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whilst others, under a more specious garb, seek to infuse the "deadly poison" into the souls of the youth.

The times are such, that whilst Russia and France, have been compelled to prohibit Jesuits from superintending the education of the rising generation, the door is opened to them wide, by "so called Protestants," in the United States.

The times are such, that some Ministers and Laymen, love their ease, and not only refuse to aid the Sentinels of the Lord in watching the various manoeuvres, of the enemy, but actually feel disposed to take from them, the "alarm trumpet." Like some, when England was encroaching upon the rights of North America, declared their readiness to yield again and again, rather than to engage in a rupture with the Monarch, preferring slavery with all its associates, sluggishness to liberty and action, thus many, external members of the Protestant Church, appear inclined to yield to infidelity and superstition, yea to the enemy in any form, rather than to contribute according to their ability, in defending the cause of Christ, and exposing the enemy in his real character to the eyes of the world.

Had not a Washington been roused, and the signers of our excellent constitution, with other associates, determined to disregard the Monarchy, and the more dangerous, secret and deceitful enemies, the tories, we should not at this period, enjoy the blessing of a republican form of government, which protects Bible religion. But, if our citizens do not in their majesty, rise, promote and sustain the cause of the Holy Bible-if they do not watch the operations of the spirit of infidelity and superstition, and by prayer, advancing in godliness, and with a firm, unwavering adherence to the truths of the Gospel, resist the enemy, our liberties must inevitably be lost. However much we may boast of the statesman Adams, the orator and statesman Clay, and the intrepid and brave Jackson, neither they nor a host of others equally eminent, will be able to prevent the enemy from robbing us and our children of our religious and civil liberties, and then to sink us, into abject slavery and awful wretchedness.



It is true, we have not expressed ourselves upon the subject of Masonry, but in this we have not been singular. Many Editors of

religious journals have been silent, upon the subject, and we suppose, they were influenced as we have been, by the fact, that the subject was taken up by politicians. The insinuation, that Ministers generally, belong to the Fraternity, is unkind and unfounded. We know, that but few are found who are Masons, in several denominations. We ourselves have never felt it our duty, nor our privilege to join a Lodge, and we know, that a considerable majority of the Ministers of the Lutheran church never have been, and never will, become members of the Masonic association.

That Masonry does not make a good man better, is undeniable, and hence it is not a religious institution, but that men who are truly pious, friends of the Bible, religious and civil liberty, are found among Masons, is equally true. That Masonry extends charity to the widow and orphan, and frequently without informing the world of it, must be admitted; but the religion of the Bible imposes this duty upon all its votaries, so that if men are duly influenced by the Truth of the Bible, they will faithfully and rigidly discharge all social duties. We cannot see any reason then, why we should join a society, which admits as members, men, who are believers or unbelievers, Turks or Christians.

That the abduction and murder of Morgan, is condemned by all Masons, with whom we have conversed, is certain, whether it occurred through the wickedness of individuals unauthorized or authorized by any lodge. But, as in a Republic, secret societies are obnoxious, and as Masonry has now become extremely unpopular and certainly is not needed in this country, we do think it the duty of Patriots and Christians to use their influence as members of the Fraternity, to dissolve the institution. This course pursued, and a great ferment now increasing in the United States, will be speedily allayed.

These remarks we trust will be satisfactory, to those who look for dissertations upon the subject of Masonry, in the Intelligencer. We leave it to the political Editors, to discuss it, and to fill their columns with such matter; we shall say no more.-Editor.

It appears that there are 217 liberal journals in France, and 27 royalists. To the former there are 283,000 subscribers; and only 34,000 to the royalists. The latter have less than half a million of readers, while the liberal journals have three millions. The royalist papers have an income of less than half a million of francs, while the liberal prints enjoy an income of nearly two millions.


In our last number, page 106, we gave some extracts, from the Doway New Testament, as received by the Romans. We continue by adding a few more.

1st. Timothy iv, 3. The Romish translation runs thus "Forbidding to marry, to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving by the faithful, and by them that have known the truth." To this, is added the following note, which of course is received by Papists, as the true sense of the passage. "Forbidding to marry, to abstain from meats, &c." He speaks of the Gnostics, the Marcionites, the Encratites, the Manicheans, and other ancient heretics, who absolutely condemned marriage, and the use of all kind of meat, because they pretended that all flesh was from an evil principle. Whereas the church of God, so far from condemning marriage holds it a holy sacrament; and forbids it to none but such as by vow, have chosen the better part; and prohibits not the use of any meats whatsoever in proper times and seasons; though she does not judge all kind of diet proper for days of fasting and pe


2d. Timothy iii, 16. To understand this passage, the Romanists must receive this elucidation "Every part of divine Scripture is certainly profitable for all these ends. But if we would have the whole rule of christian faith and practice, we must not be content with those Scriptures, which Timothy knew from his infancy, that is, with the Old Testament alone; nor yet with the New Testament, without taking along with it, the traditions of the apostles, and the interpretation of the church, to which the apostles delivered both the book, and the true meaning of it.

