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laurels, crowns, rewards, and the highest honors. baron de Steuben shall waft its fragrance to the Never was the profession of arms used with more monarch of Prussia: a marquis de la Fayette shall glory, or in a better cause, since the days of Joshua waft it to a far greater monarch, and diffuse thy the son of Nun. O WASHINGTON! how do I love thy renown throughout Europe. Listening angels shall name! how often have I adored and blessed thy God, catch the odour, waft it to heaven, and perfume the for creating and forming thee the great ornament of universe." buman kind. Upheld and protected by the omnipo. tent, by the Lord of Hosts, thou hast been sustained and carried through one of the most arduous and important wars in all history. The world and posterity will, with admiration, contemplate thy deli. berate, cool, and stable judgment, thy virtues, thy valor and heroic achievements, as far surpassing those of Cyrus, whom the world loved and adored. The sound of thy fame shall go out into all the earth, and extend to distant ages. Thou hast convinced the world of the BEAUTY of VIRTUE-for, in thee this beauty shines with distinguished lustre. Those who would not recognize any beauty in virtue in the world beside, will yet reverence it in thee. There is a glory

The following is not a revolutionary paper, but it relates to a noble volunteer in the cause of liberty in the new world, and a fearless advocate for the freedom of his native land in the old, and a preservation of the eulogium upon him is due to his services. It was delivered at Warsaw on the 14th Nov. 1817, by M. Von Neimcewise, who was his bosom friend. The translation here used was made for the "Republican Citizen," published at Fredericktown, Maryland.

This mournful solemnity, these funeral rites;

in thy disinterested benevolence, which the greatest these blazing tapers, this assemblage of dejected characters would purchase, if possible, at the ex- knights and people, the doleful voice of the venerpense of worlds, and which may excite indeed their able divine, all, all conspire to impress upon us & emulation, but cannot be felt by the venal great-strong perception of our great, our irreparable loss. `who think every thing, even virtue and true glory, What can I add to the accuteness of your feelings, may be bought and sold, and trace our every action or how dilate upon the ardent expressions of the to motives terminating in self; reverend ministers of religion? Alas! it does not appertain to these grey hairs, to this enfeebled voice, to a mind blunted with years, and weakened by infirmities, to eulogize the man, who was courageous and generous in war, and amiable in peace. But such was your desire: unmindful of the restraints and difficulties under which I labor, I will endeavor to comply, and, although myself over. whelmed with grief, will become the interpreter of this universal mourning.

"Find virtue local, all relation scorn, "See all in self, and but for self be born." But thou, O Washington, forgottest thyself, when thou lovedst thy bleeding country. Not all the gold of Ophir, nor a world filled with rubies and dia. monds, could affect or purchase the sublime and noble feelings of thine heart, in that single self moved act, when thou renouncedst the rewards of generalship, and heroically tookest upon thyself the dangerous as well as arduous office of generalissimo Great and destructive have been the losses sus. -and this at a solemn moment, when thou didst de- tained by our country in the lapse of a few years, liberately cast the die, for the dubious, the very du- but we have felt none with such keen anguish, as bious alternative of a gibbet or a triumphal arch!- that which we now bewail in the decease of our beBut, beloved, enshielded and blessed by the great loved Kosciusco. To mention the name of KosciusMelchisedec, the king of righteousness as well as co, that pattern of virtuous citizenship; to depict peace, thou hast triumphed gloriously. Such has his love of country, which continued to blaze out been thy military wisdom in the struggles of this whilst there was a breath of life remaining; his feararduous conflict, such the noble rectitude, amiable-less intrepidity in battle; his manly fortitude in adness and mansuetude of thy character: something versity; his patient endurance of suffering; his Ro is there so singularly glorious and venerable thrown man uprightness of deportment; his delicate modes. by Heaven about thee, that not only does thy county, that inseparable accompaniment of real worthtry love thee, but our very enemies stop the mad- is to awaken a thousand pleasing, but alas! also ness of their fire in full volley, stop the illiberality numberless painful emotions in the breast of every of their slander, at thy name, as if rebuked from native of Poland.

