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The Pequots were first defeated and then exter- | to those who gave some signs of deserving them. minated, and their heroic King Philip, a patriot according to his own standard, was hunted like a wild beast, his body quartered and set on poles, his head exposed as a trophy for twenty years on a gibbet in Plymouth, and one of his hands sent to Boston: then the ministers returned thanks, and one said that they had prayed the bullet into Philip's heart. Nay, it seems that in 1677, on a Sunday in Marblehead, "the women, as they came out of the meeting-house, fell upon two Indians, that had been brought in as captives, and in a tumultous way very barbarously murdered them," in revenge for the death of some fishermen : a moral application which certainly gives a singular impression of the style of gospel prevailing inside the meetinghouse that day.

The name "Mr." was allowed to those who had taken the degree of Master of Arts at College, and also to professional men, eminent merchants, military officers, and mates of vessels; and their wives and daughters monopolized the epithet "Mrs." Mr. Josiah Plastow, when he had stolen four baskets of corn from the Indians, was degraded into plain Josiah. "Mr." seems to have meant simply "My Sir," and the clergy were often called "Sir" merely, a title given also to college graduates, on Commencement programmes, down to the time of the Revolu tion. And so strong was the Puritan dislike to the idolatry of saints' names, that the Christian Apostles were sometimes designated as Sir Paul, Sir Peter, and Sir James.

In coming to the private affairs of the Puritan These were some of the labours of the clergy. divines, it is humiliating to find that anxieties But no human being lives without relaxation, about salary are of no modern origin. The and they may have had theirs. True, "minis- highest compensation I can find recorded is that ters have little to joy in, in this world," wrote old of John Higginson in 1671, who had £160 Norton; and one would think so, to read the voted him "in country produce," which he was dismal diaries, printed or manuscript, of those glad, however, to exchange for £120 in solid days. "I can compare with any man living for cash. Solid cash included beaver-skins, black fears," said Hooker. "I have sinned myself and white wampum, beads, and musket-balls, into darkness," said Bailey. "Many times value one farthing. Mr. Woodbridge in Newhave I been ready to lay down my ministry, bury at this same time had £60, and Mr. Epes thinking God had forsaken me." "I was preached in Salem for twenty shillings a Sunalmost in the suburbs of hell all day." Yet day, half in money and half in provisions. who can say that this habit of agonizing intro- Holy Mr. Cotton used to say that nothing was spection wholly shut out the trival enjoyments cheap in New England but milk and ministers. of daily life? Who drank, for instance, that Down to 1700, Increase Mather says, most salatwelve gallons of sack and that six gallons of ries were less than £100, which he thinks white wine which the General Court thought it" might account for the scanty harvests enjoyed convenient that the Auditor should send, "as a small testimony of the Court's respect, to the reverend assembly of Elders at Cambridge," in 1644? Did the famous Cambridge Platform rest, like the earth in the Hebrew cosmology, upon the waters-strong waters? Was it only the Derry Presbyterians who would never give up a pint of doctrine nor a pint of rum? It is startling to remember that in 1685 it was voted, on occasion of a public funeral, that "some person be appointed to look after the burning of the wine and the heating of the cider," and to hear that on this occasion there were thirtytwo gallons of wine and still more of cider, with one hundred and four pounds of that ensnaring accessory, sugar. Francis Higginson, in writing back to the mother-country that one sup of New England's air was better than a whole draught of Old England's ale, gave convincing proof that he had tasted both beverages. But, after all, the very relaxations of the Puritan minister were more spiritual than spirituous, and to send forth a good Nineteenthly from his own lips was more relishing than to have the best Double X go in.

In spite of the dignity of this influential class, they were called only Elders for a long time. Titles were carefully adjusted in those days. The commonalty bore the appellations of Goodman and Goodwife, and one of Roger Williams's offences was his wishing to limit these terms

by our farmers." He and his son Cotton both tell the story of a town where "two very eminent ministers were only allowed £30 per an num" and "the God who will not be mocked made them lose £300 worth of cattle that year." The latter also complains that the people were very willing to consider the ministers the stars, rather than the mere lamps, of the churches, provided they, like the stars, would shine without earthly contributions.


