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With him it was the aftermath of youth's indiscretions.
They will experience the aftermath of wanton hours.

agenda (ȧ-jĕn'-dà), n. pl.; sing. agendum (ȧ-jĕn'-dŭm), Latin: usually in the plural. Things to be done; duties.

The entire agenda of the convention is in the hands of the committee.

aggrandizement (ă-grăn'-diz-měnt), n. Exaltation; advancement; enlargement.

Her acts of kindness were attributed to self-aggrandizement.

They are exploiting sacred characters for their personal aggrandizement.

This will result in the aggrandizement of the individual. aggregate (ăg’-rē-gāt), v. t., also adj., also n. To bring together; to amount to; to accumulate or collect; collective; combined; a collection or accumulation; complete whole.

In the aggregate, humanity is the same the world over. A supplement aggregating more than fifty words was added.

This aggregate mass represents the work of years.

The world is the aggregate of nations.

Here we have the aggregate of all the brilliant passages. aggregation (ǎg-rē-gā'-shŭn), n. Act of aggregating or collecting; an aggregate; accumulation; combined whole.

It consists of an aggregation of small cells.
This has been aggregation rather than growth.

agile (ǎj'-il), adj. Quick or ready to move; lively; active.
He is an agile reasoner.

She is graceful and agile.

Like the agile fancies of childhood.

albication (ǎl-bi-ka'-shun), n. Process of becoming white; a development of white patches on plants. Chiefly used in botany.

The albication on the plant was attributed to insects. alchemy (ǎl'-kē-mi), n. The process and doctrine of the early chemists; any mysterious or magical power of transforming or changing the appearance of things.

It is an alchemy that will change base metal into gold. By what alchemy can you change the dross of passion to the gold of love?

They were changed by the alchemy of smiles.

alienate (al'-yen-at), v. t. To withdraw, e. g., the affections; estrange; transfer.

Knowledge cannot be inherited or alienated.

He was taking a course that would alienate him from his friends.

She alienated by her criticism, all those who might have assisted her.

Allah (ǎl'-à), n. The Supreme Being; God; used by Mohammedans and Arabs.

Holy Allah, hear our prayer.

alleviation (ă-lē-vì-ā'-shŭn), n. That which makes something easier to bear; act of alleviating or relieving; partial relief. However, there are some alleviations.

What was a burden at first was afterward an alleviation. alliaceous (ǎl-ĭ-a'-shus), adj. Having the taste or smell of onions or garlic.

It has a disagreeable, alliaceous taste.

alliteration (ă-lit-er-a'-shun), n. Initial rhyme; repetition of the same sound or letter at the beginning of two or more words in immediate succession or at short intervals, and the product of such repetition.

Poets often use alliteration to add musical beauty to their verse.

It was a unique alliteration.


Learning by study must be won;

'Twas ne'er entailed from son to son.-Gay.

alliterative (ă-lĭt'-ĕr-à-tiv), adj. Pertaining to or characterized by alliteration; consisting in alliteration.

He was called an alliterative poet.

These are alliterative verses.

Alliterative phrases are numerous in poetry.

allocate (ǎl'-ō-kāt), v. t. To allot; assign; distribute; set aside; apportion.

He claims that he can allocate each one.

These ships have been allocated to the United States.

allocation (ǎl-ō-kā'-shun), n. Act of assigning or allotting; a setting apart.

We could not recognize the allocation of this property.
He was entrusted with the allocation of the land.

The allocation will be completed by tomorrow night. allocution (ǎl-ō-kū'-shun), n. An authoritative address; an

address or exhortation.

It was a masterful allocution.

alluvium (ă-lū'-vi-ŭm), n. A deposit of sand, earth or other material made by the action of running water.

The alluvium from the overflow made the valley fertile.


Alma Mater (ǎl'-mȧ mā'-ter), Latin. Fostering mother. term applied by those who have attended a college or university, to the one they attended.

He is the eldest son of our Alma Mater.

The name of the statue is Alma Mater.

Aloha (al-ô'-hȧ), v. (Hawaiian salutation). To love; regard with affection; a salutation at meeting or parting; expressing kindly feelings, as, affection, kindness, love, pity, mercy; as a word of saluation, it is modern.

alpha (ǎl'-fa), n. The first letter of the Greek alphabet; hence, the first or beginning. Alpha and omega, the beginning and the end; hence, the whole.

She thinks her work is the alpha and omega of existence. altercation (ǎl-ter-ka'-shun), n. Controversy; contention in words; quarrel, or wrangle.

An altercation ensued.

A short altercation took place between them.

altruism (ǎl'-trōō-iz'm), n. Devotion to and regard for the interests and welfare of others.

