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REVIEW.-Robinson on the Mexican Revolution.

vered with mud, and fainting under fa-
tigue and hunger, his appearance and situ-
ation excited the surprise and sympathy of
the Spanish officers, particularly of the
commander, Ortega, who in a friendly
manner took him by the hand, and inquir.
ed his name. As soon as it was mention-
ed, the officers exclaimed, 'Thank God!
(gracias a Dios) Doctor Robinson has at
last fallen into our hands. They wished
to interrogate the writer very particularly;
but he declined replying, and requested
they would suspend their inquiries until
the next morning, for the want of sleep
and food had rendered it impossible for
him at that moment to gratify their curi
osity. They acceded to his wishes, and
supplied him with food, a change of clothes,
and a hammock in their quarters. The
following morning he arose perfectly re-
freshed, and was prepared to go through
the scene which he anticipated. He en-
deavoured, in the first place, to convince
the commander, Ortega, that he was a dif-
ferent individual from Doctor Robinson;
for which purpose he exhibited his pass-
port from the government of the United
States: but he found it impossible to re-
move from the minds of the Spanish offi-
cers the fixed impression that he was the
Doctor. After some amicable discussion,
Ortega suddenly assumed a stern aspect,
and informed him, that his orders were of
the most peremptory nature to put to
death all prisoners who fell into his hands;
and that he was empowered to deviate
from them only when an insurgent volun-
tarily surrendered his person, and implor-
ed the benefit of his Catholic Majesty's
pardon (indulto). He continued,
your case, Doctor Robinson, although
your presenting yourself to the Spanish
authorities has been the result of neces-

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sity, yet I am willing to spare your life, provided you claim the protection of the indulto; but otherwise, it becomes my painful duty to put you to death."

Mr. Robinson, finding remonstrance useless, accepted the royal indulto; but it was afterwards violated by the Spanish general, who confined him as a prisoner at Oaxaca. He was subsequently immured in the dungeon of the fortress of San Juan de Ulua, and underwent the most cruel treatinent.

Were the writer to give a detail of his sufferings during a confinement of eleven months in that dreadful Bastile, it would be deemed incredible by his readers, unless any of them should have had the misfortune to have experienced incarceration among the Spaniards. Even in its mildest shape, it is worse than in any other civilized nation; but when we speak of the castles of San Juan de Ulua, and of Omoa, it must be understood, that there are not to be


found such mansions of horror in any other part of the world. They have not only been the sepulchres of thousands, but in their horrid dungeons cruelties have been practised as dreadful as the most heart-rending scenes of the secret caverus of the Inquisition."

So strong an apprehension had the Viceroy of Mexico of the Author's publishing the important information he possessed relative to the Mexican affairs, that he absolutely determined on sending the unfortu nate prisoner to Spain, in order that he might be confined for life. After being imprisoned at Campeachy and Moro Castle for several months respectively, he arrived at Cadiz. He was again confined, and threatened with a rigorous imprisonment at Ceuta; but effected his escape, and arrived at Gibraltar.

The Author's subsequent adventures are detailed at greater length than our limits permit us even to notice; but it does not appear that he obtained the least redress for the cruel treat ment he received; or that he was allowed any indemnity for his losses, notwithstanding his repeated remonstrances.

We have been more minute in re, lating the peculiar circumstances, to which the Autbor was exposed, than we otherwise might, because of the doubt and uncertainty that have al-1 ways attended the accounts respecting affairs in the Spanish colonies; for no intelligence could scarcely ever be obtained from Mexico, except through the agency of the Spanish Government. The most dreadful war might be raging for years in that country, and the whole world, with the excep tion of Spain, be ignorant of its existence. All intercourse with the transatlantic possessions of Spain, withouther special permission, is interdicted under the severest penalties. It ap pears that the principal reason which induced the Spanish authorities to adopt such harsh measures against Mr. Robinson, was the idea that be was too intimately acquainted with the Mexican affairs. His visit to violation of the Spanish laws, and Mexico might also be considered consequently punishable with impri

sonment or death.

