Abbildungen der Seite

nay see fit, subject to said trusts, to all intents and purposes, and for
he estates and persons as aforesaid, and subject to their direction and
control: And provided, That before the execution and delivery of any Proviso.
leed or deeds, or other assurance or assurances in the law to the pur-
chaser or purchasers for the said messuages, tenements, and lot or
piece of ground, or any part thereof; the said sale or sales shall be ap-
proved and confirmed by the orphans' court aforesaid.

[blocks in formation]

APPROVED-The twentieth day of April, one thousand eight hun

Hred and fifty-three.


No. 349.


To incorporate the Shade Gap and Burnt Cabins Turnpike or Plank Road company; relative to the Huntingdon and Broad Top Mountain Railroad and Coal company; authorizing the trustees of John Savage, deceased, to subscribe to the capital stock of said company; to the election of Trustees of the Allegheny Male and Female Seminary.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senute and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That Nathaniel Kelly, Frederick Dubbs, William Pym, Thomas Todhunter, Commissioners. Michael Whilt, W. L. Cline, David Welch, James Kelly and Joseph Woods, of Fulton county, and Brice Blair, William Clyman, Thomas Sisney, Thomas Neely, Isaac Taylor and J. S. Shade, of Huntingdon county, or any five of them, be and they are hereby appointed commissioners, to open books, receive subscriptions, and organize a company by the name, style and title of the "Shade Gap and Rurnt Cab- Name & style. ins Turnpike or Plank Road company," with power to locate and construct a turnpike or plank road from the Shade Gap in Huntingdon county, to Burnt Cabins, in Fulton county, in the county of Hunting- Subject to prodon, subject to all the provisions and restrictions of an act regulating visions and returnpike and plank road companies, approved the twenty-sixth day of strictions of cerJanuary, one thousand eight hundred and forty-nine.

tain act.

Capital stock.

SECTION 2. That the capital stock of said company shall consist of ten thousand shares at twenty-five dollars per share: Provided, That Proviso. said company may from time to time, by a vote of the stockholders, at

a meeting called for that purpose, increase their capital stock so much as in their opinion may be necessary to complete the road, according to the true intent and meaning of this act.

SECTION 3. That whenever the said company shall have completed When may take said road, they shall have power to erect toll gates and receive the same tolls.


of road.

tolls per mile as are allowed by the twelfth and thirteenth sections of the aforesaid act, approved the twenty-sixth day of January one thou sand eight hundred and forty-nine.

SECTION 4. That if the said company shall not commence the cen and completion struction of said road within three years, and complete the same within six years from the passage of this act, then this act shall be null void, except so far as may be necessary to settle up and pay the debts of said company.

Broad Top Mountain rail road and Coal

company may extend road.


May sell and dispose of bonds.

SECTION 5. That the Huntingdon and Broad Top Mountain R road and Coal company shall have full power to locate, construct, and extend their railroad to a point at or near the borough of Bedford, a at or near any other point in the county of Bedford, and the said conpany shall have power to increase their capital stock, and to create an sell the bonds, so as to meet their wants in the construction of the s extension of their railroad: Provided, That no obligation or certificate of loan hereby authorized to be executed, shall be for a less sum than one hundred dollars.

SECTION 6. That it shall be lawful for said company to sell or dispose of their bonds which it may issue in any case in which they are authe rized to borrow money, at such prices and in such manner as they may deem expedient, and that the provisions of the eleventh section of as act entitled "An Act to incorporate the Liberty Fire company of Holmesburg, in the county of Philadelphia," approved the twentysixth day of July, eighteen hundred and forty-two, which authorizes certain act ex- railroad or canal companies to borrow money at rates exceeding sir per cent. per annum, be and the same shall be extended to the HDtingdon and Broad Top Mountain Railroad and Coal company.

Provisions of

tended to this


May elect three additional directors.


Provisions of

certain act to apply to this company.

Trustees of J.

SECTION 7. That the president and directors of the Huntingdon and Broad Top Mountain Railroad and Coal company shall have power, a meeting called for that purpose, to elect three additional directors for said company, who shall be qualified according to law, and who shall continue in office until the next annual election for officers of said company: Provided, That a quorum shall consist of seven members, if the said president and directors shall determine to elect the said three additional directors.

