Imagens da página

"Spy Unmasked," Authorship of the, i., 690, 691.
Spy, Sir Henry Clinton's. i., 389, 684.

SQUANTO, Indian chief, visits the Pilgrims, i., 444.
SQUIRES, Captain (British), at Hampton Creek in 1775, ii.,


STAATS, ABRAHAM, his house the head-quarters of Baron
Steuben, i., 332.

STACIA, Colonel, at the Battle of Cherry Valley in 1778, i., 268.
STACY, THOMAS, American naval commander, i., 656.
Stamp Act, i., 626. Copy of the, in full, ii., 672. History of
the, ii, 671. Stamps used by the Dutch, i., 461. Engraving
and description of, ii., 671. Proposed in 1754 in the Colo-
nial Congress at Albany, passed in 1764; derived from the
Dutch, i., 461, 463; ii., 52, 53 Effects produced by, in 1765,
i., 469; ii., 52, 194, 276, 350, 361, 541, 580. Burnt at New
York, ii., 583. Stamps arrive, i., 466; at Charleston, ii.,
541; and at New York, ii., 582, 583. Stamp-masters, i.,
465, 466; ii., 52, 193; at Annapolis, ii., 193; at Charleston,
ii., 541; at New York, ii., 581, 582; at Philadelphia, ii., 52;
at Wilmington, North Carolina, ii., 363. Proceedings at
Norwich, Connecticut, respecting the, i., 598, 599. Treat-
ment of a stamp-master at New Haven, i., 421. Repealed,
i., 421, 435, 472, 473; ii., 53, 278, 583. Excitement in Mo-
hawk Valley on account of the, i., 232, 233, 234.
Standards, American, presented to the Second South Carolina
regiment by Mrs. Elliott in 1776, ii., 532, 550.
Standards, British, surrendered at Yorktown, ii., 318.
Standing Army in America, Act of Parliament for maintain-
ing a, in 1767, i., 475.

STANDISH, MILES, signer of the Pilgrim Covenant; his iron
pot, i., 437. His sword, i., 562. Autograph of, i., 438. Bio-
graphical Sketch of, i., 445.

STANHOPE, Earl of, his improved printing-press, ii., 203.
STANSBURY, Lieutenant, in the United States navy in 1775,
ii., 638.

STANWIX, General, builds a fort on the Mohawk, i., 119.
STAPLES, WILLIAM R., his History of the destruction of the
Gaspee, i., 630.

STARK, JOHN, General, a Lieutenant at the Battle of Lake
George in 1755, i., 109. Example of his vigilance, i., 110.
At Sabbath-day Point with Abercrombie, i., 115. At Boston
with New Hampshire volunteers in 1775, i., 534. At the
Battle of Bunker Hill, i., 541, 547. Refuses to accompany
Lincoln; is censured by Congress; proceeds to the battle
at Bennington, i., 394. Presents trophies of the battle to
Massachusetts, i., 395. His laconic speech at the Battle of
Bennington, i., 397. His popularity; promoted by Congress
in consideration of his valiant deeds, i., 398. Withholds
aid from Gansevoort, i., 400. At the Battle of Bemis's
Heights, i., 49, 93; and of Springfield, i., 324. Portrait,
Autograph, and Biographical Sketch of, i., 394.

STARK, Lieutenant, his vigilance at Fort William Henry, i.,


STARKEY, EDWARD, North Carolina, Counselor of State, ii.,

STARKS, HENRY, member of the New Jersey Tea-party, ii., 54.
STARR, Major, of Danbury, i., 404.

Stars, Telescopic view of; Bryant's Song to the, i., 627.
State House, Philadelphia, ii., 65, 66, 82. Picture of, ii., 66.
At Boston, i., 561.

State Papers put forth by the first Continental Congress in
1774, ii., 674-683. Address to the people of Great Britain,
written by John Jay, ii., 674-676. Address to the inhabit-
ants of the several Anglo-American colonies, written by
William Livingston, of New Jersey, ii., 676-679. Address
to the inhabitants of the Province of Quebec, written by
John Dickinson, ii., 679-681. Petition of Congress to the
King, drawn up by John Adams, corrected by John Dickin-
son, ii., 681-683.

Staten Island, Expedition of Lord Stirling to, in 1780, i., 311.
Expedition of Sullivan to, ii, 56, 174.

States, of the United States, Organization of the, ii., 70, 83,
653. Number of soldiers furnished by each State, ii., 631.
States General of Holland: see Holland.

Statue of George III., at New York, pulled down, ii., 595. Of
Pitt, at Charleston, ii., 542; and at New York, ii., 583, 584.
Of Washington, in the Capitol at Washington City, ii., 204;
and in the Capitol at Richmond, ii., 230.

Staunton, Virginia, The meeting of the Legislature at, in 1781;
amusing incident respecting Colonel Brookes's message from
Baron Steuben, ii., 343.

Steam-boats on the Hudson, i., 35: see FULTON. Steamer
Clermont, i., 35. Steamer Maid of the Mist, i., 228.
STEBBINS, SAMUEL, of Ridgefield, i., 409, 410.
STEDING, A. C., Hessian Captain, captured at Trenton; Au-
tograph of, ii., 23.

STEDMAN, CHARLES, British officer under Percy, i., 529; and
Cornwallis, ii., 144. His History of the American War, i.,
56, 80, 529, 545, 736; ii., 20, 23, 122, 262, 387, 393, 394, 458.
Corrected, ii., 619. Governor Johnstone resides at the house
of, ii., 144.

STEELE, ELIZABETH, Mrs., Patriotism of, ii., 392.
STEELE, JOHN, settles in Connecticut in 1635, i., 433.
STEELE, Lieutenant, in Arnold's expedition to Canada, i., 193.
STEELE, SIR RICHARD, his pamphlet, The Crisis; expelled
from the House of Commons, ii., 69.

STEPHEN, ADAM, Captain, afterward Major-general, ii., 34;
at Fort Cumberland, ii., 114. In the expedition to Fort Du-
quesne in 1754, ii., 114, 269. At the Battle of Brandywine,
ii., 114, 169; and of Germantown, i., 110. Disgraced, ii.,
114, 121. Succeeded by La Fayette, ii., 114, 121. Biograph-
ical Sketch of, ii., 114.

STEPHENS, J. L., his Travels in Greece, cited, ii., 595.
STEPHENS, the agriculturalist, i., 627.
STEPHENSON, MARMADUKE, hanged by the Puritans, i., 449.
STEPHENSON, WILLIAM, of Maryland, Son of Liberty, ii., 194.
STEPHENSON, Captain, in Simcoe's expedition against Steuben
in 1781, ii., 343.

Stereotype: see COLDEN, Governor.

