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does not need to be told here to-day. His conduct during the excitement of 1873 was characterized by firmness, by grasp of constitutional principles, and by consummate tact, and when he leaves our shores, he will take with him the respect and admiration-nay, almost the affection of every man and woman in Canada, for his noble bearing and sympathetic genius have given him a warm place in the hearts of thousands who never saw him.

I now conclude. The history of the Irishman in Canada closes as it opened with the name of an Irish Governor-General on my pen. I have shown what part the Irishman has played in clearing the forest, in building up the structure of our civic life, in defending the country, in battling for our liberties, in developing our resources, in spreading enlightenment, in the culture of literature and art, in tending the sacred fires of religion, in sweetening the cares of life, and I trust I have done this without giving offence in any quarter, or forgetting for a single instant that my paramount duty, as the paramount duty of us all, belongs to Canada.



ABERDEEN, Earl of, 476
Abraham, his faith, 1

Acadian. His poetical account, 206,│|
208, 222

his contempt for General Smyth,

on Winder and Chandler, 214

on Newark avenged, 233

his sketch of American manners
fifty years ago, 235

Adamson, Dr., 433

Adelaide, Irish settlers in, 303
Typhus fever breaks out in, 304
Age and piety, 179
Agitation, 509

Ague and fever, 358-9, 375
Alfred the Great, 394
Alison, William Henry, 157
Allan, Hon. William, 400

Allen, Arnold, with 300 men crosses
Lake Champlain, 75

Allen, Colonel, sent by Montgomery
to surprise Montreal, 78
Aikens, Hon. James, birth and poli-
tical career, 275.
Airey, Mr. Julius, 124
Colonel, ib.

America, Discovery of, by Saynt
Brandon, 51

Irishmen met there on all sides, in

the eighteenth century, 52
civil war of, part played in by Irish-
men, 65, 66

Americans retreat from before Que-
bec, 86

cruelty of, 89

plan the conquest of Canada, 207
Anderson, William, 95

Anglicanism, Father of, in Canada,

Anglin, T. W. 164

Archibald, Donald, 158
Mr. Cyril, M.P, 661
Ard Righ, the, 17
Art in Canada, 611
father of, born, ib.
progress of, 612
not encouraged, 613

glory and beauty of Canadian land-
scape not yet appreciated, 617

Artists, Canadian, 617

Artistic Genius of Irishmen, 35
Ardagh, Rev. Samuel B., 594, 628
Arcadia, dreamed of by Talbot and
Lord Dacre, 108

Armed revolution condemned by Col.
James E. McGee, 44

Arnold's march from Boston to Que-
bec, 81-83

Arthur, Sir George, succeeds Sir F.
Head, 406

requested to summon the Legisla-

ture, 413

Assembly, promised to Quebec, 71
delay in granting, a cause of dissatis
faction, 72

of Upper Canada meets, quarrel
between, and Metcalfe, 493
Aylwyn, 489

Attachments, romantic, 393
Australia, the Irishman in, 66

BAGOT, Sir Charles, sent out as Gov-
ernor of Canada, 476

character of, 477

Hincks induced to join his Govern-
ment, ib.

vilely assailed, 485
death of, 483

Bailey, John, 353
Bailey, F. G., 604

Baldwin, Admiral, 173, 400

Annexation and Independence, 252, Baldwin, Rev. A. H., 629


Archibalds, the, 153

Baldwin, Capt. Henry, 173

Baldwin, Robert, the Emigrant, 172

Baldwin, Robert-continued.

Robert, Hon., 173, 431

the author of Confederation, 387
birth of, 394

imbibed his principles from his
father, 389
character, 391

oratory-private life-love for his
wife and children, 393
completeness of his character, 394
called to the bar, 395

contests York and returned, ib.
remains out of Parliament, ib.
key to his political character, 396
visits England in 1835, ib.
correspondence with Lord Glenelg,

returns to Canada, ib.

his resignation, 443, 446

explains resignation, Col. Prince's
impertinence regarding, attacked
by Day, 453

defended by Durand, 454

Baldwin, Robert-continued.

