Abbildungen der Seite

Golden, silence is, 487.
Goldsmith, Johnson on, 259.
Good, brave and, 276.
dignities on, 508.
done little, 103.
free to do, 430.
frolic to be, 515.
glory in being, 409.
let us do, 236.
liberty a, 80.
nothing too, 408.
power to do, 430.
Good-breeding, a man's, 135.

merit and, 132.
Goods, care for others', 237.
Goose, burn a, 284.
Gospel, could write a, 384.
Napoleon on the, 411.
Gout, when I have the, 505.
Govern, how to, 5.

Governed, a nation not, 79.
Government, Confucius on, 508.
first object of, 414.
man of, 244.

places given by, 414.
society create, 520.
Governments, interests of, 463.
Governs, guillotine, 34.
Gowns, rule by red, 167.
Gracchi, mother of, 376.
Grace, in state of, 178.
Graces, Batavian, 44.
deficiency in, 137.

sacrifice to, 447.

Grain, eaten forbidden, 549.
Grammar, am above, 231.
Grandees, make hundred, 223.
Grandeur, philosophy above, 367.
Grandison-Cromwell, a, 389.
Grandson, nor under, 482.
Granted, take liberty for, 365.
take nothing for, 45.

Grape, little more, 180.
Grape-shot, swept with, 399.
Gratified, if wishes were, 568.
Gratitude, forget the word, 254.
Grave, democracy like, 363.

yard, Paris not a, 277.
Gravity, risen by, 534.
Gray's Elegy, Wolfe on, 334.
Great, God alone is, 350.

Seal, dinner without, 207.
should not be, 331.
Greater, makes himself, 303.
Greatness, drinking and, 477.
Greeks, Athenians govern, 103.
Green, nor so, 74.
Grétry, always, 264.
Grey, name of, 503.
Grief, to give up to, 409.
Grimace, see the, 337.
Grind, knows how to, 479.
Ground, crown on, 403.

die on the, 564.
floor, play on, 217.
Grows, grass never, 24.
older, lamb, 206.

Growth, plant of slow, 127.
Guard, are young, 526.

require no, 560.
Guards, up, 564.

Guide-posts, great men, 535.
Guillotine, edge of, 191.
send to, 487.

Guillotined, rather be, 175.
Guilty, confound innocent and, 173.
men greatly, 83.
Guinea, change shirt and, 171.
go farther, 216.

Gunpowder, Frenchmen like, 155.
Guns, don't forget, 345.

Gustavus, daughter of, 140.

Habitudes, most familiar, 134.
Hair, cut his, 281.

faithless in, 437.

large head of, 362.

Hairs, respect gray, 119.
Halfpenny, ghost of, 216.
Haman, high as, 285.
Hampered, papers not, 236.
Hand, cut off left, 278.

this unworthy, 165.
Hands, glebe in own, 215.
has no, 216.

having king in, 167.
if power is in, 35.
off, 63.

where were your, 574.
Hang, not how to, 435.

together, must, 227.
Hanged if you do, 206.

to see me, 167.
Hangman, only a, 133.
Happen, best that could, 568.
Happily, to live, 552.
Happy, I die, 220, 334.

made two, 553.
man truly, 448.

New Year, wish, 54.
no man, 508.

Happiness, blood cement, 353.
Johnson on, 300.

Hard, praying, 266.
Harlot, morals of a, 137.
Harm in it, no, 215.

love does more, 413.
only myself did, 51.
Hat on, keep thy, 114.
Hate, love as if should, 523.
Hated, some one more, 190.
Hater, a good, 292.
Hatred, arms without, 256.
Have, hope I, 170.
Hay, caten forbidden, 549.

is pressed, closer, 24.
Head, any thing about, 215.
a salmon's, 14.

Charles lost his, 325.
cut off his, 167.
drink without a, 215.
governed by, 407.
king without a, 273.
nothing but the, 171.

[blocks in formation]
[ocr errors]

House, sphinx in your, 147.
too great for, 31.
Households, try in own, 362.
Housen, in glass, 285.
Houses, build wooden, 436.
Hovel, king dying in, 276.
How many, not, 5.

Howe, Philadelphia taken, 227.
Huguenots, loved the, 346.
Human, to err is, 144.
Humane, cruelty to be, 121.
Humanity, rights of, 307.

Hume, believe in, 556.

Humor, man without, 156.
Hung, sure to be, 427.

Hurrah, Prague, 93.

Hurry, whoever is in a, 134.
Husband, jewels are my, 163.
will take a, 196.
was my, 246.

woman compromises, 519.
Hydra, rearing a, 532.
Hypocrisy, organized, 41.

I, time and, 250.

Idea, but one, 300.

four words to, 460.
happiness new, 473.

Ideas, bulldog with confused, 139.
philosophical, 42.

women incapable of, 551.
Idle, poetry for the, 87.
Idleness, grief species of, 310.
Idlest thing, better do, 252.
Ignorance, active, 69.

decencies of, 215.
methodized, 432.
well-meant, 69.

