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The force that drives us ON-ON and ON



HE FORCE that is the Almighty Force of the Body; that controls every heart-beat, every breath, every vital organ, every muscle, and every cell of the body.

The FORCE that gives us courage, ambition, personality, character, mental power, and energy.

It is NERVE FORCE. Exactly what it is, we do not know, just as we do not know what electricity is. We know this: It is generated by the Nervous System, from which it is sent throughout the body at a speed greater than 100 feet a second. The Nervous System consists of countless millions of cells. These cells are reservoirs for the storage of Nerve Force. The amount stored represents our "Nerve Capital," and our Nerve Capital determines the degree of our health, strength, mental power, efficiency and all other physical and mental qualities.

The vital problem in Life, therefore, is the wisdom of expending our Nerve Force, for if we waste it ruthlessly and foolishly, we soon become Nerve Bankrupts. Every bodily act, especially every muscular act, uses up a certain amount of Nerve Force. The greatest drain, however, is by way of the Brain. Mental work, worry, anxiety, anger, hate, fear, grief and other emotional expressions consume a tremendous amount of Nerve Force, which accounts for the fact that great mental strains so readily wreck the nerves, causing (Neurasthenia), or what is termed Nervous Debility, Nervous Prostration, or Nerve Exhaustion.

We are living in the age of nerve strain, the mile-a-minute life. Nearly every man or woman you meet nowadays, especially those of higher intelligence and finer nerve quality are troubled with weak and deranged nerves. If you have strained your nerves through over-work, worry, grief or have ignorantly abused them otherwise, submit your case to me, and I shall tell you definitely the exact nature of your weakness, and whether I can help YOU, as I have helped over 90,000 men and women during the last 30 years. I am a Nerve Specialist and Psycho-analyst, besides being generally experienced in Health Culture and kindred sciences. I have treated more cases of "Nerves" than any other man in the world. My instruction is given by Mail only. No drugs or drastic treatments are employed. My method is remarkably simple, thoroughly scientific and invariably effective.

Positively no fee is charged for a "Preliminary Diagnosis" of your case, and you will be under no obligation to take my course of instruction, if you do not care to. Do not explain your case in your first letter, as I shall send you special instructions how to report your case and how to make certain "nerve tests" used generally by Nerve Specialists, and I shall send you FREE, other important data on the subject which will give you an understanding of your nerves you never had before. Write TO-DAY.




Lecturer and Author of numerous books and
treatises on Mental and Physical Energy,
Respiration, Psychology, Sexual Science and
Nerve Culture.

Read this

Do not assume that your nerves are sound if your

hands do not tremble. The most common and worst form of nerve trouble is that which involves the Sympathetic Nervous System, which is not indicated by tremor and twitchings of muscles.

The symptoms of nerve exhaustion and derangement vary according to individual characteristics, but the most positive are those which involve the mind, namely nervousness, restlessness, sleeplessness, impatience, undue worry, irritability, unhappiness, super-sensitiveness to criticism and the opinion of others, and in extreme cases poor concentration, poor memory, mental depression, unfounded fear, melancholia and hallucinations.

The physical symptoms can only be regarded as definite when they occur in conjunction with mental symptoms. The most common physical symptoms are: nervous indigestion, constipation, uneasiness in the region of the solar plexus, rapid and irregular heart, sluggishness of the vital organs, fatigue, lack of endurance, decline in sex force, various aches and pains, and supersensitiveness to noises and pains.

An experienced Nerve Specialist does not err in his diagnosis of the nerves. In submitting your case to me for a Preliminary Diagnosis, shall positively determine the degree your nerves are involved in any weaknesses, ailments, and other conditions you may report. As the diagnosis of nerve weaknesses may demand mention of extremely personal subjects, all correspondence is strictly confidential, and sent sealed, in a plain envelope, by first-class mail.

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The reason is simple: It is woman's ancient instinct to defend home and children. Her modern judgment selects the Pyrene Fire Extinguisher as the best defense against fire.

Woman's intuitive trend toward Pyrene is confirmed by facts: 73 per cent of preventable fires are caused by stoves, furnaces, boilers and pipes. And 12 per cent of preventable fires are caused by defective flues and chimneys.

How often have you shuddered at the thought of fire in your home! But is Pyrene on hand to fight it?

Fire is always unexpected. Each year it destroys thousands of homes. Yearly it claims 15,000 livesmostly women and children.

Install Pyrene now. Know the security of providing a permanent safeguard against fire. Price $10. Pyrene saves 15% on automobile fire insurance premiums.

17 East 49th Street, New York
Kansas City

San Francisca

Pyrene Manufacturing Co. of Canada, Ltd., Montreal, P. Q.