Heaven with a "touch not mine anointed, and do my

Ere History shall record our misfortunes, and exHERO on harm." Thy fame is of sweeter perfume hibit, in their true light, the merits of this truly than Arabian spices in the gardens of Persia. A great man, be it permitted to us, his contempora

ries, to notice, in condensed brevity, his noble ac-[should enlarge upon the occurrences of the memo. tions, and the principal incidents of his life. rable war which followed. The army of Kosciusco THADDEUS KOSCIUsco, descended from an ancient was not composed of warriors, arrayed in 'the pride family in the palatinate of Brescia, in Lithuania of military pomp:' No! he led troops of irritated peaproper, received the rudiments of his education in santry to the field of glory; peasantry, armed with the the military academy founded by Stanislaus Augus implements of husbandry, against experienced and tus. The commandant of that academy, prince veteran soldiers!-How many battles, sieges, dread. Adam Czartorski, soon remarked the uncommon ful nocturnal sallies and skirmishes did they sustain? military genius of the youth, together with his pre-The earth was ensanguined with the blood of the dilection for the science of war, and in consequence, commandants ere it furnished them with graves. sent him into France to complete his studies. To The result of all these sacrifices, sufferings and the latest moments of his life, Kosciusco gratefully exertions, were inhuman fetters. The captivity conremembered the obligations which he owed to the tinued two years, and would have lasted yet longer; bounty of his benefactor. The abject, impotent and nor wouldst thou, Kosciusco, have ended thy days submissive situation of Poland, at that period, en-in Solothurn's free walls-nor would you, ye weep. gendered dejection and despair in his useful breasting sons of Poland, have again enjoyed the sweet He left his country and repaired to a foreign land, smiles of liberty, but would have dragged out the there to fight the battles of independence, when he miserable remnant of your lives in dark and moul. 'found that her standard would not be raised in the dering dungeons, had it not been for the magnani. Land of his birth. As the companion of the immor. mous interference of PAUL 1. The first act of his tal WASHINGTON, he fought bravely from the Hud-reign was to burst the fetters of twenty thousand son to the Potomac, from the shores of the Atlan- Poles. Thanks to thee, venerable shade! The name tic to the lakes of Canada. He patiently endured of Paul cannot be mentioned by a native of Poland, incredible fatigue; he acquired renown; and, what without feelings of genuine gratitude! Was infinitely more valuable in his estimation, he acquired the love and gratitude of a disenthraled nation. The flag of the United States waved in tri umph over the American forts, and the great work of liberation was finished ere Kosciusco returned to his native country.

When Kosciusco was liberated, he did not turn his steps to that depressed and mourning country, which had already become as a strange land to him. No: he turned his eyes to that distant shore, where in his youth, he had mingled in the combat for li berty and independence; to that land which he knew Just at that period Poland awoke; but alas! awoke would receive him as one of her own children. Altoo late from her deplorable lethargy. She had pro- though covered with scars and crippled, he did not claimed the memorable constitution of the third of permit the fatigues and dangers of the voyage to May, and determined to acknowledge no laws but dishearten him. He embarked for America; and, du. her own. Hence the inimical attack, hence the de- ring this voyage, the ocean had nearly become the solating wars which ensued. Say, ye few remain-grave of our hero. A vessel, belonging to a fleet of ing witnesses-say ye fields of Zielenice and Du- merchantmen, returning from Jamaica, was separat. binki, did not Kosciusco, did not the Poles con-ed from her company in a dark night, and whilst tend with a valor worthy the sons of Poland? sailing with the greatest rapidity, struck the Ame -It was not that our feebie force was over-rican ship. Masts, rigging and sails were instantly powered: No-it was by the stratagems and wiles entangled. Two large vessels lay beating forcibly of our enemies that our arms were wrested from against each other. Great was the tumult, noise our hands, and the burning desire for the combat and disorder upon deck-death stared us in the smothered; aye, smothered! for in a short time the face. Kosciusco viewed the scene, at this dismaydismemberment of our territory, and the contemp-ing and terrifying moment, with his usual serenity tuous, the scornful treatment which we received, ex- and composure: but his last hour had not yet arrivasperated the feelings of our people. The excess of their misfortunes and sufferings roused them to an effort of noble and almost frenzied desperation. His enraged countrymen grasped the sword and placed it in the hands of Kosciusco!

