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Nouvelles Esquisses de Philosophie Critique, par A. SPIR. F. Alcan, Paris, 1899. pp. 146.

A brief life of the author fills the first twenty-seven pages. The topics discussed are: The Nature of Common Sense; The Role of Idealism: Force, Change, Order, Finality and Evolution in Nature; The Foundations of Religion and Morals; and Immortality.

The Emotion of Joy, by GEORGE Van Ness DEARBORN. Psychological Review, April, 1899. pp. 70.

The chief conclusions here reached are that extra emotions consist in outward expansive and in contraction of extensor muscles, to which habitual inhibitions of civilized life supply the apparent deficiency in the kinesthesic theory of human emotions. The contraction of extensor muscles is more pleasant than that of flexors.

Die Abstinenz der Geisteskranken und ihre Behandlung, von HERMANN PFISTER. F. Enke, Stuttgart, 1899. pp. 88.

This is a discussion of the causes, symptoms and cures of the persistent refusal of food, so often found in the insane asylums.

Conduct and the Weather, by EDWIN G. DEXTER. Psychological Review, May, 1899. pp. 103.

In this very interesting study, the author sums up results of his own continued investigations upon the subject, from which he reaches the following conclusions: that meteorological conditions directly affect metabolism; they also influence the reserve energy capable of being utilized for processes other than those of the vital organs; they influence the emotional state and the two last determine conduct. The latter, and also death and labor of mind and body, bear very different relations to reserve energy.

Zur Analyse der Unterschiedsempfindlichkeit, von LILLIE J. MARTIN und G. E. MUELLER. J. A. Barth, Leipzig, 1899. pp. 233. This comprehensive and very acute experimental investigation was conducted by an American lady in Müller's laboratory in Göttingen. After describing the methods of experiment, the second chapter discusses the enormous differences of the numbers obtained in right judgments; the third takes up the influence of time; the fourth, miscellaneous circumstances which influence the differential sensibility investigated; and the fifth treats of adjacent or supplementary comparisons.

Einleitung in die Vergleichende Gehirnphysiologie und Vergleichende Psychologie, von JACQUES LOEB. J. A. Barth, Leipzig, 1899. pp.


This interesting comparative study of brain and soul is conducted with special reference to invertebrates and describes experiments upon actinia, echinoderms, worms, orthopods and mollusks; discusses the theory of animal instincts, heredity, the relation between brain and soul, and suggests future points of attack for the study of the mechanics of brain and activity.

Elements of Alkaloidal Aeitiology, by A. M. BROWN. Henry Kimpton, London, 1889. pp. 86.

This is an introduction to the study of auto-intoxication in disease and is a popular summary of a larger work by the author, and gives the views of Selmi, Liebrich and Gautier.

Die Nervenkrankheiten des Pferdes, von HERmann Dexler. Franz Deuticke, Leipzig und Wien, 1899. pp. 277.

This interesting and very original book discusses the subject under four heads-diseases of peripheral nerves, of the spinal cord, of the brain in its different parts, and neuroses.

Studies from the Psychological Laboratory, Directed by JAMES R. ANGELL. University of Chicago Contributions to Philosophy, Chicago, 1899. Vol II, No. 2, pp. 615.

This interesting pamphlet contains the following studies: one on overestimation of vertical as compared with horizontal lines; a study in habit; the relations between certain organic processes and consciousness; habit and attention; modifications of the relations of dermal and optical space; the intensity of light as affecting visual estimates in depth; the most important paper being the third.

The Psychology of Reasoning, par Alfred Binet. Open Court Publishing Co., Chicago, 1899. pp. 191.

This work is based on experimental researches in hypnotism. After defining perceptions and images, the author describes reasoning in perception and the mechanism of reasoning, and insists that the two are at root the same. Reasoning is a kind of supplementary sense, the single type of all intellectual operations and is an organization of images.

University of Iowa Studies in Psychology, Edited by G. T. W. PATRICK. 1899, Vol. II, pp. 163.

To this interesting volume Professor Patrick himself contributes articles on The Analysis of the Taste Perception and Some Peculiarities of the Secondary Personality, while Dr. Seashore determines various psychological statistics and describes new apparatus.

