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[2525] Youth will haue it course. Youth will haue it swinge.


He is in the making or marring.
Youth must be brideled.

[blocks in formation]

It is better that children weepe, then old men.

[2530] Spare in youth to maintaine thee in age.

There is no wood so greene, but that it will set it selfe on fire.
Youth must not haue it will.

Youth must reuerence and obey their betters.
Hee hath not yet sowen all his wilde oates.

[ocr errors]

[S. 247 a

[2535] A man must not take counsell of greene heads.

[ocr errors]

You can neuer labour yonger.


[S. 247 b

As children are vsed in youth, such will they be in old age.
It is good to take the twig while it will bend.

[S. 248 a



Zeale without knowledge, is the sister of folly. [2540] Zeale will flie.

Zeale hath wings.

[S. 248b

Anhangsweise seien hier folgende proben aus dem oben s. 363 anm. 1 erwähnten "Houres of Recreation" (1575) von John Sandford mitgeteilt.

Certaine Italian Prouerbes and sentences, done into English, by I. Sanf.


[58] A buon hora in pescaria, e tardi in Beccaria,

Betyme in the Fishe shambles, and late in the Butcherie.

[59] A buon intenditore mezza parola basta.

To a good vnderstander halfe a woorde is enough.

[60] A caualli magri, vanno le mosche.

The Flyes goe to leane horsses.

[61] A chi si va bene, par sauio,

He that hath the world at will, seemeth wise.

[62] Al amico cura il fico, &

Al nimico il persico.

Prouide a Figge for thy friende, and a peache for thy enimie. [63] Allegrezzo di cuore fa bella pelladura di viso.

The merynesse of the heart, causeth a fayre colour in the face. [64] Alle nozze, & alla morte, si conoscono gli amici e parenti. At mariages and burials, freendes and kinsfolke be knowne.

[65] Al mal mortal, ne medico ne medicina val,

A deadelye disease, neyther Physition nor Physike can ease.

[66] Amor di putana, e vin de fiasco,

Da mattina buono, da sera guasto.

The loue of a harlot, and wyne of a flagon, is good in the morning, and naught in the euening.

[67] Asino ponto, bisogna che trotti,

An asse pricked must needes trot.

[68] Aspétta luoco, e tempo a far vendettà,
Che non si face mai ben in fretta.
Awayte tyme and place to be reuenged,
For it is neuer well done in haste.

[69] Assai ben balla, a chi fortuna suona,

Hee daunceth well inough, to whom Fortune pipeth.

[70] Assai guadagna, chi fortuna perde.

He gayneth inough whom fortune looseth.

[71] Aue morta non fa mele,

A dead Bee maketh no honie.

[72] A vn a vno, si fanno gli fusi

By one and one the spindles are made.


[73] Belle parole, e cattiui fatti, Ingannono i saui, & i matti, Fayre wordes and wicked deedes, deceyue wyse men and fooles.

[74] Ben faremo, ben diremo,

Mal va la barca, senza remo,
Doe wee well, speake we well,

Ill goeth the Barcke without oares.

[75] Bandiera vecchia, honor di capitano.

An olde bande, is the honour of a captaine.


[76] Cane che baia, non vuol nuocer,
A barking Dogge will do no hurt.

[77] Can vecchio, non baia indarno.

An olde Dogge barketh not in vaine.
[78] Caual corrente, sepultura aperta,
A running horsse, an open graue.
[79] Cera, tela, è fustiano,

Bella bottega e poco guadagno.
Waxe, linnen cloath, and Fustaine,
A fayre shoppe, and little gayne.




VIII. Sir Orfeo.

Die ausgabe von O. Zielke (Breslau 1880) wurde s. z. besprochen von Lindner, E. St. 5, 166 ff.; Einenkel, Anglia anz. 5, 13 ff. und Wifsmann, Lit.blatt 2, 135 ff. Die rezensenten übergehen aber eine anzahl verse, die sehr verbesserungsbedürftig sind und hier erörtert werden sollen. Eckige klammern bezeichnen ergänzungen, runde tilgungen.

2 1. As clerkes don us [for] to wite.
19 1. þey toke her harpys wip [gret] game.
34. Lovede pe gle of harpyng.

1. gamen st. gle.

46 1. Suche (joy and) melody in his harpyng is.

55. Bifel so in pe comessing of May,

1. time st. comessing mit H, da sonst der vers zu lang ist. 56. When miri and hot is pe day,

besser: hot and miri.

57 erg. [When] oway bep winterschours;

auch and könnte ergänzt werden, vgl. die folg. verse.