He also calls the terms of payment, in one of his long words, "Synecdotical Pay,"-in allusion to that rhetorical figure by which a part is used for the whole. And apparently various causes might produce this synecdoche. For I have seen an anonymous 'Plea for Ministers of the Gospel," in 1706, which complains that "young ministers have often occasion in their preaching to speak things offensive to some of the wealthiest people in town, on which occasion they may withold a considerable part of their maintenance." It is a comfort to think how entirely this source of discomfort, at least, is now eradicated from the path of the clergy; and it is painful to think that there ever was a period when wealthy parishioners did not enjoy the delineation of their own sins.

Yet the Puritan divine could commonly afford not only to keep house, but to keep horse likewise, and to enjoy the pet professional felicity of printing his own sermons. As to the last

easiest room in hell." But he wedded the lady and they were apparently as happy as if he had not been a theologian; and I have seen the quaint little heart-shaped locket he gave her, bearing an anchor and a winged heart and "Thine forever."


privilege there could have been no great trouble, for booksellers were growing rich in New England as early as 1677,-not that it is always an inevitable inference that authors are, and Cotton Mather published three hundred and eightytwo different works for his own share. Books were abundant enough at that day, though Let us glance now at some of the larger crosses somewhat grim and dingy, and two complete of the Puritan minister. First came a 'young Puritan libraries are preserved in the rich col- brood" of heretics to torment him. Gorton's lection of the American Antiquarian Society at followers were exasperating enough; they had Worcester; without whose treasures, let me to be confined in irons separately, one in each add, this modest monograph never could have town, on pain of death, if they preached their been written. As for the minister's horse, the doctrines,-and of course they preached them. moral sentiment of the community protected But their offences and penalties were light, comhim faithfully; for a man was fined in Newbury pared with those of the Quakers. When the for "killing our elder's mare, and a special Quakers assembled by themselves, their private good beast she was." The minister's house doors might be broken open, a thing which was built by the town; in Salem it was "13 Lord Chatham said the King of England could feet stud, 23 by 42, four chimneys and no gable- not do to any one,-they might be arrested withends;" so that the House with Seven Gables out warrant, tried without jury, for the first ofbelonged to somebody else; and the Selectmen fence be fined, for the second lose one ear, for ordered all men to appear with teams on a cer- the third lose the other ear, and for the fourth tain day, and put the minister's ground in order. be bored with red-hot iron through the tongue, Inside the parsonage-house, however, there though this last penalty remained a dead letwas sometimes trouble. Rev. Ezekiel Rogers ter. They could be stripped to the waist, tied wrote in 1657 to his brother in England to a cart, and whipped through town after town, "Much ado I have with my own family; hard-three women were whipped through eleven to get a servant who enjoys catechising or family towns, eighty miles, but afterwards the numduties. I had a rare blessing of servants in ber was limited to three. Their testimony was England, and those I brought over were a bless- invalid, their families attainted, and those who ing; but the young brood doth much afflict harboured them were fined forty shillings an me." Probably the minister's wife had the hour. They might be turned out shelterless worst of this; but she seems to have been gen- among wolves and bears and frosts; they could erally, like the modern minister's wife, a saint, be branded H for Heretic, and R for Rogue; and could bear it. Cotton Mather, indeed, they could be sold as slaves; and their graves quotes triumphantly the Jewish phrase for a must not be fenced to keep off wild beasts, lest model female-" one who deserved to marry a their poor afflicted bodies should find rest there. priest;" and one of the most singular passages in the history of the human heart is the old gentleman's own narrative, in his manuscript diary, of a passionate love-adventure, in his later years, with a fascinating young girl, an ingenious child," as he calls her, whom his parish thought by no means a model female, but from whom it took three days of solitary fasting and prayer to wean him at last.