La Prostitution Clandestine à Paris. Par le DOCTEUR O. Commenge, médecin en chef du Dispensaire de Salubrité de la Préfecture de Police. Paris, Libraire C. Reinwald, Schleicher Frères, Éditeurs, 1897. Vol. XI, pp. 567.

This is a solid and authoritative book, written by one who has had unusual facilities for the study of its subject, and who has spared no pains to attain to acurate results. M. Commenge began collecting the material for his work in 1887; and we may truly say that he has done for "private" prostitution what his predecessor, M. Parent-Duchatelet, did for "public."

The chapters are entitled: the causes of prostitution in general, and of private prostitution in particular; arrests, and their results; the Dispensaire de Salubrité, and its special function with regard to unregistered prostitutes; classification and statistics of venereal disease; the Infirmerie de Saint-Lazare; the sources of supply of unregistered prostitutes; their previous occupations; their life subsequent to medical treatment and discharge; registration and control. The writer makes a strong plea, on statistical basis, for state control and police registration. E. B. T.

Contributo allo studio dell' automatismo psicologico per autosuggestione del Dott. G. ANTONINI. Riv. Sperim. di Fren. (Reggio in E.), Vol. XXIV (1898), pp. 626-654.

This interesting study, meant to throw light upon the mediumistic and spiritistic phenomena, which of late have almost monopolized the attention of certain psychologists, deals with the autosuggestive

psychic automatisms of T. Teresa, a young woman 28 years of age, whose first hysterical attack occurred in 1890, brought on probably by persecutory ideas, and who wrote a number of letters in the name of other persons, conscious knowledge of which she seemed not to possess. Dr. Antonini considers the case one of great importance, since the phenomena are remarkably like those of the slate and other writers among the so-called "mediums." The autosuggestion in both cases is much the same and to the persecutory delirium of Teresa may correspond the "faith" of the mediums, both giving a certain logic to their productions. ALEX. F. CHAMBERLAIN.

L'Isterismo infantile. Studio critico e contributo clinico del Dott. AURELIO LUI. Ibid., pp. 745-771.

In this article Dr. Lui gives an excellent résumé of the most recent discussions of infantile hysteria, besides two observations of his own and bibliography of over 50 titles. The frequency of hysteria seems to be greatest between the eighth year and puberty; girls suffer somewhat more than boys, but in the early years the difference may be very small, the sexes being as yet not so markedly divergent; heredity and errors in the education of the child are important factors; onanism has rather a predisposing than a causal value; bad nutrition and its train, infectious diseases, imitation, etc., play their significant role. Noteworthy is the enormous psychic hyperesthesia and excessive impressionability and irritability of character in hysterical children, and their tendencies towards precocious development. One must be careful, however, to distinguish the simply nervous from the hysterical and by watching the development of the psychic habits of the child detect the outburst of real hysteria. While suggestion in the waking state is universally commended, much difference of opinion exists as to hypnotic suggestion as a therapeutic in infantile hysteria, Dr. Lui holding, with Joffroy, that the latter should only be used in the gravest cases, if at all. ALEX. F. CHAMBERLAIN.

Sull' Influenza dell' insonnio sperimentale sul ricambio materiale. Ricerche del Dott. GIULIO TAROZZI. Riv. di Patol. Nerv. e Ment. (Firenze.) Vol. IV (1899), pp. 1-23.

Detailed account, with many tables of experiments concerning the effects of insomnia upon the organic metabolism of adult dogs. The general conclusion is that "there exist special mechanisms, regulative of the metabolisms, and when the function of these is once interrupted, 'organic failure' rapidly supervenes, followed by death,"-in the cases under consideration death occured at from one to 4 days. It would appear that under these abnormal conditions the elimination of N is sensibly increased only at a very advanced period of the experiment-the augment continuing till death; the H, SO, and the P2 Os present no constant characteristic modifications, while the Cl diminishes constantly in the last days before death.

