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on all these subjects, but, above all things, must only to a general of the first order; it is by no thoroughly and instinctively understand individual means contended that a good general of division men. It was Montecuculi, I believe, who discov-like Ney, or a dashing cavalry officer like Murat ered the death of his opponent Turenne, by the must necessarily be an able politician or negotiamovements of his army after his fall, so complete-tor.

ly had observation made him acquainted with that The moral objection to military men is far hero's style of manoeuvring. While a consum-stronger and better grounded than the intellectual. mate general may sometimes be able to do this, it Their faults stand side by side with their excellenis essential that he should know how to choose his cies. Military experience, while it gives decision, own subordinates and agents with the unerring sa is almost certain to impart an arbitrary tone to the gacity of a Washington or Bonaparte. He must character. Military statesmen will not only reknow what chord to touch in the bosom of his sol- fused to be shackled by forms in cases of real diers, whether it be his object to excite or sustain emergency, but will often unnecessarily violate enthusiasm, or to rebuke insubordination or miscon- principles essential to true liberty. Delays are duct. No army can be made thoroughly efficient sometimes dangerous; but they are often, as has without addressing to it other motives beside fear of been truly said, the necessary price of freedom. punishment. These motives may be very different, One accustomed to the secura jurisdictio of a or greatly modified in the Russian serf, the Prus- camp will strike a great blow for natural safety or sian automaton, the impulsive Frenchman or the reform more promptly and effectually, than a mere free American. civilian; but on the other hand a wrong and dangerous blow is more to be dreaded from him.

These considerations show the great mistake of those who suppose that a commander has none but physical obstacles to overcome, none but physical force to resist. Moral influence must often be applied, and applied with a master hand to sway the minds of his own soldiers and citizens, as well as of his enemies. He may not be able to theorize about human nature; but what is far more important for all practical purposes, he will know how to sway and bend it to his will.

He will be a ty rant, but a tyrant like Queen Elizabeth, who knows how and when to yield, and when to be inflexible. In his character must be combined dignity, suavity, familiarity, and energy, securing at once the respect and affection of his soldiers. He will usually possess that plain and manly eloquence, which disdaining rounded periods. and rhetorical ornaments, carries away the judgment and feelings by its soul-stirring power.

The man who has been accustomed to justify summary measures on the plea of salus exercitus, will too often allege that of salus populi, when his own passions are excited, or his interests are at stake. He will also be prone to exaction, unreaand complete, as military. sonably expecting civil subordination to be as strict

Familiarity with war has certainly a tendency to harden the heart; yet soldiers are not only brave and generous, but often distinguished for kindness and humanity and even if it were otherwise, unrelenting harshness and severity are not the qualities to be dreaded in a statesman of this age and country.

will scarcely be an object of ambition to one who
has shone on the battle-field, unless we can conceive

Bonaparte satisfied with the station of Carnot, or
General Jackson with the War Department.

Paradoxical as it may appear, it is nevertheless certain, that a military President will be less apt to involve us in war, than one who has been always With all these qualities and attainments, he candevoted to civil affairs. A great change must take not fail to be an able negotiator. In modern times place in our customs, before the President can be the diplomatic talents of Marlborough were no less expected to lead our armies in person. He must celebrated than his military; and there can be lit-now consider an election to that office an end of tle doubt that the blunt energy and far-reaching active military service, and must in case of war, sagacity of Napoleon, had his mind been never in- be contented with directing its operations. This toxicated by success, would have been an overmatch for the finesse and insinuation of Talleyrand. But high military genius may often be combined with all the patience and art of Talleyrand, as in the case of Philip of Macedon, who might well Our national experience seems to coincide with have afforded to despise the philippics of Demos-this reasoning. Our only two wars, since our inthenes, while undermining the Athenian power not dependence, have been commenced under the aumore by arms, than negotiation. Who can suppose spices of Presidents by no means distinguished for that Cicero, with his high genius, and great know- military prowess. Civilians, who have never witledge and experience, was a match in negotiation for nessed the havoc and sufferings of war, will be far the unhesitating energy of the usurper Cæsar? In more apt to vapor above national honor and invindeed the empire of Rome could never reached so cibility, and swallowing whole continents without Fast an extent, had not its conquering generals indigestion, than the tried warrior who is reposing been also skillful diplomatists. on his laurels. Such expedients are not unfreIt will be perceived that these remarks apply 'quently resorted to for the purpose of flattering


national vanity, and sustaining a sinking popularity.

