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mineral abounded in his own neighbourhood. | Thomas and his workmen, but apparently without But the process being wholly unknown in effect. Of the beautiful Abbey, which has seen England he offered a large reward to some of so many vicissitudes, nothing remains but the the skilled workmen in Italy if they would ac- ruins of the church, which stand in their desocompany him secretly to his estate, where the lation high above the town, commanding a works were speedily in operation, and reduced beautiful view of the far-spreading_sea, the the price of alum very largely. The Pope was rocky shore, and the windings of the Esk river, so angry at the loss of so lucrative a monopoly which flows through picturesque dales and wild that he fulminated a dreadful anathema on Sir dark moors.


During the last month an unusual amount of novelty has been produced at the theatres.

The revival of "The Duke's Motto," at the Lyceum, has attracted great crowds to witness Mr. Fechter's finished performance of Henri de Lagardère. The charming scenery, and the admirable manner in which the piece is put upon the stage, are not the least parts of the attraction. The entertainments at this house have been supplemented by a new ballet, entitled "The Satyr," which serves to introduce M. Espinosa, a singularly grotesque dancer, who made a great sensation at Covent Garden Theatre five years ago.-By-the-way, it is said Mr. Fechter will relinquish the Lyceum at the end of the season, and it is rumoured that Mr. Nation will become its lessee.

A dull, damp, drizzling morning, accompanied | tumblers, and sharpers, and all the disreputable by a pitiless searching wind, was scarcely a fa- tag-rag that may be encountered on the racevourable or tempting opportunity of seeing the course. In many of the carriages, on the mornBoat-race, especially when one had to turn out ing of the boat-race, might be noticed suspiciousof bed very early indeed in order to get to Put-looking hampers, and the frequent popping of ney or Mortlake, that one might see the start or champagne-corks might be heard: in fact, the the finish. Nevertheless, people did go-in- only people who seemed to be in any way enjoydeed, there never were a larger quantity of ing themselves were those individuals safely spectators to witness the annual aquatic con- ensconced in water-tight close-carriages, and test; whilst the number of carriages, ve- who had been prudent enough to bring their hicles of every description, and equestrians, breakfast with them. male and female, were even greater than usual. Your Bohemian-who unfortunately was rather late in starting, and was further hindered by the infrequency of trains on the Metropolitan Railway on that morning-was shot out at Hammersmith only just in time to see the boats pass the bridge. At this point they were nearly even: it was difficult to say which of the two was in advance, if indeed there was any difference. But it was evident, to any cool spectator, that is, any reasonable being-we do not alllude to those lunatics who tore along the bank, splashed themselves and everyone else up to the eyes in mud, and howled till they were black in the face that the Oxonians were rowing well within their strength, whilst their opponents were exerting themselves to the utmost, and were already beginning to look fagged. This proved to be the case in the long-run; for, though Oxford only won by a quarter of a length, it is said to be one of the closest races on record. There are many people who think that the Oxonians could have won by a much greater distance had they chosen to do so. Travelling along the course from Hammersmith to the White Hart at Barnes, it was easy to see that an enormous number of people were present. The embankment known as The Sandhills was one mass of umbrellas, as if covered with a Brobdignagian growth of fungi; the roads were blocked with carriages, and the pathways were made dangerous by equestrians, who rode over the toes of unfortunate people on foot with the utmost coolness and effrontery. This festival is becoming more and more of a national one every year, and each year shows some fresh importation of the "Derby" element into it-we have niggers,

The production of Mr. Robertson's "Caste," at the Prince of Wales's, was most successful. On the first night of its representation the little house was crammed as it never had been crammed before, and people who came to pay their money for stalls thought themselves wondrously lucky if they obtained standing room in the back of the pit. The comedy itself is one of its author's best efforts: in construction it is superior to "Ours" and "Society," and it far surpasses them in its terse and vigorous dialogue, and the smart ringing repartee with which it abounds. It is impossible to give too high praise to Miss Marie Wilton, for her rendering of the light-hearted ballet-girl, Polly. Mr. Hare's Sam Gerridge, too, was a marvel in its way. Miss Lydia Foote, Miss Larkyn, Mr. Younge, Mr. Bancroft, and Mr. Honey were especially good in the parts they undertook to represent. Mr. John Clarke is a great loss to this house,

