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exaccion to be taken of them for their shippes, goods, or merchandizes, upon paine to every person and persons offending in this behalf to be forthwith putt in warde and prison, there to remaine without baile or mainprise, and furthermore to pay and make fine at the kinges pleasure; and that all the kinges subjects merchaunts may peaceably and quietly resort, repayre, and come unto the same towne of Callis and marches from time to time

with their goods and merchandizes, and from thence to passe and goe att their liberties, and not to be vexed, troubled, grieved, or arrested in person or goods for anie manner debt or duety growing or rising uppon or for anie manner contracte or bargaine made out of the said towne and marches, (yf the partie grieved will require this freedome,) except only for contracts and bargaines made within the said towne of Callis and marches there; and that all marchaunts straungers be as free in bodies and goods within the said towne, port, and marches of Callis, as the kinges subjects marchaunts be, or owe or pretend to be, within the emperor's lowe countries during the freedome of any marte holden or kepte there: the provision before specified, made for garding and surety of the towne of Callis foresaid, alwaies saved; And, albeit that the marchaunts straungers exercising the feates of merchandizes att the said marts heretofore holden in the said emperor's lowe countries have byn accustomed to pay divers and many moo tolls, customes, and impositions, and more larges for their goods and merchandizes thether brought then the kinges subjects marchaunts repairing to the same marts, yet the kinges highnes, of his grace especiall and bountuouxnes, willing the marchaunts straungers which hereafter shall resort for cause of merchandizes unto the said towne and marches of Callis favorably and lovingly to be entreteyned and used within the same, so that by meane thereof they may be encouraged to repaire to the same towne and marches from time to time hereafter, hath therefore of his singuler good grace and favors ordeyned and determined that all and every such marchaunt and marchaunts straungers pay for their goods and merchandizes within the said towne, port, and marches of Callis coming and going to and from the same towne, port, and marches of Callis, for the said cause of merchandizes, none other tolls, gables, exaccions, imposicions, or customs, then the kinges subjects marchaunts have paid or owe to pay within the emperor's said lowe countries att the marts holden there; and in likewise all marchaunts the kinges subjects to pay for their goods and marchandizes to be by them brought unto the said

towne, port, and marches of Callis, such customes, gables, and toles as the same marchaunts the kinges subjects have paid, owe to pay, or have been accustomed to pay for the same in the said emperor's lowe countryes and none other, nor in none other wise. And that no marchaunt straunger repayring to the saide towne and marches of Callis, or from thence goeing, be constrayned within the said towne, port, or marches, to pay anie other toll, custome, gables, or exaccions for their goods or merchandizes, or anie for them, then be rated and extended upon the kinges subjects marchaunts in the privileges of duke Philipp of Burgoine, confirmed by the townes of Andwerpe and Barowe, according to certaine tables thereupon to be made, whereof one table to be sett in the open markett place of Callis, the seconde in the custome house there, and the third in the kinges exchequer of Callis. And yf anie officer of the saide towne, port, and marches, exact or leavy anie toll or custome above the rate expressed in the said tables, and thereof found culpable, every such officer to be punished by emprisonment and fines, at the kinges pleasure, as is above expressed. And in case the said marchaunt straungers or anie of them by covert concealing or not entering their goods and merchandizes in the customer's bookes there to be appointed, bring in or convey out of the said towne of Callis or marches, in defrauding the kinges highnes of his said customes, then they to be imerced and punished with like paines and forfeitures as the kinges subjects for like offence and concealment have and owe to sustaine and beare within the emperor's said low countries. And as touching the kinges subjects, yf they or anie of them by concealing or not entring their goods and merchandizes in the customer's bookes thereto to be appointed bring in or convey out of the said towne or port of Callis or marches of the same, in defrauding the kinges highnes of his said customes, then they and every of them from time to time, and as often as they shall so offend, to pay unto the kinges highnes the said toll, and for their punishment of concealment tenn times so much over and besides the said toll. And also that the governor or governors of the said marchaunts adventurers, or such person as they shall chose to be their ruler for the time being, may have and use like authority, power, and jurisdiccion in the rule and governaunce of the said marchaunts att the time of their abode att Callis and marches aforesaid, as the governor or governors of the same marchaunts have had, used, or ought to have in the said emperor's lowe countries. And that all accions of debt, trespasse,

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or other variance to be moved or attained within the said towne and marches by any the said marchaunt or marchaunts adventurers against anie of the said marchaunt adventurers, staplers, and others, for anie cause or matter concerning the feate of marchaunts adventurers, or by anie person or persons against anie of the said marchaunts adventurers for causes concerning their said feate, be commenced afore the governor or governors and fellowshipp of the same marchaunts, there examined, pursued, and finally determined by sentence definitive, without any further appeale, according and in like manner as the graunts be made unto them in the said emperor's lowe countries. And in like wise all accions of debt, trespasse, or other variance to be moved and attained within the said towne and marches by anie marchaunt or marchaunts of the Staple against any of the marchaunts' fellowship, or servaunt of the same staple, marchaunts adventurers or others, for anie cause or matter concerning the feate of marchaunts of the staple, or by any other person or persons against anie of the said marchaunts of the staple for cause or matter concerning their said feate, be commenced before the maior of the said staple, there examined, pursued, and finally determined by sentence diffinitive without anie further appeale. The statutes and ordinances of the said towne of Callis provided for punycion of malefactors and trespassors in criminall causes, violators and breakers of the kinges peace, or anie of the ordinances within the same, allwaies standing in their full strength, vigor, and effect. And that also all and every marchaunt of the staple using and exercising the said feate of marchaunts adventurers, buying or bartring anie of the merchandizes belonging to the same feate, not only observe and keepe the statutes and ordinances made or to be made and ordayned from time to time by the said marchaunt adventurers, but also be contributaries unto them for the same, like as other marchaunt adventurers doo or hereafter owe to doo. And also that every marchaunt adventurer using or exercising the said feate of marchaunts of the staple, buying or bartring anie of the merchandizes belonging to the same feate of the staple, not only observe and keepe the statutes and ordinances made or to be made and ordeyned from time to time by the said marchaunts of the staple, but also be contributaries unto them for the same, like as other marchaunts of the staple doo or hereafter owe to doo. And yf anie officer or officers within the said towne, marches, and port of Callis constrayne or compell the kinges marchaunts adventurers or straungers to pay anie toll,