But there is another aspect in which the election of a military President is exceedingly objectionable. It encourages the belief that military distinc tion is the surest passport to popular favor, and thereby stimulates the aspiring to promote war, as a means of winning those verdant laurels which so much delight the verdant multitude. This is a great, and we fear a pressing evil. The AngleSaxon love of land, stimulated into intensity, in the case of the officers, by the hope of fame and office on the return of peace, may convert us from a peace-loving nation, such as Washington desired us to be, into a horde of modern Romans. We may forget our wrong-doing in the idea that our sway is always beneficent and salutary; but when put in words, it is in the form of the old Jesuitical maxim, "the end justifies the means." Every thing which encourages this disgraceful, and we fear, fatal tendency is to be resisted as in the last degree pernicious.

What simple youth enjoys thy charms
And clasps thee willing in his arms—

Who, ignorant of the changeful wind
That lashes the inconstant sea,
With fond reliance hopes to find
A heart forever true in thee?
Unhappy he whose eyes behold
Thy charming face, thy locks of gold.
Behold upon the sacred wall

My garments dripping from the wave,
A votive gift they speak to all,

Of safety from a watery grave,
Yet more than from the cruel sea
They tell of my escape from thee!
Eon, Nov. 12, 1847.




Who does not love to hear the Hunter's tale
Of marvellous adventure? tho' oft repeated;
Yet with wonders new, and pleasing fantasy,
It strikes upon the ear, when idly seated 'round-
The camp fire's mellow light.-Anon.

There may indeed be exigencies in which the selection of a military chieftian is an alternative to be preferred to something worse. We have freely conceded that military genius of the highest order implies civil talent of no mean stamp, and that the practical sagacity and unhesitating energy of a soldier, may often cut the Gordian knot at which the trembling fingers of a politi ian have long been in vain fumbling. But a second or third rate gen In travelling over those lonely wilds.-denomi eral will have all the faults without the recommen-nated prairies,—which constitute a peculiar feature dations of a great commander, while both may of the Western country, the tourist after many usually be expected to be arbitrary and overbear- hours of weariness, where nought but sky and ing; and what is far worse, the glitter of a gener-plain has greeted the vision, will find himself at al's uniform will acquire additional brilliancy in the last entering a flowery grove, which elothes the eyes of those who see that it is often converted into the robe of civil power.

The entire exclusion of military chieftians from high political office would be a narrow and illiberal principle. Yet it cannot be denied that their frequent or incautious elevation must prove highly dangerous. A CIVILIAN.


Hor. 1. 5.

O. Pyrrha, say, what slender boy

Of those whose locks sweet odours lave,
Embraces thee so fair and coy,

Amid the roses of a cave?

For whom bind'st thou thy yellow hair
Flowing and free from jewels rare ?

Alas! how often will he weep

Thy faithless love, thy broken gage
And trembling gaze upon the deep

Where waves roll high and tempests rage!

summit of an elevated mound, where the jessamine, the orange, and the myrtle pour forth the incense of nature. This oasis of the prairie, receives the name of Island, from the vast expanse of water which covers the low grounds in the rainy season, and adjacent thereto is usually to be found, some great sink or natural depression, forming a grand reservoir during the dry months, where the finny tribe sport in antic gambols, and the water fowl glide in great numbers.

It is to one of these spots, situated in the Lacasine prairie of Louisiana, that we would direct the attention of the reader. This spot, from its predominant natural growth, has been termed by the Creole population, Isle Orange, and surely if there is a place on earth entitled to the name, it is the verdant elevation to which we refer, covered with an immense grove of orange trees, intermingled with the wild grape. The sun was declining in the Western horizon, as our party, quitting the monotonous prairie route, began the ascent of that natural mound, so gradually tapering to its summit, as scarcely to be realized, until having attained its utmost height, a boundless view over that vast ex

isolated spot had been the resort of one, whose ad-
venturous career upon the Ocean struck terror to
the mariner's heart, and sealed the fate of richly
freighted argosies, and whose deeds of savage dar-
ing have formed the burden of sea romance. Here, in
years gone by, the bold buccaneer, Lafitte, found a
temporary respite from the bustling scenes of ma-
ritime life, when throwing off the duties of com-
mand over a dissolute crew, to whom his word was
law, who