He was not the only Puritan minister who bestowed his heart somewhat strangely. Rev. John Mitchell, who succeeded the soul-ravishing Shepard at Cambridge, as aforesaid, married his predecessor's widow "on the general recommendation of her," and the college students were greatly delighted, as one might imagine. Rev. Michael Wigglesworth, in 1691, wooed the Widow Avery in a written discourse, which I have seen in manuscript, arranged under twelve different heads,-one of which treats of the prospect of his valuable life being preserved longer by her care. She having children of her own, he offers mysteriously to put some of his own children "out of the way," if necessary,-— a hint which becomes formidable when one remembers that he was the author of that once famous theological poem, "The Day of Doom," in which he relentingly assigned to infants, because they had sinned only in Adam, "the

Yet in this same age female Quakers had gone as missionaries to Malta and to Turkey and returned unharmed. No doubt the monks and the Sultan must have looked on the plain dress much as some clerical gentleman have since regarded the Bloomer costume, and the Inquisition imprisoned the missionaries, though the Sultan did not. But meanwhile the Quaker women in New England might be walking to execution with their male companions,-like Mary Dyer in Boston,-under an armed guard of two hundred, led on by a minister seventy years old, and the fiercer for every year. When they asked Mary Dyer, "Are you not ashamed to walk thus hand in hand between two young men?" she answered, "No, this is to me an hour of the greatest joy I could enjoy in this world. No tongue could utter and no heart understand the sweet influence of the Spirit which now I feel." Then they placed her on the scaffold, and covered her face with a handkerchief which the Reverend Mr. Wilson lent the hangman; and when they heard that she was reprieved, she would not come down, saying that she would suffer with her brethren. suffer death she did, at last, and the Reverend Mr. Wilson made a pious ballad on her execution.


It is no wonder, if some persons declare that

about this time the wheat of Massachusetts began to be generally blasted, and the peas to grow wormy. It is no wonder, that, when the witchcraft excitement came on, the Quakers called it a retribution for these things. But let us be just, even to the unjust. Toleration was a newborn virtue in those days, and one which no Puritan ever for a moment recognized as such, or asked to have exercised toward himself. In England they did not wish to be tolerated for a day as sectaries: they claimed to have authority as the one true church. They held with Pym, that "it is the duty of legislators to establish the true religion and to punish false,"-a doctrine equally fatal, whether applied to enforce the right theology or the wrong. They objected to the Church of England, not that it persecuted, but that its persecution was wrongly aimed. It is, therefore, equally absurd to praise them for a toleration they never professed, or to accuse them of any inconsistency when they practised intolerance. What was great in them was their heroism of soul, not their largeness. They sought the American wilderness not to indulge the whims of others, but their own. They said to the Quakers, "We seek not your death, but your absence." All their persecution, after all, was an alternative sentence; all they asked of the Quakers was to keep out of their settlements and let them alone. Moreover, their worst penalties were borrowed from the English laws, and only four offenders were put to death from the beginning;—of course, four too many.

Again, it is to be remembered that the Quaker peculiarities were not theological only, but political and social also. Everything that the Puritan system of goverment asserted the Quakers denied; they rendered no allegiance, owned no laws, paid no taxes, bore no arms. With the best possible intentions, they subverted all established order. Then their modes of action were very often intemperate and violent. One can hardly approve the condemnation pronounced by Cotton Mather upon a certain Rarey among the Friends in those days, who could control a mad bull that would rend any other man. But it was oftener the Quakers who needed the Rareys. Running naked through the public streets, -coming into meeting dressed in sackcloth, with ashes on their heads and nothing on their feet, or sitting there with their hats on, groaning and rocking to and fro, in spite of elders, deacons, and tithing men: these were the vagaries of the zealots, though always repudiated by the main body. The Puritans found themselves reproached with permitting these things, and so took refuge in outrageous persecutions, which doubled them. Indeed, the Quakers themselves began to persecute, on no greater provocation, in Philadelphia, thirty years afterwards,-playing over again upon George Keith and his followers the same deluded policy of fines and imprisonment from which they had just escaped;-as minorities have persecuted subminorities ever since intolerance began.