STERLING, Colonel, at Red Bank in 1777, ii., 86.
311. Sails for America, i., 86. Arrival of, in 1778; Inspect-
or General of the Continental army, ii., 135. His Aids, ii.,
136. Member of the Court of Inquiry respecting Andrè, i.,
765. At Valley Forge; at the Battle of Monmouth, ii., 135,
136. At Fishkill Landing in 1782; anecdote of, i., 672, 693.
His encampment at Green Spring Plantation in 1781, ii., 240,
241, 261. At Middlebrook, i., 332. His head-quarters, i.,
333. At Petersburg, ii., 337, 338. At Manchester, ii., 229.
Pursues Arnold, ii., 230, 334. At Fluvanna, ii., 342. In
Virginia, joins La Fayette, ii., 344. At Yorktown, ii., 136,
311, 320. Anecdote of him and Wayne at Yorktown; and
of him on being introduced to Miss Sheaf, ii., 137. Com-
mended by Washington at Yorktown, ii., 320. His military
skill, i., 311; ii., 337. His benevolence, i., 693. President
of the Cincinnati Society, i., 694. Receives a gold medal
from the King of Prussia, i., 333. Picture of his log-house,
ii., 136. Portrait of, by Pine, burned, ii., 199, 200. Portrait,
Autograph, Grave, Monuments, Character, and Biographical
Sketch of, ii., 135-137.

STEVENS, EBENEZER, Lieutenant-colonel, Son of Liberty, i.,
499. Lieutenant in 1775, ii., 310. At the siege of Yorktown;
Autograph and Biographical Sketch of, ii., 310.
STEVENS, EDWARD, General, member of the Connecticut Pro-
vincial Assembly, i., 123. With Washington at the Battle
of Trenton, ii., 20, 21. At the Battle of Great Bridge, ii.,
329. His courage at Norfolk in 1776, ii., 331. Conducts
Morgan's prisoners to Charlottesville, ii., 391. Wounded at
the Battle of Guilford, ii., 402, 403, 406. Joins Gates on his
way to Camden, ii., 465; at the battle, ii., 466. Autograph,
Character, and Biographical Sketch of, ii., 329, 330.
STEVENS, HENRY, his sketch of the siege of Boston, i., 538.
STEVENS, JOHN, Lieutenant in the United States navy in 1781,
ii., 638.

STEVENS, Governor, successor of Drummond, ii., 355.
STEWART, ANDREW, his newspaper, ii., 360.
STEWART, ANTHONY, burns his tea-ship at Annapolis in 1774,
ii., 195.

STEWART, CHARLES, Colonel, ii., 629; in the encampment at
Morristown in 1781, i., 313.

STEWART, CHARLES, his trading-house in Wyoming Valley
i., 344. His letter respecting Arnold, i., 430.
STEWART, JOHN, Major, at the storming of Stony Point, i.,
746. Awarded a medal by Congress, for his conduct at the
storming, i., 749, 750. In the engagement at Indian Field in
1778, ii., 623. His death, i., 750.
STEWART, LAZARUS, at Wyoming Valley in 1770, i., 345, 346.
STEWART, WALTER, General, suspected of causing discontent
in the army, i., 676.

STEWART, Colonel (British), ii., 488. Marches from Charles-
ton; retarded by Marion and Colonel Washington, ii., 489.
Joins Rawdon, ii., 490. See STUART.

STICKNEY, Colonel, at the Battle of Bennington, i., 397.
STILES, EZRA, Reverend, President of Yale College, i., 424.
Cited, i., 420.

Stillwater, Battles of, in 1777, i., 47-81. Burgoyne surrenders
his sword; Yankee Doodle played, i., 81. Effect of the cap-
ture of Burgoyne, i., 83.

STIRK, SAMUEL, Attorney General of Georgia in 1784, ii., 535.
STIRLING, Lord, Major-general, Governor Shirley's secretary
in 1756, i., 218. Seizes warlike stores of the British in 1776,
ii., 592. Captures a British transport in 1776, i., 328; iì.,
645. At the Battle of Long Island in 1776; his wardrobe, ii.,
601, 602. His skirmish with Grant, ii., 603. His battle with
Cornwallis; captured and exchanged, ii., 604, 608. At Peeks-
kill in 1777, i., 780. At the battles of Trenton, ii., 20; Bran-
dywine, ii., 169; Germantown, ii., 110; and Monmouth, ii.,
150. At Tappan in 1780, i., 713. Member of the Court of
Inquiry respecting Andrè, i., 765. His secret expedition to
Staten Island in 1780, i., 311; ii., 660. Establishes the Stir-
ling Works, i., 706. Portrait of, ii., 603. Autographs of, ii.,
146, 603. Biographical Sketch of, ii., 601.
STIRLING, RICHARD, of Fredericksburg, Virginia, ii., 220.
STIRLING, Colonel (British), captures Billingsport, ii., 86. At
Fort Washington in 1776; his exploits there, ii., 620, 621.
Stirling Works, Account of the, i., 705, 706.
STOBO left by Washington as a hostage at Fort Necessity, ii.,
STOCKTON, ANNIS, wife of Richard Stockton, her poetic tribute
to her dying husband, ii., 35.

STOCKTON, RICHARD, of New Jersey, his house desolated by
the British and Hessians in 1776, ii., 35. Signer of the Dec-

laration of Independence; Biographical Sketch of, ii., 664.
Portrait of, ii., frontispiece. Autograph of, 11., 80.
STOCKTON, Captain, grandson of Richard, his residence at
Princeton, ii., 35.

STOCKWELL, Lieutenant, at the siege of Fort Schuyler in 1770,
i., 40, 250.

STODDARD, M. RICHARDSON, Grave of, at Mount Independence,
i., 148.

STONE, JOHN (Governor of Maryland), Clerk of the Foreign
Secretary in 1781, ii., 102, 656.

STONE, THOMAS, of Maryland, on the Committee of Congress
on Articles of Confederation in 1776, ii., 653. Signer of the
Declaration of Independence; Biographical Sketch of, ii., 196,
665. Full length portrait of, at Annapolis, ii., 197. Portrait
of, ii., frontispiece. Autograph of, ii., 80.
STONE, WILLIAM, Governor of Maryland in 1649; gives place
to Parliamentary Commissioners; is restored in 1654; sur-
renders his warrant; organizes an armed body of Roman
Catholics; seizes the Provincial Records; captured; four
of his men are executed, ii., 192.

STONE, WILLIAM L., Colonel, Anecdote of, respecting Syra-
cuse, i., 229. His error in relation to Brant, i., 238 His

letter respecting Wyoming, i., 350. Quoted or cited, i., 208,
233, 235, 236, 238, 239, 248, 261, 262, 270, 271, 277, 279, 281,
282, 287, 300, 350, 363.

STONE, Captain, in the skirmish at Worth's Mill, ii., 27.
Stone, Ancient monumental, exhumed near Pompey Hill, i.,

Stone Arabia, Montgomery County, New York, i., 263, 271,
281, 291.

Stone Cemetery on Rainsford Island, i., 634.

Stonington, Settlement of, in 1658; bombarded by the British
in 1813, i., 619.

Stono Ferry, Battle of, in 1779, ii., 555.

Stony Brook Bridge, Picture and account of, ii., 31.
-Stony Point, Topography of, i., 744-746. Rear view at, i.,
744. View of, from the southwest, i., 746. Captured by Sir
Henry Clinton in 1779, i., 743. Retaken by Wayne, i., 744,

Store Ships, British, captured at Boston, i., 583.