No flag acknowledged, when unfurled his own;
The sea his empire, and the deck his throne,-

fellow man, thirsting after blood and treasure, upon the boundless deep; the next, we find him wrapt in the bond of servitude, where the kindliest feelings of human nature are developed, and amidst this elysium, paying adoration to woman; like Byron's Corsair ;

panse presented the day-god sinking to his nocturnal couch. At the base, on the Western side, lay a silvery sheet of water of considerable extent, so calm in its mirrored tranquillity, that not a ripple seemed to mar its surface, and in the crystal depths, myriads of fish could plainly be discerned in calm repose, may hap, like some stealthy reptile of an every day world, quietly waiting beneath that covert of inaction to dart upon their unsuspecting prey. The gigantic magnolia, then in full bloom with its large lily white flowers, the knarled live oak, from which sprung pendant, the silvery moss, intermingled with the green misletoe, and the fragrant orange tree, with its yellow blossom, and he sought amidst this quiet seclusion relief from green and golden fruit in continuous bearing, form-worldly cares, and resigned himself to the arbied a vast canopy over head. As the evening dew trary abandon of Love. Strange phase of husettled upon the flower, the perfume was oppres- manity, where the extremes of passion reign sively sickening to the senses, compelling both predominant! At one moment, warring with his man and beast, to seek the open space on a rocky headland, rising perpendicular from the lake, in which were reflected the glittering stars of the firmament. There is a simplicity and beauty in the development of nature's works, which the artistic power of man can never imitate, and we gaze upon the placid lake, surrounded by a luxuriant growth Linked with one virtue, and a thousand crimes. of vegetation, or the purling rivulet as it courses through some pleasant valley, with a feeling akin The cottage which he had erected was still to reverence. Who can wonder at the wild vaga-standing at the period of our visit, although in a ries of the superstitious Grecian, investing the glen and the grotto, the fountain and streamulet with fancied divinities, to whom in his simple reli. gion of nature, adoration was paid; that the mountain nymph, the naiad, and the faun, found each an appropriate niche, in the mystical temple of his heathen mythology? The peculiar circumstances The only occupant of the Island was a Spaniard connected with our past condition as contrasted by the name of Cosito, who, with his Indian wife, with the present, the legend associated with the had resided unmolested in that quiet seclusion for spot, the autumnal season, and the grey-lit hour, twenty years, cultivating a small patch of corn, the all tended to induce a meditative spirit, bringing produce of which, together with the chase, supplied with it a train of fanciful creation. We had but all their wants: presenting one of the most marked recently escaped from imminent danger upon the cases of life in a state of nature, that has ever falprairie, owing to an influx of the waters from the len under the writer's notice. In the life of the Gulf of Mexico, as described in a previous num-savage, we frequently meet with a similar condiber,*—which threatened destruction by the career-dition, but their association in clans from a coming element, and now, after passing through a ste-munity of interest, frequently leads to petty jealourile waste devoid of vegetation, we found ourselves sies that mar domestic happiness. A constitutional transferred to a paradise of sweets, where the graz- desire for warlike sports, induces foray on neighing don deer invited the sportsman's rifle, and the boring tribes, and continual feuds with each other, placid lake abounding in fish of every variety, the while ambition in the chief, to rise superior to skillful display of the angler's rod. Thus is human his fellow brave, naturally brings on disquietude of life! At one moment tossed upon the sea of ad- mind. versity, where the tempest of passion, or the storm From early boyhood, Cosito had led an advenof penury throws its mad waves over its victim, turous life upon the stormy main. Forced into and anon, the genius of fortune rescues the sink- servitude, he had remained under the Pirate Lafitte, ing wretch, with hopes confirmed, of brighter pros-until the closing scene of his operations in the Gulf pects in the future.

Following this train of reflection, fancy led the mind back to a not far distant period, when this

*July, 1841.

very dilapidated state, beautifully situated in a grove of myrtle trees, around whose trunks the ivy and the sweet brier had clung in rich profusion. Some lofty sycamores, in leafless form, rose up towards the sky, like grim skeletons of the past, mourning over the scene of departed pleasure.

of Mexico, when he rendered essential service with his leader to the American arms at the battle of New Orleans, for which they, together with other of their comrades, received from the President of the United States a full pardon for past offences.