Ill-bred, virtuous because, 529.
Illud jucundum, 143.
Illusion, but one, 501.
Illusions, series of, 501.
Illustrate, painting can, 309.
Imagination, not lacking in, 64.
nothing for, 408.
Imitation, judicious, 395.
Immortal, think me, 350.
Immortality, belief in, 88.
day like, 143.
nothing for, 91.
work for, 575.

Impediment, suffer no, 385.
Imperium et libertas, 48.

Impossible, demand the, 529.
is any thing, 391.
nothing is, 65.
overcoming the, 391.
Impulses, first, 15.
mistrust, 516.

Inactivity, despair not, 83.
Incapacity, unrecognized, 57.
Inch, not cede an, 210.
Inclination, aristocrat by, 388.
Inconvenient, poverty, 298.
Incorrigés, 522.
Independence forever, 1.

set up for, 226.

Independence, War of, 228.
India, the key of, 48.

Indigestion, symptoms of, 546.
Indiscretions, greatest of, 461.
Inevitable, change is, 45.
Infandum regina, 515.
Inference, draw an, 567.

Inferiority, half-guinea's, 302.

"Inferno," translated the, 460.

Infidel, Foote an, 215.

Infinity, distance of, 411.
Ingrates, to make, 10.
Ingratitude, forget his, 457.
Johnson on, 302.

Inherited, talent often, 155.
In hoc signo, 161.

Inimitable, Vendôme was, 542.
Injuries, not avenge, 336.
Injury, irony to, 412.
Injustice, do great, 201.

to feel, 510.

Injustices, no long, 488.
Ink, durable as your, 457.
Inn, life an, 105.

Innocent, keep me, 100.
Innocently, cannot reign, 473.
Innovations, foreign, 257.

Inquisitive you are, how, 492.

Inscriptions, in lapidary, 444.
Institutions, foundations of, 473.

Insubordination, extravagance and, 160.

Insult, may take an, 518.

Insupportable, she is, 519.

Insurrections, sheep and, 227.

Intemperance, corruption in, 531.

Intends, when God, 69.
Intention, difference of, 182.
Intentions, paved with good, 69.
Interest, my particular, 235.
Interior, man formed in, 320.
Intolerance, it is, 391.

Invalids, hospital for, 558.
Inundation, mole cause, 392.
Invasion, case of actual, 446.
Invention, not mother of, 434.
Iron, blood and, 55.

king with better, 508.
Irons, tragedy with, 311.
Israelite, rich Jew an,


Isthmus, by seizing, 455.
Italians, who will make, 539.
Italy, king of, 90.

minister of, 107.
shall be, 539.
soldier of, 400.

will finish alone, 124.

Jack-boot, king send his, 126.
Jackson, never sailed with, 92.
Jail, man in a, 293.
Janitor, make me, 158.
Je suspends, 540.
Jean Bart, talk like, 36.
Jefferson, epitaph of, 288.
Jesuits, sow, 193.
Jesus! 178.

age of, 187.

[blocks in formation]

Judge, discretion of a, 226.
fit for a, 154.

let God be, 168.
quarrel of, 282.

Judgment, day of no, 82.
man gains, 308.
mistrust the, 565.

representative owes, 78.

Jure casus videtur, 249.
de-vino, 85.

Jury, standard of British, 297.
Justice, have had, 545.

have loved, 62.
liberty and, 82.
posterity do, 415.
unsupported by, 3.
Justitia fiat, 372.

J'y suis, j'y resterai, 365.

Kalends, pay on Greek, 25.
Kill, kill, 120.

me, let them, 422.
people who, 283.

Killed me, pleasantry has, 180.
Kindness, conquer by, 277.
unremitting, 290.

King, a dead, 122.

am now, 235.

an exiled, 112.

an honest, 539.

a popular, 531.

argue before the, 158.
better die a, 200.
blood of a, 495.
cotton is, 489.
courage to be a, 199.
die for my, 202.
die like, 237.
firmness in a, 206.
friend of the, 10.
had not been, 329.

have killed the, 146.

I am your, 274.
I and my, 572.
if Louis not, 350.
know I am, 247.
like a, 453.

made servant, 351.
ministers are, 246.
misfortune to be, 353.
not made, 471.
not reigning, 154.
put to death as, 353.
shall save, 174.

so much, love the, 569.

state without, 139.

still a, 223.

to make you, 115.

King, to see a, 25, 277.
trade to be, 315.

who but a, 199.

will be great, 350.
you will be, 174.

Kingdom, capital at end of, 102.
fool less in, 546.
give half of, 436.
nor the, 152.
seek another, 8.
Kingdoms, given more, 14.

statement of, 14.

Kings, Asia two, 9.
assembly of, 454.

blood of vanquished, 174.
five hundred, 285.
friends preferred to, 316.
homage due to, 342.