Pyrene FIREKLOK- Atlanta Placed at home danger spots, near the furnace or in the kitchen, Fireklok gives instant warning of fire. A hand extinguisher can then be used immediately and the fire put out before it can grow large and cause damage.

Pyrene and Fireklok are sold by hardware and electrical supply dealers and garages.





Believing that the advance of business is a subject of vital interest and importance, The Outlook will present under the above heading frequent discussions of subjects of industrial and commercial interest. This department will include paragraphs of timely interest and articles of educational value dealing with the industrial upbuilding of the Nation. Comment and suggestions are invited.





HILE an epidemic of strikes was becoming threatening, a strike which would have seriously affected a great industry in a city of eastern Pennsylvania was averted in a most unusual way. The workers in a certain mill repudiated the plans of the leaders of the union on the advice-not the demand-of their employer. When the union leaders formulated their plans, the employees of this mill refused to press them until they had talked the matter over with "the boss," and after they had so talked they turned the proposals down, and the strike was off, although a dozen mills were involved, and the union leaders left town with their prestige sadly impaired and their plans for tying up a big industry 66 gang agley." The incident was so unusual that it was worth investigating. Why, when the workers were everywhere turning against their employers, did this large group stand by their employer when they might have gouged things out of him? This is the answer as I found it. I have interviewed mill girls and mill men, foremen and superintendents, others outside the mill who knew something about the sitaation, and finally the employer himself. One fact stands revealed: That strike was averted, not by any eleventh-hour concessions, not by any paternalistic policy of club-houses and swimming-pools (which resembles, in the last analysis, the giving of candy to children to make them be good), but by the definite conviction, worked out into policy-a policy consistently maintained for many years that the only way to industrial peace is by being absolutely on the square and by treating every employee down to the smallest bobbin girl as you hoped that employee would treat you. It was the square deal that beat

the strike.

The mill in question is one of the largest, if not the largest, of its sort in the United States, and is engaged in the manufacture of a high grade of textiles. Names are not necessary to the story, but names can be given if any one is interested. It employs about thirteen hundred men and girls.

It has been in operation about thirtyeight years, first under the father of the present head, and for twenty years under his own direction. The policy that is now in force was begun immediately on his assuming direction, and it began to yield results years ago. For instance, it long ago assured a small labor turnover. And next to strikes there is nothing more costly to modern industry than the frequent chang ing of employees. The employees in this mill stayed. The girl workers usually remained here from the time they entered after leaving school until they were married, and many of them after they were married. A large percentage of the younger girls now are daughters of former women em

ployees, and whole families, fathers and sons and daughters, are to be found in the various departments of the mill. The foreman in one department told me that he had quit twice to go with other concerns, but that both times he had been glad to get back. "Never again for me; I'm here till I die." During the period of the war, when cutthroat competition for labor was at its worst, very few of the workers in this mill left their looms, although there were many munition plants in the neighborhood where very high wages were paid. I asked a grizzled old foreman why this condition existed. "'Cause the boss treats us all like humans, and he won't stand for anybody being any other way. He don't cuss us and he don't allow us to cuss any one else. He knows his people and he is not too proud to speak to us when he sees us. That's why we stick." Every one to whom I talked had the same story: "He treats us like men."

I said to the old foreman, "I notice you have safety devices and excellent working conditions in the mill."

"Yes," he said, "we had 'em before any mill in town, long before the State law made us put 'em in. But you don't notice that we have any of them new-fangled club-house things, do you-swimming-pools and all that? The boss doesn't go in for 'em. He says he is going to give us in wages all the business will stand. He ain't handing us nothing. You know, you can't fool working people. They think the same as you do, and they know when they are getting it handed to 'em, and when they are getting the square deal every



of every day. But when some one in the mill has hard luck in the family they can always count on the boss. He don't see 'em stick."

I said: "Tell me about this strike. Why didn't you go out when the union leaders wanted you to go?"

He answered: "There wasn't any reason after we'd talked it over with the boss. You see, it was this way. Those leaders came here and called a meeting of the various shops. I'm a union man, and I went to the meeting. They told us we ought to have shorter hours and more pay; that everybody else was getting it, and we ought to too. They shaped up their demands, and I noticed the fellows from the other mills was waiting to see what we'd do. We told them we would have to talk it over in the shop before we'd say what that would be. So the next evening we had a shop meeting, and we sent a committee to see the boss. He talked over the whole matter with us, showed us what contracts he had on hand and that we could not cut down the hours and fill the contracts, told us that he had already planned to raise our wages, although not as much as the union asked. As he had already raised us four times in the last couple of years without being forced into it, we believed him, and went back and told the union leaders they could strike all they wanted to, but we wouldn't. What's the use of going back on a man like the boss?"

