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Of the Army late under the command of Brigadier General William Hull, to the Secretary of War.

WASHINGTON, Sept. 10, 1812. SIR-Having been ordered on to this place by Col. McArthur, for the purpose of communicating to the government, such particulars respecting the expedition lately commanded by Brigadier General Hull, and its disastrous result, as might enable them to correctly appreciate the conduct of the officers and men, and to develope the causes which produced so foul a stain upon the national character, I have the honor to submit to your consideration the following statement:


When the forces landed in Canada, they landed with an ardent zeal and stimulated with the hope of conquest. No enemy appeared within view of us, and had an immediate vigorous attack been made upon Malden, it would doubtless have fallen an easy victory. I know Gen. Hull afterwards declared he regretted this attack had not been made, and he had every reason to believe success would have crowned his efforts. The reason given for delaying our operations, was to mount our heavy cannon and afford the Canadian militia time and opportunity to quit an obnoxious service. In the course of two weeks, the number of their militia who were embodied had decreased by desertion from six hundred to one hundred men-and, in the course of three weeks, the cannon were mounted, the ammunition fixed, and every preparation made for an immediate investment of the fort. At a council, at which were present all the field officers, and which was held two days before our preparations were completed, it was unanimously agreed to make an immediate attempt to accomplish the object of the expedition. If by waiting two days we could have the service of our heavy artillery, it was agreed to wait-if not, it was determined to go without it, and to attempt the place by storm. opinion appeared to correspond with the views of the General, and the day was appointed for commencing our march. He declared to me, that he considered himself pledged to lead the army to Malden. The ammunition was placed in the wagons-the cannon were embarked on board the floating batteries, and every requisite article was prepared. The spirit and zeal, the ardor and animation displayed by the officers and men, on learning the near accomplishment of their wishes, was a sure and sacred pledge that in the hour of trial they would not be wanting in their duty to their country and themselves. But a change of measures, in opposition to the wishes and opinions of all the officers, was adopted by the General. The plan of attacking Malden was abandoned, and instead of acting offensively, we broke up our camp, evacuated Canada, and re-crossed the river in the night, without even the shadow of an enemy to injure us. We left to the tender mercy of the enemy the miserable Canadians who had joined us, and the protection we afforded them was but a passport to vengeance. This fatal and unaccountable step dispirited the troops, and destroyed the little confidence which a series of timid, irresolute, and undecisive measures had left in the commanding officer.

About the 10th of August, the enemy received a reinforcement of four hundred men. On the 12th, the commanding officers of three of the regiments (the fourth was absent) was informed through a medium which admitted of no doubt, that the general had stated, that a capitulation would be necessary. They on the same day addressed to Gov. Meigs of Ohio, a letter, of which the following is an extract:

Even a c


"Believe all the bearer will tell you. Believe it, however it may astonish you, as much as if told you by one of us. talked of by the

The bearer will fill the vacancy."

The doubtful fate of this letter rendered it necessary to use circumspection in its details, and therefore these blanks were left. The word "capitulation" will fill the first, and "commanding general" the other. As no enemy was near us, and as the superiority of our forces was manifest we could see no necessity for capitulating, nor any propriety in alluding to it. We therefore determined in the last resort to incur the responsibility of divesting the general of his command. This plan was eventually prevented by two of the commanding officers of regiments being ordered upon detachments.

On the 13th, the British took a position opposite to Detroit, and began to throw up works. During that and the two following days, they pursued their object without interruption, and established a battery for two 18 pounders and an 8 inch howitzer. About sunset, on the evening of the 14th, a detachment of 350 men from the regiments commanded by Col. McArthur and myself, was ordered to march to the river Raisin, to escort the provisions, which had sometime remained there, protected by a party under the command of Capt. Brush.