ed. Providence had ordained that he should sur. vive to see that day on which the generous Alexander proclaimed the restoration of the kingdom of Poland. We escaped this imminent danger with the loss of the main-mast and torn sails, but the voyage was, in consequence of the disaster, protracted to seventy days At length we espied the happy shores

The fraternal bonds which unite us to another nation, the protection of one common sovereign, and the gratitude due to Alexander, forbid that I of the land of freedom. Pennsylvania! the country

of PENN and FRANKLIN, received Kosciusco into her, may thy memory be immortal amongst us. May bosom. After suffering such accumulated miseries, thy statue be placed in the sanctuary of the Lord, this was the first happy and joyful moment. The in order to perpetuate the lineaments of thy face, members of congress, then in session-his old com- the benevolence of thy heart, and the purity of thy patriots in arms-his friends and acquaintances, and soul. May thy cenotaph be like thy life, plain and the citizens generally, hailed his arrival with unaf-unostentatious, with no inscription but thy name; fected pleasure. The people surrounded the car. that will be all-sufficient! Whenever a native or riage of him, who had been one of their favorite stranger shall with tearful eyes behold it, he will be chiefs, who had suffered so much in their cause, and compelled to exclaim, "That was the man who did accompanied him to his lodgings. Not only in Ame- not permit bis countrymen to die ingloriously, and rica, but also in every European city through which whose virtues, magnanimity, intrepidity and patriothe passed after his liberation, in Stockholm, in Lon-ism immortalized himself and his beloved country." don, and in Bristol, all those who cherished in their

hearts a love of liberty, and a regard for her defenders, thronged about him and gave him the most


It is good for us all to look back on “olden times" lively demonstrations of their esteem. Oh! it was-It is both good and proper for the young men and greatful to the heart of a Polander to perceive, in the youth of the present day to see and read some the honor and respect with which his chief was re- of the official acts of their fathers and grandfathers; ceived, esteem and commisseration for the fate of and thereby to trace out and mark down the emian unjustly destroyed nation. nent exertions, the privations, dangers and sufferWas it the delusion of hope or the wish to have ings to which they were exposed in struggling the advantage of the best medical advice, that in- through the arduous contest to establish the liberduced Kosciusco to visit the shores of Europe once ty and independence of their country, and to promore? If it was hope, soon, alas! did he preceive its vide for their posterity a NATIONAL NAME—a home, fallaciousness and vanity, and the inutility of human a shelter and a fireside. Read this and treasure it exertions. He rejected the bustle and applause of for the time to come. the world, and, if I may so express myself, enclosed himself in the mantle of his own virtues and retired. to the rural solitude of a farm. Here agriculture "These United States having been driven to hoswas his employment, his solace, and his delight.-tilities by the oppressive and tyrannous measures of He left his peaceful retirement, for the first time, Great Britain; having been compelled to commit the to thank the illustrious Alexander for the restora- essential rights of man to the decision of arms; and tion of the Polish name. His aversion to public having been, at length, forced to shake off a yoke employment, which had increased with age, his love which had grown too burdensome to bear, they de of solitude and quiet, led him into Switzerland.clared themselves free and independent. There in the city of Solothurn, it pleased the Al- Confiding in the justice of their cause; confiding mighty to call his virtuous soul, from the scene of in him who disposes of human events, although its sufferings and trials, to the abode of the blessed. weak and unprovided, they set the power of their He died as it became a christian and a soldier, with enemies at defiance.

By the congress of the United States of America—


a firm reliance on his God, with complacency and In this confidence they have continued through manly fortitude. Poor as his prototypes, Phocion the various fortune of three bloody campaigns, unand Cincinnatus, he forbade all pomp and show at awed by the power, unsubdued by the barbarity of his funeral; and that man, who in the field of bat- their foes. Their virtuous citizens have borne, tle had commanded thousands of armed warriors, without repining, the loss of many things which was carried to the last repository of frail mortality, makes life desirable. Their brave troops have pa upon the shoulders of six poor old men!

tiently endured the hardships and dangers of a siPeace to thy ashes, thou virtuous man! receive tuation, fruitful in both beyond former example. the last and parting laments of thy sorrowing coun. The congress, considering themselves bound to trymen; receive the parting address of him, in whose love their enemies, as children of that being who is arms thou hast so often reposed thine aching head. equally the father of all; and desirous, since they If thy native country do not receive thy mortal re- could not prevent, at least to alleviate, the calamimains into her lap, while thy liberated spirit dwells ties of war, have studied to spare those who were in in the same abode with THE LAST ROMAN, then arms against them, and to lighten the chains of

*Ultimus Romanorum, Marcus Junius Brutus has been so called. captivity.

