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capital---and so only needed the Galilean information! Such ingenious methods of reconciling discrepancies might move our mirth, if the subject of enquiry were not too grave. But if the defence were not ridiculous--what, again, shall we say about the plenary inspiration' of three Evangelits who know nothing about a series of visits (with important circumstances) made by Jesus to Jerusalem? Inspired' were they,---and yet failed to register the remarkable cures of the man who had the infirmity thirty-eight years, of the man who was born blind,---and also the raising of Lazarus,--three of the most imposing 'miracles' attributed by John, to Christ,--all wrought in Judea (two at Jerusalem and the other at Bethany)! could they have failed---I ask again---to chronicle these events, if they had known of them, or of Christ's visits to the localities where John says they were performed? And if John's 'inspiration' only, be questioned---in order to square the discrepancy--what greater warrant have we for the 'inspiration' of Matthew, Mark, and Luke?

We need make but one remark, and pass on---that as the first three Evangelists always give a reason for Jesus leaving Galilee (either to proceed to the North, or to the castern shore of the lake of Tiberias) --and John for his leaving Jerusalem---it is evident that they proceed from positively opposite data: just as Matthew and Luke do with regard to the place of Christ's birth.

The Duration of Christ's Ministry is another moot point. No exact period of time can be affixed to it, from the first three Evangelists. In John, it comprises something over two years, from the feasts he mentions ---though one is controverted: it might be Pentecost, Purim, or Passover : the majority of the Fathers made it a Passover, and so obtained a period of three years for the entire duration of Christ's Ministry. Yet, a few of the Fathers reckoned but one Messianic year---taking, as their rule of judgment, the phrase "acceptable year of the Lord," in Isaiah! Irenæus stands alone, and strangely prolongs the Ministry of Christ from his thirtieth to nearly his fiftieth year--adopting as his rule of judgment the remark of Christ's enemies---"Thou art not yet fifty years old, and hast thou seen Abraham ?" All is uncertain, however, as it regards this moot point. If the Baptism, as Luke intimates, took place in the fifteenth year of Tiberius, and the Crucifixion under Pontius Pilate,---the Ministry of Jesus might extend to nearly seven years,---since Tiberius reigned more than seven years after his fifteenth, and Pilate was only recalled from his government of Judea at the death of that emperor. In default of positive Information by the Evangelists, no one, therefore, can say how long the Public Life of Jesus continued.

But, the Chronology of the Public Life of Christ is involved in still deeper difficulties. The transactions in the Galilean gospels which are not recorded by John cannot be panelled between the Jerusalem Feasts' of John. Tuo negative facts warrant us in this affirmation: Matthew, Mark, and Luke, give us no points of departure to Jerusalem: John never tells us that these said transactions occurred---even by way of hint; for he might have done so, without going into the whole history of them, if he had known of them.

And how striking are the divergencies between the first three and the fourth Evangelist--when they do mention the same incident or miracle! For instance: John, says that when Jesus began his ministry, the Baptist was not yet cast into prison; Matthew makes Jesus come into Galilee to

commence his ministry after John's imprisonment! Again: the healing of the Centurion's son, John places immediately after the return of Jesus from his prolonged residence in Judea and Samaria, during and after the First Passover: but not a single aperture can be found in the first three Evangelists---no going out of Judea---no return: the Sermon on the Mount has been delivered after a course of teaching and miracles---and this cure of the nobleman's son follows at once! Again: in the narratives of the miracles of the loaves and fishes, and of the walking on the sea: Matthew makes Jesus come from Galilee to the opposite shore of the sea: John makes him set out from Jerusalem! Matthew and Mark make him go after the miracles, for seclusion, into a district where he was less known: John takes him, at once, to Capernaum, with which of all places he was most familiar! I forbear to dwell on these divergencies---for we have already dwelt upon them, or, at least, on some of their features,

What is the most candid sentence which a reader who had thought for himself, and dared to speak in defiance of orthodoxy, would pronounce upon the first three Evangelists? Simply this: that they give us a string of anecdotes,-more or less legendary, and that they think they are On the other hand, John's narrative is chronologising, but fail to do so, abundant comparatively in materials for ourforming a connected and sequent history of the ministry of Christ-but we start back from adopting it, and ask how his gospel with its peculiar developement of the character of Jesus, so widely different from the portraiture in Matthew, Mark, and Luke-can be credible rather than theirs ?--how his data can be received as correct compared with the want of data, and the omission of his accounts of transactions, in Matthew, Mark, and Luke?

