Abbildungen der Seite

and be sued and to transact business, and she is hereby invested with all the legal rights of a legitimate daughter of the said Charles C., and Louisa M. Boyd.

[blocks in formation]

APPROVED-The twenty-fourth day of February, A. D., one thous and eight hundred and fifty-three.


No. 87.


To an act entitled "An Act to incorporate the Penn mutual life insurance company."

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That the third section of the act to which this is a supplement shall not be so construed as to prevent said company from purchasing, receiving, taking, and holding as investments and conveying the same, any ground rents or life interests in real estate, but the said company shall have authority to purchase, receive, take, hold, and convey in fee simple or for any less estate, from time to time as they may deem fit, any and all ground rents and life estates in any and all real property.


Speaker of the House of Representatives.


Speaker of the Senate.

APPROVED-The twenty-fourth day of February, A. D., one thousand

'eight hundred and fifty-three.


No. 88.


To change the name of the borough of Mechanicsburg, in the county of Yo to that of Stewartstown; relative to the Keystone life insurance compar and to the school directors of the Tunkhannock school district.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Represen tives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly m and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That fr Mechanicsburg and after the passage of this act the borough of Mechanicsburg, int borough, change county of York, shall be called and known by the name of Stewar of name. town, and by that name shall enjoy all the rights and privileges and subject to the same liabilities as if the name had not been changed.

Suits brought against. Keystone life insurancé co.

School directors of Tunkhan

nock school dis

trict, to assess a tax.


district, to in

clude farm of John Keeney.

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SECTION 2. That the provisions of the thirteenth section of an entitled "An Act to incorporate the Schuylkill County agricultu society; relative to a school district in Schuylkill county," approv the fourteenth day of April, Anno Domini, one thousand eight hundr and fifty-one, shall be so construed as not to apply to suits dependi or that may hereafter be brought against the Keystone mutual life a health insurance company of Harrisburg, for any claim for insuran against said company, in which the person whose life was insured said company died before the passage of the aforesaid act.

SECTION 3. That it shall be lawful for the school directors of t Tunkhannock borough school district, in the county of Wyoming, assess a tax upon all taxable property in said district as at prese ⚫ formed, or which may be hereafter attached to said district, sufficie to pay for a suitable lot therein to be purchased by said directors to a for the use of said district, and for the materials and labor in the ere tion thereon of such a school house as said directors or a majority them may direct, and to collect and apply said tax to said purpose soon as practicable, and also, to apply any funds now on hand, to t purpose aforesaid.

SECTION 4. That the said school district shall hereafter extend and include the farm of John Keeney, and the property of Elish Sharpe, and the farm owned by Dana and Jackson, called the Aver farm, on the east, and the farms of Jacob L. Jayne, S. G. Bates, an the farm formerly owned by U. G. Hammond, on the north, and als the farm of John Ace.

W. P. SCHELL, Speaker of the House of Representatives.

THO. CARSON, Speaker of the Senate.

APPROVED-The twenty-fourth day of February, A. D., one thousan

eight hundred and fifty-three.


[merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

To compensate Beckwith S. Brockway for certain services rendered in the State library.

WHEREAS, Certain services were performed by Beckwith S. Brockmy in the State library, Anno Domini, one thousand eight hundred and forty-six, under circumstances of peculiar hardship and loss to him mless relief be extended to him in that behalf; therefore,

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representaises of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That the sum done hundred and fifty dollars be, and the same is hereby appropriated Beckwith S. Brockway, of Luzerne county, out of any moneys in the sury not otherwise appropriated, as full compensation to said Brockmy for services rendered in the State library during the session of the legislature in the year one thousand eight hundred and forty-six. W. P. SCHELL,

Speaker of the House of Representatives.

THO. CARSON, Speaker of the Senate.

APPROVED The twenty-fourth day of February, A. D, one thous. eight hundred and fifty-three.

No. 90.



