confifts, there are not at the most above 12 of that Denomination, and those such as are well known to be for supporting the Government in Defence of the Country, but are too few, if they were against fuch a Meafure, to prevent it.

5. That the Bill to raife Money, faid in the above Article of News, to be fo clogg'd as to prevent the Governor from giving his Affent,' was drawn in the fame Form, and with the fame Freedom from all Clogs, as that for granting 60,000l. which had been pafs'd by the Governor in 1755, and receiv'd the Royal Approbation; that the real Clogs or Obftructions to its Paffing were not in the Bill, but in the abovemention'd Proprietary Inftructions; that the Governor having tong refus d'his Affent



to the Bill, did, in Excuse of his Conduct, on Lord Loudoun's Arrival at Philadel phia in March laft, lay his Reasons before his Lordship, who was pleafed to communicate them to one of the Members of the House, and patiently to hear what that Member had to say in Antwer, the Governor himself being prefent; and that his Lordship did finally declare himself fully fatisfied with the Anfwers made to those Reasons, and give it as his Opinion to the Governor that he ought immediately to pass the Bill, any Inftructions he might have to the contrary from the Proprietors notwithstanding; which the Governor accordingly comply'd with, pafs'd the Bill, on the 22d of March, and the Money, being 100,000l. for the Service of the current Year, has been ever fince actually expending in the Defence of the Province. So that the whole Story of the Bill's not paffing, the Clogging of the Bill by the Affembly, and the Obstinacy of the Quakers preventing its Paffage, is absolutely a malicious and notorious Falfhood.

6. The Affertion of the News writer, that while the Enemy is in the Heart of the Country, Cavils prevent any Thing being done for its Relief,' is fo far from being true, that, ift. The Enemy is not nor ever was in the Heart of the Country, having only molefted the Frontier Settlements by their Parties. 2dly, More is done for the Relief and Defence of the Country, without any Affiftance from the Crown, than is done perhaps by any other Colony in America; there having been, foon after the War broke out, the following Forts erected at the Province Expence, in a Line to cover the Frontier, viz. Henshaw's Fort on Delaware, Fort Hamilton, Fort Norris, Fort Allen, Fort Franklin, Fort Lebanon, Fort William Henry, Fort Augufta, Fort Halifax, Fort Granville, Fort Shirley, Fort Littleton, and Shippenf burg Fort, befides feveral smaller Stockades and Places of Defence, garrifoned by Troops in the Pay of the Province; under whofe Protection the Inhabitants, who at first abandon'd their Frontier Settlements, return'd generally to their Habitations, and many yet continue, tho' not without fome Danger, to cultivate their Lands: By thefe Penfylvania Troops, under Col. Armstrong, the greatest Blow was given to the Enemy last Year on the Ohio, that they have receiv'd during the War; in burning and deftroying the Indian Town of Kittanning, and killing their great Captain Jacobs, with many other Indians, and recovering a Number of Captives of their own and the neighbouring Provinces: -Befides the Garrifons in the Forts, 11,00 Soldiers are maintain'd on the Frontier in Pay, being arm'd and accouter'd by the Province, as ranging Companies. And at Philadelphia Fifteen Iron Cannon, eighteen Pounders, were laft Year purchas'd in England and added to the Fifty they had before, either mounted on their Batteries, or ready to be mounted, befides a Train of Artillery, being new Brafs Field Pieces 12 and 6 Pounders, with all their Appurtenances in extreme good Order, and a Magazine ftor'd with Ammunition, a Quantity of large Bomb-Shells, and above 2,000 new Small Arms lately procured, exclusive of those in the Hands of the People. They have likewife this Summer fitted out a 20 Gun Province Ship of War, to fcour the Coaft of Privateers, and protect the Trade of that and the neighbouring Provinces, which is more than any other Colony to the Southward of New-England has done. Penfyl vania alfo by its Situation covers the greatest Part of New-Jersey, all the, Govern ment of the Delaware Counties, and great Part of Maryland, 'from the Incurfions of the Indians, without receiving any Contribution from thofe Colonies, or the Mother Country, towards the Expence.

The above are Facts, confiftent with the Knowledge of the Subscriber, who but lately left Philadelphia, is now in London, is not nor ever was a Quaker, nor writes this at the Requett of any Quaker; but purely to do Juftice to a Province and People of late frequently abufed in nameless Papers and Pamphlets published in England. And he hereby calls upon the Writer of that Article of News to produce the Letters out of which, he says, he has drawn those Calumnies and Falshoods, or to take the Shame to himself.

Penfylvania Coffee-Houfe 7

London, Sep. 16, 1757.