I might go on to notice the divergencies in the account of the calling of the disciples, with many other divarications in the Gospel Narratives; but I must stop, somewhere,-for the Sunday evenings of one halfof the yearwould scarcely suffice to give us time enough to complete our investigation. I therefore stop here-purposing to devote the time allotted for the remaining discourses, to a consideration of the Gospel narratives of the Crucifixion and Resurrection, and to a summary view of what I conceive to be the real character of Jesus of Nazareth.


In conclusion, let me entreat you not to take on trust anything that I have said--any more than you take on trust what orthodox teachers say. Read, examine, scrutinize, and judge for yourselves. I give you but my own honest conclusion, when I tell you that it seems to me we must take the most improbable things for true on less evidence than we should consider necessary to establish the most ordinary fact in our own life-time-if we receive these Gospel stories for truths. I dare not do this -seeing the vast importance of the facts involved in the receipt of the stories as facts: I cannot do this-for the writers themselves prevent me: they tell me the tale in different ways. With such forbidding difficulties, shall you or I be intimidated by the threats of eternal punishment for our unbelief? Then we are unworthy of the name of Protestants--if we relinquish Luther's noble claim of the right of private judgment,' at the frown of the priest. We are unworthy of the name of Christians--if we dare not do what Christ did: proclaim the convictions of our hearts and minds in defiance of power and authority. We are unworthy of the name of Men--if we consent, each, to become a living lie; and to cringe in the tacit confession that Orthodoxy is all right;' and its doctrines clear as the

light of noon--while, in our very heart's core, we feel it to be a huge imposture--a mass of pernicious and debasing superstition.

My friends and brothers, it is not by cowardice that great truths have ever been established. Their advocates and champions were all 'heretical' or seditious,' or pestilential fellows branded with some execrable name. But did they unsay the truth for that? Never forget that the very men whom Protestants boast of as 'Martyrs' were sufferers for freethinking: they refused to receive the Romish doctrine of transubstantiation: they would not, they could not-their reason would not allow them--to acknowledge that Christ's words were literal when he called the bread and wine his body and blood. They affirmed that the bread was bread, and the wine was wine. Why? Oh, answer ye evangelicals of whatever sect! Why? Because they could not disobey their reason; they were freethinkers! So are we. Who will be coward enough to disown the name? What Christian ought to be ashamed of it? What man ought not to be proud to be distinguished by it?

On the 1st of June will be published No. I. of a new monthly Journal, entitled, THE FREETHINKER'S MAGAZINE,

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"AND though all the winds of doctrine were let loose to play upon the earth, so Truth be in the field, we do injuriously to misdoubt her strength. Let her and Falsehood grapple! Who ever knew Truth put to the worse, in a free and open encounter?"-Milton's Areopagitica.

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WHEN Cobbett said that "cool impudence" was a prominent feature in the character of the established clergy, he uttered what was true. Up to this hour they have continued to maintain their title to that distinction; they have not abated one jot of those priestly pretensions which ever grow up in a dominant church, and render it odious to the sight of all thinking men. Fortunately, we live in an age when, in this country at least, there is little to fear for the safety of person or property from the dictatorial swagger of any religious sect; and thanks to the diffusion of useful knowledge, not even the Church of England, with all its pride and pomposity, can materially interfere with the rights and liberties of the citizen. The persecuting, exclusive, dog-in-the-manger spirit is, however, still strong in the bosom of the hierarchy; and every now and then it forces itself upon our notice in some repulsive form or other. Whenever a question is in agitation involving an extension of civil or religious freedom,-whenever some antiquated remnant of illiberal prejudice is to be abolished,-whenever a fresh piece of legislative bigotry is brought forward,—or a wide, unsectarian, and generous scheme for the elevation of the masses, and for making the great body of the people an intellectual and moral ornament to the land,-whenever Right is to be achieved, or Wrong perpetrated, the clergy of the Establishment will invariably be found hounding on the advocates of oppression and ignorance, and maligning the motives and reputations of the opposite party.

