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affemble in the counties in which they are refpectively qualified to vote, at the Court-house in the faid counties, or at fuch other place as the legislature fhall direct, and when affembled they shall proceed to elect, vivâ voce, four Delegates for their respective counties, of the most wife, fenfible, and difcreet of the people, refidents in the county where they are to be chosen one whole year next preceding the election, above twenty-one years of age, and having in the State real or personal property above the value of five hundred pounds current money; and upon the final cafting of the polls, the four perfons who fhall appear to have the greatest number of legal votes, fhall be declared and returned duly elected for their refpective coun


III. That the Sheriff of each county, or, in cafe of fickness, his deputy (fummoning two Juftices of the county, who are required to attend for the preservation of the peace) shall be the Judge of the election, and may adjourn from day to day, if neceffary, till the fame be finithed, fo that the whole election shall be concluded in four days; and fhall make his return thereof, under his hand, to the Chancellor of this State for the time being.

IV. That

IV. That all perfons qualified by the char ter of the city of Annapolis to vote for burgeffes, fhall on the fame first Monday of October seventeen hundred and seventy-feven, and on the fame day in every year forever thereafter, elect viva voce, by a majority of votes, two Delegates, qualified agreeable to the faid charter; that the Mayor, Recorder, and Alder men of the faid city, or any three of them, be Judges of the election, appoint the place in the faid city for holding the fame, and may adjourn from day to day as aforefaid, and fhall make return thereof as aforefaid; but the inhabitants of the said city fhall not be entitled to vote for Delegates for Anne-Arundel county, unless they have a freehold of fifty acres of land in the county, distinct from the city.

V. That all persons, inhabitants of Baltimore town, and having the fame qualifications as electors, in the county, fhall, on the same first Monday in October feventeen hundred and feventy-feven, and the fame day in every year forever thereafter, at fuch place in the faid town as the Judges fhall appoint, elect vivâ voce, by a majority of votes, two Delegates, qualified as aforefaid; but if the faid inhabitants of the


town fhall fo decrease, as that the number of perfons having a right of fuffrage therein, fhall have been for the space of feven years fucceffively less than one-half the number of voters in some one county in this State, such town thenceforward fhall cease to fend two Delegates or Reprefentatives to the House of Delegates, until the said town fhall have one-half of the number of voters in fome one county in this State.

VI. That the Commiffioners of the faid town, or any three or more of them, for the time being, fhall be Judges of the said election, and may adjourn as aforefaid, and fhall make return thereof as aforefaid; but the inhabitants of the faid town fhall not be entitled to vote for, or be elected Delegates for Baltimore county; neither shall the inhabitants of Baltimore county, out of the limits of Baltimore town, be entitled to vote for, or be elected Delegates for, the faid town.

VII That on refufal, death, difqualification, refignation or removal out of this State, of any Delegate, or on his becoming Governor or Member of the Council, a warrant of election fhall iffue by the Speaker, for the election of another

another in his place, of which ten days notice at least, excluding the day of notice and day of election, fhall be given.

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VIII. That not less than a majority of Delegates, with their Speaker, (to be chosen by them by ballot) conftitute an House for the transaction of any business, other than that of adjourning.

IX. That the Houfe of Delegates fhall judge of the elections and qualifications of Delegates.

X. That the Houfe of Delegates may originate all money bills, propose bills to the Senate, or receive thofe offered by that body, and affent, diffent, or propofe amendments; that they may inquire, on the oath of witneffes, into all complaints, grievances, and offences, as the grand inqueft of this State, and may commit any perfon for any crime to the public gaol, there to remain till he be discharged by due course of law. They may expel any Member for a great mifdemeanour, but not a fecond time for the fame caufe. They may examine and pass all accounts of the State, relating either to the collection or expenditure of the revenue, or appoint auditors to state or adjust the fame. They may


call for all public or official papers and records, and fend for perfons, whom they may judge neceffary, in the course of their enquiries, concerning affairs relating to the public intereft; and may direct all office bonds (which fhall be made payable to the State) to be fued for on any breach of duty.

XI. That the Senate may be at full and perfect liberty to exercise their judgement in pasfing laws, and that they may not be compelled by the House of Delegates either to reject a money bill which the emergency of affairs may require, or to affent to some other act of legislation, in their confcience and judgement injurious to the public welfare; the House of Delegates shall not on any occafion, or under any pretence, annex to, or blend with a money bill, any matter, claufe, or thing, not immediately relating to, and neceffary for the imposing, affeffing, levying, or applying the taxes or fupplies, to be raised for the fupport of Government, or the current expences of the State: and to prevent altercation about fuch bills, it is declared, that no bill impofing duties or cuftoms for the mere regulation of commerce, or inflicting fines for the reformation of morals, or


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