The same story was repeated everywhere I went. Many of the men were union members, but the union did not seem to count beside" the boss." He had their confidence, they believed in him, and they knew that they were being treated squarely. It was in brilliant contrast to much of the suspieion and dissatisfaction that I had found in many other places among the workers.

Then I sought "the boss" himself for

Published in

While the case

is argued, the jury sleeps

the interest of Electrical Development by an Institution that will be helped by whatever helps the Industry.

If the lawyer talked for hours on the rising price of birdseed, the jury would miss little. But here the case is vital, and it concerns no one so much as this same heedless jury-the American people.

The judge in our picture represents a public commission, whose duty is to regulate electric light rates. And the case is whether the electric company shall obtain money needed for extension of service to make up the present shortage of light and power.

Lack of sufficient power is one reason why that shoe factory in town is running behind a thousand pairs a week-why the flour mill is short in its daily grist-why industry cannot meet the demand for larger production and lower prices.

Yet we are sadly indifferent to this problem and the solution which the electric company offers. The company's rates, taxes, extensions and improvements are matters that we leave to the public service commission to control, and we don't even take an interest in the case. What a mistake! The case is ours. The public service commission is ours. The public servant is ours. The commission takes its authority from public opinion-the verdict we render.

So it is for us to say whether the electric company's cost of furnishing power and our own need for using power warrant an increased rate.

Certainly it is a short-sighted economy to deny a reasonable return on the money invested (often your own money) for that policy discourages investors and hampers the company's development. A fair rate assures a bigger and better service-added power available for factories to produce more at less cost per unit. It may be that a few cents more on the electric bill will mean a few dollars less on the next suit of clothes we buy.

Western Electric Company

No. 16 On the farm or in the metropolis,

wherever people look to electricity for the comforts and conveniences of life today, the Western Electric Company offers a service as broad as the functions of electricity itself.


The present situation in Paris is a real challenge to the American people. Big business is sending over thousands of employees to assist in the rebuilding of France, and in the Latin Quarter of Paris is a great body of American students pursuing special courses at the University and at the art and music studios.

The need of meeting places for social and religious purposes was never greater, but the provision is very inadequate.

The American Church in Paris

is making a tremendous effort to meet these conditions and is challenging the people of America to stand back of its enlarged program.

An adequate Building and Endowment Fund must be raised immediately here in America, and this appeal to our Christian people is made that these young business men and students shall come under the most wholesome influences while in Paris. When they later return to America, they must come

Strong in Mind, Body, and Spirit

fitted to be constructive leaders in the finer life of our Nation.

Two million dollars will be needed for new sites and buildings and the carrying on of a broad and comprehensive social and religious program. Generous contributions and assurances already indicate that $500,000 will be given by the various denominational boards of America, $500,000 will be raised for Endowment by 500 churches. Many very generous contributions to the above have already been received. This one million dollars is payable over a period of three years, but $1,000,000 must immediately be pledged by individuals to provide for present urgent needs.

This Is Where You Can Help

We need large gifts but we also need small gifts. Complete information of the whole program gladly furnished on request. Send just as generous a check as you can to the Co-Pastor, REV. STANLEY ROSS FISHER, 14 Beacon Street, Boston.

Make checks payable to SAMUEL W. THURBER, Treasurer.

The Enlarged Program of the American Church in Paris has the endorsement of the Federal Council of Churches of America and the support of the leading ministers and laymen of the various denominations


his side of this amazing story. He told me that when he assumed the direction, on the death of his father, he had made up his mind to run the business on one principle -that every one who worked in that mill was human like himself and entitled to the same treatment from him that he expected from them."This is the place," he said, "where they have to live the largest part of their days-at least while they are awake. I determined that they should live that part just as pleasantly as possible, that sources of irritation should be removed as far as could be done, that everything that insures their better health should be provided for them. I don't give them anything. I don't think that is the way to deal with those who work for you. I pay them all the business permits, and then it's theirs. They have their own beneficial society, and they run it themselves. When they opened their co-operative store, I loaned them the money to get started, and they paid it back. It is their store, they run it, and I have nothing more to do with it than any one in the plant. I don't believe in paternalism in business, but I do believe in that sort of co-operation which promotes confidence, and I have found that it pays. That's all there is to it."

"But," I said, "are there not some among all the hundreds in this mill who are disgruntled and who do not play the game ?"