Indeed, so far as mere language went, the

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minority always matched the majority. Grave divines did not like to be pelted with such epithets as these: Thou fiery fighter and greenheaded trumpeter! thou hedgehog and grinning dog! thou mole! thou tinker! thou lizard! thou bell of no metal but the tone of a kettle! thou wheelbarrow! thou whirlpool! thou whirligig! thou firebrand! thou moon-calf! thou ragged tatterdemalion! thou gormandizing priest! thou bane of reason and beast of the earth! thou best to be spared of all mankind!" - all of which are genuine epithets from the Quaker books of that period, and termed by Cotton Mather, who collected them, “quills of porcupine." They surpass even Dr. Chauncy's catalogue of the unsavory epithets used by Whitefield and Tennent a century later; and it was not likely that they would be tolerated by a race whose reverence for men in authority was so comprehensive that they actually fined some one for remarking that Major Phillips's old mare was as lean as an Indian's dog.

There is a quaint anecdote preserved, showing the continuance of the Quaker feud in full vigour as lately as 1705. A youth among the Friends wished to espouse a fair Puritan maiden; but the Quakers disapproved his marrying out of their society, and the Congregationalists his marrying into theirs; so in despair he thus addressed her :—“ Ruth, let us break from this unreasonable bondage. I will give up my religion, and thou shalt give up thine; and we will marry and go into the Church of England, and go to the Devil together." And they fulfilled the resolution, the Puritan historian says, so far as going into the Church, and marrying, and staying there for life.

With the same careful discrimination we must try to study the astonishing part played by the ministers in the witchcraft delusions. It must be remembered that the belief in this visitation was no new or peculiar thing in New England. The Church, the Scriptures, the medieval laws, had all made it a capital crime. There had been laws against it in England for a hundred years. Bishop Jewel had complained to Queen Elizabeth of the alarming increase of witches and sorcerers. Sir Thomas Browne had pronounced it flat atheism to doubt them. High legal and judicial authorities, as Dalton, Keeble, Sir Matthew Hale, had described this crime as definitely and seriously as any other. In Scotland four thousand had suffered death for it in ten years; Cologne, Nuremberg, Geneva, Paris, were executing hundreds every year; even in 1749 a girl was burnt alive in Würtzburg; and is it strange, if, during all that wild excitement, Massachusetts put to death twenty? The only wonder is in the independence of the Rhode Island people, who declared that "there were no witches on the earth, nor devils,-except" (as they profanely added) "the New-England ministers, and such as they."

John Higginson sums it up best:-"They proceeded in their integrity with a zeal of God against sin, according to their best light and

law and evidence." "But there is a question," he wisely adds, "whether some of the laws, customs, and privileges used by judges and juries in England, which were followed as patterns here, were not insufficient."

But what were the authorities to do, when, in addition to all legal and Scriptural precedents, the prisoners insisted on entering a plea of guilty? When Goody E testified that she and two others rode from Andover to a witchmeeting on a broomstick, and the stick broke and she fell and was still lame from it,-when her daughter testified that she rode on the same stick, and confirmed all the details of the casualty, when the grand-daughter confirmed them also, and added, that she rode on another stick, and they all signed Satan's book together,when W. B- aged forty, testified that Satan assembled a hundred fine blades near Salem Meeting-House, and the trumpet sounded, and bread and wine were carried round, and Satan was like a black sheep, and wished them to destroy the minister's house, (by thunder probably,) and set up his kingdom, and "then all would be well,"-when one woman summoned her three children and some neighbours and a sister and a domestic, who all testified that she was a witch and so were they all,-what could be done with such prisoners by judge or jury, in an age which held witchcraft a certainty? It was only the rapid rate of increase which finally stopped the convictions.

One thing is certain, that this strange delusion, a semi-comedy to us,-though part of the phenomena may find their solution in laws not yet unfolded,-was the sternest of tragedies to those who lived in it. Conceive, for an instant, of believing in the visible presence and labours of the arch-fiend in a peaceful community! Yet from the bottom of their souls these strong men held to it, and they waged a hand-to-hand fight with Satan all their days. Very inconveniently the opponent sometimes dealt his blows, withal. Surely it could not be a pleasant thing to a sound divine, just launched upon his seventeenheaded discourse, to have a girl with wild eyes and her hair about her ears start up and exclaim, "Parson, your text is too long,"- -or worse yet, "Parson, your sermon is too long," or most embarrassing of all, "There's a great yellow bird sitting on the parson's hat in the pulpit." But these formidable interruptions veritably happened, and received the stern discipline in such cases made and provided.

