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from and to any part of the world, which the faid nations do or shall enjoy.


In the above exemption is particularly comprized the impofition of one hundred fous per ton, established in France on foreign fhips, unless when the hips of the United States fhall load with the merchandize of France, for another port of the faid dominions; in which cafe the fhips fhall pay the duty above-mentioned, fo long as other nations the most favoured fhall be obliged to pay it; but it is understood, that the said United States, or any of them, are at liberty, when they shall judge it proper, to establish a duty equivalent in the fame cafe.


The Most Christian King fhall endeavour, by all the means in his power, to protect and defend all veffels and the effects belonging to the fubjects, people or inhabitants of the faid United States, or any of them, being in hist ports, havens or roads, or on the feas near his countries, islands, cities or towns; and to recover and restore to the right owners, their agents


agents or attornies, all fuch veffels and effects which shall be taken within his jurisdiction; and the ships of war of his Most Christian Majefty, or any convoy failing under his authority, fhall upon all occafions take under their protection all veffels belonging to the fubjects, people, or inhabitants of the faid United States, or any of them, and holding the fame course, or going the fame way, and shall defend such veffels as long as they hold the fame course, or go the fame way, against all attacks, force or violence, in the same manner as they ought to protect and defend the veffels belonging to the subjects of the Most Christian King.


In like manner the faid United States, and their ships of war failing under their authority, shall protect and defend, conformably to the tenor of the preceding article, all the veffels and effects belonging to the fubjects of the Most Christian King, and ufe all their endeavours to recover, and caufe to be reftored, the faid veffels and effects that hall have been taken within the jurifdiction of the said United

States, or any of them.


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The Most Christian King will employ his good offices and interpofitions with the King or Emperor of Morocco or Fez; the Regencies of Algiers, Tunis and Tripoly, or with any of them; and alfo with every other Prince, State or Power, of the coaft of Barbary in Africa, and the fubjects of the faid King, Emperor, States and Powers, and each of them, in order to provide as fully and efficaciously as poffible for the benefit, conveniency and safety of the faid United States, and each of them, their fubjects, people and inhabitants, and their veffels and effects, against all violence, infults, attacks or depredations, on the part of the said Princes and States of Barbary, or their fubjects.


The fubjects, inhabitants, merchants, commanders of fhips, mafters and mariners of the States, Provinces and Dominions of each party refpectively, fhall abftain and forbear to fish in all places poffeffed, or which fhall be poffeffed, by the other party; the Moft Chrif tian King's fubjects shall not fish in the havens, bays, creeks, roads, coasts or places which the faid United States hold, or fhall hereafter hold; and in like manner the fubjects, people


and inhabitants of the United States fhall not fish in the havens, bays, creeks, roads, coafts or places, which the Most Christian King poffeffes, or fhall hereafter poffefs; and if any ship or veffel shall be found fishing contrary to the tenor of this treaty, the said ship or veffel with its lading, (proof being made thereof) shall be confiscated: it is however underftood, that the exclufion ftipulated in the prefent article fhall take place only fo long and fo far as the Most Christian King or the United States fhall not in this refpect have granted an exemp

tion to fome other nation.

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The United States, their citizens and inhabi tants, fhall never difturb the subjects of the Most Christian King in the enjoyment and exercife of the right of fishing on the Banks of Newfoundland, nor in the indefinite and exclufive right which belongs to them on that part of the coast of that Island which is designed by the treaty of Utrecht, nor in the right relative to all and each of the Ifles which belong to his Most Christian Majefty, the whole conformable to the true sense of the treaties of Utrecht and Paris.


The fubjects and inhabitants of the faid United States, or any of them, fhall not be reputed aubains in France, and confequently shall be exempted from the droit d'aubaine, or other fimilar duty, under what name soever : they may by teftament, donation, or otherwife, dispose of their goods, moveable and immoveable, in favour of fuch perfons as to them fhall seem good; and their heirs, fubjects of the United States, refiding whether in France or elsewhere, may fucceed them, ab inteftat, without being obliged to obtain letters of naturalization, and without having the effect of this conceffion contefted or impeded, under pretext of any rights or prerogatives of provinces, cities, or private perfons; and the faid heirs, whether fuch by particular title, or ab inteftat, fhall be exempted from the duty called droit de detraction, or other duty of the fame kind; saving nevertheless the local rights or duties, as much and as long as fimilar ones are not established by the United States, or any of them. The subjects of the Most Christian King shall enjoy on their part, in all the dominions of the said States, an entire and perfect reciprocity,

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