SECTION 8. That the fourth, fifth and sixth sections of the act enti tled "An Act regulating Railroad companies," approved nineteenth February, A. D., eighteen hundred and forty-nine, are hereby made applicable to the said Huntingdon and Broad Top Mountain Railroad and Coal company.

SECTION 9. That George Rundle and William Griffith, of Philadel Savage, author- phia, trustecs of the estate of John Savage, are hereby authorized and empowered to subscribe to the capital stock of the Huntingdon and scribe to stock. Broad Top Mountain Railroad and Coal company, to an amount not

ized to sub

exceeding ten thousand dollars.

Allegheny male SECTION 10. That the act entitled "An Act incorporating the Alle and female sem- gheny Male and Female Seminary, approved the twenty-sixth day of inary, trustees. March, A. D., eighteen hundred and fifty-three, shall be so construed that at least five of the trustees who are to be elected shall be members of the Methodist Episcopal church.

Speaker of the House of Representatives.


APPROVED-The twentieth day of April, eighteen hundred fifty


Speaker of the Senate.


No. 350.


To incorporate the District of Penn Literary and Scientific Institute, in the county of Philadelphia; extending the time for completing the Limerick and Colebrookdale Tumpike road; relative to the Swatara Railroad; and relative to the Richborough and Feasterville Turnpike Roa company; confirming the title of John F. Cowan to certain lands in Potter county.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That the persons who are now or may hereafter become members of "The Corporators. District of Penn Literary and Scientific Institute," in the county of Philadelphia, according to the terms of the constitution thereof, are hereby created a body politic and corporate, in deed and in law, and by the name of "The District of Penu Literary and Scientific Insti- Name. tute," shall have perpetual succession, and be able to sue and be sued, implead and be impleaded, in any court of law or elsewhere, and shall be able to receive, take, have, hold and enjoy, to them and their suc- Privileges. cessors, for the use of the said institute, any estate in lands, messuages, tenements and hereditaments, goods, chattels, moneys or effects, of what nature soever, by gift, grant, bargain, sale, assurance, devise or bequest, from any body corporate or persons whatsoever, and the same or any part thereof to sell or dispose of at pleasure, and to make, have and use a common seal, and to break, alter and renew the same at pleasure, and generally to do all and every other matter or thing which any corporation or body politic lawfully may or can do, to carry into effect the object and purposes set forth in the constitution hereinafter contained: Provided, That the clear yearly income or profits of all Proviso. the estate had and enjoyed by the said institute, shall not exceed the sum of four thousand dollars: And provided further, That nothing Proviso. herein contained shall be so construed as to give said corporation banking privileges.

SECTION 2. That the first, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth Articles of the and ninth articles of the constitution of the District of Penn Literary constitution, and Scientific Institute, which are inserted in this section, shall be how to be taken. deemed and taken as a part of this act, to all intents and purposes, and the second article thereof shall be and remain subject to such alterations and amendments from time to time, touching the amount required to constitute membership, as may be deemed expedient by a vote of twothirds of the members present at any annual or special meeting of the institute: Provided, That notice of the proposed alterations or amend- Proviso. ments be given by posting the same in the reading room for one month previous to the meeting.

SECTION 3. That the officers and managers of the District of Penn Officers.
Literary and Scientific Institute now acting, viz: Honorable George
M. Stroud, president, Jacob D. Sheble, vice president, Joseph Wood,
treasurer, Alexander C. Coyle, secretary, and George H. Mitchell,
Joseph S. Silver, Doctor J. Henry Smaltz, George Williams, Isaac
Ashmead, Lawrence Peterson, John S. Yardley, Nathan W. Ellis,
Jesse A. Burrows, John M. Melloy, Edmund Dingee, William H.
Jackson, Edward Gratz, Henry Haines, Alexander Cummings, John


Lambert, Aaron P. Bilyeu, Nathan Nathans, John L. Griffis, Thomas Hope Palmer, Edward T. Tyson, William Wagner, Francis Newland and George A. Binder, the board of manages of the institute hereby incorporated, until the stated annual meeting of the institute, as provided for in the fourth article of said constitution.