But besides Quakers and witches, the ministers had other female tormentors to deal with. There was the perpetual anxiety of the unregenerated toilet. "Immodest apparel, laying out of hair, borders, naked necks and arms, or, as it were, pinioned with superfluous ribbons," these were the things which tried men's souls in those days, and the statute-books and private journals are full of such plaintive inventories of the implements of sin. Things known as "slash apparel" seem to have been an infinite source of anxiety; there must be only one slash

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on each sleeve and one in the back. Men also must be prohibited from shoulder-bands of undue width, double ruffs and cuffs, and "immoderate great breeches." Part of the solicitude was for modesty, part for gravity, part for economy: none must dress above their condition. In 1652, three men and a woman were fined ten shillings each and costs for wearing silverlace, another for broad bone-lace, another for tiffany, and another for a silk hood. Alice Flynt was accused of a silk hood, but, proving herself worth more than two hundred pounds, escaped uupunished. Jonas Fairbanks, about the same time, was charged with "great boots," and the evidence went hard against him; but he was fortunately acquitted, and the credit of the family saved.

The question of veils seems to have rocked the Massachusetts Colony to its foundations, and was fully discussed at Thursday Lecture, March 7th, 1634. Holy Mr. Cotton was utterly and unalterably opposed to veils, regarding them as a token of submission to husbands in an unscriptural degree. It is pleasant to think that there could be an unscriptural extent of such submission, in those times. But Governor Endicott and Rev. Mr. Williams resisted stoutly, quoting Paul, as usual in such cases; so Paul, veils, and vanity carried the day. But afterward Mr. Cotton came to Salem, to preach for Mr. Skelton, and did not miss his chance to put in his solemn protest against veils; he said they were a custom not to be tolerated; and so the ladies all came to meeting without their veils in the afternoon-probably the most astounding visible result from a single sermon within the memory of man.


Beginning with the veils, the eye of authority was next turned on what was under them. In 1675 it was decided, that, as the Indians had done much harm of late, and the Deity was evidently displeased with something, the General Court should publish a list of the evils of the time. And among the twelve items of contrition stood this: Long hair like women's hair is worn by some men, either their own or others' hair made into periwigs;-and by some women wearing borders of hair, and their cutting, curling, and immodest laying out of their hair," (does this hint at chignons?) "which practice doth increase, especially among the younger sort." Not much was effected, however,"divers of the elders' wives," as Winthrop lets out, "being in some measure partners in this disorder." The use of wigs also, at first denounced by the clergy, was at last countenanced by them: in portraits later than 1700 they usually replace the black skull-cap of earlier pictures, and in 1752 the tables had so far turned that a church-member in Newbury refused communion because "the pastor wears a wig." Yet Increase Mather thought they played no small part in producing the Boston Fire. "Monstrous Periwigs, such as some of our church-members indulge in, which make them resemble the Locusts that came out of ye Bot

tomless Pit (Rev. ix. 7, 8)—and, as an eminent | some village in Rhode Island. Thither went Divine calls them, Horrid Bushes of Vanity, such strange apparel as is contrary to the light of Nature and to express Scripture (1 Cor. xi. 14, 15); such pride is enough to provoke the Lord to kindle fires in all the towns in the country."