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REVIEW.-Robinson on the Mexican Revolution. [May,

The conquest of Mexico was under taken by Cortez, in conformity with a plan which had been prescribed to Columbus by the Spanish Crown; by which it, was provided, that the expence attending the discovery and conquest of any unknown countries should be altogether borne by the adventurers, who should, as a compensation, retain the vassalage of the nations, upon the condition of instructing them in the precepts of the Christian religion. The dominion of all such countries as should be discovered was to be vested in the crown of Spain, which, on its part, guaranteed (Leyes de las Indias, Ley I. tit. 1. lib. 3.) that on no account should they be separated, wholly or in part, from that monarchy:' and the Emperor Charles V. bound himself and his successors for ever, that these settlements should on no account, or in favour of any one, either wholly or in part, be separated;' and that if, in violation of this stipulation, any of his successors should make any gift or alienation, either wholly or in part, the same should be void.'

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"Cortez, in pursuance of these favourable enactments, proceeded from the island of Cuba, on the 10th of February, 1519, to the work of conquest. After sailing along, and making descents on the coast of Yucatan, he landed, on the 21st of April, on the spot where the castle of San Juan de Ulua now stands; and, after experiencing several vicissitudes of fortune, and displaying the courage and ferocity of the Spaniards of those times, he succeeded, on the 8th of November, in planting the Spanish banners on the capital of the Mexican empire.

The chief of that empire lavished upon Cortez every mark of respect and hospitality; but was soon made to feel the effects of Spanish artifice and treachery. Mon. tezuma was entrapped, and kept a prisoner by Cortez for six months. At length he was shot by an arrow, while endeavouring to quell a tumult among his own subjects. They were anxious to avenge his wrongs, and to revenge the treacherous massacre of their nobles on the 13th of May, 1520. This unfeeling outrage was committed by Alvarado, who had been left in the command of the city during the absence of Cortez, when the latter was marching upon Zempoalla, to attack his rival Narvaez. Montezuma died, frantic with mortification and despair, about the 30th of June, in the quarters of the Spaniards, where he had been kept prisoner by Cortez. This event so much excited the rage of the Mexicans, that Cortez found it impossible to maintain his position in the city; and it became expedient for him to abandon it, and to fall back on bis allies the Tlascalans. This movement was accomplished on the night of the 1st

of July, but with severe loss. The friendship of the Tlascalans remained unaltered by the change of Cortez's fortune; and they offered him every assistance he should require, to enable him to continue his operations against their enemies, the Mexi cans. Cortez, having incorporated with his Europeans the soldiers of the conquered Narvaez, and reinforcements from the Antilles, returned to and entered Tezcúco, the 31st of December. On the 31st of May, 1521, he laid siege to the city of Mexico, with eighty-seven cavalry, eight hundred and forty-eight Spanish infantry, eighteen pieces of artillery, seventy-five thousand Tlascalans, and thirteen small vessels, which he had built on the fake.

"The Mexicans, under Quauhtemotzin, the successor of the unfortunate Montezuma, defended themselves with desperate valour; but, after a resistance of seventyfive days, during which they had to contend against the ravages of famine and disease, and an enemy who had increased in force to upwards of two hundred thousand men, Mexico was taken by Cortez on the 13th of August, though not until the greater part of that beautiful city had been destroyed,

"The emperor, endeavouring to escape, in a canoe, from the fury of the Spaniards, was taken prisoner. The sanguinary Cortez crowned the dreadful cruelties which had sullied all the steps of his conquest, by torturing the emperor in a manner the most diabolical. With a view of extorting from the unfortunate monarch a confession of the place where his treasures were concealed, his feet were first soaked in oil, and afterwards burnt by a slow fire. Cortez, finding that the torture was borne with firmness by the noble Mexican, ordered him to be released; but he, together with two other kings, were hang, three years afterwards, on the allegation of an intent to revolt.

"The natives of the country continued, for some time, to withstand the progress of the conqueror, but eventually fell victims to their inferiority in arms. A devastation ensued, by fire and sword, that has no parallel in history. The unoffending Aborigines were slaughtered without mercy or distinction. To the Spanish historians of those days we refer the reader, who feels desirous of perusing the accounts of those cruelties in detail: he will there find pourtrayed only a part of the bloody scenes, yet sufficient to cover the Spanish name with eternal opprobrium.

