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For the Schoolmaster.
The Rain.


THE wind with sighing mournful sounds,

Clouds bending cold and gray,
And rising sun with haloes crowned,
Foretell the rainy day.

From zenith to horizon laid

One sombre leaden fold,
Bound with the rain-drops' pearly braid,
To wrap the earth's dark mould.

It laves the parched and arid plain,
The hillside cold and drear,
The meadow bathes to life again,
And calls the spring-time near.

The flowers that paled at winter's breath
It brings to life once more,
And with the sunshine forms a wreath
To garland nature o'er.


[FROM a good article on this subject in the Cornhill Magazine, we make the following extracts:]

"There is a certain sense of favor, private patronage, and obligation in the schoolmaster's position, if we except the very highest, from which even the merchant in his transactions is comparatively free, or, at least, feels himself so; or the professional man, who receives his fee for some distinct single exercise of his craft; the quid pro quo is more measureable and distinct in the exchange of goods for money, and money for goods, than where the moral is paid for by the material, the uncertain by the certain, and where not one parent in twenty feels quite sure that he has got his money's worth for his money. However well the schoolmaster may feel that he has earned or overearned the payment, his consciousness of the parent's uncertainty often acts disagreeably on his own mind, and, indeed, is one of the almost inevitable pains of his position. Then again, whatever Bacon, Wotton and the rest of them may have said, men, and especially proud men, desire to mix with and to struggle with their coevals, and dislike the idea of perpetual engagements with the immature -a feeling at which no one can WOUND, OR WOONED.-There is frequent in- wonder: and thus it is that, though education quiry about the pronunciation of w-o-u-n-d. is a topic popular and fashionable, in which Dr. Webster says, "wound or wooned," leav- some of our social and political leaders really ing us to choose for ourselves. Mr. Walker feel, and all affect, interest-on which our condemns wooned as a "capricious novelty," statesmen, from the Premier downwards, give and such we think it is. There are at least two amateur lectures all over the country during reasons why we should call it wound-sound- parliamentary recesses—yet, however great the ing ou like ow in cow:

The rain-drops sweep with varied tone,
On wandering breezes by,

And every season hath its own,
Of welcome and reply.

Then let the murmuring winds arise,
The clouds bend cold and gray,
And from the closely gathering skies,
Descend the rainy day.

1. It is easier to pronounce, especially in animated emphatic speaking. Try it.

2. Analogy-bound, found, mound, pound, round, ground-wound.

"How sweet the name of Jesus sounds

In a believer's ear;

It soothes his sorrows, heals his wounds,
And drives away his fear."-NEWTON.
"Salvation! O, the joyful sound!" ect.-WATTS.
-Memphis Advocate.

appetite for talking about education, its duties and responsibilities, its practice is about the very last employment to which most of the lecturers would resort, It is much the same with the man of letters: he likes to view his scholarship as a grace, not as a stock-in-trade; and if he is ever a schoolmaster, it is generally his necessities that make him so; school labors interfere with his insatiable yearning for self-instruction. He often scatters throughout his works invaluable hints on the discipline of youth, on its capacities, its tempers, its training. Scarcely an To eat and drink is to supply the lamp of life English moralist can be mentioned who has not with cotton and oil, If, however, we make the done so, hints, many of them never picked stomach a regular cemetery of food, the body up by the drudging but often unreading schoolwill soon become the sepulchre of the soul. To masters for whose guidance they were intended; make a god of your belly is to sell yourself to and abroad look at La Brugère, Rousseau, De the devil. The poor are much less injured by Staël, Jean Paul, Lamartine, Louvestre, and a occasional fasts than the luxurious by constant host of others, by whose golden sentences on feasts. youth and its discipline the majority even of our

upper teachers seem never to have been made and who are respected for the credit of another one whit the wiser; for it is only here and there future which they often have in prospect, as of a man, who, after the toils of the day over print the doomed and devoted instructor for life, and and paper, has energy to labor on, on his own who must out of his profession get his respecaccount, or courage to withdraw from his fire-tability, or in spite of it.

