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travellers, as any of her numerous “ Curse thee," said the virago of the undertakings miscarried, in which pan and spit; "must thou have it one might plainly read that she gave raw and bloody from the cow's them all, body and spirit, to flames haunch too?. Lie down; or I will everlasting:

thrust a collop down thy throat with I seated myself at a vacant table, the red-hot tongs.” At this moment and began to peruse the faces of in glided mine host's daughter, Rethose among whom it was my lot to becca. Ah, Squire Featherstone,” be cast-there were various groupes, said the damsel, “ it's a kind wind and several solitaries; but the looks that blows you here;” and she stood of all were riveted on the fire, and beside her huge guest, her eyes on the demon who ruled over pot and shining - with gladness. The squire spit. “My good girl," said a tall roused himself up as much as a man traveller, brandishing his knife and of his calibre might; and, stroking fork and leaning forward upon the down the curling ringlets of the table like one eager for a feast, maiden with a hand rivalling in “ when am I to have my morsel weight a shoulder of mutton, said, from the fire? Here am í fasting - Thank thee for thy good will, girl from all, save a single pot and a -and see if thou hast not a cap and pound of corned beef at the Gled and feather the better for't at MidsumGosling, and a whet at the Robin mer. Wind that blew me here, ReHood. I am so ravenous that I becca, wench? In faith, lass, it could demolish, at a cut or two, could not be less than a storm that your whole mess of steaks, and eat blew me here—yet I have seen, on a the gridiron they were broiled on.” day, when I could have crept through “Come, then, cormorant,” said the the bore of an inch-auger, and leapt, incensed cook, “ fall on, and the hop-step-and-jump, with the lithest fiend give thee good on't, hot iron lads of the three Ridings. But, and all !” And she placed the grid- Becky, lass ! come, stir thee-stir iron, reeking with collops, before thee. I come not here to look in thy him-a thick and fat vapour eddied pretty face, and set these ringlets away in a long stream, as, nothing right on thy shoulders—but, hark in displeased, and with a sharp and thy left ear—if thou wouldst come and diligent knife, he began to make the be dame Featherstone, I would comb smoking dainty disappear.

thy locks with a golden comb, wench The fragrance of the traveller's - I would.” To all this Rebecca anmeal reached a figure seated in a swered with a laugh, and a sidelong stuffed arm-chair-and so huge in look, which seemed to measure and person, and utterly unwieldy, that weigh this mighty production of the he must have come by the waggon— North Riding. Her eye became for no common vehicle could have graver, as she looked ; and growing moved under him. He was so over- doubt seemed gathering beneath her laid with outward man, that he lids. She went to a small tablemight be compared to a candle over- covered it with a white cloth-redipped. He sat with his eyes fixed moved, with a careful hand, a roaston the revolving spit—if eyes they ed fowl from the fire, and set it might be called, of which you could smoking before him. In a moment, only distinguish the faint glimmer of all else that the world contained vas satisfaction increasing as the roast nished from mind and eye-the fowl, approached to a conclusion, so deep- dismembered, lay distilling fat dews ly were they overbuilt by cheek, and -he neither looked to the right nor to brow. When the reek of the broiled the left; but with both hands carcollops was wafted across his face ried an incessant supply to that insahe gave a grunt of delight; and a tiable crevice which men call the large bull-dog, as overgrown as mouth, and then dropped the fraghimself, which lay beneath his ments to his four-footed comrade at chair, with its broad square nose his feet. resting on its fore-paws, arose, and Apart from him, and divided at looked in its owner's face, shook its equal distances round a little table, tail, and licked its lips, and uttered a sat three of those wise and profound whine of most clamorous desire. persons who settle all movements by


land and sea, taxation, tithes, par liamentary influence and what per haps promised, from their course of life, to be of more importance-parochial settlements, and the blessing of having charity doled out to the moiety of mankind by the reluctant hand of the legislature. In imita tion, too, of their Saxon ancestors, who debated all serious subjects once drunk and once sober, they had commenced in drink, knowing there would be time for reflection and sobriety soon, when cash grew scant, and credit scarce. "Confound all your flowered and open-stitch luxuries," said one, a journeyman manufacturer of the finest Yorkshire broad cloth; "confound them all, say I, since wool may clothe them all like peeresses and princesses, Away with your flimsy silk, and your gaudy satin, and your fine woven laces, and your striped and flowered muslins; and up with the fleece and the comb. One of our best blues, with a cut-steel button from Rhodes of Sheffield, might be come men, were they all demigods. It will never be a merry country again, till the wool-comb puts down the spinning-jennies and the lace-looms; and then for the beef, and the bread, and the beer." And he emptied a quart of ale at a draught-and flourished the burnished vessel around his head, in defiance of contradiction.