custome, gabells, or exaccions for their goods and marchandizes at the saide towne, marches, and port of Callis, inward or outward, or compell anie marchaunts straungers to pay anie toll, customes, or exaccions, other then by the effect of the said articles and the said tables shalbe rated and extendyd, that then the kinges treasaurer and comptroller of the towne for the time being, and the said governor or governors and ruler jointly, or two of them att the least, whereof the governor to be one, have power and authority to examine the causes and complaints of the marchaunts grieved in this partie, and to leavy of the officer or officers so offending six times the value of such exaccion or exaccions, besides imprisonment and other punishment of his body att the kinges pleasure, whereof half to the kinge, and the other half to be paid to the party grieved. Also that the said Marchaunts Adventurers may be corporate within the said towne and marches as they be in the said emperor's lowe countries; and that they may keepe thier courts and assemblies, and make ordinances, and ordaine and leavy fines, forfeitures, and impositions, and especially weights and measures; and also admitt meaters, mesurers, ployers, and packers, and order and extent peisage, cranage, cartars, and rollewaynes in like manner and forme as the said marchaunts have made, ordeyned, established and used in the emperor's said lowe countries. And this without interrupcion, lett, impediment, or challenge of the maior, waterbailiff, or anie other officer or officers within the said towne, port, or marches, uppon paine of imprisonment and fine to be cessed by the kinges treasourer, comptroller, and governor of the said marchaunts or his deputy, as is aforesaid, whereof half to be apployed to the kinge, and the other half to the party greived. Also all persons having shewehouses or packhouses within the same towne or marches shall lett to ferm the same houses to the marchaunts adventurers for reasonable prices; and yf the owners of such houses be unreasonable in that party that then the rulers or governors of the said fellowshipp, and the kinges deputy and treasurer there, have power to chose foure marchaunts adventurers and foure persons indifferent, inhabitants of the said towne of Callis, the same persons or the more part of them to rate, cess, and extent the ferme of every suche shewehouse or packehouse after a reasonable price, so as the marchaunts, and also the owners, may both have reasonable cause to be contented. And also yt is ordeyned and established by the kinges highnes that the marchaunts of the Hanze, Fraunce, Spaine, Portugale, and all other marchaunts comprised in

league and amity made by their princes and heads with the kinges grace, and also Florentines, Jannais, Venecians, Lucays, Bononiens, Millanoys, Italions, with all other marchaunts which nowe be in the towne or marches of Callis or hereafter shalbe under the kinges safe conduct, shall not convey nor doe to be conveyed by themselves nor by anie other for them, by fraud, colour, or male engine, into the partes or anie place within the said emperor's lowe countries, anie woollen clothes or other of the kinges commodities, uppon paine of forfeiture of all such goods and merchandizes, or the value of the same goods and merchandizes; two parts of the said forfeiture to belong to the kinges highnes, and the third part to the finder. Nevertheles, if the said marchaunts of the Hanze, Italions, or other, intend to convey clothes or other merchandizes of the commodities of the kinges realme of England into their owne countries, through the said emperor's lowe countries and dominions, the kinges highnes is contented that they so doo, and bring the commodities of their owne countries thorough the said emperor's lowe countries and dominions into his said realme of England or to his said towne and marches of Callis, provided alwaies that before they shipp the said commodities of his said realme of England, to be conveyed into their owne countries as above, they make sufficient suerties and bonds before the kinges comptroller and customers of such towne and port where the said goods and merchandizes shalbe shipped, in the custome house there, that they shall not breake no bulk, open no pack, for making sale, bartring, commutacion, or dressing of anie part of the said merchandizes within the obeysaunce of the said emperor's lowe countries and dominions, but only to be dried, if necessity so require. Also in likewise, that none of the same marchaunts of the Hanze, or anie other for them, bring or doo to be brought into his said realme of England, or into anie other place under his obeysaunce, anie goods, wares or merchandizes, unles they buy the same att the said towne of Callis or the marches of the same. And furthermore and in like manner his highnes giveth and graunteth free liberty and licence to all manner persons victuallers and other folkes bringing victualls from anie part on this side the sea, that they shall mowe in likewise att all times att their liberties and without lett, interupcion, or impediment of anie person or persons, bring victualls of all manner kindes unto his said towne and port of Callis and marches of the same for victualling thereof, and there to abide, sojorne, passe and repasse, with thier shipps, boats, horses, carriages,

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