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welbiloved counsaillour sir [Richard] Weston knight, treasorour of our saide toune and [marches], greting, Forasmoche as wee have determy [ned and] appoincted that our fortresse newly made at N[ewnham]bridge, besydes our saide towne of Calais, shalbe [furnished] of a sufficient keper, haveing under him a competent] nomber of men for the suretie and defense th[erof.] Wherupon wee, trusting in the fidelitie and circ [umspecti]on of our trusty servaunt syr Robert Jerningham kni[ght,] have committed unto hym the custodye of th[e same] during our pleasour. To whom wee have appointed] entertaynement, and the nombre of persones to be [chosen and] taken in maner and fourme as followeth :-Furst, that he shall have for hymself the wa[ges and] rome of a spere on horsbak in our retynue [of our] towne of Calais as he now hathe, and also [shall have] the nombre of soldeours hereafter mencioned . . . foure dede pays,' *that is to saye, the wages of [four] of the fotemen, every of theym in vjd. sterling by [the daye], whiche wages he shall retayne to his owne [use and] profyte during our saide pleasour, having n[o man] in those iiij. romes. And over and above the [said] wages for four fotemen, there shalbe contyn [ually] resident under the saide sir Robert Jerning [ham in] the saide fortresse the nombre of xxti perso[ns,+ and the] same xxti, and also the saide iiij. fotemen for [dead] pais, to be taken of the soldeours and romes [within our] saide towne and castell of Calais, that is [to saye,] of our deputie of the same our toune ij. fotemen

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lieutenaunt of our [said castle of
fotemen in vjd. by the day, of Rauf Br.
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one in vjd. by day, of Richard G

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] vjd. by day, of our fotemen in vjd. by the day, of

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by day, of Fisher's men ij. fotemen [in viijd.] and

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man in vjd. by day, of John Highef. . . . [one man] in vjd. by day, oute of the retynewe


archers on horsbak and iiij. fotemen in viijd. by day, and iiij. fotemen in vjd. by day. [We] therfore, willing this our ordre to be put [in due] execution, have by these presents auctorysed of you, wherof our saide deputie

*The pay of four dead men.

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When the account previously printed (p. 138) was drawn up, in 1533, the lieutenant of Newnhambridge had a garrison of only twelve persons.


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to be one, [to] electe and assign unto the saide sir Robert Jerningham the nombre of soldeours and romes in maner before specified. And the same to delyver unto hym, discharging them from their attendance [in] our saide towne, and appointing those of our said . . . and the other saide romes unto hym as is aforesaid, semblably to delyver to hym the saide fo[rtress] with all artillery, ordenaunce, and abillementes of [war] therunto belonging by indenters to be made therof betwene you and hym. So as the same fortresse, whiche we woll shall alwaies [be] as a membre of that our towne of Calais, and under the jurisdiction of our deputie of our [said town] and marches, as other offices belonging to the [said] towne be, may be lykewise ordered in w[atch and] warde, checkes, vacacions, and comtrollem [ent, as the] offices in our said towne be by the compt[roller or] other officers of the same our towne for the tyme [being.] And the wages to be paied by you our saide [treasurer] at the termes of payment in our saide towne [accusto]myd, the same to be delivered unto the handes [of the] saide keper, and to be by hym paide into the sold [eours]

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commaunde you to see the p[remises performed] accordingly. And that you our saide [deputy take] the othe of the saide syr Robert Jerning [ham swearing] hym to be oon of our counseillours in our sa [id town]. Wherein and in all and singular the premisses [these] letters shalbe unto every of you sufficiant [warrant] and discharge. Geven undre our signet at our [palace of] Grenewich the xij. day of Aprill, in the x . . . of our reign. Endorsed,-To the kingis most gracious highnes.

When the king was in France in 1532, Thomas Palmer was captain of Newnhambridge, and was knighted on the 10th of November (as before mentioned in p. 122).

In the will of sir John Wallop, K.G., lieutenant of Guisnes, made May 22, 1551, is this "Item, To Nicholas Alexander, captayne of Newnam-bridge, my late secretary, an annuitie of vjl. xiijs. iiijd. to be paid," &c.

On the name of Newnhambridge some remarks have been made in the introductory description of the Map, p. xxix.



The following narrative describes such a foray as that recorded in p. 32 of Turpyn's Chronicle. Though somewhat subsequent in date to the other contents of this volume, it is inserted as affording a more vivid and graphic picture of the mode of aggression usual upon the French borders in times of war than it has been our fortune to find in any other paper.

Sir John Wallop, the chief commander on the occasion here described, was one who for a long succession of years was highly distinguished in his military capacity; and particularly in France. (See the memoir of him in Collins's Peerage, art. Portsmouth.) Having previously (as it seems) been marshal of Calais, he was constituted lieutenant of the castle there June 23, 1533 (Bill. Sign. 22 Hen. VIII.), and subsequently he became lieutenant of the castle and county of Guisnes, which office he filled in 1543, when he was appointed captain-general and leader of the forces appointed to be employed, pursuant to a treaty with the emperor (Pat. 35 Hen. VIII. p. 16, m. 24), and which resulted in the expedition here commemorated.* After his return, as a special mark of the king's approbation, he was elected a knight of the garter on Christmas eve 1543. He at last died at Guisnes, July 13, 1551, having made his will on the 22nd of May preceding, in which he styles himself "lieutenante of the castill and countye of Guisnes." "He was a nobull captayne as ever was." (Machyn's Diary, p. 8.