After Cortez felt himself firmly established in the empire, the iron reign of tyranny commenced, in all its bitter and dreadful forms;-the Indians perished by thousands, under the scourge of their barbarous, and cruel task-masters.".



REVIEW.-Robinson on the Mexican Revolution.

Under the reign of Charles V. many wise regulations were adopted; but these soon gave way to the most unparalleled injustice and oppression that ever disgraced the annals of a Nero or a Caligula. The Aborigines, finding their burdens increase daily, after the elevation of Ferdinand VII. to the Spanish throne, and seeing no hope of redress, but through their own exertions, entered into a plan for emancipating themselves from the despotism of Spain.

“In this conspiracy were engaged many of the most distinguished men in the kingdom, principally ecclesiastics and lawyers. It was conducted with the greatest secresy, and extended to almost every city in the kingdom. A simultaneous insurrection was intended in the provinces; and the plot had nearly reached maturity, when it was checked by one of those accidents which frequently prevent the accomplishment of great projects; else, it is highly probable that Venegas would have been the last viceroy of the Mexican throne.

"One of the conspirators, in a deathbed confession, revealed not only the plot, but the names of many of his principal ac. complices. Venegas was alarmed at the magnitude of the plan, but was in hopes, that by seizing the principals he should be able to check it; and he took the most prompt and active measures to arrest those who were denounced. In the province of Guanaxuato, the head of the conspiracy was Dr. Hidalgo, the rector of Dolores; in which town, and the adjacent one of San Miguel el Grandè, many of the conspirators resided.

"Venegas dispatched orders for the arrest of Hidalgo and his party; but, as some of their colleagues were in the confidence of the viceroy, and knew the measures he was adopting, they immediately dispatched private couriers to apprise the rector of what was in agitation. The intelligence was received by Captain Don Ignacio Allende, who commanded a small body of the king's troops in San Miguel. He dew to Hidalgo, at Dolores, with the information. They at once agreed that flight was of no avail; they knew that, if taken, death was inevitable, and therefore resolved on making a desperate effort to save themselves and their party. Allende having brought over his men, and the proscribed party being in readiness, the tocsin of revolt was sounded, on the night of the 10th of September, 1810: and thus commenced the civil wars of Mexico, which

form the subject of the following


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In the account of Mina's unfortunate expedition to Mexico, Mr. Ro


binson has chiefly availed himself of the Journal of a gentleman who accom panied General Mina from England, and acted, for some time, as his Commissary General. Mina's correspondence with various persons in Europe and the United States has likewise afforded him considerable information. The romantic achievements of this young and gallant warrior will be perused with deep interest by every class of readers. They will be found as instructive as they are interesting. He educated at Pampeluna. He joined was born in Navarre, in 1789, and the Spanish army at the age of eigh teen the period when the Spaniards commenced their resistance to the French. That system of Guerilla warfare, which was so destructive to. the French armies, first originated with him. After the return of Ferdinand to Spain, Mina experienced that ingratitude from his sovereign of

which numbers of brave individuals had justly to complain. He afterwards raised the standard of the Cortes, in conjunction with his uncle Espoz. Having been furnished with a ship, and other necessaries, he undertook an enterprize against Mexico, in the hope of striking a blow at the tyranny of Ferdinand in that quarter. The events of this undertaking are truly astonishing. A small band, at no time exceeding 308 in number, advanced from Soto la Marina; fought its way into the interior of Mexico, beating on different occasions large bodies of men sent to oppose its advance, and succeeded in forming a junction with one of the revolutionary bands. In his first battle, that of Peotillos, 172 men, with a loss of 56 killed and wounded, beat a force consisting of 680 infantry of the EuroAmerica, 1100 cavalry, and a rearpean regiments of Estremadura and guard of 300. Mr. Robinson maintains-and it is hardly possible to read this narrative without agreeing with him-that if Mina had then had 1000, instead of 150 foreigners, he might have marched at once on the capital of Mexico, and put an end to the authority of Spain;-and that two thousand foreign infantry, under the banners of freedom, led by intelligent and gallant officers, would overturn the Spanish governinent of Mexico in less than six months from the day of their landing, either on the coast of



REVIEW. Hunter's History of Sheffield.

the Pacific Ocean, or on that of the Gulf of Mexico.

