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1603 Queen Elizabeth (the laft of the Tudos dies and is fucceeded by king James VI. of Scotland, who unites both ku gdoms under the name of G. Bri1505 The gun-powder plot difcovered at Westminster, being a project to blow up the ki abte houfes of parliament. Nov 5th.

1608 Henry Hudfon difcovers the river now known y his name, and fells his cla Que Du co, who foon after begin to take pofleflion of that region. which now comprehends the states of New-York, New-Jerfey, Pennfylvania and Delaware; to which they give the appeilation of the New Netherlands. The city, now New-York, was called New-Amiterdam. Canada fittied by the Fench.

Galileo of Florence firft dif、overs the fatellites about the planet Saturn, by the tellcicope lately invented in Holland.

1fc9 Sir George Somers, on his way to Virginia, ran afhore on one of the Burmeda Ids, which circumitance gives them the name of the Somer Inds-July

1610 Potatoes fit carried from America to Ireland by Sir Francis Drake.

Hudion's bay difcovered by Captain Henry Hudion, who is left by his men to pe ifh on that coast.

1614 Loid Nepr. of Marcheston in Scotland invents the logarithms.

The firft ettlement of New-Jersey begun by the Dutch; afterwards a number of Swedes and Fins take poleil ›n, 1627.

1616 The permanent eltablishment of Virginia.

1919 Doctor William Harvey, an Englishinan, first discovered the doctrine of the Circul tion of the blood.

1620 About one hundred pe fons of the denomination of Puritans, who had fled from .eligious perfecution in England, arrive at a place in Maffachusetts, which in commemoration of the city in their native land, which they had laft -it, they denominate Plymouth, Dec. 31t.

1622 Nova Scotia first settled by the Scotch, under Sir William Alexander, to whom a cirte had been granted. September 10, 1621.

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fiat fettled by the English from Vigma.

1625 The flood of Barbadoes, the fit English Lulement in the West Indies, prat c <d

1626 The brometer invented by Tosicelli.


he ftate of Del wave begun to be fettled by the Swedes and Fins.

The thermo eter invented by D.ebellus.

1630. The city of Bon i. Maffac! uletts founded.

Provan b. k fit brought to France.

1631 Newspapers fuit pubifhed at Paris.

1632 Maryland granted by charter to Lord Baltimore of Ireland, by king Charles II and be un to be fettled in the year following.

1635 Rhode Iflad fit gun to be fettled. Its fit charter granted 1663.

1643 The Irish ebellion, caused by the artifice of the lords juftices, in which the mon borric barbarities are perpetrated by the Iufh on the English, and by the English on the bish.

1619 Printing fit fet up in New-England at Cambridge.

2644 A great maffece in Virginia, by the Indians.

117 A very mortal epidemical fickness prevails in New-England.

1649 An affociation entered is to in New-England by the governor and conncil of of Malachusetts againft wearing long hair.

1652 The fpeking trumpet in ented by Kircher, a jefuit.

765 Cromwell de layed lord proctor of Lngland for 1 fe, December 12th. 1655 The ifland of Jamaica taken from the Spaniards by the English, under the command of admical Peun.

1650 Transtution of the blood firft fuggehed at Oxford.

1600 King Charles II. of England, after an exile of 12 years in France and Holland, eitored by general Monk.

The king of Denmark becomes an abfolute monarch.

1662 Penduluin clocks invented by John Fromental, a Dutchman.

Fire engines invented.

1664 South Carolina granted to Lord Clarenden by patent.

It was

Governor Styvela it furtenders the New Netherlands to colonel Nichols, who
had been commiffioned by king Charles to fubdue that country.
then called New-York, in honour of James Duke of York and Albany,
the king of England's brother.

1665 Lord Berkeley and fir James Cartetet purchafe from James duke of York that part of his poffeffions, which is now called New-Jerfey. It was fo named from the ifland of Jerfey, where the Cartaret family had a large

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The piague rages in London, and carries off 68,000 inhabitants.

1655 The great fue of London begins September 2d, and continues for 5 days, in which are destroyed 13 000 houfes and 400 ftreets.

1667 Tea fiift ufed in England.

The peace of Breda, which confirms to the British the New Netherlands, now known by the names of New-York, New-Jrley, and Pennsylvania.

1671 Charleston, South-Carolina, founded.

1072 Lewis XIV. overruns great part of Holland, when the Dutch open their fluices; being determined to drown their country and to retire to their fettlements in the Est Indies, rather than fubmit to the conqueror.