ARTICLE I.-Name and Object.

SECTION 4. That the name of this association shall be the "District of Penn Literary and Scientific Institute," its primary object the promotion of the moral and intellectual improvement of young persons.

ARTICLE II. Membership.

SECTION 1. That any person by paying two dollars annually, or twenty dollars at one time, as a life subscription, shall be entitled to membership in this institute, and to all its privileges, and any subscription of fifty dollars shall entitle the contributor to three life certificates, one for himself and the others for such persons as he may desig


SECTION 2. That any member neglecting to pay his annual subscription for two years, and having received notice of the same from the see-retary, shall forfeit his right to membership.

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The officers shall be a president, vice president, treasurer, secretary, and twenty-four managers, who together shall constitute a board for the transaction of business, and shall report annually their proceedings to the institute.

ARTICLE IV.-Meetings.

The institute shall hold a stated meeting on the third Thursday in January in each and every year, when the annual report of the board of managers shall be read, and the officers and managers for the ensuing year shall be elected by ballot, but no members whose subscriptions are unpaid shall be entitled to a vote, or be cligible as officers or managers of the institute; special meetings shall be called by the president or vice president whenever requested by fifteen of the members, of which meetings at least three days' public notice shall be given in one or more newspapers published in the city or county of Philadelphia.

ARTICLE V.-President.

The president, or in his absence the vice president, or in the absence of both a chairman pro tem., shall preside at all meetings of the insti tute and of its board of managers, shall preserve order, and perform such other duties as appertain to his office.

ARTICLE VI.—Treasurer.

The treasurer shall receive and hold all moneys belonging to or paid into the institute, shall keep a correct account of the receipts and dis

sements, exhibit a statement of its funds annually, and oftener if ired by the board of managers; he shall make no payments except he order of the managers, signed by the president and secretary, whenever required by the board, shall enter into an approved bond he faithful performance of his trust.

ARTICLE VII.-Secretary.

he secretary shall keep fair and correct minutes of the proceedings I meetings of the institute and its board of managers, preserve all rs and documents belonging thereto in his possession, keep a roll e names of members and their residences, give notice of meetings, perform all other duties required by his office.


e board of officers and managers, seven of whom shall constitute a
um, shall bold stated meetings monthly, shall make their own by
supply vacancies in their body, keep regular minutes of their pro-
ngs, which shall be open at all times to the inspection of the
bers of the institute, shall establish a library and free reading
, appoint a librarian, purchase and receive such books, periodicals
apers for the library as they may think proper, provide for suita-
ctures, and have power to devise and execute all measures which
eir judgment will advance the interest of the institute, and carry
fficiently the objects of its organization, not inconsistent with this
itution; they shall also hold their offices until successors shall be..

ARTICLE IX--Library.

e books, periodicals and papers belonging to the library and readroom, may be loaned at the discretion of the managers, to the bers of the institute, and to such young persons as shall furnish factory security for the payment of fines, in default of a punctual n of the volumes, and for any loss or injury that may be sustained e book or books loaned; the reading room shall be kept open at such and under such regulations as the managers may designate, for Free use of young persons, and the members of the institute.

ARTICLE X--Amendments.

is constitution may be altered or amended at any annual or speneeting by two-thirds of the members present: Provided, That c notice of the intended alteration be given by posting the same e reading room for one month previous to the meeting.

CTION 4. That the time for completing the Limerick and Cole- Limerick and dale Turnpike Road, in Montgomery county, be and the same is Colebrookdale y extended until the year one thousand eight hundred and fifty. turnpike road.

CTION 5. That the president and managers of the Swatara rail- Swatara railbe and they are hereby authorized to extend their road from a road, authorized at or near Donaldson, and connect the same with the Susquehanna to be extended. ad, at a point near or opposite Selins Grove, and the said commay increase their capital stock to an additional amount not exng twenty thousand shares, at such time and in such manner as may order and direct, for which purpose the said company shall

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