From Cosito's statement, it would appear that at strange inconsistency, Lafitte always carried in his an early age he had been entrusted by his father, vessel-that the latter offered to land her at one of in his dying moments, to a messmate, who for some his numerous depots on the Gulf, and to ensure her crime committed against the laws of his country, a safe transport to her friends, at any point she fled to the rendezvous at Berwick's bay, and joined might designate, with a sufficient amount of money the band of Lafitte, taking the boy Cosito with to render her comfortable. But from one of those him. Here Cosito gradually rose from the capa strange and mysterious incidents, connected with city of a cabin servant to the post of clerk on the bye plots of human existence, the proposition, board the vessel the piratical chieftian commanded. greatly to the surprise of Lafitte, for reasons hereOnce in that employ, his services could not be dis- after apparent, was instantly rejected. pensed with, nor would it have been prudent for It would seem that some months previous to the their own personal safety to permit his discharge, date of our story, Lafitte, in the disguise of a French however willing he might have been to relinquish nobleman, had visited Vera Cruz, for the purpose his position. Many were his attempts to escape of ascertaining the period of departure from that from bondage, but without success. From long port of homeward bound vessels, and the nature of and intimate association with Lafitte, he had form- their cargoes, as was his usual custom before an ated a much higher estimate of his character than tempt at capture. While at a public ball in that has been generally received. Many instances of city, his affable manners and pleasing exterior, chivalrous daring and high toned humanity were won the regard of Senorita D—. This regard related by Cosito to the writer, which, if correctly soon ripened into love, and the ardor of Castilian's stated, would materially change the prevailing opin-affection, when once developed, need not be deion with regard to that desperate adventurer. It scribed; it is the soul of her existence. would appear that in the onset of his career, re- His sudden departure prevented a second meetvenge for a personal injury to one whom he deeply ing, but the acquaintance of that night was not loved, by a fiend in human form, was the cause of his soon to be forgotten, and passion unrequited preyed breaking the bonds of society, and prosecution by so strongly on her mind, that a severe illness enthe government for the death of one high in power, sued, which hastened the departure of her father induced him to organize a band for greater aggres-to a more genial climate, for the restoration of her sion. Once committed to that association, it seemed health. Her emaciated form at the time of the almost impossible for him to break the tie, although many efforts had been made on his part so to do, one of which, as given by Cosito, and treasured up in memory, we deem worthy of narration.

capture was not recognised by Lafitte, but with
her that noble mien, and the sparkling fire of the
eye, could not be mistaken. Unconscious of the
character of him who had preserved her from bro
tal outrage, and perhaps death, with that intensity
of passion which had haunted her day dreams and
night visions, through many a weary hour, she
vowed never to leave him.
On the arrival of
Lafitte at Barataria, his principal rendezvous, with
his vessel, it is said he was united to her in the
bonds of wedlock by his chaplain, in the presence

It was a dark foggy night, when, in the latitude of Cape St. Antonio, a distant cannonade was heard by the crew of the vessel which Lafitte commanded, and the bold Buccaneer, believing it to be in part from one of his own squadron, then on the track of a homeward bound merchantman, ordered all sail to be immediately set to join the rencounter. On approaching the combatants, he found his anticipa- of a number of his principal officers. Be this as it tions fully realized, and the deck of the merchant- may, they immediately proceeded in a well manned man filled with the men of the piratical cruiser. barge up one of those numerous bayous which inLafitte soon stood amidst the scene of carnage dent the coast, and through the outlet of the lake His presence caused a cessation of hostilities, and we have described, entered its placid waters. On by the light of a battle lantern, the delicate form of this Island a comfortable dwelling had been erected a female was seen extended over the body of an aged some years previous by the orders of Lafitte, where man. The lady was soon transferred to the cabin he had sought frequent relaxation from the hustle of his own vessel, and by the application of proper and turmoil of his arduous command, and here it restoratives, aroused from the swoon into which it was his intention to have spent the years of life's appeared she had fallen, on the death of her father. decline. But fate had willed it otherwise. He was When consciousness was entirely restored, and as-destined for nobler deeds of action, in sustaining surances from Lafitte in regard to her personal the cause of Liberty and a nation's rights. safety were confirmed, her history was soon relat- Having resigned the command of his vessel, with ed. She was the only child of a Spanish merchant, the intention of making that resignation permanent, who had accumulated a large fortune in Mexico, amid the peaceful shades of this rural retreat, and they were returning to their native land, when months of unalloyed happiness went by, in the by the capture of the vessel she lost at once her society of his fascinating Leonora. All com venerable parent and all worldly possessions. It munication with his vessel had been cut off, was stated to Cosito by the priest-whom, with except through the agency of Cosito, in corres