1687 The Habeas corpus act paffed in Britain.

1679°New-Homplire, which had been hitherto confidered as under the fame jurisdiction with Mallachuletts, .ciented into a feusrate government.

1680 A great comet, which continues to appear in Europe from Nov. 3d. to March oth following, from its nearnels to the earth, caufes great alarm 1680 William Penn obtains a patent for Pennfylvania, March 4th, and grants a charter to adventurers 1682.

1683 William Pean purchases, from James duke of York, that part of the New Netherlands, now know:. by the name of "the fate of Delaware." Philadelphia begun to be built.

1035 The edict of Nantes infamously removed by Louis XIV and the proteftants

cruelly perfecuted.

1688 The revolut on of Britain begins Nov. 5th.-King James abdicates the throne and retires to France, Dec 3d followi.

1690 The battle of the Boyne, in Iveland, goed by king William over his fatherin-law, king James-1st July,

The English and Dutch fleets, commanded by admiral Ruffel, defeat the
French fleet off La Hegue.

Port Royal, in Jamaica, wallowed up by an earthquake.

1693 Bayonets, at the end of loaded mufkes, fift uled by the French again.ft the

confederatis, at the battle of Turia.

1699 The Sons &e a colony at the iftmus of Darien, in America, and call it C2


1701 Pruflia is er & d into a kingdom.

1709 William III. king of England dies, aged 50, and is fucceeded by queen


1704 Gibraltar taken by the combined fleets of Britain and Holland under the com

mand of fir George Rook July 23.

1706 England and Scotland united under the name of "the kingdom of GreatBritain," and the fift British parliament meet October 24th, 1707. The French invade Carolina; but are repulfed with great lofs.

1708 Sardinia erected into a kingdom, and given to the duke of Savoy. Minorca taken by the British under Loid Stanhope.

1709 North Carolina begun to be fettled by a number of indigent Palatines. 1710 The cathedral church of St. Paul, London, re-built by fir Chriftopher Wren, in 37 years, at the expenfe of one million tterling. (4.440.000 dollars.) Poft-office fit eftablished in America by act of the British parliament. The English South-lea company begun.

1711 Eight English frigates wrecked on Egg-Ifland in the river St Lawrence, and upwards of 1000 men perish, August 23.

1713 The peace of Utrecht, whereby Newfoundland, Nova.Scotia, Hudson's Bay, Gibraltar, and Minérca, are confined to Britain.

1715 The rebellion in Scotland begins in September in favour of the Pretender, and is fuppreffed at Sheriffmuir November following.

Eclipfe of the fun, the greatest feen in England for 500 year past.

1716 An act passed in Britain for feptennial parliaments.

1718 William Penn, the founder of Pennfylvania, dies.

1719 The Mifitpni fcheme at its height in France.

The South Sea fcheme begun in England April 7th, at its height about the end of June, and quite funk about September 29th.

Loombe's filk throwing machine, containing 26.596 wheels, erected at Derby in England; takes up one-eighth of a mile, one water wheel moves the rest, and in 24 hours it works 318.004, 100 yards fickt head. 1727 Inoculation for the mall-pox first tried on criminals with fuccefs.

Rulia, formerly a dukedom, eftablished as an empire.

1731 The first perfoa executed in Britain for forgery.

1732 GEORGE WASHINGTON, the father of his country, and the friend of man, born in Virginia 221 February.

The state of Georgia begun to be fettled by a number of public fpirited reatlemen, under general Oglethorpe, to whom a charter is granted Jane 19t5.

1733 The island of St. Chriftophers greatly damaged by a storna.

1750 Captain Porteous, haring ordered his foldiers to file upon the populace at the execution of a fau ̧ler, is himself foon after ex.cuted by the mob at Edinburgh.

1737 The earth proved to be flat toward the poles.

1739 The British declare war against Spain, October 23d.

Violent froft in England for nine weeks after Chitmas.

1743 The battle of Dettingen won by the English and the allies, in favour of the queen of Hungary.

1744 The British declare war against France.

Commodore Anton returns from his voyage round the world.

1745 Indigo difcovered in South Carolina!

The rebellion breaks out ia Scotland, and the Pretender's army defcated at
Culloden by the duke of Cumberland, April 16, 1719.

Cape Breton taken by the English.

1746 Lima and Callao, in Peru, fwallowed up by an earthquake, October 20th. This earthquake continues till 20th November, during which time 59.000 perfons lofe their lives.

