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I carried him in my arms to a hackney-coach that was in waiting, and we drove away rapidly. Three weeks afterwards we heard that Major Fitzfiggins was slowly recovering from his wound, and that no further fears were entertained for his safety. Not so, however, with poor Tweezle. His wound had proved exceedingly difficult of cure; and at the end of a month he lay in a very precarious state. To add to this vexation, news also reached us that the heart of the interesting and romantic Miss Julietta Blossom had been touched by the dangers which the gallant major had undergone for her sake. Rumour added and rumour for once spoke the whole truth, that the gentle fair one had, after a short siege, yielded her heart, and fixed a day when she would yield her hand to the captivating soldier. This news I thought would prove rather too much even for the comfortable philosophy of my friend, and I hesitated about communicating it to him. By some means, however, it came to his knowledge.

"What's your opinion of my wound, sir?" said he to me one day, after I had returned from a solitary saunter through Boulogne. "Bad enough," said I; "but you will recover in three or four months."

"I doubt it," replied Tweezle; "but still it might have been worse!"

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"If he had killed you outright," said I, guessing his meaning. Precisely so," replied Tweezle, smiling, and looking quite happy to think he had escaped with life, and had only received a wound which would confine him for six months to his bed.

"And what do you think of womankind in general," said Tweezle again, "and of Miss Julietta Blossom in particular?"

They are false in general," said I, "and Miss Julietta Blossom

is false in particular."

"Ah!" said Tweezle, chuckling, "I am a happy man!"

"I wish you a long continuance of your happiness," replied I. Tweezle looked serious for a moment, and then heaved a deep sigh. "I have lost her !" said he.

"Miss Blossom?" inquired I.

"Yes! and a sweet creature she was! rich, beautiful, and well born! and I-I've lost her!" Tweezle made an effort to look sad. "But it might have been worse!" he added, brightening up.

For my part, I was glad to see him so cheerful; but I could not well see what reasons he had for being so, and I therefore asked him.

"I might have married her!" said Tweezle. Happy, happy Peregrine!


As a skaiter was sporting his elegant make
In the Regent's Park, he was ask'd this con.:

Why is this sheet of ice like a Canada lake?

Give it up ?"-" Because it's the lake you're on (Huron).”

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SPRING flew swiftly by, and summer came; and if the village had been beautiful at first, it was now in the full glow and luxuriance of its richness. The great trees, which had looked shrunken and bare in the earlier months, had now burst into strong life and health, and, stretching forth their green arms over the thirsty ground, converted open and naked spots into choice nooks, where was a deep and pleasant shade from which to look upon the wide prospect, steeped in sunshine, which lay stretched out beyond. The earth had donned her mantle of brightest green, and shed her richest perfumes abroad. It was the prime and vigour of the year, and all things were glad and flourishing.

Still the same quiet life went on at the little cottage, and the same cheerful serenity prevailed among its inmates. Oliver had long since grown stout and healthy; but health or sickness made no difference in his warm feelings to those about him, (though they do in the feelings of a great many people,) and he was still the same gentle, attached, affectionate creature, that he had been when pain and suffering had wasted his strength, and he was dependent for every slight attention and comfort on those who tended him.

One beautiful night they had taken a longer walk than was customary with them, for the day had been unusually warm, and there was a brilliant moon, and a light wind had sprung up, which was unusually refreshing. Rose had been in high spirits too, and they had walked on in merry conversation until they had far exceeded their ordinary bounds. Mrs. Maylie was fatigued, and they returned more slowly home. The young lady, merely throwing off her simple bonnet, sat down to the piano as usual; after running abstractedly over the keys for a few minutes, she fell into a low and very solemn air, and as she played it they heard her sob as if she were weeping. "Rose, my dear ?" said the elder lady.

Rose made no reply, but played a little quicker, as though the sound had roused her from some painful thoughts.



"Rose, my love!" cried Mrs. Maylie, rising hastily, and bending over her. "What is this? Your face is bathed in tears. My dear child, what distresses you?"

"Nothing, aunt,-nothing," replied the young lady. "I don't know what it is; I can't describe it; but I feel so low tonight, and__"

"Not ill, my love?" interposed Mrs. Maylie.

"No, no! Oh, not ill !" replied Rose, shuddering as though some deadly chillness were passing over her while she spoke; "at least, I shall be better presently. Close the window, pray."

Óliver hastened to comply with the request; and the young lady, making an effort to recover her cheerfulness, strove to play some livelier tune. But her fingers dropped powerless on the keys, and, covering her face with her hands, she sank upon a sofa, and gave vent to the tears which she was now unable to



My child!" said the elder lady, folding her arms about her, "I never saw you thus before."


"I would not alarm you if I could avoid it," rejoined Rose; "but indeed I have tried very hard, and cannot help this. fear I am ill, aunt."

She was, indeed; for, when candles were brought, they saw that in the very short time which had elapsed since their return home, the hue of her countenance had changed to a marble whiteness. Its expression had lost nothing of its beauty, but yet it was changed, and there was an anxious haggard look about that gentle face which it had never worn before. Another minute, and it was suffused with a crimson flush, and a heavy wildness came over the soft blue eye; again this disappeared like the shadow thrown by a passing cloud, and she was once more deadly pale.

Oliver, who watched the old lady anxiously, observed that she was alarmed by these appearances, and so, in truth, was he; but, seeing that she affected to make light of them, he endeavoured to do the same, and they so far succeeded that when Rose was persuaded by her aunt to retire for the night, she was in better spirits, and appeared even in better health, and assured them that she felt certain she would wake in the morning quite well.


"I hope, ma'am," said Oliver when Mrs. Maylie returned, "that nothing serious is the matter. Miss Maylie doesn't look well to-night, but-"

The old lady motioned him not to speak, and, sitting herself down in a dark corner of the room, remained silent for some time. At length she said, in a trembling voice,

"I hope not, Oliver. I have been very happy with her for some years too happy, perhaps, and it may be time that I should meet with some misfortune; but I hope it is not this."

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