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want nothing of books, clothing, &c. Having twenty-four hours for consideration, I weighed the matter, and returned my answer in the negative; as in tender conscience I durst not leave the kingdom' yet; believing it to be the will of God I should stay. At which time tears flowed plentifully, and it seemed as if my head was a fountain of waters. The doctor grasped me in his arms, gave me a hug, and went his way.

At the time he made me the proposal, whilst we sat at breakfast, one preacher came and sat down by my side, and said, "what do you desire or request of the Conference, that they should do for you?" I replied, supposing him to be my friend, "Nothing; only that the preachers should not speak against me, to blacken my character; whereby to prejudice people against me, to hedge up my way and hurt my usefulness." He then removed to the opposite side of the table, and said, "if he attempts to travel in the name of a Methodist and preach in the streets, the mob will be upon him; and if they once begin, they will attack every preacher that comes along, and fall on our Irish missionaries next; and if they begin, it will be hard to stop them; and government will immediately conclude we are at the head of those disturbances or the occasion of them; by which means they will deem us enemies, and take away some of our privileges." "Whereas," said the doctor, "there was never such a thing known, when in the midst of external and internal wars and commotions, that preachers were permitted to travel and hold meetings as oft as they pleased." He then added, "I don't know but your travelling about, may do more harm than the conversion of five hundred souls may do good; take it upon all accounts, I can't say but I shall be under the necessity of writing to Lord Castlereagh, to inform him who and what you are; that we disown you, &c., then you'll be arrested and committed to prison, and if you once get in jail it will be hard to get out.

These things were mentioned for my consideration, during the above mentioned twenty-four hours.

But the impression upon my mind was so strong to tarry, that if government had threatened to send me to prison in irons, as yet I durst not consent to go.

After this it was talked over in Conference, and agreed that the connexion should show me no countenance, but disapprobation,

which they requested the doctor to tell me, though he never did his errand; but Tobias, upon finding out his mission, took upon himself to do it, without being appointed, and forbid me coming to Waterford (where he was stationed) among the Methodists, or to the meeting house, and if I did he would preach against me in public and in private. Upon this, several of the preachers who were friendly in their hearts, durst not show it outwardly, &c.

Now according to appearance, my way was hedged up all around, my trials were keen; but God was my support, in whom I put my trust, believing he would pave my way step by step.

About this time I had a short sketch of the general run of my experience committed to the press, in order to give away for the benefit of mankind-it contained about twenty small pages; the edition was near three thousand-none of which I sold; but sent some of them to different parts of the country.



I took a walk out of town, in order to preacn to a garrison; but could not get them together: so I gave them some pamphlets, and set out to return; and on my way from the pigeon-house I was suddenly taken unwell, and thought I should have died on the spot; and staggering along I got into Ringsend; when after some little refreshment in a grocer's shop, I gained some strength, and visited a couple of prisons, and got to my lodgings. This was the first Lord's day in August. I took tea with the family, and retired to my chamber, where I was confined about thirty-two days, without the sight of the sun.

In the beginning of this confinement, it was thought I had the measles, but an apothecary being called in, on examining closely, he said the eruption was too prominent for this, and therefore it must be something else, perhaps the small-pox: so my friends halted between two opinions; scarcely knowing what to do I being unwilling to have any physician who had not the fear of God before his eyes; knowing I had suffered so much from them, with very little good.

But a Quaker woman, who heard me, came to see me, and said, "I wish he was in the care of Doctor Johnson, and I should feei my mind easy.” I, upon hearing the words, made some inquiry concerning the man, and consented he should come; and being sent for he came without delay; as he had heard of me just before, and was considering in his mind whether he should come of his own ac cord and offer me his assistance.

My eyes, at this time, were perfectly closed, and continued so about a fortnight, and for about ten days nothing passed through my bowels.

Here I despaired of life, and expected to die; but the Lord was precious to my soul as ever. Three things I desired to live for, which


1st. I wanted to attain higher degrees of holiness, that I might be happier hereafter.


I felt the worth of souls, and an anxious desire to be use

ful to them.

3rd. My parents I wished to see once more in this world, lest when they heard of my death, it would bring them to the grave with sorrow. But at length I was enabled to give them up, and leave them in the hand of God to protect and support.

What I wished to die for was, to get out of this troublesome world and to be at rest, with the saints above; yet I felt resigned to go or stay, as God should see fit, sensibly feeling the presence of God and reading my title clear to the mansions of glory. The very sting of death was gone, so that it appeared no more to me to die than to fall asleep and take a nap.

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During this time there was something whispering in my mind, as though this sickness, by the will and wisdom of God, came, and would turn to his glory in this world, and yet I must travel to other countries to preach the gospel; but the possibility of it seemed so contrary to human appearance, that I did not give much heed to the whispering voice; but my soul was happy all the time.

Some thought it strange that I did not speak more than I did about religion; but feeling my mind weak and my thoughts some times to wander, was fearful lest I should speak amiss, and thereby hurt tender minds, as some had already said that I was better in my heart than in my head. After twenty-two days thus passing away, hope began to spring up in my mind, that I might recover, and yet labor in the vineyard of the Lord.

The physician, Dr. Johnson, had attended me faithfully from the time he first came, setting up with me about ten whole nights, and visiting me repeatedly through the day; and as soon as he thought I was able, had me carried in a sedan chair to his own house, though he was neither in membership with the Quakers or Methodists.

Here I continued seven weeks. I think for about twelve days after I came the blood would gush out of my sores, upon attempting to rest the weight of my body upon my limbs; but upon the forty-fourth day of my sickness, I attempted to venture out with help. During this space of time, God gave me favor in the sight of

the people, though a stranger in this land, and having but one guinea when I was first taken ill, yet I wanted for nothing during the whole time.

- Oh! how different are the dealings of man to me now, from those in America, when confined with the billious fever. Surely there must be the hand of God in this. He let me know what it is to want and to abound, that I might feel my weakness and dependence, and prize my privilege by feeling for my fellow mortals, and improve my time for eternity.

I think of all the people I have met with for four years and seven months' travel, this doctor has showed me the greatest kindness and friendship, for which may God reward him in the day of eternity!

After some little recovery, feeling a desire to do good, I asked for Whitefriar street preaching house, but was denied. Then for Lady Huntingdon's society meeting house, Plunket street, but could not get it. Thence I applied to the Quaker society, but they could not, consistent with their religious principles; yet they behaved very kind and friendly to me. Then I sought for a play house in vain; thus my way seemed to be hedged up.

The first place that presented to view was the Weaver's hall, on the Coombe in the Liberty, which was occupied by the Separate Methodists, (by some called the Kilhamites) but by themselves, the New Connexion. Here I held several meetings; sore laughed,. others stared; but in general were solemn and quiet, and some were melted to tenderness. I formed a covenant in one of these meetings which appeared not altogether fruitless. In their meetings, also, I had the liberty to speak what I felt.

About this time, I received a letter from 9. Hutchinson, dated New York, July 21st, in which I found that he was now reconciled to my coming, and sent my character to this country, to A. Hamilton, doing me justice; which letter I showed to one of the stationed preachers, and had my character read in a public assembly, to let people know what I was, as many had been scrupulous concerning me.

At length, recovering my health to such a degree, I had thoughts of leaving Dublin, and going to the country, but could not feel my


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