I pity, 552.

if there are, 7.
in mouth of, 291.
justice rule of, 17.

last argument of, 345.
material for four, 350.
noblest occupation of, 349.
not converse with, 508.
pit-full of, 402.
politeness of, 355.
superior to, 234.

women govern, 202.

Kitchen, Lent in the, 77.
Kites, wind raises, 448.
Knack, speech-making a, 307.
Knapsack, carries in, 414.
Knave, abhor a, 133.

king from, 569.

Knife, war to the, 94.
Knight it, will, 116.

peasant and, 255.

Know, let upstart, 197.

thyself, 137.

Knowledge, abstemiousness and, 304.

cisterns of, 428.

desire for, 308.

I love, 51.

should possess, 399.
there is no, 64.

when young, plant, 132.
young men gather, 484.
Known, are both, 437.

Labor, chief end of, 514.

dislike of intellectual, 307.
Labors, conscious of, 17.
La Fayette, never forgive, 34.
La Fontaine and ancients, 322.
Lake, Mediterrancan a, 413.
Lamartine, I prefer, 472.
Lame, horse is, 247.
Lamp, keep alive the, 16.

smell of the, 17.

Landscape, face is my, 456.

Language, speak their, 61.

Languages, silent in seven, 476.

Languish, must Brutus, 474.

Lantern, in place of, 378.

Lass, came wi' a, 198.

Last, stick to your, 18.
would it were, 120.

Late, begins too, 519.
came too, 350.

knew Carnot too, 402.

Latin, a little, 336.

Laugh, money makes man, 480.
Boothsayer must, 105.
vulgar often, 136.
Laughed at, not to be, 217.
Laughers, spend time with, 307.
Laurels, loaded with, 347.
Law, above the, 287.

a higher, 489.
Brougham and, 73.
forgotten more, 379.
freedom of, 235.
ignorance of, 481.

knows more,

nothing is, 86.


outlived the, 379.

outside the, 417.

uncontrolled by, 569.

Law-cases, armed with, 128.
Laws, arms and, 143.

clearest of, 290.
easy to devise, 66.
wit on, 181.

Lawsuit, revolution a, 175.
Lawsuits, forty thousand, 391.
Lawyers, have but two, 436.
most good, 562.

Lay aside clothes, 570.
Leap, made a good, 389.

take perilous, 276.

Learn, never too late to, 384.

not what you, 239.
what child should, 308.

Learning, am still, 384.
grow old, 384.

most men's, 479.
not wiser for, 479.

Least, costs the, 4.

injury to the, 507.
republic divides, 527.

Left-Centre, France is, 470.
Leg, my favorite, 74.
Legacy, a great, 566.
Sidney's best, 493.

Legality, kill with, 527.
Legions, give back, 26.

master of thirty, 209.

Legislation, horn-book of, 363.

Legislator, not swaddled into, 84.
Legislators, hereditary, 226.
Legitimist, empress is, 418.
Legs, alight on, 523.

thinking on, 429.

Lemon, twelve miles from, 499.
Lenity, acts of, 80.
Les eaux, to see, 23.
Letters, in name of, 554.

man of three, 113.
never given to, 317.
'Lettres de cachet, 545.
Levellers, Johnson on, 298.
Levers, are two, 414.

Liars, greatest fools greatest, 136.
Liberalism, shrew of, 40.

Liberties, people never give up, 81.
Liberty, above all things, 482.
advance guard of, 365.
agreed as to, 295.
democracy without, 419.
die for, 467.

few nations attained, 67.
form of, 174.

give me, 280.
God and, 553.
happiness of, 467.
here for, 549.

how many crimes, O, 467.
if blood can cement, 536.
Italy made by, 107.
knight-errant of, 273.
political, 308.

royalty and, 52.
sun of, 226.
tree of, 33.

we reap, 3.

who give up, 226.

you perceive, 227.

Libraries, error belongs to, 255.
Libretto, interpret this, 139.
Licenses, worse for, 31.
Lie, history a, 557.
Life, attempted his, 249.

contempt of, 367.
few days of, 267.
finest day of, 239.
exile is, 511.

happiness not end of, 49.
jest with, 552.
labor is, 283.
nothingness of, 64.
reaction, law of, 45.
risk of, 472.
rule of my, 87.
save a man's, 60.
spat upon, 418.
stoop through, 226.
tasted well of, 176.
the best of, 515.
truer to, 405.
united in, 159.
Lifetime, in my, 450.
Light, a blaze of, 501.

author has thrown, 171.
come to you, 7.

Like, what you do not, 160.
Lime, sand without, 484.
Limitation, knowledge of, 423.
Limited, liberty must be, 80.
mind so, 308.

Line, broad direct, 566.
fight on this, 262.

no day without, 19.
Linen, some dirty, 232.
Lines, grandeur of straight, 456.
show six, 458.

Lining, gloves without, 397.
Lion, find me a, 3.

had you heard the, 184.
Literature, Macaulay out of, 364.

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