The gentleman in question has migrated to the Adelphi, where he has appeared in a new farce, "A Fretful Porcupine," and has also taken Mr. Toole's part in "Lost in London," the latter gentleman having started on a somewhat lengthened provincial tour. On Easter Monday a new musical drama was produced at this house" Garibaldi in Sicily," and served to introduce Miss Roden. This lady has a certain sweetness about her voice, which would doubtless be very charming in a drawing-room, but she has not force or power enough for a theatre. The music of this piece, which is very light and sparkling, is by Messrs. Calcott and Hatton, whilst the words of the songs, which are well worthy the music, are by Mr. Sawyer.

Mrs. Scott Siddons has been playing at the Haymarket, in “As You Like it," and though she scarcely bears out the high opinion many formed of her who heard her readings, she has certainly met with very fair success. Everyone will regret that that charming actress, Miss Nelly Moore, has left this theatre, as she will be a great loss to the company. She has accepted an engagement from Mr. Henderson, of Liverpool, to play Nelly, in "Lost in London." Drury-lane Theatre has been crowded to witness the performance of Mr. Halliday's comedy-drama, "The Great City." The view of London from the house-tops, and Waterloo Bridge by night, have proved very attractive. It is eminently realistic in every respect, even down to the introduction of a real horse and Hansom. A few nights ago the former caused considerable sensation by unmistakably asserting his reality by attempting to back the latter into the orchestra.


The farce of "The French Exhibition" still holds its place in the Strand bills, and the great attraction now at this place of entertainment is Mr. William Brough's new burlesque, Pygmalion." It is very eloquently written; it is by no means slangy-a rare qualification, by-the-way, in modern burlesque-and is the most polished production this author has produced for some time. It is well put upon the stage, capitally acted, and likely to achieve a long run.

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Mr. Roberts's new romantic drama "Idalia," at the St. James's, has achieved but a moderate success. The unfortunate overflow of water on the first night, and the subsequent tumbles of the principal performers unfortunately provoked the risible faculties of the audience, so that they were unable to give the attention due to the serious business of the scene. Mr. Burnand's Olympic Games," at the theatre of that name, is a bustling and amusing extravaganza, though it has not any very great literary merit. Miss Louisa Moore, as Venus, looked very charming, and her dress was in the best possible taste; it was eminently modest and lady-like, and well worthy of being copied by many of the ladies who play Venus, in modern burlesque. Miss Farren's unflagging spirits and unwearying terpsichorean and vocal abilities contributed greatly to the success of the piece. The smart,

dapper dress of Alectryon suited her trim little figure admirably.

The annual dinner in celebration of Shakespeare's birthday, took place at the Urban Club, on the 23rd ult. Mr. Edmund Yates presided on the occasion, and an admirable chairman he made. He was well supported by Mr. Wharton Simpson in the vice-chair. Both these gentlemen gave, in the course of the evening, some very telling speeches. Amongst other speakers on the occasion were Messrs. Dion Boucicault, Crawford Wilson, Forbes Robertson, Heraud, Bacon, De Fleury, Linnæus Banks, Stirling Coyne, Henry Marston, Horsley, Hain Friswell, Fielding, Carpenter, and Ashby Sterry.