side enjoyments for any purpose of private stu- "There is a kind of admitted claim, that one dy. Even the pleasure of seeing his pupils ad- who sets up as a teacher and guide should himvance, one by one, far on paths of honor, is not self approach to something like perfection of always without a certain sadness to the school-character, though probably no one who presents master, such as one may be expected to feel who this bill seriously expects to find it honored to is ever giving passports to a land of promise the full. Then there is a shrewd and very genand beauty, into which he himself is never des- eral suspicion that the profession is a makeshift, tined to enter. as truly it often is; indeed, to those who dislike

"The tendency of feeling is, however much in it, and they are the majority, the occupation favor of education, rather against the individual seems so eminently repugnant that they have the educator, tending to keep him down, and on greatest difficulty in conceiving that any one can him lies the onus of raising himself, and, with possibly have a sincere taste for it. himself, as far as possible, the estimate of his "Then there are perils of character to which profession. Most of the sources of prejudice to the instructor of the young is greatly exposed, which reference has been made are, it must be and is known to be so, as he is often giving owned, almost necessities of his position. His proof of it. Notwithstanding his vague and main payments, especially where teaching is occasional responsibility to parents, most of his connected with boarding, coming from private daily life is spent in having his own way, and hands; his subjection to innumerable petty in- so every fault of his disposition is in danger of terferences and remonstrances, and the general running to excess, whether it be penuriousness, consciousness that he is so subject; his amena- impatience, irritableness, favoritism, indolence, - faults all of which would bility to private criticism rather than to large unreasonableness

public judgment as to his efficiency; his general be exposed to smart checks if his intercourse lay want of large means; the main business of his with men. This disadvantage demands a conlife concerned with children and boys, not with stant vigilance for its counteraction, and only a men, and strongly leading him to trace the same naturally noble heart and originally happy temeternal and limited circle, often real, always im- per rises unscathed ever from the perpetual oragined; the confining nature of his labors, gen- deal, a man's very superiority so often making erally keeping him in great measure secluded him impatient of imperfection, and his mental from the world of men, and, from a liberal- excellence constituting his moral trial. izing mixture with general society, and, on "One of the commonest accusations against the other hand, if he does so mix, the ready in- the schoolmaster in the present day, is either ference that his duties are neglected; nay, his that he has not the tact, or will not consider it very efforts to give dignity to his position, and to be his duty, to consult the peculiarities of his shake off some of what are deemed its humilia- individual pupils, and adapt his treatment and tions, sometimes leading him too far in the op- tuition separately to each character. When a posite direction, and tending to what is by no man has five or six pupils, the demand may be means uncommon in many schoolmasters, a reasonable enough; but we have heard one of blunt want of courtesy, and an unnecessary the very foremost men of the present day bring giving of offence, and an absolute unreasona- the charge against the masters of the public bleness, in order to shove off every semblance school at which he was educated, that they did of senility; all these, we say, are disadvanta- not spy out, cultivate and give him credit for ges against which it requires a very superior the talent which has since made him worldmind, indeed, and a constant and consummate famed.

exercise of practical judgment, to buoy up this "The meanness of making money by petty profession; indeed, they are difficulties and dis-profits and unnecessary extras, of which some advantages which will probably permanently masters of a low order are guilty, and of which hinder it from ranking among the professions many more are suspected, has probably done par excellence. We speak not so much here of more to degrade the profession in the eyes of young men who commence life as educators, the world than any other single cause that could