Matthew xxvi, 27. The awkward manner, of justifying the error of robbing the Laity of the cup, will appear from the following note viz. "This was spoken to the twelve Apostles, who were then present, and they all drank of it, says St. Mark xiv, 23. But, it no ways follows from these words spoken to the Apostles, that all the faithful are here commanded to drink of the chalice, any more than that all the faithful are commanded to consecrate, offer and administer this sacrament; because Christ upon this same occasion, and at the same time, bid the Apostles do so; in these words, St. Luke xxii, 19. Do this in commemoration of me..

To promote the truth is our object, and we do hope, that if the above and former extracts from the Doway Testament, are duly considered, our "half Protestants" will set a higher value upon the privilege, of studying the Scriptures without note or comment.



It is astonishing to observe the ignorance of some men, as it is incidentally elicited, on the subject of religion. Their confusion, levity, and often total vacuity of thought on this subject, would seem impossible where the light of the gospel shines, and incredible were it not for the convincing power of facts. How valueless the soul, in his real estimate, who allows it to move on to the wonders and terrors of eternity, ready to follow any direction which the currents of caprice may give it!

This ignorance is often found in connexion with upper life, fine manners, and general intelligence. Little incidents develope it. It is seen, and best seen, when its subject is wholly unconscious of its manifestation. A silly remark or a lengthened conversation, is frequently stored with its evidences. The following narrative, given substantially as related by the clergyman alluded to, has suggested these reflections.

I was, says our informant, on board a fine steamer, several hundred miles from home. Many passengers, exhibiting several varieties of society, crowded the deck; standing, promenading, or seated, enjoying a fine air and the gorgeous scenery of a bright summer evening. As I took a casual station near the bow, a gentleman at my side commenced speaking, in reference to some passing affair, and evinced, as I thought, a desire to converse with me. I had marked him before. In person and port he was tall and lordly, looked well, had evidently seen the world, and felt his consequence, as he submmitted from necessity to inhabit the same floating castle for a time, in which so many rude inferiors offended his refinement without acknowledging his dignity. He evidently knew I was a clergyman, and I was not without fears that he was a contemner of religion, or a professed infidel. In this I was mistaken. He meant -after a sort to be a christian, and had extended his self-complacency into the department of religion. He was as distinguished from us all for piety, in his own esteem, as for social elevations and refinement. I am sorry to say, lest it should seem invidious, that he was an Englishman. His moral peers are to be found, doubtless, on both sides of the Atlantic; and I trace his conversation in the following dialogue, for their especial benefit who inhabit, with myself, these territories of the west.

Gentleman. You gentlemen of the cloth have fine times of it. Easy work, full pay, universal respect, and unlimited influence, it


Clergyman. You may err by superficial views of the case. Appearances are unsafe as a rule of judgment. We work hard, sir, receive too little to stimulate cupidity, or countenance envy, and could have no influence were it not for the conviction of the people that we believe what we preach, and practice what we believe, and that our official labours are salutary in their effects on the community. Many, who have no spiritual fellowship with our doctrine or sympathy with our cause, which is "not of this world," in its character, are profoundly convinced of the value of the ministry, as it regards only "the life that now is," because it favours civilization, knowledge, order, morality, domestic purity, and the repose of society. The clergy of this country are beneficed only in the covenant of grace; and their only church establishment is, under God, in the affections of the good, the consciences of the wicked, and the power of public sentiment.

Gentleman. Well, as to all that, I say nothing. Such is doubtless your version of the matter. But, there is one fault among you all which I every where observe-you make too much noise and talk about religion. Why not keep every man his religion to himself?

Clergyman. Religion, sir, is the gift of heaven to men; and those who have it are the stewards in trust and the almoners of God for others. We are bound to communicate it. There is no selfishness in religion. Those who possess it are disposed to diffuse it. How could I love the Saviour, and not love the souls for whom he died? How could I truly love your soul, and never speak a word or do a thing, or utter a prayer for your salvation?

Gentleman. Now this is all professional! You may talk so to the ignorant, to men who never see the world, and know nothing of life. But to me it seems ungentlemanly to make such a parade of the matter, as if every body ought to believe what you do.

Clergyman. Every one ought to believe the truth, since God has clearly revealed it, "who will have all men to be saved, and to come to the knowledge of the truth." Now, if I believe at least substantially the truth, why ought not you to believe substantially the same?

Gentleman. Still, leave every man to his own wisdom in the matter; and above all, cease to accost and arrest every mind in the community with your views in religion. I confess I like the Quakers; they are so still and inoffensive. They are the best Christians in the world. I lately heard a good sermon from a woman of their persuasion, and really wish that all the divines in the world could have heard it. It was none of your long sermons. She came right to the point.

Cler. Can you recollect any excellent doctrine delivered by her? Gent. Certainly I can. Her discourse was all practical, indeed; but then it was founded on a text that other preachers seldom take: Let every man mind his own business. She said it was the very essence of the gospel, and if it were universally followed there would be little disease, less poverty, and no war; and that it was such a plain command that all could comprehend it; that college learning was unnecessary to enforce it; that hireling priests were its enemies,

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