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A freezing Spring-The American Barn-Swallow-Its nest-
Superstition regarding the Swallow-The Chimney-Swallow
-Courage of the Purple Martin-Extraordinary migration
of birds into Pennsylvania from the South-The English
Swallow - Process of taming described by the Rev. W.
Trevelyan-Multitudes of insects destroyed by the Swallow-
Ancient traditions-Singular medicinal properties ascribed to
the Swallow-The Wood Swallow, or Be-wowen of the Abori-
gines of Western Australia-Pleasing habits of the Wood-

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Further remarks on the process of incubation on the egg of the
Wedge-tailed Eagle by a domestic Hen-Attempt by the
parents to destroy the eggs-Parental care of their young by
gregarious quadrupeds-The Reindeer-Fondness for its young
-Maternal affection of animals of a high grade-Touchingly
instanced in the case of a She-Bear-Boldness of Birds under
such circumstances-Example given by White - Parental
solicitude of the Partridge-Of the domestic Hen-Of the
Mare-The practice of hatching Ducks' eggs by a Hen-
Black Swans and their brood-The Canada Geese-Their
propensity to destroy the nestlings of other Birds-Instanced
by a pair in St. James's Park-The Goldfinch's nest-Per-
severance and manoeuvring of a Sparrow while nest-building
-Anxiety for concealment manifested by Birds generally in
the process of nidification-The Ostrich-The mode adopted
by this bird of hatching its eggs-Number of eggs produced
-Its nest-A Hen's eggs hatched by a Partridge-The Brush-
Turkey-Its mode of egg-hatching-Genera of the family-
A puzzle to systematists-The bird described-Construction
of its nest-of nests generally-Hunter's experiments on the
eggs of a domestic Hen in relation to the eggs of the Brush-
Turkey-Gould's remarks and experience on the same subject
-Western Australian Pheasant described - Their nest-
mounds'-The Jungle Fowl described-The Bower-Birds of
Australia Specimens in the Zoological Gardens - Arrival
there of the Hippopotamus, the Thylacines, and the Snake-

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p. 126


The Chlamydera, or Spotted Bower-Bird-Its range-Opinion
of Mr. Gould thereon-Remarkable plumage-The great
Bower-Bird-Specimen in the Zoological Gardens-Habits,
&c. of the Bird-The Marsupiates, or Purse-Bearers-The

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