be alleged. The low, savage or sordid school- he conscientiously devotes to the work of actual master is beneath our counsel, and would prob- instruction. The private schoolmaster is, at ably scarcely comprehend it. The advice here any rate, his own law in this matter, and the offered shall be worthy of worthier men. public one is not, as a general rule, by any means "Separating from the schoolmaster his occa- overtasked. Out of nine hours a day, a man sionally clerical character, what means has he, will be doing more ultimate good to himself and then, of raising himself in public esteem? We his pupils by giving to his own cultivation two see only two-his learning, and his tone of or three of the hours, than by sacrificing the feeling and manners. These appertain to him, whole nine to positive teaching, especially to lie naturally in his path, and in these directions, teaching, what is now a common demand, little if in any, society expects to find his excellence, more than the elements of who shall say how notwithstanding his peculiar difficulties; theo- many multifarious subjects. retically, indeed, a perfection in self-culture and self-discipline may be demanded in one who assumes the culture and discipline of others as his life's office.

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"If thoroughly cultivated schoolmasters were common, we should soon see the profession rising in esteem; and we have only here to add, that what militates greatly against this perpetual

"And first for learning.' In any sense of self-culture of the instructor, is his self-satisthe term it is rare in schoolmasters: many never faction at his perpetual triumphs over subordiseek it, but are content with their old school nate wills and immature intellects - a self-satisand college stocks; and many who do, feel that faction only scorned, on such grounds, by suthey have no extra time, nor courage, nor ener-perior men.

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gy to make and find time. and so the accom- "The next matter well worth a man's thought plished college scholar is too often ever tending and care, if he wishes to conciliate true respect, to a skillful drudge in special subjects. But is the tone of feeling to be cultivated in his boys, this is not all the learning wanted. It is not and, therefore, primarily in himself; and the enough for a man to set his own au fait manners, by which we do not mean merely the against his pupil's incipient awkwardness, his nice conduct' of a silver fork or those modes own rapid against his scholar's slow solution of of genteel society.' as it is called, which a clever problems, his own thorough knowledge of the monkey might soon be instructed to imitate. prescribed school-book' against his pupil's Indeed, the day is pretty nearly, though not gradual acquisition of its contents. Boys soon quite, over, when, if a man known to be a see through this sort of thing now-a-days, and schoolmaster is announced, people look for the cease to respect it. They quickly discover the difference between a schoolmaster who has ideas, and one who only skillfully

'can temper

entrance of something peculiarly angular and dogmatic, and are rather surprised than otherwise, if they find him to be, on the whole, upon trial, rather a pleasant and unaffected gentleman. Ordinary and external good manners we His longs and shorts with que and semper ;' may suppose he possesses, but what we aspire and they view the latter as a great clever school-to for him is something more. Certainly, a boy, boy of whose capacities they have the measure. ambitious as the English are above all things of In order thoroughly to respect a master, boys the character and bearing of gentlemen, ought must feel that he dwells in an altogether higher not to feel that he goes to school for knowledge, region of knowledge, as Arnold did, and that but returns home for manners and civilization. he occasionally throws to them handfuls of The schoolmaster ought to be the equal, and, if wealth from unknown treasuries; and further he can possibly make himself so, the superior than this, the master should know that a sham, of the parent in this latter point also. pompous and superficial display is almost sure to be found out by an intelligent form.

"Out of a dozen schoolmasters, skillful in teaching as an art, of fairly cultivated manners, "Supposing a man has taste and power for of blameless industry in inculcating the doganything like wide and general study, how is mas of our religion, teaching science and lanhe to find the time? We answer it is certain guage with tact and zeal, do we find one who that some few men do find it, and make a good cultivates with equal care the higher and more use of it. We may fairly suppose a master gen- ennobling qualities of the heart-extensive symerally to be sufficiently independent to be in pathy, wide comprehension, largeness, grandeur, some measure the regulator of the time which and generosity of moral views; a schoolmaster,

For the Schoolmaster.

