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liament, herein after mentioned, are not repealed, we will not, directly or indirectly, export any merchandize or commodity whatfoever to Great Britain, Ireland, or the West-Indies, except rice to Europe.

Fifth, Such as are merchants, and ufe the British aud Irish trade, will give orders, as foon as poffible, to their factors, agents, and correfpondents, in Great Britain and Ireland, not to fhip any goods to them, on any pretence whatsoever, as they cannot be received in America; and if any merchant, refiding in Great Britain or Ireland, fhall directly or indirectly fhip any goods, wares, or merchandize, for America, in order to break the faid non-importation agreement, or in any manner contravene the fame, on fuch unworthy conduct being well attested, it ought to be made public; and, on the fame being fo done, we will not from thenceforth have any commercial connection with such merchant.

Sixth, That such as are owners of veffels will give pofitive orders to their captains or mafters, not to receive on board their veffels any goods prohibited by the faid non-importation agreement, on pain of immediate difmiffion from their service.

Seventh, We will ufe our utmost endeavours to improve the breed of Sheep and increase their number to the greatest extent, and to that end, we will kill them as fparingly as may be, especially thofe of the most profitable kind; nor will we export any to the WestIndies or elsewhere; and thofe of us who are or may become over-stocked with, or can conveniently fpare any fheep, will difpofe of them to our neighbours, efpecially to the poorer fort, on moderate terms.

Eighth, That we will in our several stations encourage frugality, cecnomy, and industry; and promote agriculture, arts and the manufactures of this country, efpecially that of wool; and will discountenance and difcourage

difcourage every fpecies of extravagance and diffipation, especially all horfe-racing, and all kinds of gaming, cock-fighting, exhibitions of fhews, plays, and on the death of any relation or friend, none of us, or any of our families, will go into any further mourning dress, than a black crape or ribbon on the arm or hat for gentlemen, and a black ribbon or necklace for ladies, and we will difcontinue the giving of gloves and fcarfs at funerals.

Ninth, That fuch as are venders of goods or merchandize, will not take advantage of the scarcity of goods that may be occafioned by this affociation, but will fell the fame at the rates we have been refpectively accustomed to do, for twelve months last past.And if any vender of goods or merchandize, fhall fell fuch goods on higher terms, or fhall in any manner, or by any device whatfoever, violate or depart from this agreement, no perfon, ought, nor will any of us deal with any fuch perfon, or his, or her factor or agent, at any time thereafter, for any commodity whatever.


Tenth, In cafe any merchant, trader, or other perfons fhall export any goods or merchandize after the first day of December, and before the firft day of February next, the fame ought forthwith at the election of the owner, to be either re-fhipped or delivered up to the committee of the county or town wherein they shall be imported, to be ftored at the rifque of the importer, until the non-importation agreement fhall ceafe, or be fold under the direction of the committee aforefaid; and in the last mentioned cafe, the owner or owners of fuch goods, fhall be reimbursed (out of the faels) the first coft and charges, the profit, if any, to be applied towards relieving and employing fuch

fuch poor inhabitants of the town of Boston, as are immediate fufferers by the Boston port bill; and a particular account of all goods fo returned, stored, or fold, to be inferted in the public papers; and if any goods or merchandizes fhall be imported after the first day of February, the fome ought forthwith to be fent back again, without breaking any of the packages thereof.

Eleventh, That a committee be chofen in every county, city and town, by thofe who are qualified to vote for reprefentatives in the legiflature, whofe bufinefs it shall be, attentively to obferve the conduct of all perfons touching the affociation; and when it fhall be. made to appear to the fatisfaction of a majority of any such committee, that any perfon within the limits of their appointment has violated this affociation, that fuch majority do forthwith caufe the truth of the cafe to be published in the gazette, to the end, that all fach foes to the rights of British America may be publicly known, and univerfally contemned as the enemies of American liberty; and thenceforth we refpectively will break of all dealings with him or her.

Twelfth, That the committee of correspondence in the refpective colonies do frequently infpect the entries of their custom-houses, and inform each other from time to time of the true ftate thereof, and of every other material circumstance that may occur relative to this affociation.

Thirteenth, That all manufactures of this country be fold at reasonable prices, fo that no undue advantage be taken of a future fcarcity of goods.

Fourteenth, And we do further agree and refolve, that we will have no trade, commerce, dealings or intercourse whatsoever, with any colony or province in North America, which fhall not accede to, or which fhall

fhall hereafter violate this affociation, but will hold them as unworthy of the rights of freemen, and as inimical to the liberties of their country.

And we do folemnly bind ourfelves and our conftituents, under the ties aforefaid, to adhere to this affociation until fuch parts of the feveral acts of parliament paffed fince the clofe of laft war, as impofe or continue duties on tea, wine, molaffes, fyrups, pancies, coffee, fugar, piemento, indigo, foreign paper, glafs and painters colours, imported into America, and extend the powers of the admiralty courts beyond their ancient limits, deprive the American fubject of trial by jury, authorise the judge's certificate to indemnify the profecutor from damages, that he might otherwise be liable to, from a trial by his peers, require oppreffive fecurity from a claimant of fhips or goods feized before he fhall be allowed to defend his property, are repealed.--And until that part of the act of the 12. Geo, 3. ch. 24. intituled, " An act for the better fecuring his majesty's dock-yards, magazines, fhips, ammunition, and ftores, " by which, any perfons charged with committing any of the crimes therein defcribed, in America, may be tried in any fhire or county within the realm, is repealed.-And until the four acts paffed in the last feffion of parliament, viz. that for stopping the port and blocking up the harbour of Boston.-That for altering the charter and goverment of the Maffachufett's Bay. And that which is intituled," An act for the better administration of justice, &c." are repealed. And we recommend it to the provincial conventions, and to the committees in the refpective colonies, to eftablish fuch farther regulations as they may think proper, for carrying into execution this affociation.

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The foregoing affociation determined upon by the Congrefs, was ordered to be fubfcribed by the several members thereof; to which they set their names*.

In their addrefs to the people of Great Britain they intist upon their right of British subjects, and affirm that no power on earth has a right to take away their property without their confent; and they claim all the rights fecured to fubjects by the Englifh conftitution, efpecially that invaluable one of trial by jury.

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