To what is faid in the foregoing Letter, concerning Col. Armfirong's Expedition to Kittanning, it may not be amifs to add, for the Information of the Reader, That it was with no small Difficulty the Commiffioners, who were joined with the Governor



in the Difpofition of the Money granted for the War, obtained the employing a Part of the Provincial Forces as Rangers. They repeatedly remonftrated to the Governor, that the only effectual Manner of carrying on a War with Indians was to fight them in their own Way, i. e. to fend Parties frequently into the Indian Country to surprize them in their Hunting and Fishing, deftroy their Corn Fields, burn their Habitations, and, by thus continually harraffing them, oblige them either to fue for Peace, or retire farther into the Country. The Experience of many Years Indian War in NewEngland was in Favour of this Measure. The Governor himself could not but acknowledge its Expediency. There were Motives, however, which, with him, outweighed all other Confiderations; and induced him, tho' publickly, to approve, yet fecretly to decline carrying it into Execution. A Militia Law was the grand Object he had in View, in which he aim'd to have the fole Nomination of all the Officers. These were of Course to be Proprietary Minions and Dependants, who, by Means of their Power, were to awe and influence the Elections, and make a Change in the Af fembly For Draughts of fuch as were most likely to give Oppofition might easily be made and fent to garrison the Frontier. Should therefore the Commiffioners Scheme, of carrying the War into the Enemies Country, be attended with Succefs, and a Stop be thereby put to their future Incurfions, the Governor's main Pretext for a Militia (which was the enabling him to defend the Frontier) would of Confequence have no longer any Appearance of Weight. The Commiffioners, notwithstanding, obstinately perfevered in urging that Parties should be sent out in the Manner they recom mended. The Governor was at length obliged to confent, and give Orders to Col. Armstrong for that Purpofe. Under-hand Measures feem however to have been taken to render this Project fruitless. Such Delays were given from time to time to the March of the Forces, after the Intention of the Undertaking was publickly known (which by the Bye was to have been kept a Secret) that the Enemy might easily have received Intelligence of our Designs; and, moreover, fuch a confiderable Number of Men were added to the Party as rendered it highly improbable they fhould reach the Place of their Destination undiscovered, upon which depended the Whole of their Success. By great good Luck, they nevertheless unexpectedly arrived at Kittanning, and succeeded as above. Encouraged by this fortunate Event of their first Attempt, the Commiffioners earnestly press'd that this Blow might be followed by another of the fame Kind, fo that the Enemy might be kept in continual Apprehenfions of Danger. But thefe Encouragements to the Commiffioners, to perfift in their Plan of Operations, were Inducements with the new Governor, as they had been with his Predeceffor, to evade a Compliance. The darling Project of a Militia Law was of more Confequence than the Prefervation of the Blood and Treasure of People with whom he had no natural Connection. And the Refult is, that notwithstanding the Commissioners have over and over strenuously endeavoured to have Parties of Rangers fent again into the Enemy's Country, they have never fince been able to prevail with the Governor to fend them. On the contrary, tho' they could furnish ten Parties for one of the Indians, the Forces have been confined within the Forts, taught regular military Difcipline (which is in Fact undifciplining them for Indian War) and allowed to do fcarce any Thing but Garrifon Duty. In the mean time the Indians have been suffered to come down between the Forts, murder and fcalp the Inhabitants, and burn and deftroy their Settlements, with Impunity. That a Militia, had the Governor fuch a One as he wishes, could not prevent thefe Outrages, is obvious to every Man of common Understanding. Frequent Trials of this have been made in Virginia, and other Governments where Militias have been long in ufe. The Confequence of which was, that after the Governors had, upon the News of any Incurfions of the Enemy, taken the Inhabitants from their feveral Bufineffes and Occupations (oftentimes Farmers in the Midst of Harvest) furnished Provifions and other Neceffaries, and marched them, at a great Expence, to the Place attacked, it was found that the Enemy were fled, and perhaps doing Mifchief in another Part of the Frontier, at fifty or a hundred Miles Distance. The People therefore fay with Truth, that it would be far lefs expensive and inconvenient to them, to raife and pay a Number of Rangers to be continually employed in that Service. And it is certain, that were but a few Rangers properly employed, they would be more effectual in fubduing fuch an Enemy, than all the Militia or Regular Forces on the Continent of America. The fending of thefe against scouting Parties of Indian, being as the Proverb has it, sett a Cow to catch a Hare

[ocr errors]

Account of fundry Sums of Money paid by the Province of Penfylvania for His Majefty's Service, fince the Commencement of Hoftilities by the French in North-America; exclufive of the general Contingent Expences of the Government, which have from that Time increas'd very confiderably.

Extracted from the Journals of the Affembly.

1754, OR Provifions fupplied the King's Forces under FOR



-For o

the Command of General Braddock :--
pening and clearing a Road towards the Ohio; and
for Eftablifhing a Poft between Winchester in Vir-
ginia and Philadelphia, for the Use of the Army,
at the Request of the faid General.