The Blue Sky.

in fine, to whom his pupils naturally revert in after life as their highest moral type, model and example? There is no foot-rule to measure HOME of my God! I bless the loving hand these; there is no feeing them; they are above That drew thy arch, so fair, so high, so grand, all statute payment; they are not branches,' Up from my daily toil, my weary strife, but con amore gifts out of the fullness of a man's I gaze rebuked for all my narrow life, heart to those who come within his influence; Rebuked like Peter, as betrayed by me, glorious prejudices which have a tendency to spread and infect the young like a passion. For youth has a wonderful sympathy with what is strongly felt.

My injured Lord looks down reproachfully,
And just before, removed a little space,
My pitying Father hides his tender face.
Home of my God! I lift my fevered brow,
And almost feel the heavenly blessing now,
As when a child I lay amid the grass,

Had we more men of this moral elevation in schools from the highest to the lowest, who shall say that it would not tend infinitely to increase With eyes upraised to see the shadows pass, the respect felt for the profession at large? Eve- And dreamed that where the sunlight glimmered ry man, we know, has his own modes of influ- through ence, and a man of drier character would fail if he aped the enthusiasm of an Arnold; but each, in his way, should aim more than our masters now do at the education of sentiment."

ANNA ESTELLE LEWIS ("Stella") is in Florence, engaged on her tragedy for Ristori, and some other works, commenced before she went

'Twas God's eye watching all we think or do,
And so untutored in my childish way
Would shut my serious eyes and softly pray

Home of my God! that blessed day is past;
My womanhood in other paths is cast,
Too often in the thorns and dust of sin,
Where good departs and evil enters in,
And yet I lift my eyes and dare to pray,
I dare to ask his blessing on my way,

to Europe. In Cassa Grazzini, Via Maggio, For I was once untempted, undefiled, she lives in the strictest seclusion, composing in And e'en though sinning, I am still His child. a darkened room or writing by the light of a

That spans alike our cursing or our prayer,
The whole earth drops away, I seem to stand
At thy pearl gates and in thy blessed land,
No cloud or mist obscure my vision now,

lamp, from five in the morning till nearly the Home of my God! blue arch divinely fair, same hour in the afternoon. When recently asked why she had refused all invitations to the gay festivities of a Florentine season, she repiied, "I came here to dwell with Italy, and The thorny crown drops from my aching brow, not with the gay world. Her inspiration is up- My waiting soul the promised peace receives, on me, and I am happy - a higher and a better And Jesus crowns my head with healing leaves. being. In her divine presence the society of kings becomes insipid. In the Grand Monde we only amuse. I have something to saything within me which I feel I must say to elevate and ennoble my species. I can only say it in solitude. The time that society claims I want to spend in instructing in religious principles the poor creatures who ask me for sous, and My soul leaps up to meet the homeward call. cling to my garments by the wayside."



My Father's House! oh! come that blessed day,
When from my soul the flesh shall drop away!
And I shall rest safe from all storms or calms
In the dear shelter of my Father's arms.
Roll back, blue sky! Open your door of light,
Another angel comes in robes of white!
Break, yoke of sin, ye heavy burdens, fall!

M. C. P.

is seldom we find a person living the abstract life of an author," says Lamartine, "so fine THE parent that procures his child a good a linguist. She speaks Italian fluently, and mind, well principled and tempered, makes a is everywhere taken for a French woman who better purchase for him than to lay out the mospeaks good English. In addition to these, she ney to enlarge a farm. Spare the child in toys, speaks Spanish, and has read Virgil' twice in in silks and ribbons, as much as you please, but Latin." be not sparing in his education.

Ir is impossible to make people understand NEVER compel a child to sit still, nor intertheir ignorance; for it requires knowledge to fere with its enjoyment, as long as it is not acperceive it, and therefore he that can perceive it tually injurious to person or property, or against hath it not.-BISHOP TAYLOR.

good morals,

Final Disposal of the Famous Dighton Rock.

Ar a late meeting of the Royal Society of Northern Antiquaries, of Copenhagen, over

From the Connecticut Common School Journal.