The conduct of those serving under the king of our enemies presume to execute their threats, or Great Britan hath, with some few exceptions, been persist in their present career of barbarity, we will diametrically opposite. They have laid waste the take such exemplary vengeance as shall deter others open country, burned the defenceless villages, and from a like conduct. We appeal to that God who butchered the citizens of America. Their prisons searcheth the hearts of men, for the rectitude of our have been the slaughter-bouses of her soldiers; their intentions; and, in His holy presence, we declare, ships of her seamen, and the severest injuries have that as we are not moved by any light and hasty sugbeen aggravated by the grossest insults. gestions of anger and revenge, so through every possible change of fortune we will adhere to this our de


Done in Congress, by unanimous consent, the thirtieth day of October, one thousand seven hundred and seventy-eight. (Signed) HENRY LAURENS, President."

Foiled in their vain attempt to subjugate the unconquerable spirit of freedom, they have meanly assailed the representatives of America with bribes,t with deceit, and the servility of adulation. They have made a mock of humanity, by the wanton destruction of men: they have made a mock of religion, by impious appeals to God whilst in the violation of his sacred commands: they have made a mock even of reason itself, by endeavoring to prove that the liberty and happiness of America could safely be in William Coleman, esq. trusted to those, who have sold their own, unawed by the sense of virtue or of shame.


New-York, Nov. 22, 1821.

DEAR SIR-Agreeably to your request, I willingly give you the enclosed copies of papers relat

Treated with the contempt which such conducting to the events of that memorable day, so soon deserved, they have applied to individuals; they to be celebrated in this city. I feel grateful to the have solicited them to break the bonds of allegiance, gentleman who transmitted them to me—and I canand embrue their souls with the blackest of crimes; not doubt but the possession of them will be gratibut, fearing that none could be found through these | fying to every American.

United States equal to the wickedness of their purpose, to influence weak minds, they have threatened more wide devastation.

Your obedient humble servant,


Danbury, Conn.) Aug. 24, 1821.

Mr. Aaron Clark:

While the shadow of hope remained, that our enemies could be taught by our example to respect SIR-Having observed that you are collecting those laws which are held sacred among civilized various documents relating to the history of the nations, and to comply with the dictates of a relistate of New-York, I take the liberty of enclosing gion, which they pretend in common with us to beto you copies of the addresses which were exchanglieve and to revere, they have been left to the influed between the citizens of the city of New-York ence of that religion and that example. But since their incorrigible dispositions cannot be touched by kindness and compassion, it becomes our duty by other means to vindicate the rights of humanity. We, therefore, the congress of the United States of America, do solemnly declare and proclaim, that if

and the American generals who entered the city in triumph after the evacuation of the British in 1783.

A committee had been appointed by the citizens to wait upon gen. Washington and gov. Clinton and other American officers, and to express their joyNotes by the transcriber-who recollects that se-ful congratulation to them upon this occasion. A veral of his school mates suffered severely on board procession for this purpose formed in the Bowery, the Jersey prison ship; and he knows several persons yet living in Boston, who felt the iron hand and heart marched through a part of the city, and balted at of unrelenting barbarity, while prisoners on board a tavern, then known by the name of Cape's tavern, "that poisoned floating dungeon," in the harbor of in Broadway, where the following addresses were New-York, when in possession of the British. delivered. Mr. Thomas Tucker, late of this town, The supposed or reputed author, [SAMUEL ADAMS], of the above elegantly written state paper, and, at that time, a reputable merchant in New. chose the high honor and exalted feeling of support-York, a member of the committee, was selected to ing the liberties and equal rights of his countrymen, perform the office on the part of the committee. with a moderate fortune, to the low and grovelling

dignity of a "British pensioner of two thousand guineas The originals now lie before me, over the signatures per annum for life." He was in the cabinet of his of the respective generals. country, what general Greene was in the field; "ever early, ever watchful, and never weary of toil or fatigue until he saw all was well."