Anering the counties of Bradford, Susquehanns, Luzerne, Tioga, and Wyoming, to the eastern district of the supreme court.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representaof the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That after the counties of Bradford, Susquehanna, Luzerne, Tioga, and ming shall be attached to and become part of the eastern district the supreme court, and the writs of error and appeals from the courts fail counties shall be made returnable at the March term of said preme court on such day or days in March or April as said court y direct.


Speaker of the House of Representatives.

Speaker of the Senate.

APPROVED The twenty-fourth day of February, A. D., one thous and eight hundred and fifty-three.


[ocr errors]





Banking privil

No. 91.


To incorporate the Empire book and ladder company of the district of Spring
Garden, in the county of Philadelphia.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representa tives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, Tha all persons who are now members of the association called the Empire hook and ladder company of the district of Spring Garden, in the county of Philadelphia, or who shall hereafter be admitted members of the same, shall be, and they are hereby erected and declared to be one body politic and corporate, by the name, style and title of "The Em pire hook and ladder company," and by the same name shall have perpetual succession, and shall be able to sue and be sued, implead and be impleaded in all courts of record or otherwise, and to purchase, receive, have, hold and enjoy to themselves and their successors all, and all manner of lands, tenements, rents, annuitics, liberties, franchises and hereditaments, goods and chattels, of what nature, kind or quality soever, real, personal or mixed or choses in action, and the same from time to time to sell, grant, devise, alien or dispose of: Provided, That the clear yearly income of the said corporation shall not exceed the sum of three thousand dollars, and also to make and have a common seal and the same to break, alter or renew at pleasure, and also to ordain, establish and put in execution such by-laws, ordinances and regulations as shall appear necessary and convenient for the government of the said corporation, not being contrary to this charter or the Constitution and laws of the United States or of this Commonwealth, and generally to do all and singular the matters and things which to them it shall lawfully appertain to do for the well being of the said corporation and the due ordering and management of the affairs thereof.

SECTION 2. That nothing in this act contained shall be deemed to eges prohibited. authorize the said company to engage either directly or indirectly in any banking, moneyed, commercial or manufacturing concern, but the object of the said corporation shall be the promotion of the public good at fires.


SECTION 3. That the Legislature reserves the right to alter, revoke or annul the privileges and charter hereby granted, whenever in their opinion the same shall be injurious to the citizens of this Commonwealth, in such manner however that no injustice shall be done to the corporators.

[blocks in formation]

APPROVED-The twenty-fifth day of February, A. D., one thousand

eight hundred and fifty-three.


No. 92.


To authorize the State Treasurer to pay Captain Jacob Hubeli certain moneys.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representaives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly wet, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That the State Treasurer is hereby authorized to pay to Captain Jacob Hubeli he sum of five hundred and twenty-two dollars seventy-five cents, which shall be in full for compensation for quarters and stores to the roops called out by the Governor of the Commonwealth during the bots in Philadelphia, in one thousand eight hundred and forty-four. W. P. SCHELL,

Speaker of the House of Representatives.

Speaker of the Senate.

APPROVED-The twenty-fifth day of February, A. D., one thous nd eight hundred and fifty-three.


No. 93.


fo an act entitled "An Act authorizing the Governor to incorporate the Lahaska and New Hope turnpike road company," approved the twenty-fourth day of February, one thousand eight hundred and forty-seven; and relative to the Doylestown and Willow Grove, and Buckingham and Doylestown turnpike road companies.

SECTION 1. B it enacted by the Senate and House of Representives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly

et, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That Time of comtime for the commencement of the work by the said company is mencement of reby extended to the term of three years from the passage of this work extended. t, and the said road when completed shall end at the terminus of the Buckingham and Doylestown turnpike, instead of at Wilson's creck, as mentioned in the act to which this is a supplement, and that the road hall not be more than forty feet wide.

SECTION 2. That the said Lahaska and New Hope turnpike road Subject to proompany when organized shall be governed by the same laws and regu- visions of cerations, and shall have the same powers and privileges as are granted

tain act.

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