Storm at Bemis's Heights in 1848, i., 70. At night on the
Hudson, i., 34. Thunder-shower at Washington in Decem-
ber, ii., 216. On Lake George, i., 113. At Kennet, ii., 181.
Off Newport in 1778, i., 649. On the St. Lawrence, i., 195.
On the Schuylkill, ii., 109. At Yorktown, ii., 314.

STORY, THOMAS, Captain, Notice of, i., 86.

STORY, Registrar of the Admiralty, i., 467.
STRANG, DANIEL, British spy, Execution of, i., 738.
Stratford, Connecticut, i., 417.

STREET, ALFRED B., his poems quoted, i., 33, 104, 240, 380,

STRICKLAND, WILLIAM, architect, designs the sarcophagus of
Washington, ii., 211, 212. His account of the placing of the
remains in it, ii., 212.

STRICKLAND, the executioner of Andrè, i., 771.
STRIKER, General, at the Battle of North Point, ii., 182.
STRUTHERS, JOHN, sculptor, The sarcophagi of Washington
and Mrs. Washington executed by, ii., 211, 212.
STUART, GILBERT, painter, paints a sign for the King of Prus-
sia Tavern, iì., 125. Portrait of Rivington by, ii., 591.
STUART, JOHN, Indian agent, Biographical Sketch of, ii., 441.
STUART, Lieutenant-colonel, succeeds Rawdon at Orangeburg.
ii., 490, 491. Encamps on the Congaree; proceeds to Eutaw
Springs, ii., 491. At the Battle of Eutaw Springs, ii., 495,
497. Retreats to Charleston, ii., 498. Killed at the Battle
of Guilford in 1781, ii., 404, 405.
STUART, Lieutenant, of Maryland, ii., 496.
Stuart's Memoirs of Indian Wars, ii., 281.

STUKELY, WILLIAM, of Maryland, Son of Liberty, ii., 194.
STURGIS, Captain, at the destruction of Fairfield, i., 427.
STUYVESANT, PETRUS, i., 386. Succeeds Kieft as Governor
of New Netherlands in 1625, ii., 577. His expedition against
the Swedes on the Delaware in 1655, ii., 46, 577. His house
and estate; his pear-tree, ii., 578. Portrait, Autograph, and
Biographical Sketch of, ii., 577, 578.

SUFFOLK, Lord, Secretary of State, his defense of the British
ministry for employing Indians in war, i., 84.
Suffolk, Virginia, Devastation of, by the British in 1779, ii.,

Suffolk County, Massachusetts, Convention of delegates from
the towns in, in 1774, i., 514.

Sugar Act passed by Parliament; Chatham's motion to repeal
the, i., 518.

Sugar-house at New York used as a prison, Picture of the, ii.,
659, 660.

Sugar Loaf Hill: see Mount Defiance.
SULLIVAN, JOHN, General, i., 190, 566; of New Hampshire, del-
egate to the first Continental Congress, ii., 59. Succeeds
General Thomas at Quebec, i., 202. His fortifications on
Plowed Hill, i., 570. Washington's orders to, respecting re-
taliation, i., 575. At the bombardment of Boston, í., 578, 580.
Proceeds to New York, after the evacuation of Boston by the
British, i., 583. At Brooklyn in 1776, ii., 596, 599, 600. At
the Battle of Long Island, ii., 603. At Westchester, ii., 615.
At Ticonderoga and Crown Point, i., 163. Succeeds Lee at
Veal Town in 1776, ii., 16; and joins Washington, ii., 16, 19.


At the Battle of Trenton, ii., 19, 20, 21. Surprises Lawrence
and Barton in 1777, ii., 630. Succeeds Spencer in the expe-
dition against Rhode Island in 1777, i., 648. At the battles
of Brandywine, ii., 169, 174, 175; and Germantown, ii., 109,
110. At Buffington's, ii., 173. His expedition against the
Loyalists on Staten Island; seizes papers and records of the
Quakers of New Jersey and Pennsylvania, ii., 56. In com-
mand at Rhode Island in 1778, i., 645, 647, 648. His letter
to D'Estaing; his sarcastic orders, i., 650. Rendezvous of,
in 1778, i., 336. Evacuates Rhode Island, i., 652. Expedition
of, against the Indians in Western New York in 1779, i., 272,
274, 336, 363. Celebrates the accession of Spain to the Amer-
ican alliance, i., 278. Charges against, by Burke; defended
by Washington; his dissension with Deborre, ii., 175. Cap-
tured on Long Island; exchanged for Prescott, ii., 604, 608.
Member of Congress in 1780; on the Committee respecting
territories west of the Alleghanies, ii., 650. Portrait, Auto-
graph, and Biographical Sketch of, i., 272.

SULLY, THOMAS, painter, his portrait of La Fayette, ii., 66.
His full-length portraits of Charles Carroll and Thomas
Stone, ii., 197.

Summer, Indian, in the United States, Account of, i., 666.

SUMNER, JETHRO, General in the Southern Campaign under
General Greene in 1780, ii., 419, 491. At the Battle of Eutaw
Springs in 1781, ii., 494. Autograph and Biographical Sketch
of, ii., 491.
SUMTER, THOMAS, General, maintains a warfare on the Broad
River in 1780, ii., 445. At Fishing Creek; and at Rocky
Mount, ii., 454. At Hanging Rock, ii. 456, 457. At Fishdam
Ford; pursued by Tarleton; at Blackstock's Plantation, ii.,
446. Wounded at the Battle of Blackstock's Plantation, ii.,
447. At Fort Granby, ii., 482. Takes Orangeburg, ii., 482,
490. Incensed at Lee respecting the capture of Fort Granby,
ii., 490. Intercepts Balfour's letter to Rawdon and sends it
to General Greene, ii., 488. Attacks British posts near
Charleston; at the Battle of Quimby's Creek Bridge in 1781,
ii., 567. Styled the "Carolina Game-cock;" receives the
thanks of Congress for his valor, ii., 447. Portrait, Auto-
graph, and Biographical Sketch of, ii., 445.
Sunbury, Georgia, taken by the British in 1778, ii., 527.
Sunday, The London Coffee-house at Philadelphia closed on,
in 1780, ii., 53. Public worship on, by the American army,
after the capitulation at Yorktown, ii., 321.

Sunnyside, residence of Washington Irving, Picture and de-
scription of, i., 760, 761. Suspension Bridge at the Falls of
Niagara, i., 228.

Susquehanna Company, formed in 1753, Account of the, i., 343.
Susquehanna Indians, Hostilities of, in Virginia and Maryland
in 1675, ii., 255.

Susquehanna River, Settlements at the mouth of, ii., 192.
View of, i., 356.

SUTHERLAND, Captain of the ship Vulture at the time of Ar-
nold's treason, i., 718, 719.

SUTHERLAND, NICHOLAS, Colonel (British), captured at Sara-
toga, ii., 684.

SUTPHEN, WILLIAM T., Notice of, ii., 161.
SWAIN, CHARLES, his poems quoted, i., 72.

SWAIN. DAVID L., Governor of North Carolina, President of
the University of Chapel Hill, ii., 372, 379, 380, 392, 411, 413,
417, 459.


SWART, DERRICK, General Schuyler at the house of, i., 40.
SWARTWOUT, ABRAHAM, Captain, at the siege of Fort Schuy-
ler, i., 242.