I am, sir, your very obedient humble servant,

To his excellency George Washington, esquire, general, return again in peace and triumph to enjoy the and commander in chief of the armies of the

United States of America,

The address of the citizens of New-York, who have returned from exile, in behalf of themselves and their suffering brethren:

fruits of your virtuous conduct.

The fortitude and perseverance which you and your suffering brethren have exhibited in the course of the war, have not only endeared you to your countrymen, but will be remembered with admiration and applause, to the latest posterity.


The address to gov. Clinton, with the answer. his excellency George Clinton, esquire, governor of the state of New York, commander in chief of the

SIR-At a moment when the army of tyranny is yielding up its fondest usurpations, we hope the May the tranquility of your city be perpetualsalutations of long-suffering exiles, but now happy may the ruins soon be repaired, commerce flourish, freemen, will not be deemed an unhappy tribute. In science be fostered, and all the civil and social virthis place, and at this moment of exultation and tri- tues be cherished in the same illustrious manner umph, while the ensigns of slavery still linger in our which formerly reflected so much credit on the sight, we look up to you, our deliverer, with unusual inhabitants of New York. In fine, may every species transports of gratitude and joy. Permit us to wel- of felicity attend you, gentlemen, and your worthy come you to this city, long torn from us by the hard fellow-citizens. hand of oppression, but now, by your wisdom and energy, under the guidance of Providence, once more the seat of peace and freedom. We forbear to speak To our gratitude or your praise. We should but echo the voice of applauding millions. But the citizens of New-York are eminently indebted to your virtues; and we, who have now the honor to address your excellency, have often been companions of your sufferings and witnesses of your exertions. Permit us, therefore, to approach your excellency with the dignity and sincerity of freemen, and to assure you that we shall preserve, with our latest breath, our gratitude for your services, and veneration for your character; and accept of our sincere and earnest wishes that you may long enjoy that The state, sir, is highly indebted to you in your calm domestic felicity, which you have so gener-military capacity; a sense of your real merit will ously sacrificed-that the cries of injured liberty may never more interrupt your repose-and that your happiness may be equal to your virtues. Signed, at the request of the meeting,

[ocr errors]

Thomas Randall,
Danl. Phoenix,

Saml. Broome,
Wm. Gilbert, sen.
Francis Van Dyck,
Geo, Janeway,

Ephraim Brashier,

New-York, Nov. 25, 1783.

Thomas Tucker,
Henry Kipp,
Pat. Dennison,
Wm. Gilbert, jun.
Jeremiah Wool,
Abrm. P. Lott.

militia, and admiral of the navy of the same, The address of the citizens of New York, who have returned from exile, in behalf of themselves and their suffering brethren:

the head of the government of this state, devoid, as Sin-When we consider your faithful labors at we conceive every free people ought to be, of flattery, we think we should not be wanting in gratitude to your vigilant and assiduous services in the civil line.

secure to you that reputation which a brave man opposing himself in defence of his country, will ever deserve.

We most sincerely congratulate you on your happy arrival at the capital of the state. Your excellency hath borne a part with us in the general distress, and was ever ready to alleviate the calamities you could not effectually remove. Your example taught us to suffer with dignity.

We beg leave to assure your excellency that, as prudent citizens and faithful subjects to the people

His excellency's answer to the citizens of New York, of the state of New York, we will do every thing

who have returned from exile:

GENTLEMEN--I thank you sincerely for your affectionate address, and entreat you to be persuaded that nothing could be more agreeable to me than your polite congratulations. Permit me, in return, to felicitate you on the happy repossession of your city.

Great as your joy must be on this pleasing occasion, it can scarcely exceed that which I feel at seeing you, gentlemen, who, from the-noblest motives, bave suffered a voluntary exile of many years,

in our power to enable you to support order and good government in the community, over which you have, by the suffrages of a free and discerning people, been elected to preside.

Thomas Tucker,
Henry Kipp,
Pat. Dennison,
Wm. Gilbert, jun,
Jeremiah Wool,
Abrm. P. Lott,

Signed, at request of the meeting,
Thomas Randall,
Danl Phoenix,
Saml. Broome,
Wm. Gilbert, sen.
Francis Van Dyck,
Geò. Janeway,
Ephraim Brashier,
New-York, Nov. 25, 1783.

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