ALEX. F. CHAMBERLAIN. Ricerche sperimentali sull'origine di alcuni errori della memoria del Dott. JACOPO FINZI. Ibid., pp. 101-110.

The conclusion arrived at by the author, whose researches are to appear in Kraepelin's Arbeiten, is that "the errors of memory are, within certain limits, a normal phenomenon in the process of the fixation of recollection," the principal source of error being in the action of the impressions previously fixed.


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L'Année Philosophique (9e année, 1898). Publiée par M. F. Pillon, avec la collaboration de MM. Renouvier, Hamelin et Dauriac. Félix Alcan, Paris, 1899. pp. 316. Price, Fcs. 5.

L'Année Psychologique (5e année, 1898). Publiée par Alfred Binet, avec la collaboration de H. Beaunis & Th. Ribot. Schleicher Frères, Paris, 1899. pp. 902. Price, Fcs. 15.

BINET, ALFRED. The Psychology of Reasoning based on experimental researches in hypnotism. Translated, from the second French edition, by Adam Gowans White. The Open Court Pub. Co., Chicago, 1899. pp. 191.

CHURCH A., AND PETERSON, F. Nervous and Mental Diseases. With 305 illustrations. W. B. Saunders, Philadelphia, 1899. pp. 843. Price, $5.

DUPRAT, G. L. L'Instabilité mentale. Essai sur les données de la psycho-pathologie. Félix Alcan, Paris, 1899. pp. 310. Price,

Fcs. 5. GÉRARD-YARET, L. L'Ignorance et l'Irréflexion. Essai de psychologie objective. Félix Alcan, Paris, 1898. pp. 296. Price, Fcs. 5. GRASSERIE, Raoul de la. De la psychologie des religions. Félix Alcan, Paris, 1899. pp. 308. Price, Fcs. 5.

HANSPAUL, F. Die Seelentheorie und die gesetze des natürlichen Egoismus und der Anpassung. Carl Duncker, Berlin, 1899. pp. 292. Price, Mk. 5.

LALANDE, ANORÉ. La dissolution opposée à l'évolution dans les sciences physiques et morales. Félix Alcan, Paris, 1899. pp. 492. Price, Fcs. 7.50.

LÉVY BRUHL, L. Lettres inédites de

J. S. Mill à Auguste Comte.

Félix Alcan, Paris, 1899. pp. 560. Price, Fcs. 10.

MERCIER, MGR. Critériologie générale ou théorie générale de la certitude. Félix Alcan, Paris, 1899. pp. 371. Price, Fcs. 6.

Houghton, Mifflin &

MUENSTERBERG, HUGO. Psychology and life.
Co., Boston and N. Y., 1899. pp. 286. Price $2.

PAULSEN, FRIEDRICH. A system of ethics. Edited and translated with the author's sanction, from the 4th revised and enlarged edition by Frank Thilly. Charles Scribner's Sons, N. Y., 1899. pp. 723. Price, $3.

Proceedings of the American Medico-Psychological Association at the 54th annual meeting held in St. Louis, May 10-13, 1898. Published by the Association, 1898. pp. 417.

RARETH, F. De la méthode dans la psychologie des sentiments. Félix Alcan, Paris, 1899. pp. 305. Price, Fcs. 5.

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RÉCÈGAE, E. Essay on the bases of the mystic knowledge. Trans lated by Sara Carr Upton. Charles Scribner's Sons, N. Y., 1899. pp. 287. Price, $2.30.

SAJOUS, CHARLES E. DE M. Annual and Analytical Cyclopædia of practical medicine. Vol. III. Dislocations to Infantile Myxædema. F. A. Davis Co., Philadelphia, 1899. pp. 600.


Nouvelles esquisses de philosophie critique. Précédées d'une biographie de l'auteur. Félix Alcan, Paris, 1899. pp. 146. Price, Fcs. 3.50.

THOMAS, P. FÉLIX. Morale et Education. Félix Alcan, Paris, 1899. pp. 171. Price, Fcs. 2.50.

TIELE, C. P. Elements of the science of religion. Part 2. Ontological. Imported by Charles Scribner's Sons, N. Y., 1899. pp. 286. Price, $2.

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