Another vexation was the occasional arrival of false prophets in a community where every man was expected to have a current supply of religious experiences always ready for circulation. There was a certain hypocritical Dick Swayn, for instance, a seafaring man, who gave much trouble; and E. F.,-for they mostly appear by initials, who, coming to New Haven one Saturday evening, and being dressed in black, was taken for a minister, and asked to preach: he was apparently a little insane, and at first talked 'demurely," but at last "railed like Rabshakeh," Cotton Mather says. There was also M. J., a Welsh tanner, who finally stole his employer's leather breeches and set up for a preacher, less innocently apparelled than George Fox. But the worst of all was one bearing the since sainted name of Samuel May. This vessel of wrath appeared in 1699, indorsed as a man of a sweet gospel spirit,-though, indeed, one of his indorsers had himself been "a scandalous fire-ship among the churches." Mather declares that every one went a-Maying after this man, whom he maintains to have been a barber previously, and who knew no Latin, Greek, Hebrew, nor even English,-for (as he indignantly asserts) "there were eighteen horrid false spells, and not one point, in one very short note I received from him." This doubtful personage copied his sermons from a volume by his namesake, Dr. Samuel Bolton,-"Sam the Doctor and Sam the Dunce," Mather calls them. Finally, "this eminent worthy stranger," Sam, who was no dunce, after all, quarrelled with his parish for their slow payments, and "flew out like a dragon, spitting this among other fire at them: -'I shall no longer pipe, no longerdance,'-so that they came to fear he was a cheat, and wish they had never seen him." Then "the guilty fellow, having bubbled the silly neighbours of an incredible number of pounds, on a sudden was gone," and Cotton Mather sent a letter after him, which he declares to have been the worst penalty the man suffered.

Roger Williams and his Baptists; thither went Quakers and Ranters; thither went Ann Hutchinson, that extraordinary woman, who divided the whole politics of the country by her Antinomian doctrines, denouncing the formalisms around her, and converting the strongest men, like Cotton and Vane, to her opinions. Thither went also Samuel Gorton, a man of no ordinary power, who proclaimed a mystical union with God in love, thought that heaven and hell were in the mind alone, but esteemed little the clergy and the ordinances. The colony was protected also by the thoughtful and chivalrous Vane, who held that water baptism had had its day, and that the Jewish Sabbath should give place to the modern Sunday. All these, and such as these, were called generally "Seekers" by the Puritans,-who claimed for themselves that they had found that which they sought. It is the old distinction; but for which is the ship built, to be afloat or to be at anchor?

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Such were those pious worthies, the men whose names are identified with the leadership of the New-England colonies,-Cotton, Hooker, Norton, Shepard, the Higginsons, the Mathers. To these might be added many an obscurer name, preserved in the quaint epitaphs of the Magnalia :"-Blackman, "in spite of his name, a Nazarene whiter than snow;"-Partridge, a hunted partridge," yet "both a dove and an eagle ;"-Ezekiel Rogers, "a tree of knowledge, whose apples the very children might pluck;"-Nathaniel Rogers, "a very lively preacher and a very preaching liver, he loved his church as if it had been his family and he taught his family as if it had been his church;"-Warham, the first who preached with notes, and who suffered agonies of doubt respecting the Lord's Supper;-Stone, "both a loadstone and a flint stone," and who set the self-sacrificing example of preaching only one hour.

These men had mingled traits of good and evil, like all mankind,-nobler than their de scendants in some attributes, less noble in others. The most strait-laced Massachusetts Calvinist of these days would have been disci plined by them for insufferable laxity, and yet their modern successor would count it utter shame, perhaps, to own a slave in his family It is safer to say little of the theological scheme or to drink rum-punch at an ordination,-which of the Puritan ministers, lest the present writer Puritan divines might do without rebuke. Not be pronounced a Wanton Gospeller, and have one of them has left on record a statement so no tithingman to take his part. But however broad and noble as that of Roger Williams :it may be with the regular standards of theology"To be content with food and raiment, to of that period, every one could find a sufficient variety to suit him among its heresies. Eightytwo 'pestilent heresies" were counted as having already sprung up in 1637; others say one hundred and six; others, two hundred and ten. The Puritans kept Rhode Island for what housekeepers call an odd drawer," "into which to crowd all these eccentricities. It was said that, if any man happened to lose his religious opinion, he might be sure to find it again at

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mind, not our own, but every man the things
of another, yea, and to suffer wrong, and to
part with what we judge to be right, yea, our
own lives, and, as poor women martyrs have
said, as many as there be hairs upon our heads,
for the name of God and for the Son of God's
sake,-this is humanity, this is Christianity; the
rest is but formality and picture-courteous
idolatry, and Jewish and Popish blasphemy
against the Christian religion,"
And yet the

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