"Certainly there are," he answered. "This mill is a cross-section of life, and there are always some people everywhere who are disgruntled. But when I hear of a man who is in such a case I send for him and we talk it out together. Sometimes he has a real grievance, and we get busy on the solution of it. Sometimes he finds when he has unburdened himself that things are not so serious, after all. If things are not going right in a department, I call that department together and we go over the situation. Every one is allowed to talk, and they know it. Some years ago we had such a meeting, and one after another there declared they thought things were all right. Then a man got up and said that he did not agree with them at all, that things were not all right; that he had a kick that he wanted to make, and he was going to make it. He then proceeded to point out certain conditions which were wrong, and we arranged at once to remedy them. I went to him after the meeting was over and told him that that was the sort of kick I wanted to hear, and the more he had the better I would be satisfied. He has helped many times since."

"But the strike," I said; "what about the strike?"

"Well," he answered, "you know, times are unusual and there is unrest in the air. When the labor leaders came to town, I did not know what might happen. But we had got a thing together during the years that even the unrest could not unsettle. When you have your people's confidence, they will follow you first, and so we had no strike."

And that is the whole of the story. The spindles are flying and the looms are purring away all day long in that big mill down by the river while other mills in other places stand idle. There is no Socialism about it or anything else at which doubtful souls shake their heads; nothing but the practical daily application of a principle as old as Christ, scorned by economists and doubted by the worldly-wise,

this principle is the one thing the political Socialist fears most, for it is the thing, and the only thing, which will make forever impossible his dreams of a Utopia. Every one who knows anything knows that the old competitive way of doing business is at an end. The choice that we must make is between the enforced co-operation which the Socialist offers or the co-operation which this mill exemplifies, the working together of a band of men and women in a big job with a daily recognition that each has rights the other is bound to respect, and that when it becomes second nature to think of the others somehow the frictions vanish.

I have told this story in order to ask this question: "If it demonstrates a principle, in whose hands is the future peace of industrial America ?"




WASHINGTON IRVING, in one of his

"Sketch Book" essays, gave a delightful account of Westminster Abbey as it appeared to him a century ago, showing "marks of the gradual dilapidations of time, which yet has something pleasing in its decay." And now, after the suminers and winters of another century have passed over it, the venerable and glorious Abbey, which seems to epitomize the more than ten centuries of English history it has seen, has fallen into such a state of decay that its Dean last June made a stirring appeal to England and to all AngloSaxon peoples for funds with which to repair the great cathedral.

He asked for a fund of about $1,250,000, of which $1,000,000 is needed for structural repairs. The remainder of the sum asked for he would keep as a fund from which to draw as repairs may be needed from time to time. The London "Times" presented the Dean's appeal in a beautifully illustrated supplement, June 29, and from time to time has since shown by reproduction of photographs some of the ravages time has made in the greatest shrine of the English-speaking peoples of the world. The reasons for the decay in the structure, aside from its thousand years of history, are climatic and local. In the dry climate of Egypt temples, obelisks, and tombs remain to-day almost as fresh and durable as when the sculptors dropped their tools and chisels thousands of years ago. But Westminster Abbey, in the moist climate of England and in the heart of smoky and foggy London, naturally shows signs of "weathering." Even during the past thirty years repairs to the value of more than $500,000 have been made, and now much more expensive and extensive repairs are necessary to stay the ravages time and the elements combined have made upon the sacred edifice. As stated by Mr. Lethaby, surveyor of the Abbey, only structural repairs are to be made, and these chiefly upon the exterior.

The London "Times," on publishing the Dean's appeal, opened a subscription fund for the Abbey, which has been responded to by English-speaking givers throughout the world, which shows the feeling they entertain toward this venerable shrine, and it is pleasant to note that many Americans are numbered among the givers. Happily, also, it was an AngloAmerican corporation that made the final contribution of £10,000 which completed the sum immediately necessary for re

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Watch how your teeth respond

This ten-day test has shown to millions the way to whiter, safer teeth. It is a free test-you should make it. No other method known can do what Pepsodent does for teeth.

To end the film

The object is to fight the film, which dims the teeth and causes most tooth troubles. Dental science has worked years to do that.

Film is that viscous coat you feel. It clings to teeth, enters crevices and stays. The ordinary tooth paste does not combat it satisfactorily, so brushing leaves much of it intact.

It is the film-coat that discolors, not the teeth. Film is the basis of tartar. It holds food substance which ferments and forms acid. It holds the acid in contact with the teeth to cause decay.

Millions of germs breed in it. They, with tartar, are the chief cause of pyorrhea. Thus all these troubles have been constantly increasing, despite the tooth brush.

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Five Much Desired Effects

One ingredient of Pepsodent is pepsin. Another multiplies the starch digestant in the saliva to digest the starch deposits which cling and form acid.

It also multiplies the alkalinity of the saliva, to neutralize the acids which cause tooth decay. Two factors directly attack the film. One of them keeps teeth so highly polished that film cannot easily adhere.

Pepsodent combines the best that modern science knows to combat the great


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Watch it act

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