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She swings them down the starry sward

Till all of Heaven wakes.

Oh! Truly she's no common girl

She wins eternal stakes!


Turn apple blooms to silver,
Turn buttercups to gold?
That's a very common gift,
Age on ages old;

But when my Amaryllis smiles,
A half a second after,

Her Midas touch transmutes the world
From grumpiness to laughter!





A baby lying on his mother's breast, 187
Above the pines the moon was slowly drifting, 196
A cloud possessed the hollow field, 225

Across the fields of yesterday, 322

Across the narrow beach we flit, 185

A flying word from here and there, 274

Afoot and light-hearted, I take to the open road, 123

A life on the ocean wave, 101

A little while (my life is almost set!), 177

All afternoon the passion of heaven spent, 348

All hail! thou noble land, 10

"All quiet along_the_Potomac,” they say, 163

All the men of Harbury go down to the sea in ships, 302
Along Ancona's hills the shimmering heat, 175

Along the shore the slimy brine-pits yawn, 155

Aloof upon the day's immeasured dome, 276

Alter? When the hills do, 173

Amid the chapel's chequered gloom, 249

Amid the fairest things that grow, 366

Among the thousand, thousand spheres that roll, 188
Announced by all the trumpets of the sky, 38

An old man bending, I come, among new faces, 127
An old man in a lodge within a park, 65
Anonymous-nor needs a name, 217

A path across a meadow fair and sweet, 153
A pitcher of mignonette, 247

A raven sat upon a tree, 282

As a boy old bachelors and old maids, 269

As a fond mother, when the day is o'er, 66

As a twig trembles, which a bird, 105

As I came down from Lebanon, 254

As in the midst of battle there is room, 259

As I ponder'd in silence, 115

As I wandered over the city through the night, 349
A soldier of the Cromwell stamp, 190

A song of hate is a song of Hell, 253

As through the Void we went I heard his plumes, 221
At eight o'clock in the evening, 304


At midnight, in his guarded tent, 17
At midnight in the alley, 307

A weapon that comes down as still, 14
A youth in apparel that glittered, 277
A youth was there, of quiet ways, 55


Bathsheba came out to the sun, 248
Battles nor songs can from oblivion save, 248

Beautiful, tragical faces, 335

Beauty calls and gives no warning, 295

Beauty crowds me till I die, 174

Beauty will not let me rest, 347

Because I had loved so deeply, 280

Be composed-be at ease with me-I am Walt Whitman, lib-
eral and lusty as Nature, 138

Before St. Francis' burg I wait, 271
Behind him lay the gray Azores, 204

Behold, the grave of a wicked man, 277

Be in me as the eternal moods, 335

Between the sunken sun and the new moon, 176
Beyond the low marsh-meadows and the beach, 100
Blessings on thee, little man, 69

Blue gulf all around us, 145

Booth led boldly with his big bass drum, 315

Bowed by the weight of centuries he leans, 231
Bring me wine, but wine which never grew, 37
By seven vineyards on one hill, 320

By the flow of the inland river, 164

By the rude bridge that arched the flood, 43


Camerado, this is no book, 139

Can freckled August,-drowsing warm and blonde, 265
Can I forget?-no, never, while my soul, 190

Carved by a mighty race whose vanished hands, 228
Carve me a cherub! All of me head and wings, 270

Close his eyes; his work is done, 149

Close his eyes with the coins; bind his chin with the shroud,


Come, let us plant the apple-tree, 25

Come, lovely and soothing Death, 136

Come sell your pony, cowboy, 279

Come to me, angel of the weary hearted, 98

Come, Walter Savage Landor, come this way, 179

Darest thou now, O soul, 140


Daughter of Egypt, veil thine eyes, 152
Daughters of Time, the hypocritic Days, 42
Day and night my thoughts incline, 158
Day in melting purple dying, 31

Days of my youth, 6

Dear Mrs. Spink has had so very many, 308
De Big Bethel chu'ch! de Big Bethel chu'ch, 224
Deep lies thy body, jewel of the sea, 369

Don't you remember sweet Alice, Ben Bolt, 140
Down the long hall she glistens like a star, 227
Down the world with Marna, 260

Do you like marigolds, 301

Do you think, my boy, when I put my arms around you, 323
Drink! drink! to whom shall we drink, 9


En garde, Messieurs, too long have I endured, 252
England, I stand on thy imperial ground, 244
Ev-er-y child who has the use, 258


Fair flower, that dost so comely grow, 1
Fat black bucks in a wine-barrel room, 314
Fifteen men on the Dead Man's Chest, 240
Fluid the world flowed under us: the hills, 295
For a cap and bells our lives we pay, 106

For you the white-wracked waste-yet not for me, 322
Four winds blowing through the sky, 333

From the Desert I come to thee, 153

From what old ballad, or from what rich frame, 346

Furl that Banner, for 'tis weary, 195


Giuseppe, da barber, ees greata for "mash," 278

Give all to love, 42

Give me hunger, 309

Give me the pay I have served for, 129

Give me the scorn of the stars and a peak defiant, 289
Glooms of the live oaks, beautiful-braided and woven, 209
Go, go, 290

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