On Saturday, the 15th, about one o'clock, a flag of truce arrived fron Sandwich, bearing a summons from Gen. Brock, for the surrender of the town and fort of Detroit, stating he could no longer restrain the fury of the savages. To this an immediate and spirited refusal was returned. About four o'clock their batteries began to play upon the town. The fire was returned and continued without interruption and with little effect till dark. Their shells were thrown till eleven o'clock.

At daylight the firing on both sides re-commenced-about the same time, the enemy began to land troops at the Springwells, three miles below Detroit, protected by two of their armed vessels. Between 6 and 7 o'clock they had effected their landing, and immediately took up their line of march, They moved in a close column of platoons, twelve in front upon the bank of the river.

The fourth regiment was stationed in the fort-the Ohio volunteers and a part of the Michigan militia, behind some pickets in a situation in which the whole flank of the enemy would have been exposed. The residue of the Michigan militia were in the upper part of the town to resist the incursions of the savages. Two 24 pounders loaded with grape shot were posted upon a commanding eminence, ready to sweep the advancing column. In this situation, the superiority of our position was apparent, and our troops in the eager expectation of victory, awaited the approach of the enemy. Not a sigh of discontent broke upon the ear, nor a look of cowardice met the eye. Every man expected a proud day for his country, and each was anxious that his individual exertion should contribute to the general result.

When the head of their column arrived within about five hundred yards of our line, orders were received from General Hull for the whole to retreat to the Fort, and the twenty-four pounders not to open upon the enemy. One universal burst of indignation was apparent upon the receipt of this order. Those whose conviction was the deliberate result of a dispassionate examination of passing events, saw the folly and impropriety of crowding 1100 men into a work which 300 could fully man, and into which the shot and shells of the enemy were falling. The Fort was in this manner filled: the men were directed to stack their arms, and scarcely was an opportunity afforded of moving. Shortly after a white flag was hung out upon the walls. A British officer rode up to enquire the cause. A communication passed between the commanding generals, which ended in the capitulation submitted to you. In entering into this capitulation the general took counsel from his own feelings only. Not an officer

was consulted. Not one anticipated a surrender, till he saw the white flag displayed; even the women were indignant at so shameful a degradation of the American character; and all felt as they should have felt, but he who held in his hands the reins of authority.

Our morning report had that morning made our effective men present fit for duty 1060, without including the detachment before alluded to, and without including 300 of the Michigan militia on duty. About dark on Saturday evening, the detachment sent to escort the provisions, received orders from General Hull to return with as much expedition as possible. About 10 o'clock the next day, they arrived within sight of Detroit. Had a firing been heard or any resistance visible, they would have advanced and attacked the rear of the enemy. The situation in which this detachment was placed, although the result of accident, was the best for annoying the enemy and cutting off his retreat that could have been selected. With his raw troops enclosed between two fires and no hope of succor, it is hazarding little to say, that very few would have escaped.

I have been informed by Col. Findley, who saw the return of their quarter-master-general, the day after the surrender, that their whole force of every description, white, red and black, was 1030. They had twentynine platoons, twelve in a platoon, of men dressed in uniform. Many of those were evidently Canadian militia. The rest of their militia increased their white force to about seven hundred men. The number of their Indians could not be ascertained with any degree of precision; not many were visible. And in the event of an attack upon the town and fort, it was a species of force which could have afforded no material advantage to the enemy.

In endeavoring to appreciate the motives and to investigate the causes which led to an event so unexpected and dishonorable, it is impossible to find any solution in the relative strength of the contending parties, or in the measures of resistance in our power. That we were far superior to the enemy; that upon any ordinary principles of calculation we would have defeated them, the wounded and indignant feelings of every man there will testify.

A few days before the surrender, I was informed by Gen. Hull, we had 400 rounds of 24 pound shot fixed, and about 100,000 cartridges made. We surrendered with the fort 50 barrels of powder, and 2500 stand of arms.