The premature and ignominious death of this gallant hero is feelingly stated. He was surprized in the night by a party of cavalry, at El Venadito, and taken prisoner. The Viceroy of Mexico ordered bis immediate execution.

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"On the 11th of November he was conducted under a military escort to the fatal ground, attended by a file of the Caçadores of the regiment of Zaragoza. In this last scene of his life was the hero of Navarre not unmindful of his character; with a firm step he advanced to the fatal spot, and with his usual serenity told the soldiers to take good aim, Y no me hagais sufrir,' (and don't let me suffer.) The officer commanding gave the accustomed signal; the soldiers fired; and that spirit fled from earth, which, for all the qualities which constitute the hero and the patriot, seemed to have been born for the good of mankind. Thus perished this gallant youth, in the twenty-eighth year of his age. His short but brilliant career entitles him to a distinguished place on the list of those heroes who have shed their blood in bold and generous exertions to break the tyrant's sceptre, and to extend the blessings of freedom among the human race."

A most excellent portrait of the gallant General is prefixed to the work, engraved from a painting taken a few weeks before he left England. A chart of the Mexican territories is also given.

The Author enters into a critical examination of the different routes to the Pacific Ocean, and expatiates, at considerable length, on the importance of a passage through the Isthmus of Darien. For our parts we are firmly persuaded that so desirable an object could be effected during a period of peace, if the governments of Europe and America would co-operate in the undertaking; but we really despair of such an enterprize ever being entertained, whilst the present deplorable system of priest craft and tyranny pervades the whole

extent of the American Isthmus ;"the day that makes man a slave takes half his worth away.”

63. Hunter's History of the Parish of

Sheffield, continued from p. 332. WE resume with pleasure our report of this truly valuable Work.

In Chapter VIII. underneath the head" Modern History of Sheffield,"


is given a succinct but satisfactory view of its manufactures, population, police, and its various improvements, during the last two centuries.

Chapter IX. embraces Ecclesiasti❤ cal Affairs; including a particular account of the parish church of St. Peter.

"It is a rectangular building, having neither porch nor chapel protruding be yond the buttresses. Its length from! East to West is about 240 feet, and its breadth about 130. A tower and spire rise near the centre of the building. Ori ginally, like most of our churches that were erected for the use of a considerable population, it was in the form of a cross, the tower and spire rising at the intersection of the two limbs. In the original design were included side ailes both on the North and South, above which rose the nave with a range of clerestory windows. Perhaps the first change in its form was produced by the erection of the Shrewsbury Chapel, which now forms the SouthEast angle of the building. Since that period there have been many changes and many re-edifications, till nothing remains of the original fabrick, except the massy pillars that support the tower, and the whole has assumed a form which never belonged to the antient churches of this country, a parallelogram contained by walls of equal altitude."

A brass plate, since removed, pointed out the burial-place of Dr. Tho

mas Short*. He was a native of Scot

land, but settled at Sheffield early in life, where he soon gained considerable practice, not only in the town,


among the gentlemen of the surrounding country. In 1732, he married Miss Mary Parkin, or Parkins, sister of William Parkins, of Mor temley, esq. by whom he had two sons and two daughters. In 1762, be Rotherham, where he died Nov. 28, lost his wife, and soon after retired to


In the chancel is an elegant monu. ment to the Rev. James Wilkinsont, Vicar of Sheffield. The bust, which is a striking resemblance, was the work of Francis Leggitt Chantrey, esq. R.A, and F.R.S. whose birth will hereafter give celebrity to Norton bis native village, and whose extraor. dinary powers were first noticed and fostered by gentlemen of the neigh.

* Of whom see Nichols's "Literary Anecdotes," vol. I. p. 451.