"I will tell ye my mind, plump and plain," said a travelling dealer in cattle, balancing in his hand, at the same time, a flagon of ale crowned with white foam like a competition cauliflower, which he held halfway between the table and his lips, like one resolved to be brief. tell ye what-I would pull down the "I mills, and make a bonfire of the machinery, and hang one half of the weavers by the light of their own blazing looms, and banish the other. I would turn pleasant Lancashire into good grass parks, where you would hear nought but the low of fattening cattle, and see nought but merry men making bargains, and giving glorious luck-pennies, in the corner of every field. And should any one ask you who said so, ye may say it was Dick Desborough, of the North Riding, damn me.'

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the concluding flourish of swearing flagon of ale, into the foam of which was quenched to a whisper in the he instantly dived.

other comrade, balancing himself "Dick Desborough," said his with difficulty on his seat, and spilling the ale at every attempt which he made to lift it to his lips; "Dick Desborough, I will dispute with no man-opinion is free-or what have about, and given the king good adwe signed the petition to parliament vice? Opinion, Dick, is no taxed commodity-thanks to Hampden and Hunt for that-it is as free as the Rebecca, my dear: so here goes opiwind-as free as the light of thy eye, nion. Confound yarn winnels, grass parks, lowing cattle, cattle dealers, and all luck-pennies, glorious or inglorious. Confound them, hide and hair-fell and flesh, skin and bone. Give me a sharp ploughshare-a free furrow cut clean as Rebecca's ribbon, hot harvest, and then I will show a showery and sunny summer, and a you a merry Old England again. The flagons will foam, the lasses will dance, the lads will sing, and all men will laugh at sharp taxation and rotten boroughs, and lying evils and standing armies. Confound pasturage and spinning-mills, says Bill Swingletree; and so said his father before him."

"And who laughs at standing armies, and blooming virago, who, seated in I shall be glad to know?" said a tall a corner between two travelling he seemed desirous to be considered as roes of the firelock and knapsack, appertaining to both. The arm of a little carotty-headed corporal had in→ vaded, and partly occupied, the amher upper works were in the possesple circumference of her waist; while sion of a brawny private, with long waxed mustaches, a grim eye, and a menacing aspect." And who laughs at the lads of the gun, and the sword?" said the heroine, rising up to give greater emphasis to what she was about to say. ter men, and handsomer, thrown in I have seen bet→ by the dozen, like sand-bags, to fill a wet ditch during a hasty march, than the cleverest one among ye. Confound ye for clod-hoppers, and combers of wool, and drivers of cattle! Does it become such fellows as you

to speak slightingly of our gallant soldiers? You who sit, full-fed, and warm, and safe, at home, when the bullets fly and the bayonets are crimsoned, and the brooks of a foreign land are increased with English blood? Ye eat when ye are hungry -ye drink when ye are dry-ye go to bed when ye please-and ye rise to the crowing of the cock, or the sound of the harvest horn-ye hide your heads when the rain falls-and ye work but when the sun shines and ye dance, and ye sing, and ye make mouths at your betters-and to whom are ye indebted for all these indulgences, but to the good and gallant soldier? And yet must I hear words of scorn for those who kept bloodshed from your doors, by many a gallant deed, on many a bloody field! I would not give the little finger of poor Sandie Frazer, who lies buried in the gory dykes of Bergen-op-zoom, for a whole North Riding of such productions as youand I am a North Riding lass, myself-Nancy Rutherford by name.'

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"And is poor Sandie Frazer dead?" said a young woman, entering the door of the ale-house, with a child in her arms, and another at her foot. Then my pilgrimage is ended; and these bonnie babes are fatherless." And she sunk down on a seat at the threshold-drew the children to her bosom, and sobbed aloud. "But let me understand you, lass," said Nancy of the North Riding. "Our Sandie Frazer may not be your Sandie Frazer, our lad was tall, with sunny hair, bright blue eyes, lisped somewhat in his speech, and his speech was very sweet-he smiled when he spoke, sung like a thrush, and danced as light as a leaf in the wind." "Enough, enough," said the young woman, "ye have seen my Sandie Frazer; there was but ae lad whom the mother of these two children loved, and he lies dead in a trench. Woe's me for ye, my two sweet wee unhappy weans.' "A pot of Burton ale to a drink of ditchwater," said the other," that ye are the lass he always sighed for and spoke about-ye have the very look of the one he described to me-only saddened down like, and touched with sorrow somewhat. Sorrow's a sad hand for a fair face-she has laid a finger on me in her time. But

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speaking of bonnie Sandie-d'ye come from near Dumfermline? and is your name-I forget now-it is a queer name, a Mac-something; but if ye be she, your father disowned ye, and your mother turned ye from the door, cause ye wedded corporal Frazer. Plague on their Scottish pride.".