The state of our provisions has not been generally understood. On the day of surrender, we had 15 days provisions of every kind on hand. Of meat, there was plenty in the country, and arrangements had been made for purchasing and grinding the flour. It was calculated we could readily procure three months' provisions, independent of 150 barrels of flour, 1300 head of cattle which had been forwarded from the State of Ohio, and which remained at the River Raisin, under Capt. Brush, within reach of the army.

But had we been totally destitute of provisions, our duty and our interest was undoubtedly to fight. The enemy invited us to meet him in the field.

By defeating him the whole country would have been open to us, and the object of our expedition gloriously and successfully obtained. If we had been defeated, we had nothing to do but to retreat to the fort, and make the best defence circumstances and our situation rendered practicable. But basely to surrender without firing a gun-tamely to submit without raising a bayonet-disgracefully to pass in review before an enemy as inferior in the quality as in the number of his forces, were circumstances which excited feelings of indignation more easily felt than described.

To see the whole of our men flushed with the hope of victory, eagerly awaiting the approaching contest, to see them afterwards dispirited, hopeless, desponding, at least 500 shedding tears because they were not allowed to meet their country's foes, and to fight their country's battles, excited sensations which no American has ever before had cause to feel, and which I trust in God will never again be felt, while one man remains to defend the standard of the Union.

I am expressly athorized to state, that Colonels McArthur and Findley, and Lieutenant Colonel Miller viewed the transaction in the light which I do. They knew and I feel that no circumstance in our situation, none in that of the enemy, can excuse a capitulation so dishonorable and unjustifiable. This, too, is the universal sentiment among the troops; and I shall be surprised to learn, that there is one man, who thinks it was necessary to sheath his sword, or to lay down his musket.

I was informed by General Hull, the morning after the capitulation, that the British forces consisted of 1800 regulars, and that he surrendered to prevent the effusion of human blood. That he magnified the regular force nearly five fold, there can be no doubt. Whether the philanthropic reason assigned by him is a sufficient justification for surrendering a fortified town, an army and a territory, is for the government to determine.

Confident I am, that had the courage and conduct of the General been equal to the spirit and zeal of the troops, the event would have been as brilliant and suceessful as it now is disastrous and dishonorable.

Very respectfully, sir, &c.

Hon. WILLIAM EUSTIS, Secretary of War.

Col. 3d Reg. Ohio Vol.


Effect of Surrender of Detroit-Volunteers of 1812-Symms' " Card "-Indian Warfare-Cruelties of the Savages-The Massacre at the River Raisin-The Defence of Fort Stephenson by Croghan and his brave compeers.

The surrender of Detroit, after the first momentary shock of its announcement, aroused the spirit and patriotism of the entire country, particularly among the western people, who felt especially aggrieved by the disaster. A feeling, amounting to eothusiasm, pervaded the whole community. The country was electrified. The call to arms was hailed with rapture by the pioneer population of the West. Men capable of bearing arms vied with one another who should be first to enroll themselves. Men of all ranks and stations in life, filled the rolls of volunteers. By the twenty-fifth of August, nine days after the surrender, four thousand men, armed and equipped, voluntarily assembled at Urbana, in Ohio. Governor Meigs, of that State, was honorably and conspicuously active in encouraging the patriotism manifested by his fellow citizens. Kentucky, Virginia, Ohio, Maryland, and Pennsylvania, poured forth their best citizens by thousands. The city and county of Baltimore proposed alone to raise an entire regiment. On the spur of the moment eighteen hundred Kentuckians marched from Newport. The gallant Col. Richard M. Johnson, then mem ber of Congress from Kentucky, proposed to raise five hundred mounted men, and march forthwith to Detroit, trustiug to the liberality of Congress for future indemnification. Kentucky was represented on different portions of the western frontier by at least six thousand of her brave volunteers. Virginia sent out fifteen hundred men, for whom the ladies of Richmond made knapsacks and tents. The same hearty patriotism, manifesting itself by deeds, existed in every section of the country. Even the opponents of the war were effected by it, and many of them became strenuous advocates of what they had previously opposed.

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