+ The death of this respected Clergyman is recorded in vol. LXXV. p. 95. See also p. 705.7 NELE 496 bourhood


REVIEW-Hunter's History of Sheffield.

bourhood of the place of his nativity. It was his first work. He had never before this commission offered or at tempted to chisel marble: and when he undertook it, had no more certainty of being able to complete it,

than that self-confidence with which

true genius, though modest as bis, never fails to be inspired. It bears the following inscription:

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**This monument was erected by a subscription of the nobility, gentry, clergy, and others, to the memory of the Reverend James Wilkinson, A.M. Vicar of Sheffield, Prebendary of Ripon, and one of his Majesty's Justices of the Peace for the West and North Ridings of Yorkshire, whose life had been pre-eminently distinguished by unaffected piety, inflexible integrity, and unwearied zeal in the service of the public during a period of half a century. He died the 18th of January, 1805, aged 74 years."

A beautiful plate of the monument, drawn and engraved by Blore, accompauies the Volume. We cannot reBist extracting at full length the memoir of this amiable divine:

"The death of Mr. Wilkinson was considered as the greatest public' loss the town of Sheffield had been known to sustain, and all were inclined to hail him Father of the town of Sheffield and its neighbourhood. To the influence arising from bis office were added the influence which the possession of magistracy gives; the influence of a noble income, and of hereditary respect, for he was the representative of the family of the Jessops of Broomball, and resided in the house of his forefathers; and the influence of the most gentlemanly address, combined with a tall and graceful person, which could not fail of commanding respect. Whe ther, we regard him,' said a contemporary and friend, as a divine labouring by his example as well as precept, to inculcate the great and sacred truths of Revealed

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Religion of bis country which were

or as a Magistrate executing


framed by the Legislature for the protection of every thing valuable in society, and with a most patient attention to every minute particular from every person, but more particularly from the poor, the ignorant, and unprotected, to enable him to administer justice with the most scrupu. lous impartiality, but at the same time to blend it with mercy, whenever it was in his power; whether we consider him as a friend ever ready with his purse, as well as with his advice or interest, to do any good or generous actor as a great public character commanding respect by a dignity in person and manners rarely to


be met with, who was deservedly looked up to and consulted upon every occurring occasion, whether for the relief of the poor, the defence of his country, the protection of every useful institution, the enof any plan, calculated in any way to im couragement of merit in any situation, or prove or benefit society in general, but more particularly the town and neigh bourhood of Sheffield-whether we contemplate him in any or all of the above points of view, there will be abundant reason to admire the excellence of his understanding, the integrity of his conduct, and the zeal which he displayed in ac complishing all his purposes.'

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"Such was Mr. Wilkinson. The fourth of seven sons of Andrew Wilkinson, of Boroughbridge, esq. many years Member of Parliament for Aldborough, and principal store keeper of the Ordnance s he was early designed for the Church, and received a most excellent classical education under Mr. Clarke of Beverley School. From under his care he was removed to Clare Hall in Cambridge, and was admitted to the degree of B. A. in 1752, and M. A. 1754. Sheffield, the fa mily living, becoming vacant in 1753, it was reserved for Mr. Wilkinson, till he was of age to take it. This, and a prebend in the collegiate church of Ripon, was all the preferment he enjoyed, nor did he seek or wish for more. At Sheffield he had sufficient scope for the exercise of his benevolence, and of that desire of usefulness which entered so largely into his moral constitution. He undertook very early in life the office of a Magistrate for the West and North Ridings, the duties of which, as he executed them, were most laborious. In the latter part of his life he enjoyed great affluence, all his brothers having gone before him. He then spent a portion of his time at his family mansion at Boroughbridge, but much the largest portion was still passed at his favourite and quiet retreat near Sheffield. At Boroughbridge he died, after a long and painful illness, on Friday the 18th of Jan. 1805, and was buried in the church of that... town, where a handsome monument was erected to his memory by his relative and executor, the late Rev. Marmaduke Lawson, bearing this inscription:

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Sacred to the memory of the Rev. James Wilkinson, A. M. fourth and last surviving son of Andrew Wilkinson, esq. He held the Vicarage of Sheffield fifty years, and for nearly the same length of time discharged the duties of a Magis. trate; for the execution of which import. ant trusts, extensive and accurate know ledge, uncommon discernment, superior q talents, and conciliating manners, emi nently qualified him. He was candid, modest, unassuming, yet of steady cou


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