This is precisely the case now that Secular Education occupies the public mind. On the side of the opponents of that measure are the Church clergy, sure enough. They join hands with the Nonconformists to defeat Mr. Fox's Bill. But the spirit of their opposition is of a somewhat different temper to that offered by the Dissenters. These latter reject the proposed plan, because all Christianity, because the Bible, is to be excluded from the schools; and not because the peculiar doctrines of this, that, or the other sect, are not to be taught therein. But by the Church of England it is denounced on grounds far less respectable: on grounds at once selfish and contemptible, as well as truly ridiculous. In any measure for establishing a system of National Secular Education, (which must be in its very essence, not inimical to, but unconnected with, every particular phase of religious faith,) the clergy see an attack upon what they have the assurance to claim as their indefeasible privilege the sole authority of teaching the children of the poor. The schools in connection with

their churches in the different parishes, would then cease to be in name what they have long ceased to be in reality,-National schools. The clergy must then give up the theory as well as the practice of being the only legitimate educators of the English people. They must descend from their haughty elevation, resign their visionary prerogative, and consent to be regarded as an equally protected, but not a favoured, educational body in the state. This levelling system, which after all is nothing more than equity, sorely goes against their proud stomachs; and, (independent of the dread that the people shall think too much for themselves, become too free in their notions, and lose what little reverence they may have remaining for a well-nigh worn-out institution,) was quite sufficient to ensure the hostility it has met with, and by which it will, for a while, be thrown overboard. That there is a fear on the part of the clergy, that if non-scriptural education become prevalent, the rising generation may become too rational in their religious views, is evident from a sentiment uttered by the Rev. G. A. Denison, a violent high-churchman, at a public meeting a few months ago. He said: "If any attempts to rationalise the Church of England are to be allowed, we will, at least, take very good care, by God's help, that so great a curse shall not be inflicted upon us and our children through the channel of her schools." So that, according to Mr. Denison, so long as the Church is the guardian of Education the 'great curse' of Reason shall never be encouraged. It is indeed a consolation to know that Reason can make its way, despite the stumbling-blocks thrown in its path by scriptural schoolmasters. In the petition adopted at the above-named meeting, is this modest opinion, "according to our belief the Church of England is the divinely appointed teacher of the English_nation." From whence she derived her divine charter we are not informed, and have never been able to discover. However, this is only one of the multitude of absurdities harboured in the imagination of Mother Church. She not merely believes that she ought to be the exclusive teacher of the poor, but that in process of time she will be so actually. The Archbishop of York, in a charge delivered by him last year, expresses himself thus :-" My own hope and belief, and unwavering conviction is, that the managers of schools -in other words the clergy-will soon find themselves in possession, generally, of all the authority they can desire, and will have the satisfaction of directing, according to their best judgment, the whole education of the children of the poor." This is an honest admission of the pretensions of the Church: pretensions we never expect to see gratified. The enemies of Secular Education, be they who they may, will ultimately be defeated. Truth will grow, and weather every storm. The close affinity of crime, with intellectual as well as physical poverty, is now generally recognised; and it is the duty of government to render all the assistance in its power for the prevention of crime. The best and surest preventive force is a sound intellectual and moral culture. A child may be taught to feel the .criminality of theft, or murder, or lying, without being introduced to the perplexities of Trinities, and Atonements, and crucified Deities. Soberness and chastity may be inculcated, unblended with theories of Baptism and the Lord's Supper. We want to make good men, wise men; and, if Christianity be true, goodness and wisdom will form a firm basis on which to graft the doctrines of Christ. But whether or not we obtain a National Education immediately, the time has arrived when the people will think for themselves, in spite of the scowl of Orthodoxy. That the English hierarchy should dislike thinkers is natural, for to all systems of theological domination "such men are dangerous." F. G.

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