Swearing, Profane: see Profanity.

SWEARINGEN, Colonel, at the siege of Fort Henry in 1777, ii.,


Sweden adopts Queen Catharine's new maritime doctrine, ii.,

SWEDENBORG, Baron, cited, i., 614.
Swedes, settle on the Delaware in 1623-1638, ii., 45, 577; in
New Jersey in 1638, ii., 46. Their old church at Philadel-
phia, ii., 49, 97. Settle in South Carolina in 1730, ii., 540.
Swedes' Ford, Norristown, ii., 122, 124.
SWENSON, three brothers, Penn purchases from them the site
of Philadelphia, ii., 49.

Swiss, Settlement of, under John Pury, in South Carolina, ii.,

Sword, Pilgrim Robinson's, at New Haven, i., 438. Present-
ed to Colonel Meigs, ii., 646. From Bennington, i., 395.
Captain Church's, i., 663. La Fayette's, i., 655; ii., 119,
120. Montgomery's, i., 201. Colonel Tilghman's, ii., 322.
Paul Jones's, ii., 642. Washington's war-sword, i., 690;
ii., 202.
SYMONDS, Colonel, at the Battle of Bennington, i., 396.
SYMONDS, THOMAS, Autograph of, ii., 317.
Syracuse, New York, Early history of; settled by Dupuys in
1655; hostility of Indians at, i., 229. Settlements at, by
French and Spaniards in 1699; massacre of the colony;
evidences of earlier visits by Europeans; sepulchral stone
exhumed near Pompey Hill, i., 230.

TABB, JOHN, member of the Virginia Committee of Safety in
1776, ii., 299.
Tabby described, ii., 516.

TALBOT, SILAS, of Rhode Island, i., 656. Captain, and after- |
ward Colonel in the United States army, i., 665. Captain
in the United States navy in 1779, 1., 649; ii., 93, 638, 643.
Captures the Pigot, i., 664. Wounded at Fort Millin, ii.,
93. In the expedition against Rhode Island in 1778, i., 649.
His exploits; his sufferings, ii., 611, 643. Superintends the
building of the frigate Constitution, ii., 643. Portrait, Au-
tograph, and Biographical Sketch of, ii., 643.
TALBOT, Lieutenant (British), at the Mischianza, il., 99.
TALLMADGE, BENJAMIN, Major (afterward Colonel), at Lloyd's
Neck attacks Tory marauders, ii., 627. Captures Fort George,
11., 628. At Fairfield, i., 427. His head-quarters at New
Castle, i., 715. Arnold's letter to, i., 717. Escorts Andre
to North Salem, i., 757. Andrè makes disclosures to; his
communication to Mr. Sparks, i., 758. Opposes Paulding's
petition to Congress in 1817, i., 774. Portrait, Autograph,
and Biographical Sketch of, ii., 627.

TALLMADGE, JAMES, General, in possession of the spy Tay-
lor's silver bullet, i., 684.

Tammany Society, Account of the, ii., 41: see ST. TAMMANY.
TANACHARISON, Half-king, accompanies Washington to Fort
Le Bœuf in 1753; extract from a speech of, ii., 268. In the
expedition against Fort Duquesne in 1754, ii., 269.
Tappan, the "76 Stone House," where Andrè was confined;
the place of Andre's execution; topography of; American
encampment at, in 1777; Washington's head-quarters at, i.,
763, 764.

Tappan Sea, Hudson River, Account of, i., 761.
Tar River described, ii., 351.

Tariff for exchange of Prisoners in 1779, ii., 646.
TARLETON, BANASTRE, Lieutenant-colonel in the expedition
to capture Governor Jefferson, ii., 342. Pursues Sumter in
1780, ii., 446; and Marion in 1780, ii., 564. At the battle
near Camden, ii., 465. At the siege of Charleston, ii., 557,
559; and the Battle of Cowpens, ii., 432. His wound in the
hand, ii., 436. At the Battle of Guilford, ii., 401. His mas-
sacre of Buford's regiment, ii., 458. Sent to New London,
Virginia, by Cornwallis, ii., 262. In the expedition to North
Carolina in 1781, ii., 386, 387. In the skirmish near Reedy
Fork, ii., 399. At the siege of Yorktown, ii., 308. His per-
sonal appearance, ii., 103. Present at the Mischianza, ii.,
99. Portrait, Autograph, and Biographical Sketch of, ii.,

Tarrytown, New York, Origin of the name; place where An-
dre was captured, i., 753. Cemetery at, i., 759. Colonel
Luddington at, in 1771, i., 733.

TASKER, BENJAMIN, Governor of Maryland, i., 303; ii., 193.
TATE, Captain, at the Battle of Cowpens in 1781, ii., 431.
Wounded at Guilford, ii., 401.

Tavern, Old, at Elizabethport, i., 328. Old taverns on the
Lancaster road, ii., 163.

Taxation, Voluntary, i., 455. New scheme of, by Townshend,
in 1767, i., 475; and by North in 1773, i., 495. Opposed by
the Colonies, i., 462.

TAYLOR, BAYARD, his poems quoted, i., 699.
TAYLOR, CHRISTOPHER, subscribing witness to the Pennsyl-
vania Charter, ii., 50.

TAYLOR, DANIEL, sergeant, British spy, detected with a dis-
patch in a silver bullet; executed, i., 389, 684.
TAYLOR, GEORGE, of Pennsylvania, signer of the Declaration
of Independence; Biographical Sketch of, ii., 664. Auto-
graph of, ii., 81.

TAYLOR, JOHN, Reverend, Missionary, his drawing of Steu-
ben's log-house, ii., 136.

TAYLOR, JOHN, of Virginia, Counselor of State in 1776, ii.,

TAYLOR, JOHN, General Fraser dies at the house of; picture
of the house, i., 64. Governor of New York; buys Sir Will-
iam Johnson's Bible, i., 236.

TAYLOR, SAMUEL, Major, at Augusta, ii., 509.
TAYLOR, ZACHARY, President of the United States; at the
laying of the corner-stone of the Washington Monument at
Richmond in 1850, ii., 231.

TAYLOR, Colonel, with Sumter at Fish Dam Ford, ii., 445.
At the siege of Fort Granby, ii., 490.
TAYLOR, Major, of Hillsborough, Revolutionary octogenarian,
ii., 384.

Taylorsville, M'Conkey's Ferry at, the place where Wash-
ington crossed the Delaware; picture of the Great Bridge,
ii., 14.
TAZEWELL, JOHN, clerk of the General Convention at Will-
iamsburg, Virginia, in 1776, îi., 299.

Te Deum laudamus chanted by Columbus and his crew on
first landing in the New World, i., 25.
Tea, Destruction of, at Annapolis in 1774, ii., 195; in Boston
Harbor in 1773, i., 498; at Greenwich, ii., 54; at New York,
ii., 586; at Providence in 1773, i., 626. Refused at Charles-
ton, ii., 543. Proscribed by common consent at Boston in
1770, i., 488. Merchants of Boston, Charleston, New York,
and Philadelphia agree, in 1770, to import no tea, i., 492.
Exports of, from England to America in 1768 and 1769, con-
trasted, i., 484. Proceedings in relation to consignees of,
in 1773, i., 496.