The young woman replied, with a shriek of pleasure and of agony, "And did he aye speak about me, say yeand did he tell you the story of our love? Then shall I seek bread for his bairns through the wide world, with a contented though a sorrowful heart. Will ye say what ye ken of his death? I can bide it, I can bide it." "It's a tale soon told," said she of the North Riding; "I marched with Corporal Cater then-he's dead and buried in a bloody grave, as well as your bonnie Sandie-oh the dykes of Bergen-op-zoom!-I saw them full of water at night, and found them filled with dead bodies in the morning. The first known face I saw was that of black Dick Ratcliffe, of Scarborough. But let me tell my tale right-and first let me advise my Dumfermline lass to taste a drop of this neat cheering article-a sorrowful heart's always dry. Well, well, ye wont-ye'll grow wiser, lass-I was soft like thyself, when I first followed the camp; but I soon learned-a marching regiment's a prime school; and I'm far from dull in my comprehension. However, I will tell ye what I saw-I saw seventeen hundred bonnie lads, and your Sandie Frazer among them, marching out at dead of night to the storming of that dirty Dutch town. They went out as silent as the grass o'er which they trod; and with them went two caravans-one drawn by grey horses, and the other by black-I thought, as I followed them, that it looked like a funeral; the caravans belonged to the surgeons, and were for bearing back the wounded. As they went along, I heard Corporal Frazer say to the chief surgeon, If ye bring me back, let me come with the grey; for the black looks like a hearse: and an old Scotch soldier, who marched by his side, said, 'We shall not need, Frazer-we shall lie stark and stiff, with many a pretty man, before the dawning. I have seenbut it will dispirit our comrades if I say what I have seen. Bergen-op

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zoom is the last place we shall see,
and we shall not behold it by day.'
"Come, come, Nan, lass," said
the little corporal, "
too much about that puddle dub-
you have said
all-weedy ditch and frog-marsh-old
mother twenty trews, dull dirty Hol-
land. Can't you say to the girl at
once, that Frazer and five hundred
others were shot in the ditch, and
have done with it-damme, you are
as tedious as a gazette."

"And damn swampy Holland,
Nan, my good girl," said the tall
private, it's not worth the fag-end
of a blank cartridge. Give me good
old Spain, say I, where you can have
a bullock for a bullet, a madonna to
cook it, and replenish your canteen
where the floors are silver, and the
reliques pure gold. Ah! many's the
pretty little saint of the right metal
I have had in my knapsack; here's
to a merry Spanish campaign, say I,
and let Holland go to the hogs
where a man cannot have a mouthful
of meat without the current metal-
a curse upon the land, say I; and
may the dykes break, and the sea re-
sume its empire."

"Peace, thou moiety of manhood," said she of the North Riding," and silence, thou mere flint-snapper." "And now, my bonnie lass of Dumfermline town, as poor Corporal Frazer called thee, I will tell thee of the last of his marches. We went out at midnight, as silent as shadows, and halted not till we saw the dykes and ramparts dark before uswith here and there a twinkling light, and here and there a sentinel pacing his rounds. We moved ona dog barked, and a soldier saw us, and fired; and, without a shout, down rushed our men, and then the work of death began. shot-knell after knell-small-arms Shot after first, and then cannon-men falling from the ramparts, and men dropping in the ditch-the sound of trumpet, the shout and the huzza-formed a concert fitter for devils than men. I said it was midnight, and that scarcely a light twinkled-it was as bright as mid-day soon, and lights in thousands and tens of thousands were flashing in every direction. Flights of rockets, thrown from the town, hung over us like a canopy of stars-ye might have counted every musket--numbered


every button-called every man by the balls flew on us like hail. Think his name; while from the batteries idle the ramparts were thrice lost, ye not that our gallant lads were and thrice won. But why should Í make a long tale of sorrow and distress? Day at last dawned, and showed me the dykes dammed with the dead and dying. One of the first I saw was my own poor corporal: work-all in the bosom; and a true two balls, and a pike, had done their bosom it was to me! and I have been faithful to his memory while I could-but resolution cannot last ever, and tears cannot run like a stream.