Amongst the many new and curious periodicals, which appear from time to time and often disappear, may be noticed a new monthly, entitled The Whip. At first we imagined this was some educational paper devoted to the advocacy of the discipline of the rod in our schools, and from this curious and elaborate correspondence in some of our papers lately on the subject we should not have been surprised to have found such to be the case; but no! It is simply a publication devoted to interests of cab and omnibus drivers. On the first of May appears a new sixpenny, The London: the proprietors make great promises with regard to the new magazine. If they are carried out we may certainly expect to see Cornhill, Belgravia, Temple Bar, and London Society rolled into one for sixpence. Two new comic papers are on the point of being launched: one at three-pence, The Tomahawk, the other at three-half-pence, Judy. What a pity it is some new titles cannot be found for such publications! A pleasing gift-book, "The Alexandra Bijou," will shortly be published. It contains contributions in prose and verse from some of the best known living authors and, it is said, will be published for the benefit of the Evicted Tenants' Aid Association. A second edition of Mr. Williain Sawyer's charming little book of poems, “Ten Miles from Town," is in the press and will shortly be published. A new sixpenny, emanating from a publisher of high standing, and supported by a staff including some of the best names in the literature of the day, is, it is said, likely to be before the public before many months have gone by. The Dramatic College Annual, that amus. ing little brochure which was so successful last year that it was re-printed twice in America and once in Australia, will be published in June. It will be, as heretofore, under the editorship of Mr. B. Webster, jun., who has already secured a large staff of able contributors.

It is with deep admiration for the musician and with sincere respect for the man, and tender sympathy with those he loved so well, that we allude to the death of Alfred Mellon. Those who could appreciate best his great musical talents, feel there is no one to fill the important place he has left vacant, and those who knew the kind-hearted friend and the genial gentleman are certain that his loss can never be replaced. The immense concourse of people of every

grade gathering round his grave on April the 2nd, testify the great respect in which he was held by everyone with whom he came in contact The Punch staff have lost another of their band in the death of Charles Bennett. Though but a comparatively recent addition to the staff, this artist distinguished himself by the originality and playfulness of fancy displayed in his designs, and will be as much a loss to the paper itself as his kindly heart and generous spirit will be to those who knew him well. A widow and young family are left to mourn his loss, and it is said that a dramatic performance by the Punch staff will take place for their benefit at the Adelphi Theatre at the end of May. This will doubtless be largely attended.

The lovers of the music of Sir Henry Bishop should not omit to attend at a concert at St. James's Hall on the 6th. The programme on this occasion will be confined exclusively to the works of this eminent composer. It will be under the direction of Mr. Joseph Heming, whose well-known choir will take a considerable part in the performance.-YOUR BOHEMIAN.

SONTAG'S FIRST DEBUT. (From the German.)


With his fragrant coffee on the table before him, his finely-flavoured pipe in his mouth, sat Holbein, manager of the Prague Theatre; yet he felt relish for neither of his favourites, and dark clouds rested upon his brow. Indeed, the position of manager is not one calculated always to colour with rose tints the humour of its occupant. "A Primo Donna! A kingdom for a Prima Donna!" cried the poor, troubled man; for he had promised to procure one in place of his own who had fallen sick, and he knew not how he could keep his word. The celebrated tenor singer, Gerstacker, who was visiting in the city, had so delighted the public with his magnificent voice and exquisite style that in spite of the heat of summer he was eagerly called for, to appear in opera. Now without some one to fill the place of the invalid soprano, this would of course be impossible. As it was expected of him to furnish the wanting element was it wonderful that the manager's Mocha had lost its flavour, and that his brow was clouded? With a gentle rap at the door, his friend, the Kappellmeister and Opera director, Triebensee, entered, and the first sound that met his ear was the almost despairing cry:

"It is well that you are come, help me, stand by me. A kingdom for a soprano singer, were it but for one rôle !"

"First give me the kingdom, and then I will furnish the singer!" was the laughing reply. "But what is the rôle ?"

"Gerstacker has declared his willingness to sing Jean de Paris. It is said to be one of his

best efforts, everything is ready for the representation, the only thing wanting is the Princess of Navarre."