62 1. Tok [wip hir] to maidens of pris mit OH.

75 1. Ac so sone as sche gan (a)wake.

78 1. And crached hir (visage), [þat] it bled wetę.

visage fehlt auch in H.

80. And was reneyd out of hir witt.

reneyed kann nicht ne. renegated sein, wie Lindner meint, sondern steht für remeuyd, vgl. ravysed in O. Einenkel

dachte an wel neh, das aber zu weit abliegt.

97 1. He come [anon] with knigtes tene.

Auch ful sone würde passen. OH lesen pe king statt he, was ebenfalls den vers bessert.

Anglia. N. F. XXX.


117 1. And seyd[e] pus pe king [un]to. H bietet unto.

129 1. Nay, nay, sir, þat nouzt n[e] is. Oder 1. pat nis nougt, [iwis].

138 1. Y durst[e] nouzt, no[r] y [ne] nold. O liest ne not i wold.

160. And seppen me brougt ogain hom, besser: ogain me brougt[e] hom.

161 erg. [Hider] into our owhen orchárd. 165. And pan pou schalt wip ous go. Vgl. besser mit 0: schalt pou.

167 1. And gif pou makest ous [an]y let.

Vgl. ony lette H, any lete O.

191 f. 1. [And] wip fairi forþ ynome,

Men wist never, wher sche was (bi)come

Auch O bietet nur come.

211 erg. And live per [for] ever more.

213. And when ye understond, þat y be spent ist zu lang. H liest wyte, O se für understond. 228 1. Schertle, ne] non oper gode.

O liest richtig ne non.

235 1. [Bope] burch wode and over hep

mit H.

239 1. (He) pat hadde ywéd pe fowe and griis. Ich fasse ywed nicht mit Einenkel als yn wed, sondern als ae. gewæde und lese of statt be.


243 1. (He) þat hadde had castèls and tours.

247 1. (He) bat had yhad knigtes of priis.

256. And berren bot gode lite

ist zu kurz. Wir müssen wohl bot hinter gode stellen: And berren god[e], bot[e] lite.

263. His here of his berd blac and rowe.

lies mit H be st. des ersten his.

270 f. 1. In(to) alle pe wode pe soun gan schille,
Þat alle pe (wilde) bestes, þat þer beþ.

283 1. wip dun, [wip] cri and [wip] bloweing.

HO bieten auch wip bloweing.

284 f. 1. and houndes als(o) wip him berking.

Ac no best[es] þai no nome.

288 1. As [wip] a gret ost bi him te.
Anders Einenkel s. 17, der te = teih 'zog' fafst.
292 1. wip mani [ful] desplaid baners.

298 1. [wip] queynt[e] pas and [ful] softlý.
301 1. And on a day (he) seize him biside.
304 1. Nougt o man amonges hem (þer) nis.
306 1. And riden on haukin[g] bi o rivere,

H liest haukyng.

310 f. 1. pe faucouns hem [ful] wele devisep,
Ich faucóun his pray [him] slouz.

H bietet game statt pray.

312 1. pat seize [king] Órfeó and louz.

king findet sich in O und H.

321 1. 3ern he bibeld hir, (and) sche him eke.

339 f. 1. pe selve way ichil [now] streche,

Of liif no dep me no [mo] reche.

O liest i do not reche.

351 1. Smope and plain and [eke] al grene.
355 1. Al be ut[e]mast[e] wal.

361. pe bonsour was avowed al

Of ich maner divers animal.

bonsour soll nach Halliwell 'gewölbe' bedeuten (er hat nur diesen einen beleg), was aber sonst vouture heifst! Ich möchte es für eine verschreibung von frontour 'vorderseite' halten (H liest dafür fronte, 0: frontys, vgl. Stratm.- Bradley unter frounter, das NED. unter frontier). avowed soll nach L. für anourned stehen, da O dafür amelyd bietet. Es wird einfach ifowed 'bunt gemacht' sein, wie schon Einenkel s. 17 vermutete. Animal ist sinnlos, O bietet amell, H metalle. Ersteres wird richtig sein, vgl. das NED. unter amel 'email'. Natürlich wäre hier emal zu schreiben, vgl. die anm.


366 1. was al [imad] of burnist gold.

H liest dygt.

368. For when it schuld be perk and nigt,

1. derk.

373 1. Bi al ping him pink[ep], þat is it.

380 1. "Parfay", (quap he,) "ich am a minstrel, lo!

quap he fehlt in H.

381 1. To solas pi lo[ue]rd wip mi gle.

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