his friends issue an address to the
people, 509

makes a tour through the Lower
Province, 510

reviews Stanley's speech, 511
attacks the Ministry, his speech
described, Globe, 515

entertained in West Halton, 534
in power, 542, 543

Ideals with treason with a firm
hand, 564

distressed by Lord John Russell's
views, 567, 568

his scrupulousness, 573

true to the principle of double ma-
jority, 575

with his retirement the Irish period
begins to decline, 576

too conservative for his party, ib.
defeated in North York by Hart
man, 576, 577

death of, 652

further explains resignation, 455, Baldwin, Dr. William Warren settles


how he was called to Executive

Council by Lord Sydenham, 455
motives for joining Executive, 456
no confidence in colleagues, 457
accused of caballing, 458
informs the Governor that union
has been effected between the
Reformers of Lower and Upper
Canada, 459

tells him that the Administration
had not the confidence of the
people, 459
supported by the Assembly and the
country, 460

his power in the country seen, 465
coalesces with MacNab and other
Tories to defeat Municipal Bill,

on Hincks' support of Municipal
Bill, 470

moves resolutions affirming prin-
ciples of responsible government,

his hour of triumph, 480

and Lafontaine enter the Govern-
ment, 482

liberal ministry under Lord Met-
calfe, singularly capable, 487, 489
and colleagues, resignation, 495
attack on Government, 501

in Toronto, 172
practises law, 173

marries; his five sons, ib.

moots constitutional questions, 389
last appearance of, in public, ib.
loses his way, ambitious of found-
ing a family, 390

gazetted to the Legislative Council,
Bards, Irish, 10
Barré, Colonel, 73

Barry and the naval wars, 58
meets Washington, father of Amer-
can Navy, 58
Barry, Sir Redmond, 66
Bangs, Dr., 98

Bangs, Nathan, 178, 181
Banking, early, 278

Baerstler entrapped, 215, 216
Bastonnais, the, 81-85
Beaconsfield, Lord, had probably read
McGee's poetry, 650
Beaty, James, 278, 279
Beatty's settlements, 276
Bears, stories of, 355, 377
Bedford, Quebec, Irish settlers in, 593
Belford Bros., Publishers, 279
Belford, Charles, ib.
Bell, William, 89, 347

Bell, first, in a church in Canada, 100
Bell, family, the, 353

Belleville, builders of, 379
Bellingham, Sidney Robert, 331
Bengough, (Grip) 613


Bennet, Rev. James, D.D., 165
Berkeley, conceives the idea of found-
ing college in Summer Islands, 55
arrives at Newport, ib.

[ocr errors]

writes his Minute Philosopher, ib.
66 famous verse,
ward the Star of Empire," ib.
Berlin Decree and the United States,


Bexley, Township of, 353

Bidwell, 397, 402

Bigotry, the loss it entails on the
bigot, 27

Bisshopp, Colonel, descent on Black
Rock, 223

Blake, the family of, 302-306

Chancellor, 476

Hon. Edward, 660, 661

Vice-Chancellor, 608

Blenheim, 69

Bliss, Hon. Daniel, 160


Brisay, Rev. Theophilus des, 169
British connexion, value of, 419
British North America, unsatisfactory
condition of, 406

British evacuate Boston, 87
repulsed at Charleston, ib.
victorious at Long Island, ib.
take possession of New York, ib.
beaten at Trenton, ib.
Brown Hon. George, 384
his first speech, 502
replies for press, 511
quizzes ex-ministers, 542
character, 582

as leader of party, 583
hostility to Hinck's Government,

controversy with Mr. Christie and
the Hon. Wm. McDougall, 583
joins the Conservatives in Opposi-
tion, 585

leader of Opposition, 588

called on to form a Government, 652
leaves the Ministry, 655

Board of Works, management of, in Brock, General, 201-207

Metcalfe's time, 520

Bonfield, James, M. P.P., 592
Boomer, Dean, 629

Bonnycastle, Sir Richard, on the Irish
emigrants, 401

on the Irish in Newfoundland, 143
Boulton, Hon. Henry John, censured
by the House, 389
Bowes, John George, 283
elected mayor, 575

Boyle, Patrick, editor Irish Canadian,

Boys of Canada in early days, 612
Boyne, Battle of, 27

Boyd, General, 229

John, 162

Rev. Dr. 632

Mossom, 353

Brant, Captain, 100

Brantford, City of, 379, 593

sensible address of Irish inhabitants

to Metcalfe, 492

hands tied by Prevost, 207
death and resting place, 208
Bryson, Alexander, 349
Buchanan, Isaac, 446
Builders, Irish, in Toronto, 274
Bunker Hill, 78

Bunster, Hon. Arthur, M. P. 661
Bunting, Christopher, 597
Burchell, Benjamin, 353
Burgoyne, General, supersedes Carle-
ton, 87

Burke, Edmund, 34, 73
his humour, 73

denounces Quebec Act, ib.

Dr. Edmund, a great missionary
and statesman, 148, 149

Father, 34

Burk, John, settled in Clarke, 171
Busate, 614

Butler, Lieut. -Colonel, 207

Lieutenant Thomas, 208

Breach of Promise, good story of, and CABIN HUNTING, 378

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