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Only Donna Clara, Princess of Navarre? Why, I should say everything was wanting there," said Triebensee playfully, when looking up at the other's sorry face, he continued still cheerfully, but, consolingly too," Hold up your head, Holbein ! I will see to the wanting trifle, I will provide you with a most serene princess, I have one amongst my scholars."

'Who, oh, who is this pearl?"

"Jetterl, Sontag's pretty little daughter. She is a little star, full of wisdom and talent, full of understanding and unthusiasm. She is just studying with me the role of the Princess of Navarre. So then in five days-too long? Why, man, you are unreasonable! Well, then, in three days you can give the opera; that is, if Gerstäcker will sing with the little one, for she is young-very young indeed."

"And you think she will succeed; that she will not disgrace us?"

"She! Disgrace us? Certainly not.” "Then it is decided. Your word is enough for me. Thank God, there is a load gone from my heart!" and the happy manager sprang joyfully up, whilst the Kapellineister took a speedy leave and hastened off to his pupil.

At the house door he was met by the silvery, bell-like tones of Henriette's voice, and the old teacher's heart glowed with pleasure at finding his favourite pupil at her studies so early in the morning, and when she was not expecting him either. Softly he opened her door, and unseen by the charming girl who sat at the piano, stood eagerly listening, smiling with satisfaction when she sang a passage over and over until she had it perfect. At last, when she had finished a phrase of the most extremely difficult "colorit" with astonishing skill and sureness, he could maintain his silence no longer, but heartily clapping his hand, he cried

"You are a glorious girl, Jetterl, and in three days you shall appear as Princess in Jean de Paris."

The young girl, who had sprung quickly up, and, all glowing with the praise and applause, hastened towards her teacher, now fell back in affright at this startling news, unable to speak a word, plainly showing her feeling by her expressive face and clear blue eyes.


My dear child, keep up your courage," said Triebensee, soothingly, when he saw her standing there so pale and trembling; "do you think I would have said you could sing the Princess if I had not been sure of it? And will you not do credit to your old friend and teacher; shall he not be proud of you?"

A quiver of joy thrilled through the charming form of the young girl. The roses bloomed once more on the cheeks that had been so palethe roses of fresh, early youth, almost childhood; the eyes beamed with courage and enthusiasm, the whole face was illuminated as though transfigured by the pure dedication to art, and with a firm voice Henriette said:

"You have said, master, that I can do it; your word shall not be brought to shame! I shall be ready in three days to appear as the Princess of Navarre."

"God bless you, my child!"

"Do you know that Gäerstker is going to sing Jean de Paris to-morrow?" cried one passer by to another. "I am hurrying off to get tickets, they say there is a great press about the box."

"But the first singer is sick, who is going to give the Princess ?"

"Little Sontag-the daughter of the actress?" "She? Why it is not long since she was playing with her doll-she was always a fine child-but she must be very young."

These and similar expressions might be heard in the streets the day before the representation and on the following evening, too, when, notwithstanding the intense heat, a large audience eagerly awaited the artistic treat of hearing the distinguished guest in Jean de Paris. At last Gaerstacker appeared, and played and sang so that it was a pleasure to listen to him, and he was met by bursts of enthusiastic applause. Now and then acquaintances would remark to each other: "Poor ltitle Henriette-poor child, how unfortunate that she should make her début with so great an artist!"

| nation but with the dignity of her bearing, could no longer repress his delight. The old man had no intention, however, that his softly spoken bravo should be the signal, as it was, for a burst of the most stormy applause that has ever been bestowed upon so youthful a candidate. This universal burst of applause at first not only surprised but confused the maiden, so that for one moment her voice trembled, but she bravely conquered her emotion, and then encouraged by the recognition, the notes rang forth with yet more fulness, clearness, and freshness, until a wondrously beautiful trill, of a roundness of tone and remarkable duration-so that the Kapellmeister was forced to hold his_breath_in amaze-ended the exquisite aria, "With what wondrous ardour." From this moment the victory was sure, for with that aria the young novice in art had elevated herself to the rank of artiste, and the great Gerstacker had to be content to share the triumph of the evening with a young débutante.