We found only kindness and altruism.

altruistic (ăl-trōō-ĭs'-tik), adj. Regarding the wants, rights and interests of others, rather than those of one's self.

My motives are not mercenary, but purely altruistic.
It was an altruistic impulse.

She is one of the most altruistic of women.

amalgam (i-măl găm), n. A mixture or union of different things, esp. metals; forming a whole; (mercury and some other metals). Often fig.

We account for this by the amalgam of races.

It represents a strange amalgam of good and evil.

amalgamate (ȧ-măl'-gå-māt), v. t. and i. To mix or unite so as to form an amalgam; to form a union, compound or mixture of different things; to coalesce; to consolidate; combine.

The different denominations were amalgamated into one great brotherhood.

Mercury will amalgamate with gold immediately.
These great companies amalgamated.

amanuensis (à-măn-u-ĕn'-sis), n. One employed to copy what another has written, or to write what another dictates; a scribe.

He passed the letters to his amanuensis.

amatory (ăm'-à-tō-ri), adj. Pertaining to or expressive of love. Ella Wheeler Wilcox's amatory "Poems of Passion" were at one time severely criticised.

Many amatory poems are gems.

Their amatory affairs are numerous.

ambage (ăm'-bāj), n., pl. ambages (ăm-bā'-jēz). A winding, circuitous way; ambiguity of speech; deviation; (mostly used in the plural form.)

The disconnected ambages of the speaker wearied the audience.

Cease these ambages and state facts.

ambidextrous (ăm-bi-děks'-trus), adj. Using both hands with equal ease; facile; versatile; siding with both parties; deceitful.

I finally found an ambidextrous person.
Nature is ambidextrous.

We encountered ambidextrous dealings.

ambiguous (ăm-bĭg'-ū-us), adj. Doubtful; uncertain; capable of being interpreted several ways; having a double meaning. The ambiguous nature of his speech rendered comprehension difficult.

Even these instructions are ambiguous.
The remark seemed ambiguous.

The title of the poem is ambiguous.

ambiguity (ăm-bi-gū’-ĭ-ti), n. An ambiguous word or expression; quality of being ambiguous; a word uncertain in meaning.

They should eliminate, as much as possible, such ambiguities.

The discourse was free from ambiguity.

The ambiguity of her answer amused him.

The ambiguity of their language is far from pleasing.

ambulant (ăm'-bu-lănt), adj. Moving from place to place; walking.

An ambulant huckster was crying his wares.

A picture of the house was taken by an ambulant photographer.


So our vocabulary is our history, and our favorite words are ourselves.-Drummond.

ameliorate (a-mēl'-yō-rāt), v. t. also i. To improve; to make better; to make more valuable or desirable.

They expect teachers to ameliorate conditions.

Every man would like to ameliorate his condition.

amelioration (a-mel-yō-ra'-shun), n. Improvement; becoming


They were participants in numerous undertakings for social amelioration.

We look for the amelioration of the evils which are now confronting us.

amenable (ȧ-mē'-na-b'l), adj. Submissive, responsive; easy to be governed; willing to submit or yield.

They are amenable to good influence.
Nature is always amenable to reason.

They were amenable to his persuasive suggestions.
She is amenable to instruction, which others are not.

amenity (à-měn'-i-ti), n. Civility; state of being agreeable or
pleasant; agreeableness, as of situation, condition, manner,
etc.; that which is agreeable or pleasing; usually in the plural.
The social amenities were given full discussion.
The amenities concluded, we proceeded to business.
It mars the amenities of social intercourse.

They place this above the amenities of life.

amicable (ăm'-i-kȧ-b'l), adj. Friendly; showing good will.

We are pleased to learn that they have reached an amicable agreement.

An amicable arrangement is possible.

amity (ăm'-i-ti), n. Friendship; harmony; friendly relations.
The amity existing between them was beautiful to behold.
The war may result in a greater amity of nations than
has ever been conceived by our greatest philosophers.
They live in amity with their neighbors.

They seldom meet on terms of amity.
We are protected by bonds of amity.

amnesty (ăm'-něs-ti), n. also v. t. An overlooking; esp., an act of the sovereign power granting a general pardon for a past offense; pardon.

I shall grant them amnesty.

They were liberated by the amnesty.

This peace implies amnesty or passing over grievances.
And so hereby all is amnestied and finished.-Carlyle.

amorous (ăm'-ō-rus), adj. Loving; inclined to love; relating to love.

Like the thrills of an amorous serenade.

The lover stood in amorous meditation.
The book is replete with amorous stories.
She was of an amorous temperament.

amorphous (a-môr'-fus), adj. Shapeless; having no determinate form; of no particular kind or character; of irregular form. They were amorphous blotches.

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