1718 The peace of Aix-la-Chapelle, by which a reftitution of all places taken during this war, is ftipulated on all fides.

1750 The Brith parliament pafs an act prohibiting any flitting mill or forge, or any iron works in America-June.

1753 The New Style introduced into Britain; September 3d, being accounted the 14th.

Fort du Quefne, now called Pittsburg, built on the forks of the rivers Monongahela and Alleghany, by the French.

1754 Kentucky difcovered by James M'Bride; begun to be fettled by colonel Da niel Boon and others, 1773

A congrefs meets at Albany, when Dr. Franklin propofeɔ a plan for the union

of all the colonies.

1756 Lifbon in Portugal, deft oyed by an earthquake.

Martinico, together with St. Lucia, St. Vincents and Granada, taken from the
French by admiral Rodney and general Monkton, February,

1757 Identity of electric fire and lighting, difcovered by Franklin, who thereupon invents a method of fecuring buildings from thunder torms by metallic conductors.

1758 Fort du Quefne taken by the English, February 28th.

Guadaloupe taken by the English; but reftored to the French by the treaty of peace, 1763.

General Wolle is killed on the plains of Abraham, near Quebec, Sept. 15th, when the French general Montcalm is alfo flain.

1760 King George III fucceeds his grandfather, October 25th.

The itate of Vermont, then part of New-York, begun to be fettled chiefly by emigrants from New England.

1763 The extenve provinces of Canada, Eaft and Weft Florida and part of Louifiana; alfo the islands of Granada, St Vincent, Dominica and Tobago in the West Indies, confirmed to Britain by the treaty of peace at Paris, Feb. 10th.

1764 Mr. Harrifon of Britain invents a time piece for difcovering the longitude; for which he receives, from parliament, the fum of £10,000 terling (44,400 dollars.)

1765 The American ftamp act receives the royal affent in Britain, March 22d; but being received in America with difapprobation, is repealed, March 18th, 1766; on which occation rejoicings are univerfal through the colonies.

Ot aheite discovered.

1766 A great fpot paffed the fun's centre.

Gib altar almost destroyed by a storm.

1767 The British parliament lay a duty on tea, paper, painted glass, and colours; all of which, except the duty of three pence per pound on to, is repealed, 1775.

1768 Duration of Iith parliaments limited to eight years

1769 The American Philofophical Society for promoting ufeful knowlede, formed at Philadelphia by the union of two focieties, which had previously iaftituted with fimilar views.This focity incorpo ted, 1780

1770 A qua rel arifes between the inhabitants of Bofton ad the British king's troops, when the la ter fire on the forner, and k II feveral.

1771. Lieut. Cook returns to Britain, from a voyage round t'e world, after having made feveral important difcoveries.

1772 The king of Sweden, without bloodshed, changes the conflitution of that kingdom from a limited to an abfolute mona chy

Twelve hud ed and forty people killed in the land of Java by an electri fied cloud.

The emperor of Germany, emprefs of Ruffia, and the king of Pflia, feize part of Poland, which they divide amongst themselves, in violation of

the molt folen treatics.

1773 310 Chefts of tea, which were to have been landed at Boston, subject to a duty of 3d. per lb. deftroyed by the populace.

Captain Phipps is fent to explore the North pole; but having made 81 degrees, is in danger of being locked up by the ice; and his attempt to discover a paifage in that quarter proves fruitiefs.

Guatimala, in New Spain, is entirely fwallowed up by an earthquake, December 15.

1771 The Bolton port bill paffed by the British parliament 25th March, by which bill that port was to be fhut from and after the 1st June en'uing, till fa tisfaction should be inade to the Eait India company for the tea destroyed


Deputies from the feveral American colonies meet at Philadelphia, as the firft general congrefs, September 5th, and petition the king of Britain for a icpeal of grievances, November following.

The inhabitants of New Hampshire feize Fort William and Mary, and poffels themfelves of a quantity of powder and other military flores, Dec 14 1775 The firit action happens in America between the king's troops and the Ame ricans, when the former are defeated, April 19th.

Ticonderoga taken by the Americans under col nels Ethan Allen and Eaton with 240 men; 200 pieces of cannon and other warlike ftores found therein May 10th.

Articles of confederation and perpetual union agreed on by the American colonics, 20th May.

Paper money emitted by congrefs to the amount of three millions of dollars, and afterwards, at different periods, during the war, to the amount of 200 millions. In 1781 it ceafes to circulate.