For Provisions fupplied the New England, and New-
York Forces under General Johnson.
For Clothing fent the Forces under General Shirley.
For Prefents to the Six Nations and other Indians in Al-
liance with the Crown of Great Britain, and the
Expences attending Two Treaties held with them,
for fecuring them to the British Intereft.

For Maintenance of the Ohio and other Western In-
dians, who had taken Refuge in Penfylvania;
French Deferters; Soldiers Wives belonging to
Braddock's Army; Arms and Ammunition deli-
ver'd to fuch of the Frontier Inhabitants as were not
able to purchase any for their Defence; Relief and
Support of fundry of faid Inhabitants who were
driven from their Plantations by the Enemy; and
for Expreffes and other Purposes for His Majesty's

[The above Sums were paid out of the Treasury and
Loan Office, and by Money borrow'd on the Credit of
the Houfe of Affembly, before the Governor could be
prevail'd on to pass any Bills for granting an Aid to
His Majefty.]

1756. For railing, paying and maintaining Forces; building
Forts; maintaining and treating with the King's
Indian Allies; Support of French Neutrals fent from
Nova Scotia; billetting and supplying with Necef-
faries the King's regular Forces; and other Pur-
pofes for his Majesty's Service, as recommended by
his Minifters. [By two Acts of Affembly, 60,000 1.
and 30,000 l.]

1757. For Ditto by another Act of Affembly.
1758. For Ditto by Ditto. [Note 2700 Men were rais'd and
employ'd this Year in his Majesty's Service, by the
Province of Penfylvania, in pursuance of Mr. Se-
cretary Pitt's Letter.]

[ocr errors]

For Support of a Ship of War for Protection of Trade,
(by a Duty on Tonnage, &c.) for a Six Month's

Penfylvania Curr.

£ 8,195 14 81


10,000 O O

514 10 I

2,023 50

5,653 13 2




6,425 15 0

Carried over £322,812 17 11


Brought over £.

For Interest paid by the Province for Money borrow'd
for His Majefty's Service on the Credit of the Af-
fembly; the Charges attending the Printing and
Signing the Paper Money, and collecting and pay-
ing the feveral Taxes granted His Majefty, to the
Provincial Treasurer and Trustees of the Loan-Of-
fice, with their and the Provincial Commiffioner's

Allowances for their Trouble, may at least be efti- j
For fundry Indian Expences, omitted in the above

mated at

From which deduct one Third to reduce the Sum to
Sterling Value; an English Shilling paffing for 1S.
6d. in Penfylvania.

Penfylvania Curr. 322,812 17 114


38 13 0

£. 327,851 10 11


109,283 16 114

Sterling 218,567 14

As the Reader may, poffibly, be curious to know, whether any fimilar Difputes arofe between the Proprietaries and the feveral Affemblies of the Territory, or Three feparated Counties, it may be proper to inform him, That the Forbearances of thefe Gentlemen, in that District, were altogether as remarkable as their Affumptions in the Province; and to refer him to the following Extract of a genuine Letter of Mr. Secretary Logan's to one Henry Goldney, an intimate Friend of the first Proprietary William Penn, for a Solution of all Doubts concerning the Difference.

[ocr errors]

Esteemed Friend,


Philadelphia, 3d Month the 12th, 1709.

Was favoured laft Fall with thine, and other Friends Anfwer to mine of 3d Month laft; the Contents of which were extremely fatisfactory, and on my Part I fhall not be wanting to discharge my Duty to the utmost of my Power: But in my Opinion, fince the Proprietor has feveral Times mentioned that he had Propofals made to him for the Purchafe of a large Tract of Land on Safquehannab, for which he had an Offer of 5000l. Sterling, it would be most adviseable for him to accept of any fuch Terms, that, fo he may fpeedily have the Management of his Country to himself, by paying the Debt there which he has contracted upon it; to which I wish thee and his other good Friends would earnestly prefs him, for in himself I know he is in fuch Cafes fomewhat too doubtful and backward.

I now defign, through the greatest Confidence in thy Friendship both to him and me, to be very free with thee in an Affair that nearly concerns him and this Country in general, in which I fall request thee to exercife < thy beft Thoughts, and, according to the Refult of thete, heartily to employ the neceffary Endeavours; the Cafe is briefly as follows:

This Government has confifted of two Parts; the Province of Penfylvania, and the three lower Counties on Delaware. To the firft the Proprie tor has a moft clear and undoubted Right, both for Soil and Government, by the King's Letters Patents or Royal Charter: For the latter be bas much lefs to bew; for the Soil he has Deeds of Feofment from the Duke of York, but for the Government not fo much as is neceffary. After his 'firt Arrival, however, in thefe Parts, he prevailed with the People both


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