TEACH, Famous pirate, “Black Beard," ii., 356.
Tea-party, Boston, i., 499. New Jersey, ii., 260.
Tea-ships, i., 496, 497; ii., 54, 401, 586.

TEASDALE, THOMAS, Reverend, proprietor of the Washington
Residence in Virginia, ii., 220.
TEEDYUSCUNG, Indian diplomatist, i., 336; ii., 44. Death of,
i., 344.
Tekaharawa River, Account of, i., 297.

Teller's Point, Violation of the flag of truce at, in 1780, i., 718.
British soldiers captured at, i., 692.
Temperance, Indian lecturer on, i., 277: see Rum; and YEST.
Temperance Cross, near Quebec; picture of, i., 203.
TEMPLE, Earl, Lord Chatham's brother-in-law, ii., 142. His
views of American affairs, i., 84.
Temple, The, near Windsor, used by Washington and his
army, i., 685.
TEN EYCK, Mr., ferryman at Stony Point, i., 744. Portrait
of, i., 751.

Ten Hills Farm, Cannon planted on, in 1775, i., 571.
TENBROECK, General, with his brigade, at the Battle of Be-
mis's Heights in 1777, i., 50, 62.

TENNENT, GILBERT, Reverend, his sermons used for cartridge
paper, ii., 159. Preaches at Freehold, ii., 153.
TENNENT, WILLIAM, Reverend, Remarkable case of, ii., 159–
161, 443. Preaches at Freehold, ii., 153.
Tenochtitlan, or Mexico, Origin of, i., 16.
TERNAY, Admiral De, arrives with a French fleet at Newport
in 1780, i., 435, 655. His proposed relief of Lincoln at
Charleston, ii., 561. Death of, i., 656. Succeeded by D'Es-
touches in 1781, ii., 334.

Territory, American, claimed by England and France, ii., 266:
and by Spain, ii., 652. Territorial line between the United
States and the Canadas, i., 167. Territorial system of the
United States, ii., 655.

TETARD, Reverend Mr., translator to the Foreign Secretary of
the United States, ii., 656.

THACHER, JAMES, M.D., at the Hudson Highlands, i., 307.
Inoculates American soldiers at Phillipstown, i., 307, 702.
His account of inoculation in the American army, i., 30.
His account of the execution of Andrè, ii., 771. Quoted or
cited, i., 40, 81, 133, 247, 252, 302, 307, 308, 310, 311, 312,
314, 332, 392, 574, 603, 655, 694, 700, 771, 773; ii., 129, 130,
311, 313, 315, 320, 321.

THACHER, PETER, Reverend, his oration at Watertown in
1776, at the commemoration of the Boston massacre, i., 580.
Thames, River, Connecticut, American frigate built on the, in
1777, i., 610. Naval engagement on the, in 1781, i., 610-


Thanksgiving, Public religious, recommended by Congress in
1777, ii., 127; and in 1781, ii., 321, 322. A special day for,
appointed by Washington, ii., 140.

THAYER, Major, at the attack on Fort Mifflin, ii., 91-93.
Theatre, at Richmond, destroyed by fire, ii., 231. At Boston
in 1776, i., 579.

Theller's Canada, cited, i., 211.

THEOBALD, Hessian chaplain, captured at Saratoga, ii., 684.
Thicketty Mountain, ii., 430.
Thino, City of, in Asia, i., 20.

THOMAS, SIR GEORGE, Governor of Pennsylvania, i., 328.
THOMAS, ISAIAH, printer of the Massachusetts Spy, i., 513.
THOMAS, JOHN, General, i., 162, 190, 516, 536, 566. At Rox-
bury, i., 537. At the Battle of Bunker Hill, i., 543. Takes
possession of Dorchester Heights, i., 579. Death of, i., 202,
307. Biographical Sketch of, i., 202.
THOMAS, WILLIAM H., business chief of the Cherokees, ii.,


THOMAS, Colonel, of Spartenburg District, his courageous
wife, ii., 457.

Thomas's History of Printing, i., 513; ii., 284, 328, 590.
THOMPSON, BENJAMIN, Count Rumford, attacks and defeats
Marion's brigade, ii., 570. Biographical Sketch of, i., 591.
THOMPSON, B. F., his History of Long Island, ii., 628.
THOMPSON, JAMES, Mr., of Quebec, engineer, i., 201.
THOMPSON, ROBERT, Regulator, shot by Tryon in a fit of an-
ger, ii., 370.

THOMPSON, THOMAS, Captain in the United States navy in
1776, ii., 638. His exploits; censured by Congress; dis-
missed, ii., 640.

THOMPSON, WILLIAM, Tory, of Augusta, Georgia, ii., 504.
Thompson's Gazetteer of Vermont, i., 144.
THOMSON, CHARLES, of Pennsylvania, Secretary of the first
Continental Congress, ii., 60. Franklin's letter to, in 1765;
his reply, i., 464. Reads to Congress Washington's letter
on the capitulation of Cornwallis, ii., 321. Portrait, Auto-
graph, and Biographical Sketch of, ii., 60, 61.
THOMSON, CHARLES, of South Carolina, ii., 481.
THOMSON, WILLIAM, relative of Charles, ii., 443, 444; in the
expedition against the Regulators in 1771, ii., 369; and with
General Richardson in his expedition against the Tories in
1775, ii., 452. Biographical Sketch of, ii., 444.
THORLACK, Bishop, of Iceland, compiles the voyages of the
Northmen, i., 635.

THORNTON, J. WINGATE, of Boston, i., 593, 684.
THORNTON, MATTHEW, M.D., of New Hampshire, signer of
the Declaration of Independence, ii., 79. Autograph of, ii.,
80. Biographical Sketch of, ii., 662.

THORNTON, TIMOTHY, his signature to the first American pa- | TOWNSEND, JOSEPH, his account of the Battle of Brandywine,
per money, i., 214.

THORWALDSEN, BERTEL, sculptor, his ancestry, i., 635.
Thousand Islands, in the St. Lawrence River, i., 184, 214.
Throck's Neck, Origin of the name of; landing of the British
at, in 1776, ii., 613.

Thule, or Iceland, Voyage of Columbus to, i., 21.
Thunder-struck Rock, 1., 175.

THURLOW, Lord, his answer to Conway, i., 590. Opposes
Lord North's measures in 1775, i., 519.
THURWITZ, Mr., marries Emily Geiger, ii., 489.
Ticonderoga, its associations, i., 121. Indian origin of the
name; topography of, i., 115, 118. Invested by Abercrom-
bie, 1., 118. Captured in 1758, i., 119, 120. Ethan Allen's
expedition to, i., 123. Surprise of the garrison, i., 124, 125.
Interview between Allen and Delaplace, i., 125. Invested
by Burgoyne, i., 132, 134. Picture of the ruins of, i., 127,
128. Battle of, in 1758, i., 118; and in 1777, i., 133, 134–
Tide-waiter. Treatment of Kirke, the tidesman, in 1767, i., 478.
TILGHMAN, EDWARD, of Maryland, delegate to the Stamp Act
Congress in 1765, i., 465.