ponding with his principal officer, to whom alone | wave, to the seclusion of his rustic home, one day the secret of his retreat was known. But mur- succeeded another in wearisome monotony, until life murs and discontent arose among his crew at the had become a routine of never changing incidents. protracted absence of their commander, and al-The event of our visit, however, formed a new though repeated urged to return, the Rover showed era in his existence, and many were the tales of no disposition to abandon the quietude of his Para wild adventure which he narrated to us and in most dise, for the society of his companions. A melan- of which he was the hero. Our tent had been excholy circumstance alone determined his future tended upon the promontory overlooking the lake, course, in the loss of his beloved, after a brief pe- the camp fires burned with glowing light, and the riod of their union-she dying of some grievous silent hour of midnight had long passed, before we malady-and in her death all hopes of reformation could resign ourselves to rest. being quenched by that bitter anguish which he We had journeyed far from the bounds of civilithought could only be allayed amidst exciting zation, over a vast extent of prairie country, enscenes. Again we find him treading the deck of countering innumerable dangers, and now having his vessel in quest of adventure, until the closing attained a resting place on that spot, which had scenes of the last war with Great Britain present-been the object of our desire, our thoughts were ed the opportunity of serving the cause of the still bent on further adventure. Expectation stood United States in preserving the Crescent City on the mount of promise for brighter prospects, and from ravage. Whether he again revisited that we longed to hail the coming morn, when the loud pleasant retreat, associated with so many fond re halloo would bound across the lake, and the woods collections, is not positively known. resound to the echo of merry voices, rousing the The rustic cottage was sinking beneath decay at deer from his velvet couch upon the green sward. the time Cosito revisited it, but with some little re- An incident, that occurred after retiring to rest on pair it was made habitable until another residence the night in question, is fraught with such fearful more simple and unadorned by art could be con- remembrance, and conveys so practical a lesson, structed as his future abode, for here, like his that it is thought worthy of narration. We had bolder comrade, he determined to seek that repose been advised by Cosito to keep our horses closely which an association with the world, having the tethered, and to set a relief-guard over them, as brand of Cain upon his forehead, could never fur- straggling Indians were lurking around, watching nish. At the period of his return, a small band of an opportunity to commit some depredation; which the Lepun tribe of Indians had formed a settlement precautions had been duly observed. Scarcely had on the opposite side of the lake, which was entire- we composed ourselves to sleep, when the sound of ly a prairie country, for the purpose of hunting tramping horses, caused me to spring from the hamand fishing. With these people he soon became mock, and, with rifle in hand, to sally forth that I intimate, and from them he selected a beautiful might ascertain the cause of disturbance, at this young girl for his wife, who ever remained faithful unusual hour. to him. Shortly after that event, the small pox On proceeding through the grove of orange-trees, appeared among the Lepuns, producing much mor- in the direction where our horses had been fastentality, and causing a dispersion of the tribe, al-ed, with the lariat to graze, a shrill whistle was though every year some portion of them revisit heard, and in the faint light afforded by the rising the lake, and at the period of our sojourn, were moon, I saw the dim form of a man approaching then on their annual camp fishery, to lay up stock for the coming winter. During our stay we were frequently visited by them. We were informed by Cosito, that they had become very dissolute since his first acquaintance with them, and it is probable that the extension of civilization in its westward march, engrafted all our vices upon them, without any of our virtues.

towards me. Barely aroused from slumber, with the senses not entirely composed to rational reflection, and not supposing that one of our own company was on the same scout with myself, the thought immediately arose, that the advancing figure was a horse thief. Demanding his name, and receiving no answer, the gun was instantly raised to my shoulder, and with finger on the trigger, one moment more, would have found me the inconsolable homicide, but at that instant the peculiar laugh of P., my bosom friend, made him known to me, when only at the distance of ten feet.

Within the entire range of rural scenery, either in Europe or our own country, a more lovely spot cannot be found that this residence of Cosito; but his previous wanderings having been confined to the vast expanse of ocean, without any association Although years have rolled round since that with his fellow-beings, either in the narrow streets event, yet that laugh still rings upon my ear and of cities, or amidst the noisy din of manufactories, hids me remember how uncertain are the issues of and with but a limited education, it was utterly im- our earthly existence, how slight the link between possible for him to appreciate its beauties. Like pleasure and sorrow, how narrow the gulf which the forest inmate, he knew no other mode of exis-divides life and death.

tence, and when transferred from the bounding But to return from this digression. The servi

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