WHO does not recall the merry sports and which King Frederick III., of Denmark, pre- quieter moods of childhood, with a joy that alsides, a warranty deed from Mr. Niles Arnzen, most causes the muscles to grow elastic, the of Fall River, Mass., (apparently a Scandina- heart leap with a lighter bound, and the brain vian, originally,) was read, by which, in con- throw off its weary load of fruitless speculations sideration of his esteem for C, C. Rapu, editor and return to the keen, curious freshness of of the Antiquitates Americana, and for the Royal those days.


Society of Antiquaries in Denmark, he does Oh the daring swings among the apple give, grant and convey unto the said Professor boughs, the fearless climbing of rafters in search and Royal Society, the rock known as the 'Writ- of hidden hen's nests, the romps in the meaing' or 'Dighton' Rock, and the lot or parcel dows and rides on the hay, the doffing of shoes of land surrounding it, situated in Berkley, in and stockings to wade in the brook, the daily said County of Bristol," its limits being stated trudge with Tom to drive home the cows, the in detail in the deed. long rambles with merry parties of sun-brownThough this is manifestly a violation of the ed, bare-footed boys and girls, in search of the great Monroe Doctrine, the event is one that huckleberries or chestnuts, the sliding down will probably interest antiquarians more than it hill in winter, and rides through the drifts on will politicians. This celebrated rock has been ox-sleds, and skating on the pond by moonlight the subject of many learned disquisitions since or by the glare of crackling bonfires; — were Dr. Cotton Mather, in 1712, published his copy not those stirring, active times? of the inscription, down to the present time.

Nor were our sympathies less busy than our It is situated on Assonet Neck, east side of Taun- bodies. Who can forget his horror when the ton river, about thirty-eight miles from Boston. evils of intemperance were seen for the first It is a block of gneiss, about twelve feet long time, and the unspoken pity which made him and five feet high, and is covered with an in- draw away from the school-room stove to make scription formed of figures of an irregular char- a place for poor, half-frozen Lucy Smith, the acter, and it is this that is the puzzle. The Co- drunkard's child, or the indignation kindled by penhagen antiquaries, who go in for the Scandi- the knowledge that wicked Ben Mason robbed navian discovery of the New-England coasts birds' nests and tortured butterflies? Did not ("Vinland") by the Norsmen of the Ninth we cry heartily because the "Babes in the Century, will have it that it is Runic. But since Wood" were left to die alone, and almost Mr. Schoolcraft's interpretation no one can doubt bound from our seat when we read of Robinthat it is simply aboriginal Indian. It is not son Crusoe's good fortunes? probable that the United States will go to war with Denmark on this score, though it would be more fitting that this curious inscribed rock should have remained in the possession of some of our American societies.

That imagination held full sway, let us bring as witnesses the frightful ghost stories that are heard with fixed, staring eyes, and the swaying trees in the solemn wood, whither we stole alone on Saturday afternoon, that, unmolested we might dream away the hours, gazing at the blue APPLICATION. If young persons enter into above us, that seemed to rise higher and higher, their various pursuits with becoming ardor, and while we wove fantastic visions and formed steadily persevere in a course of diligent appli- splendid, impracticable plans for our future. cation, it is impossible to foresee the eminence Alas, for the departed faith in the marvellous to which they may attain. Difficulties, which which held full possession of us, when impresstimidity and indolence would deem insurmount-ed by the stillness and solitude, we rose from able, are overcome; and knowledge in all its our wild couch of moss and wood-grass, and variety, and with all its honors, advantages turned softly about to see if the Fairy Queen and pleasures, is rapidly and effectually gained. were not holding her court near by ! Among the students who obtained classical And then the school reminiscences of days honors and distinction in an examination at the when calico work-bags, unpainted carved desks University of Oxford in England, was a Mr. and ferule exercises by the teacher, were in Legmee, who, notwithstanding the disadvantage of blindness from his infancy, was placed in the Vogue; when we began with "round 0" and highest class but one, Let no youth despair. "crooked S," and went on till we "spelled

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