(MS. Harl. 283, f. 3.)

The names of the Capitaynes that be at the Kinges Majesties hoste.

Firste, sir John Wallope knight, cappitayne generall of the hoste; sir Thomas Semer, highe marshall of the same; sir Robert Bowes, treasorer; sir Richard Cromwell, cappitayne of the horsmen; sir George Carowe, sir John Rayensford, sir Thomas Pallmer, sir John Sant John, and sir John Gaskin, cappitaynes of the fotemen.

The Jorneyes and Viogies of the Kinges Majesties army, and the feates by the same achieved and done.

The hole oste departed owte of Callyes upon Sonday the xxij day of Julye, at iiij of the clok at afternone, and campid the same night without the walles of the towne in the feldes. Uppon the Monday the xxiij day of Jully, in the morninge, they wente towardes sir John Wallope metinge them,

* A later hand has indorsed upon the manuscript, "about 1513,"-just thirty years

too soon.

and so marched to Lanerton, beinge within the French palle; and there mete with the lord Greay, capitayne of Hames castill, and ther birnt Lanerton, with the nomber of iij c. howses, and Campfer with Finies mylle, otherwise called a castill; and after the abbey of Bewliew, and so went to Finies towne that night, and ther camped. And upon Tewisday, the marshall the same morninge went with sertayne gentillemen and other soldeardes unto iij pilles* called Ratton, Abrilton, and Rensam, and the same birnt also, and birnt dyvers vilages, and certayne howses in Mergison, and within iij milles compase of Bolloigne. The said army marchid forward unto the abbey of Lyquies, six mylles from Fynies, spoylinge and birning all the way they wente, untill they came unto the abbey aforesaid, to the which they came at ij of the cloke at afternone; and the said abbey was imediately delyvered up unto them, wherein was xij Frenchmen, and a monke called doctor Driw, which afterwardes folowid the clarkes, being bond with bondes. And upon Wedinsday the xxv day of Julye, they campid that night, to the intent that the cheyfteayne before his departure wolde se the said abbey as well bernte, as also the walles razed downe to the hard grownde with gonpowder, which was donne. And upon the same daye ther came to us two thowsande fotemen of Burgonyones and ij thowsande of horsmen.

And upon Thursday, the xxvj day of Jully, the said army departed from Lysquies and marchid unto the vilage and castill of Awlkinges, and ther campid, and ther lay all night, and ther were two laromes.

And upon Friday, the xxvij of July, departinge from thence, bernte the towne and the castill, and the castill was razed downe at Whitsontide laste paste by the Burgonyones; and so departinge razed downe the great tower that was standing with gonpowder, and all the reaste burnt to peeces. And so marchid the said day from thence to Hawlinge, two mylles from Sante Homers, and ther lay Saturday the xxviij day of Jully.

Upon Sonday, the xxix day, from Hawlinge to Otingall, ij mylles from Twrwin, and ther did the northern men, with other of the kinges men, ridde under the walles of Twrwin, and skirmyshed with the Frenchmen, and one Dasser killed one of the Frenchmen's horse with his bowe, and hurte was donne on bothe parties. And after our comynge into the

piles or fortified towers.

campe, our cheiftayne sent up to the capteayne of Torwin a letter, requiringe him that vj men of armes, beinge gentillmen, might runne with six gentillmen of our army for life and dethe; to the which answere was made in the morninge, that he wolde sende vj gentillmen of armes to runne, and x gentillmen armid to keepe them compayney, at ix of the cloke. Upon that ther was sertayne appoynted to furnishe them to do that enterprise, which wher of ower partie master Charrlles Hawward, master Peter Carew, master Henry Markham, master Shelley of Calleyes, master Callverley, and master Hall. And of ther parte was like nomber of gentilmen, which ech other met without the towne at the hower appoynted, and ther ranne one with another two coursies and brake ther staves valiantly. And ther was hurte on ower partie master Calverley, and he brake ij speres on him that hurt him in the hed to the deathe, and master Markham did hurt one of the gentillmen also. And the same tyme ther wher iij browght from Boloigne by a trumpet to the campe, and ther delyvered. After this donne the army marchid forward toward an olde castill called Lyvters, beinge distroyed by the Frenchmen, which is within two legies of Turwin, wher the army camped Monday the xxxti July, all the day, and upon Tewsday the xxxjti of July the said army marchid from the said campe of Livters to the cam[p]e of Alwines, one myle from Ayre, and ther we had ij laromes, and lay ther all that night; and upon Wedinsday, the first of Auguste, the said army marchid from thence to the campe adjoyninge unto the castill of Erewyn next unto Rusher, and ther laye alle night. And upon Thursday the seconde day of August the said army marchid from thence unto the campe of Varkingnowghe a mylle from Etwayne, and ther lay Friday and Saturdaye all daye. And upon the same Saturday afternoone came into the campe the countes of Pavoy, basse dowghter

(Here the MS. abruptly breaks off.)

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