Henriette was received behind the scenes at the end of the first act by her delighted mother and her deeply moved teacher.

"I knew that my brave girl would not disgrace me, but I scarcely thought she would make an old teacher so proud," said the old man. "Der Daus! that was a trill! I thought it was never coming to an end, it would have terrified me had I not been so completely over

and yet she can sing so that I must take my hat off to her. Listen, Jetterl, one day you will have a rich harvest of glory and honour, and when they press the laurel wreaths upon your. brow think sometimes of the old teacher, then perchance, resting in the quiet grave!

And now the approach of the princess was announced. All eyes were turned towards the door, on whose threshold there suddenly ap-whelmed with joy. Such a little back-fisch,' peared one of the purest and loveliest apparitions that have ever been seen upon the stage. Two years later, when Henriette Sontag again appeared in public, a magic flower had grown out of the lovely bud, that even now combined such | grace, loveliness, and maidenly dignity, that all hearts were irresistibly drawn towards the being that looked more like an angel than ought else. And when Jean, overcome by the sight of the noble donna sings

"Lovely is she as a flower

Tender goodness in her eyes,
And iu every feature power
Of reflecting joy there lies!"

the eyes of the assembled multitude were bent
upon the young girl standing there as the em-
bodiment of these words, and the murmur of
satisfaction grew more and more perceptible.

With true womanly modesty, yet with neither awkwardness nor timidity the princess advanced, and the first tones pealed forth from her rosy lips with a clearness, a sweet, ardent fulness that possessed the power of spreading throughout the but now so excited audience the stillness of the grave. In Henriette's great blue eyes, the mirror of her pure soul, there kindled a yet brighter light than before when the first soft bravo fell upon her ear; it had for her more value than a whole storm of applause, for it came from her teacher, the old Kapellmeister, who, enraptured not only with the purity of her into

Deeply affected, the maiden silently bore the honoured hand to her lips. And now both she and Gerstacker must again appear. In the second act the favourite Troubadour song caused great furore; Jean de Paris was obliged to repeat his part, but in the case of the princess, once did not suffice. Da capo, and again da capo, for the third time, must Henriette sing hers: the audience grew ever warmer in their enthusiasm-and it was no forced applause no feigned ardor, but the pure outburst of intense satisfaction, mingled in regard to Henriette Sontag with a joyful amaze that one so young could accomplish so much. Amidst a tumult of rejoicing at the artistic treat, for never had Gerstacker been seen to such advantage,

the curtain fell.

Thus ended the first, altogether unpremeditated début of the youthful singer. Truly no singer ever met with greater, better merited triumph, no woman's name ever shone more brightly amidst the triple crown of greatest artiste, truest, most excellent wife, and most faithful mother.

Now she rests from her labours, from her rich, varied life, but the name of Henriette Sontag still lives. May it long be honoured!


(Specially from Paris.)

FIRST FIGURE-WALKING TOILET.-Dress of Indian foulard, having a first skirt trimmed with silk cross-stripes of a darker tint. The second skirt has each width rounded at bottom, and trimmed on the seams. Sleeves close-fitting. Jacket of the same material as the dress, long sleeves in the Medici style. Rice-straw bonnet, of a round form, trimmed with crystal fringe, and in front with a cordon of dead foliage, prolonged to the top of the strings. The latter are made of white silk, fastened by a group of the same foliage.

SECOND FIGURE-INDOOR TOILET of blue gauze, striped with white, trimmed round the bottom of the dress with a band of blue silk, studded with pearls. Corselet body of blue velvet, or gros-grain trimmed with a similar ornament and a peplum of the same material decorated with a fringe en suite. Muslin underbody laid in narrow plaits. Waistband fastened with a rosette at the side. Blue velvet ribbon in the hair.