Sandie Frazer-pike and bullet had Close beside him lay bonnie been dealing with him too—a ball to the brow-and a white broad brow it was-and a pike to the bosomand so go our gallant spirits away! It was hot work, my bonnie lass of Dumfermline; it was hot work."

young woman; "Ye have said enough," said the this. On the night of the storming "but I expected all of that fatal place-it might be two babes in a farmer's barn, and I twelve o'clock-I was lying with my thought I was sleeping-but your story tells me I was awake. A light came into the barn, and I put my hands over my babe's face, that it might not awake; and looking up, I saw Sandie Frazer wiping the blood from his brow. He gave a smile, and I could not but smile-but it he vanished away; and the farmer was soon changed to shrieking, for came running when he heard my cries, and said it was a dream, only

a dream."

driver of the waggon, entering, "I
"Hilloah, my hearties," said the
have shouted out these ten minutes
with your two troopers-come, trot
-we must wag.-Come 'long, Nan,

jog's the word-waggon and water
will wait for no one.
too, if ye like, my cannie Scotch lass
And come,
with your two bairns-if ye go
southward, I will give ye a cast of
the waggon for pure love. Nay,
don't weep, woman;
thine will find a husband any where."
a face like
"I was going southward once,"
ward now.-Come, my two sweet
said she;" but I shall turn north-
fatherless weans, we cannot weel be
more desolate-we shall find a bush

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rose, and

and a bield somewhere." And she ale-house was emptied of most

was about to depart of its inmates. Those whom our Nay, nay,” said Nan of the North little, simple, and perfectly authenRiding, we will not sunder so, my tic story has at all interested, will sweet lass of Dumfermline. I have be pleased to learn that the young a few trinkets, and popish baubles, widow of Dumfermline lives in a and some broad gold pieces, which warm cottage, on a small pension; have survived the Spanish and the and that honest Nancy of the North Flemish wars; and, for the sake of Riding, won from the folly of her bonnie Sandie Frazer, ye shall share ways by the relict of bomie Sandie them: I need them not. Here's Frazer, forsook the south, much to the two lads who win cash for me. the sorrow of two entire regiments, Pluck up your heart, and come to the and married a douce and sponsible south with us—your story shall win widower on the border, and became you a pension, or [ will write your a subscriber to seven moral and rewrongs on the secretary's forehead ligious tract associations, and an exwith my ten nails.”

ample to three parishes. The waggon moved on, and the


REPORT OF MUSIC. Rossini's opera, Ricciardo e 2o- time to rescue the town from the reraide,was produced on the 5th of June, petitions of La Donna del Lago. for the benefit of Madame Camporese, The three principal capitals of at the King's Theatre. The scene is Germany, viz. Vienna, Berlin, and laid in Africa, and the plot is ex- Munich, have each at the present tremely simple. Agorante, an African moment to boast of a great pianocommander, falls in love with Zoraide, forte player, at a very juvenile age. a captive, who has engaged her heart Vienna, of Franz Liszt ; Berlin, of and betrothed herself to Ricciardo Mendelsohn; and Munich, of Maa Christian chieftain. Ricciardo in demoiselle Schauroth. the train of Ernesto, his friend, and an Ziszt is a native of Hungary, only ambassador from the French, obtains eleven years of age, and plays in a admission into the capital of Ago- most finished manner all the most rante. Ernesto, being admitted to the difficult compositions of Hummel and presence of Agorante, induces him to Moscheles; particularly the Fall of believe that Ricciardo has hy force Paris of the latter. He is also very deprived him (Ernesto) of his wife. great in extemporising upon any Agorante, thus deceived, admits him theme that is given to him in writto his confidence, and engages him ing. If it be very long, he curtails to persuade Zoraide to accept Ago- and simplifies before he works upon rante. Zomira, a female, who was it. A. Mendelsohn is the son of a previously attached to him, discovers Jewish banker, at Berlin, a pupil of the machinations of Ernesto and Ric- Zelber and Berger. Both boys have ciardo ; and Agorante delivers over filled all Germany with the fame of the lovers to death, together with their wonderful talents. They are Ircano, Zoraide's father. At the mo- nearly of the same age. Miss Schaument of the execution of the sentence, roth, the daughter of Major SchauErnesto arrives with troops, and saves roth, is just arrived in London. them. Rossini's mannerism is now The celebrated Beethoven, acso well known, and it prevails so ge- cording to a recent letter, is become nerally, that the description of one so completely deaf that he is entireopera will nearly apply to all the ly lost to all society. Nevertheless, rest. There are in this his customary he has but lately finished two great traits of memory, occasional deep works : a mass, which was bought feeling, and figurate passages. Gar- for Berlin; and a new symphony, for cia has the principal part, and Ma- the Philharmonic of London. dame Camporese and Madame Ves- J. N. Hummel, who made such tris are the females. It is.come in very high demands for coming to ou

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