TILGHMAN, MATTHEW, of Maryland, delegate to the first Con-
tinental Congress, ii., 60.

TILGHMAN, Lieutenant-colonel, Aid to Washington; bearer of
dispatches to Congress on the surrender of Cornwallis at
Yorktown, ii., 321. At Mrs. Ford's with Washington and
Hamilton, i., 310. Peale's portrait of, ii., 197.

TILLEY, DE, Admiral of the French fleet at Newport in 1781,
i, 334 Detached from Newport for the Chesapeake; suc-
cess of his expedition, ii., 230–334.

TILLEY, EDWARD and JOHN, signers of the Pilgrim Covenant,
i., 437.

TILLINGHAST, JOHN, Captain, in the expedition against the
Gaspee, i., 630.

Timothy grass, Origin of the name, ii., 353.

Tinicum Island, Governor Printz's residence at, ii., 46.
TINKER, THOMAS, signer of the Pilgrim Covenant, i., 437.
Tippett's Creek, Events at, in 1777, ii., 623.

TITUS, mulatto, attacks Captain Huddy's house, ii., 160.
Toast, Memorable, given by La Fayette, at York, Pennsyl-
vania, ii., 133.

Tobacco, Introduction of, into England; used for smoking by
Raleigh, ii., 244. Cultivated by Governor Yeardly, ii., 251.
Monopolized in Virginia, by Charles I., in 1625, ii., 252. De-
stroyed by Arnold and Phillips at Warwick in 1781, ii., 340.
Cultivation of, in Virginia, ii., 348; and in North Carolina,
ii., 350. Tobacco-plant on the ancient seal of Virginia, ii.,

Toby's Eddy, View near, i., 343.

TODD, with Daniel Boone and Trigg at the Battle of Blue
Licks, ii., 295.

Toleration, religious, Washington's, i., 315. In Maryland in
1649, ii., 190, 191. In Rhode Island in 1747, i., 639.
Tombstone, Old, at Jamestown, ii., 242.
Tomahawks, Drawings of, i., 64.

TOMLINSON, JABEZ L., receives from Andrè his pen-and-ink
sketch of himself, i., 771.

TOMо CHICHI, Chief of the Yamacraws, ii., 515.

TOMPKINS, SAMUEL, Captain in the United States navy in
1776, ii., 638.

Tongue Mountain, Lake George, i., 114.

Tonomy Hill, Picture and description of, i., 636, 637, 648.
TONYN, Governor, his cruel treatment of Governor Gadsden,
ii., 562.

TOOKE, JOHN HORNE, imprisoned for libel; his letter to Dun-
ning; his "Diversions of Purley," i., 585.
Torn Rock, Picture and account of, i., 780.
Torpedo, Bushnell's, ii., 104, 608.

ii., 167, 175.

TOWNSEND, SAMUEL, on the Committee to draft the Constitu-
tion of New York in 1776, i., 386.

TowNSHEND, CHARLES, in Parliament in 1765, i., 462. Chan-
cellor of the Exchequer; his view of the right to tax the
American colonies, i., 475.

TOWNSHEND, PETER, constructs the chain at West Point, i.,
TOWNSHEND, THOMAS, denounces the Canada Bill, i., 156.
One of the pall-bearers at Chatham's funeral, ii., 143.
Trade, Board of, i., 453. Confusion in, in 1780, i., 319.
Trade Winds, Influence of the, in Columbus's first voyage, i.,
Trading Ford, Picture and description of, ii., 395.


TRAVIS, Lieutenant, at the Battle of Great Bridge in 1775, ii.,

TRAVIS, CHAMPION, Virginia Commissioner of Admiralty in
1776, ii., 300.
Treason, acts of, Proposal to try, under statute of Henry VIII.,
i., 482.

TREAT, MALACHI, M.D., Physician General, ii., 34.
TREAT, Lieutenant-colonel, killed at Fort Mifflin, ii., 91.
Treaty. Between Colonel Denizen and the Continentals at
Wyoming in 1778, i., 358. Between Dunmore and Corn-
stalk in 1774 at Camp Charlotte, ii., 283. Of Penn with In-
dians, ii., 47. Between Pickens and the Creeks in Georgia
in 1782, ii., 535. Of France and England in 1763, ii., 441.
Of General Schuyler with Indians at German Flats, i., 238.
Of the United States with France, proposed in 1776, ii., 648;
with France in 1778, ii., 640, 649; with Holland in 1782, ii.,
651; with Great Britain in 1782, ii., 652; with Great Britain
in 1783, ii., 631; in 1784, ii., 652.

Treaty Table at Forty Fort, i., 359, 365.

Tree, Apple, at Springfield, New Jersey, i., 322. On the bat-
tle-field of the Haw, ii., 387. Balm of Gilead, at Fort Ed-
ward, i., 95, 102. Charter Oak, at Hartford, 1., 434. Cedars
at Brunswick, North Carolina, ii., 362. Chestnut, at Gallows
Hill, i., 740. Chestnut-oak “Council Tree," ii., 241. Elm,
Washington, at Cambridge, i., 558, 564. Elms at Washing-
ton's head-quarters at Cambridge, i., 556. Elms at New
Haven, i., 428. At Danbury and Ridgefield, i., 410. Elm,
Penn's Treaty, ii., 48. Picture of, in Independence Hall,
Philadelphia, ii., 66. Elm, at Rome, New York, i., 231.
Hickory, at Red Bank, ii., 84. Laurel, ii., 315. Liberty, at
Boston, i., 466, 467, 583. At Charleston, ii., 542, 551. Lin-
den, imported from Scotland by Lord Dunmore in 1772, ii.,
263. At the Riedesel House, i., 557. Magnolia, near Charles-
ton, under which Lincoln held a council in 1780, ii., 573, 574.
Jane M Crea, i., 97. Norwich, i., 599. Oak, at the Van
Cortlandt House, i., 739. Palmetto, described, ii., 548. Pear,
Stuyvesant's, ii., 578. Persimmon trees on the Haw, ii.,
387. Pines, Dead, in Virginia and North Carolina, ii., 348.
Pride of India, at Orangeburg, South Carolina, ii., 490. Sas-
safras, on the grave of Craighead at Charlotte, ii., 410. Syca-
more, Ancient, on Rhode Island, i., 653. At Danbury and
Ridgefield, i., 410. Tulip, near King's Mountain, upon which
Tories were hanged, ii., 423, 429. Tulip poplars at York-
town, ii., 324. Walnut, Aged black, between Haverstraw
and Stony Point, i., 752, 753. White Wood, under which
Andrè was searched, i., 753, 754. Willow, near St. John's
Church, Richmond, ii., 232. Willows, Arnold's, near West
Point, i., 708. Montgomery's, i., 201. Trees in North Caro-
lina, Destruction of, by a worm, ii., 348.

TRENT, WILLIAM, Colonel, of Philadelphia, founder of Tren-
ton, ii., 13, 94, 124.