I send you a description of some pretty evening and ball-dresses, the models of which I have just seen. The first consists of a white satin dress, with under-body of the same, and green satin corselet. The head-dress consists of a cordon of foliage, mixed with clusters of berries. Louis XV. fan. Handkerchief trimmed with English point.-Secondly, a toilet composed of an under-skirt of white silk. Second skirt of white gauze. Under-body of white silk, with corselet cut square at top, and round at the waist. Short puffed sleeves. White silk under-body. On the hair a wreath of dead foliage.-The third dress is of grey satin, veiled with tulle of the same colour, puffed and ornamented with a cordon of roses. The top of the body is finished with a snow of white and pink tulle. Chantilly lace scarf. Coiffure real pearls and roses.-The fourth toilet consists of a mauve satin dress, accompanied with a tunic of mauve crape. Satin body; cordon of white roses thrown towards the side, and slanting across the middle of the body. The hair is ornamented with beads and clusters of white


For travelling and walking dresses short skirts will be decidedly worn: grey and other quiet shades are much in request for spring toilets. For a young girl the following costume will be found extremely pretty: the material is grey cashmere; the petticoat is plain, but the over-skirt, which is shorter, is cut in square turrets, or dents round the edge, and bordered with a double row of cerise satin galloon goffered. From the throat to the edge of the skirt the dress is fastened with a row of cerise silk buttons. The bodice is formed of a grey corselet and narrow braces, both trimmed with

cerise satin. No band is needed, the waist being simply corded with cerise satin; a short paletôt-sac, of the same material as the dress, is worn with it; this is lined with grey silk and trimmed all round with a double row of cerise galloon. On the left shoulder there is a tasteful bow, consisting of three loops and two flowing ends. This stylish toilet can be copied in poplin, and trimmed with black velvet, or in any fancy material, and ornamented in black braid. A very pretty style of short dress is to have it cut straight round the edge and slit up at the sides, as it then harmonizes with the short paletôt also cut up at the sides.

Dresses cut in the redingote shape are much worn for driving or visiting toilets. A pearlgrey poplin redingote, trimmed up the seams with narrow cross-cut bands of white satin, is a fashionable out-door toilet for a young married lady.

Basquines, fitting the figure, are again very fashionable; they are much more graceful and elegant than the short loose paletôt. That most elegant of all trimmings, lace, is again in vogue for dresses intended for weddings, visits, and other ceremonious occasions. It is arranged on the skirt, just above the plaiting edging it.

I have seen a dinner-dress, the whole of the ornamentation of which was effected with the aid of the sewing-machine of Wheeler and Wilson. Another toilet deserves notice from the peculiar beauty of the imitation-precious stones with which it was decorated, and the rare perfection of their setting; this latter robe is composed of a first skirt of white tulle over a transparent of white. satin, and garnished at the bottom by un plissé-Marguerite, half of tulle, half of white blond; at the head of this plaiting a cordon of jasmine. The tunic skirt is of rosecoloured satin, ornamented at the bottom by a snow of tulle, strewed with butterflies composed of the most brilliant imitation-precious stones. The corsage is finished with a peplum-basque, formed entirely of a net-work of pearls, a coat of mail, the effect of which is charming. A guimpe of plaited tulle is worn with the corselet; upon the shoulders a puff of tulle, sprinkled with butterflies like those on the skirt. The sleeves (very short) are composed of a bouillonne of tulle over rose-coloured satin, and are bordered with a plaiting of blond. In the hair, butterflies of all colours. An elegant fan finishes this charming toilet-a fan composed of fine mother-o'-pearl, sustaining a cordon of roses posed upon white lace. This model is a fantasy, a charming caprice-a toilet bespangled with pearls.

I shall reserve for next month my talk of bonnets, &c.

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