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'Tis the mind that makes the body rich.-Shakespeare.

abatis, abattis (ăb'-à-tis; French, à-bȧ-te'), n. A defense of trees cut down, with the branches sharpened and turned to the enemy.

It revealed a deep abatis rendered more effective by barbed wire.

aberrant (ǎb-ĕr'-ănt), adj. Straying from the right course; wandering; abnormal.

His actions became more aberrant.

aberration (ǎb-er-ā'-shŭn), n. Deviation; mental disorder; a wandering away.

It is only a mental aberration.

She changed the course of the conversation, bringing it back from an unpleasant aberration.

abeyance (à bā'-ăns), n. Suspension; temporary suppression or inaction. Law: A state of expectation. Word of similar import, "suspension."

"Christmas found the wedding date still in abeyance."
Important matters are too often held in abeyance.
The question stood in abeyance.

It was during a period of abeyance.

His power of speech, temporarily in abeyance, was slowly returning.

ablution (ǎb-lü'-shun), n. Cleansing or washing; a ceremonial washing; also water so used.

The Hindus consider bathing a sacred duty, and utter a prayer after each ablution.

They were allowed to perform their ablutions every day in the sea.

The daily ablutions of the birds amused her.

abnegation (ǎb-nē-ga'-shun), n. Self-denial; a renunciation; self-sacrifice. Word of similar import, "denial." This would involve self-abnegation.

The ardor of self-abnegation reflected in her face.

abolition (ǎb-ō-lish'-un), n. State of being abolished; utter destruction; annulment. Word of similar import, "extinction." They encouraged the abolition of serfdom.

There was a strong sentiment expressed by those present for the abolition of the constitution.

This was after the abolition of slavery.

aboriginal (ăb-ō-rĭj’-Ĭ-năl), adj. Of or belonging to the first inhabitants of a country; first; simple; native. Words of similar import, "primitive," "native."

The aboriginal laws were very crude.

The aboriginal customs of Darkest Africa were far from civilized.

abortive (a-bôr'-tiv), adj. Brought forth too early; born prematurely; hence, ineffectual, not perfectly developed.

Lacking consideration of the facts, the decision will prove abortive.

abrogate (ǎb'-rō-gāt), v. t. Annul by an authoritative aet; repeal. Word of similar import, "cancel."

He did not possess authority to abrogate this law.

The privileges accorded have been abrogated.

It pleased them to abrogate old customs.

abscond (ǎb-skond'), v. i. Steal off; depart clandestinely; decamp; depart secretly.

Then he suddenly absconds with a large sum.

We accidentally met the absconding bank clerk.

abstemious (ǎb-stē'-mi-ŭs), adj. Temperate; abstaining from usual food and drink; drinking and eating sparingly; characterized by self-denial. Word of similar import, “abstinent.” He was abstemious.

I prefer an abstemious person.

He led an abstemious life.

O let me pay

To grief and anguish one abstemious day.-Pope.

abysmal (a-biz'-măl), adj. Pertaining to an abyss; fathomless; bottomless; profound; a vast moral or intellectual depth.

We could almost see them sink into the abysmal depths

of despondency.

It seemed to ascend into the abysmal blue above.
Their ignorance is not only profound but abysmal.
Abysmal despair caused the unfortunate to lose hope.

academic (ǎk-ȧ-děm'-ĭk), adj. Of a philosophic character; literary; scholarly; pertaining to a college or university.

This question now has become purely academic.
Knowledge of this is altogether academic.

accede (ǎk-sēd′), v. i. To enter or come into possession of an office; to agree; to come to assent or agreement; to yield; to give one's consent. Words of similar import, "agree," "acquiesce," "comply."

They readily acceded to it without the faintest reluctance.
Every one accedes to Margaret's wishes.

acerose (ǎs'-er-ōs), adj. Having a sharp point; needle-shaped. Chiefly used in botany.

Here we have the acerose needles of the pine.

accelerate (ǎk-sĕl'-er-āt), v. t. To quicken; to increase the rate of motion; hasten. Word of similar import, "expedite." They came to accelerate development.

Our one desire is to accelerate its progress.

He was never known to accelerate his speed, whatever befell.

We often accelerate the destruction which we would avoid.

accentuate (ǎk-sĕn'-tū-āt), v. t. Emphasize; bring out into prominence.

The value of this experience is to accentuate the fact that right always prevails.

This fact they emphasize and accentuate.

accessible (ǎk-ses'-i-b'l), adj.

Approachable; easy of access; attainable. Words of similar import, "approachable," "attainable."

The place is easily accessible from all sides.

This island is accessible only by boat.

It is so arranged as to be readily accessible.


Unless above himself he can erect himself, how poor a thing is man.-Samuel Daniel.

accessory (ǎk-sĕs'-ō-ri), adj. also n. Contributing; acting in subordination to the principal agent; accompanying; that which belongs to something else; additional. Words of similar import, "associate," "confederate," "helper."

He was considered an accessory to the felony.

Of the many accessories of knowledge, the power of expression is the most valuable.

These are indispensable accessories.

Do not forget your toilet accessories.

The ornamental accessories were forgotten.

acclimate (ǎ-kli'-māt), v. t. also i. To habituate or become accustomed to a climate not native; to adapt to a new or different climate. "Acclimatize" more generally used.

They were not acclimated.

acclimatize (ǎ-klī′-mȧ-tiz), v. t. also i. To become inured to a climate not native.

He became acclimatized.

accolade (ǎk-ō-lād'), n. Literally, a salutation or embrace used in conferring knighthood, consisting of a kiss, or the like; now a tap on the shoulder with the flat of a sword, for the same purpose; fig., a recognition of merit.

No accolade of knighthood could have given greater honor.

accord (ǎ-kôrd'), v. t., also i, also n. Harmonize, as differences or persons; to grant as proper or suitable; concede; give agreement; to agree; consent; assent; harmony, as of sound, sentiment, etc. Words of similar import, "conform," harmonize."

My views accord with yours.

If I had been accorded the selection of environment, my life would have been a success.

She longed for prestige, and through their influence it was accorded her.

accoutrement (ǎ-kōō'-ter-měnt), n. Equipment; state of being equipped or dressed.

His military accoutrement was perfect.

The parade was not far away; the clattering sound of accoutrements reached us.

accredit (ǎ-krěd'-it), v. t.; accredited, p. a.

authorize; trust.

He was the accredited messenger.

To sanction;

accretion (ǎ-krē ́-shun), n. Extraneous formation; increase or growth by external addition; an accumulation.

similar import, "increase," "addition."

This is an unfoldment, not accretion.

Words of

accrue (ǎ-krōō'), v. i. To increase; to be added as increase, especially as the produce of money lent; to accumulate as interest.

They spoke of the advantages which might accrue to them.

We will share in the benefits that will accrue.

No benefit could accrue from this.

acerbity (à-sûr'-bi-ti), n. Severity; bitterness; harshness. Word of similar import, "sharpness.'

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There was acerbity in her voice.

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