TRENT, Captain, in the expedition to Fort Duquesne in 1754,
ii., 268, 269. Surrenders to Contrecœur, ii., 269.
Trenton, New Jersey; settled by Quakers; origin of the name,
ii., 13. Topography of, ii., 21, 31. Rall's head-quarters at,
ii.. 21. Battle of, in 1776, ii., 21-25. Good effects of the
battle, ii., 24. Washington's proposal to occupy, ii., 25.
Picture of Trenton Bridge, ii., 26. Washington's patriotic
reception at, ii., 38, 39. Decree of, i., 371.
TRESCOTT, Major, captures Fort Slongo; Autograph of, ii.,

TREUSDALE, Mrs., Notice of, i., 360.


Tory. Benedict, i., 402, 407. Cooke, ii., 386. Dibble, i., 406.
Elliot, i., 264; ii., 291. Florida Rangers, ii., 521. Girty, ii.,
291. Gort, i., 288. Hill, i., 608. Jarvis, i., 402, 407. M Kee,
ii., 291. Ogden, i., 313. Pine Robbers, i., 332. Platto, i.,
288. Joshua H. Smith, i., 716. Strickland, i., 771. Tories
active and passive, i., 92. Violence of, in Mohawk Valley
in 1775, i., 233. Disarming of, at Johnson Hall. i., 236.
Descent of, upon Schell's Bush, i., 299. Tories and Indians
invade Wyoming, i., 350. Execution of, at Kingston, i.,
389. Cowardice of, at Bunker Hill, i., 541. Of Rhode Isl-Tribunes, a political party in New York in 1774, ii., 587.
and arrested by General Lee in 1775, i., 640. With Brant
at Minisink in 1779, ii., 669, 670. Near Valley Forge in
1778, ti., 129. Uniform of, in 1778, ii., 138. Barbarity of a
Tory to a dying Whig hanged before his own door, ii., 403.
Gathering of, near King's Mountain in 1780, ii., 424. Exe-
cution of, ii., 429. Faithlessness of, in Carolina in 1776, ii.,
444. Captured at Rugeley's Mill in 1780, ii., 460. Of South
Carolina, ii., 505. Dispersion of, ii., 506. Of Georgia take
refuge in Florida in 1776; organize, ii., 521. In Charleston,
ii., 560. Disarmed at New York, ii., 593. Tory and Whig,
Origin and revival of the terms, i., 71, 486. Costume of To-
ries to distinguish them from British regulars, ii., 138.
Tory Hill at Norwich, 1., 608.

Tower of London, Henry Laurens confined in the, ii., 651. One
of Denning's wrought-iron cannons in the, ii., 148. Stone
Tower in Providence River, i., 628. Tower at Newport, i.,
633. Biddle's, i., 227.

Trinity, the doctrine of the, A denial of, punishable in Mary-
land in 1649 with death, ii., 191.
Trinity Church, New York, i., 575; ii., 284. British coat-of-
arms in, removed to New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, i., 595.
Burnt in 1776, ii., 613.

TRIP, IRA, shot and scalped by Indians, i., 367.
TRIPLET, Major, at the Battle of Cowpens in 1781, ii., 431,

Tripoli Monument at the Capitol, Washington City, ii., 205,

TRIPP, WILLIAM, Prescott's treatment of; receives letters from
his family in loaves of bread, i., 642, 643.
TROUP, Lieutenant-colonel, Aid to General Gates, ii., 132.
Troy, New York, i., 35, 400.

TRUEITLEN, JOHN ADAM, first Governor of Georgia under the
new Constitution, ii., 504.

TRUMBULL, BENJAMIN, D.D., his History of Connecticut, i.,
212, 419, 448.


TRUMBULL, JOHN, LL.D., quoted or cited, i., 374, 401, 574,
742; ii., 59, 64, 145, 158, 301, 370. His poem, M'Fingal, i.,
401. His epitaph for Humphreys, i., 429. Biographical
Sketch of, i., 401.
TRUMBULL, JOHN, Colonel, son of Governor, i., 604. His gal-
lery of paintings, i., 431, 771. Paintings executed by, i., 604;
ii., 197, 204, 205, 206, 305, 306, 307, 308, 310, 311, 313, 314,
TRUMBULL, JONATHAN, Governor, son of the first Governor
of Connecticut; Washington's directions to, respecting re-
taliation, i., 575, 604. Reinforces Ticonderoga and Crown
Point, i., 155. Washington's friend and confidential adviser;
noticed by Chastellux, i., 600, 601. His character, services,
dwelling his War Office, i., 602. Offers to mediate between
General Gage and the Bostonians in 1775, i., 522. Schuy-
ler's letter to, i., 41. Picture of the house of, i., 602. His
wife a descendant of the Pilgrim John Robinson, i., 601, 604.
Portrait and Autograph of, í., 601. Biographical Sketch of,
i., 603, 604.

TRUMBULL, JONATHAN, G. W., grandson of Governor, i., 600.
TRUMBULL, JOSEPH, Jun., Captain, afterward Colonel, son of
Governor; member of the Norwich Committee of Corre-
spondence, i., 599. Appointed Commissary General by
Washington, i., 599, 601; resigns, ii., 34. Member of the
Board of War in 1777, ii., 133, 662. Tomb of, i., 604.
TRYON, WILLIAM, Governor of North Carolina, successor of
Arthur Dobbs in 1766, ii., 361. His great unpopularity, ii.,
362, 363. Builds his palace in North Carolina in 1767, ii.,
364. Is styled by the Cherokees the "Great Wolf;" issues
his proclamation against the Regulators in 1768, ii., 365, 366.
His expedition to the Allamance in 1771, ii., 369. His cru-
elty; exhibits his prisoners in chains, ii., 372, 373. Is called
to New York, as Governor, in 1771, ii., 372, 586. His house
destroyed by fire in 1773, ii., 587. Is made Doctor of Laws
by King's College, New York, in 1774; goes to England in
1774, ii., 587. Returns to New York in 1775, i., 564; ii.,
589. Burns Continental Village, i., 741. His feelings to-
ward the Republicans. i., 741. His plot to murder or cap-
ture Washington in 1776, ii., 595. Expedition to Danbury
in 1777, i., 401, 402. Incloses to Washington copies of
North's Conciliatory Bill in 1778, ii., 143. His expedition
to Horseneck Landing, i., 411, 412. Lands at Norwalk in
1779, i., 414, 416. His expedition to New Haven in 1779, i.,
422, 424. His head-quarters at Fairfield, i., 427. His con-
duct toward Mrs. Buckley, i., 427. Picture and account of
his palace, ii., 364. His seal; Autograph and Biographical
Sketch of, ii., 361.

TRYON, Lady, and her sister, Esther Wake, ii., 364.
Tryon County, New York, in 1778, i., 261. Extent of, i., 232.
Ärmed settlers of, i., 266. Governor Clinton's expedition to,
i., 280. The name of, changed to Montgomery County in
1784, i., 232.

Tryon Hall, the residence of Judge Jones, ii., 646.
TUBBS, JOHN, Notice of, i., 223.

TUCKER, JOSIAH, Reverend Dr., Dean of Gloucester, his prop-
osition to separate the American colonies from the parent
government in 1775, i., 518, 519.

TUCKER, SAMUEL, Captain in the United States navy in 1777,
ii., 638.

TUCKER, President of the New Jersey Convention; abandons
the Republican cause, ii., 17.