General George Washington is by congrefs unanimoufly appointed commander in chief of the American army, 16th June; on the ad July arrives at Cambridge, Malfachuletts, and takes upon him the command.

A bloody battle fought at Bunker's Hill between the king's troops and the Americans, when the latter being overpowered by numbers, are forced to retreat, June 16th.

Congrefs publish a declaration fetting forth the caufe and neceffity of taking up arms, 6th July.

1775 Poft-office eftablished by congrefs, July 26.

Falmouth, in New-Eng and, deftroyed by the British, October 18, 1775Lord Dunmore, governor of Virginia, proclaims martial law, and invites flaves and apprentices to join the royal ftandard, with a promife of freedom; in confequence of which he is joined by a great rabble, both of blacks and whites, Nov. 7th.

General Montgomery takes Montreal, Nov. 12th.

The British defeated at Great Bridge in Virginia, December.

An unfuccefsful attack made by the Americans of Quebec; when the gallant
Montgomery is flain, 31 December.

1776. Norfolk in Virginia burnt by order of lord Dunmore, and great damage fuf

teised. January 1ft.

Torture aboli ed in Poland.

Bofton evacuated by the British, March 17th.

A fquadron of fhips, under Sir Peter Parker, and a body of troops under generols Clinton and Corn villis, make an attack on Charleston, South Carolina; but are repulfed wit, e at flaughter, 25th June.

Congrets, in coulèque ice the related nec vocations, which the colonies had recived from Batar, dedure themfelves tren, fovereign and independent, under the name of th UsiraED STATES, July 4th.

The 3 tle of Flatbush, in Long Daud, when the Abericans are defeated with the lots of 2000 men killed, and 1000 prifoners; in confequence of which ty are obliged to retreat, and New-York is foon after takea poflefon of by the British, August 27.

Fort W. fhington ftate of New-York, with 2000 prifoners, taken by the British, November 15.

Fort Lee, in the fame Rate taken Nov 18th.

Rhode Ind taken by the British, Dec. 6.

Nine hundred Fellas taken by General Washington at Trenton, ef Dec. 1777 Jan. ed, General Washington defeats the British at Princeton, who lole 300 On the fide of the Americans, the brave general Mercer is among the flain. Great devallations committed by the British under general Tiyon, between Fairfield and Norwich, and at Danbury in Connecticut. They are, bowever, attacked in their ret eat by generals Arnold, Wooller, and Sullivan, and defeated with the lofs of 300 men, 25th April.

Ticonderoga evacuated by genel St. Clair, 6th July.

Marquis de la Fayette appointed major-general in the American army. July 31.
Liopus, in New-York, State with great quantities of itores, detiroyca by the
British, October 18th.

The battle of Brandywine, when the Americans under the command of general
Washington, are defeated with the lots of 1200 men killed, wonnded and
prifoners, Sept. 11th.

The Bitish forces under the command of general Howe, take poffeffion of

The battle of Germantown, when the Americans are defeated, 4th October.
Lieutenant general Burgoyne is obliged, at Saratoga, tɔ fu rerder his whole
army, confifting of 5790 men, to the Americans, under generals Gates,
Lincoln, and Arnold, 17th October,

The American army under General Washington, retire to winter quarters at Cherry Valley; where they faller feverely from famine and want of cloathing. December. 1778 A treaty of amity and commerce concluded at Pa is between France and the United States, in which the independence of the latter is acknowledged, 6th Feb.

The Randolph, an American frigate of 36 guns and 305 men, is blown up in an engagement with the Yarmouth, a British 64; when every perfon on board, is drowned, except four, 7th March.

The court of France gives a public audience to the American commiffioners mellis. Franklin, Desne, and Lee, March 21, 1778.

Sir Henry Clinton arrives at Philadelphia and fupercedes Sir William Howe, 8th May.

In the beginning of June, the earl of Carlile, William Eden, and George Johnfone, arrive at Philadelphia, as commoners for refting peace between Britain and America; but congrefs refufe to treat with them, unl-fa the independence of America is acknowledged, or the king's fleets and armies with d awn.

Hoftilities commence between France and Britain-June.

Philadelphia evicuted by the Bitifh, 18th June.

The battle of Monmouth; when the British are defeated by the Americans, under gen. Washington, 23th June.

Out of our hundred and feventeen Americans ftationed at Wyoming, 360 are butchered by a party of tories and Indians commanded by colonel John Butler, ift July.

The Hancock, an American frigate, taken by fir George Collier, July 3.

Vol. IV.


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