TUCKER, Sergeant, at Brandywine in 1777, ii., 174.
Tucker's Light of Nature Pursued, i., 519.

Tucker's Life of Jefferson, ii., 228, 299.

TUCKERMAN, HENRY T., his poems quoted, ii., 205.
Tuckerman's Life of Talbot, i., 649, 665; ii., 611, 643.
Tuckesege Ford, or Great Catawba Ford, View at, ii., 421.
Tumulus, Ancient, on Scott's Lake, ii., 500.
TUPPER, Colonel, at the Battle of Stillwater, i., 76.
TURGOT, M., Controller-general of the Finances of France, ii.,
649. Favors the cause of America, ií., 648. Author of the
motto in the exergue of the Paris medal in honor of Frank-
lin, ii., 82.

Turk, traveling to Augusta, ii., 503.

Turkey Hill, Topography of, i., 648, 651, 657.

Turkey Point, Landing of the British at, in 1777, ii., 168.
Turks capture William Bowen in 1724, i., 659.
Turlock: see New Dorlach.

TURNBULL, Colonel (British), at Rocky Mount in 1780, ii.,

TURNER, ISRAEL, Lieutenant in the United States navy in
1776, ii., 638.

TURNER, JOHN, signer of the Pilgrim Covenant, i., 432.
TURNER, PHILIP, M.D., Surgeon General, ii., 33.
TURNER, Captain, of North Carolina, killed at the Battle of
Germantown; his grave, ii., 114.
Turtle Bay, View and description of, ii., 589.
Turtle, Marine, Bushnell's, ii., 608.

Tuscarora Indians, hostile to white settlers in Carolina in
1711; attacked by Cherokees, Creeks, and Catawbas in 1712;
join the Six Nations, i., 109, 264; ii., 356. Join the Amer-
icans in 1777. i., 59. Faithful to their pledge of neutrality
in 1778, i., 264. At the Council at Johnstown in 1778, i.,

TUSTEN, BENJAMIN, Dr., Colonel of Militia at the Battle of
Minisink, i., 669, 170. Slain by Indians in 1779, i., 670.
TWIGGS, Colonel, with Sumter at Blackstock's, ii., 446, 447.
At Brier Creek, ii., 505.

Twightwees Indians, or Tuigtius, Account of the, ii., 267.
Twiss, Lieutenant, at Ticonderoga, i., 134.
TWISTLETON, Colonel (Lord Say and Sele), ii., 42.
TYKE, MALACHI, Regulator, outlawed by Tryon, ii., 367.
TYLER, BAZALEEL, Captain at the Battle of Minisink, i.,
TYLER, BENJAMIN OWEN, teacher of penmanship, injury done
by him to the manuscript of the Declaration of Independ
ence, ii., 202.

TYLER, JOHN, father of President, ii., 236. His advice to
Colonel Dudley, ii., 238. Governor of Virginia; Autograph
of, ii., 236.

TYLER, JOHN, President of the United States; his personal
appearance, ii., 238. His birth-place, ii., 236. His resi-
dence, ii., 238, 264. His account of Colonel Dudley's care-
lessness at Charles City, ii., 238.

TYLER, ROYAL, on the Committee to remove British troops
from Boston, i., 491.

TYNE, Colonel, defeated by Marion in 1780, ii., 564.
TYNG, STEPHEN H., Reverend Dr., Notice of, ii., 188.
TYNTE, EDWARD, Governor of South Carolina, ii., 540.
Unadilla, New York, Incursion of the Oneida Indians into, i.,

UNCAS, Mohegan Chief, accompanies Captain John Mason in
his expedition against the Pequots, i., 615. Captures Mian-
tonomoh, i., 596, 597. Eats the flesh of his captive; the
Narragansets drive him to his fort at Shantock; he is sup-
plied with provisions by Captain Mason; sells lands to Lef
fingwell and his associates; signatures of him and his sons,
i., 597. Monument to, i., 598.

UNDERWOOD, Lieutenant, at the Mischianza, ii., 99.
Union Flag: see Flag.

Unitas Fratrum: see Moravians.

United States, Relative position of the, to European govern-
ments, i., 86. Declaration of Independence of, in 1776, íì..
71, 76. Signing of this Declaration, ii., 79. Articles of
Confederation in 1777; the organic law of the land in 1781;
adoption of the Federal Constitution in 1787, ii., 83. Bound-
aries of, in 1782, ii., 652. Foreign and domestic debt of, in
1777-1781, ii.. 113. Independence of the, acknowledged by
France in 1778, i., 87; by Holland in 1782, ii., 651; and by
Great Britain in 1783, ii., 652. Seal of the, ii., 656. Treaty
with France in 1778, ii.. 640; with Holland in 1782, ii.,
651; with Great Britain in 1782, 1783, iì., 652.
University, Harvard, at Cambridge, Massachusetts, Endow-
ment of, i., 555.

Upland, or Chester, William Penn's Assembly at, in 1682,
ii., 47.

Urn, Monumental, at Richmond, ii., 231.
Urquhart, James, Town Major at Boston, i., 572.
Ursuline Convent at Quebec, i., 204.

USSELINX, WILLIAM, wealthy Netherlander, ii., 45
Utica, New York, i., 253.

Vaccination, Dr. Munson's letter on, i., 307, 308: see JENNER.
VAIL, EDWARD, General, ii., 383; member of the North Caro-
lina Committee of Correspondence, ii., 373.
Valcour's Island, View of, i., 162, 163.
Valentine's Hill, West Chester, ii., 625.

Valentine's Manual of the Common Council of New York, ii.,

Valley Forge, Pennsylvania, Village of, ii., 125. Topography
of; huts and their occupants, ii., 128. Washington's head-
quarters at, in 1777, 1778, ii., 116, 126. Old flour-mill, ii..
126. Rogers's observatory; Washington's camp; religious
services, ii., 127, 140. Condition of the Continental army
at; Toryism, ii., 129.

VAN, Mr., his violent language in Parliament in relation to
Americans, i., 503.

VAN ANTWERP, ANNA, The author's interview with, ii., 594.
VAN BERKEL, M., pensionary of Amsterdam, negotiates a
treaty with the United States in 1778, ii., 651.

VAN CORTLANDT, CORNELIA, wife of John Schuyler and
mother of Philip, i., 38.

VAN CORTLANDT, JOHANNES, son of Stephanus; his daughter
Gertrude marries Philip Verplanck, i., 742.

VAN CORTLANDT, OLOFF STEVENSON, first Lord of the Manor,
on the Hudson, i., 737; ii., 577.

VAN CORTLANDT, PHILIP, General, at the battles of Stillwater.
i., 51, 738. On the court-martial in Arnold's case at Phila-
delphia in 1779, i., 711. His account of John Paulding's
dress when he captured Andrè, i., 755. At Fredericktown,
Maryland, in charge of British prisoners, in 1781, i., 738; ii.,
320. Autograph and Biographical Sketch of, i., 738.
VAN CORTLANDT, PIERRE, General, brother of General Philip.
i., 737, 739. First President of the Senate of New York;
Lieutenant Governor of the State, i., 387.

VAN CORTLANDT, STEPHANUS, purchases Verplanck's Point
in 1083, i., 742.


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