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TRÜBNER'S American and Oriental Literary Record.



Of the most important Works published in NORTH and SOUTH AMERICA, in INDIA, CHINA, and the British Colonies: with occasional Notes on German, Dutch, Danish, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, and Russian Books.

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Messrs. TRÜBNER & Co., 8 and 60, Paternoster Row, London, have imported and supply the whole of the American and Oriental Works named in this Literary Record.

N.B.-All the Books named in this and previous Numbers are described from actual examination, and every work is either in the possession or has passed through the hands of MESSRS. TRÜBNER & Co. Librarians and Scholars, therefore, who experience any difficulty in procuring the works, would do well to communicate direct with the Publishers of this RECORD. As may be readily supposed, it would be imprudent to import such works in large quantities; but where all the copies of the works specified are actually sold, they can be replaced, if a reasonable time be allowed.


We are informed that the five classes of the Institute of France have unanimously resolved to draw up a protest in view of the possible bombardment of the Monuments, Libraries, and Museums of Paris; and that the protest will be addressed to every Academy in the world, inviting them to give their adhesion to it.

We venture to assure the members of the Institute of France that the National Monuments, Libraries, and Museums will be held as "sacred" by the German armies as they are held by themselves. An army consisting of the flower of the manhood and youth of Germany, recruited from all ranks of society, and therefore, as a matter of course, teeming with scholars, savants, and students-classes which are hardly represented in the French army-will go very, very, differently to work than the French very likely would have done had they been able to accomplish their march upon Berlin. There are thousands upon thousands of soldiers in the German army who are well aware what European culture owes to France, and to whom the accumulated treasures of French art and science will be hardly less dear than those of their own beloved country. We may, by way of parenthesis, state as a fact that there are now in the German armies six very accomplished Sanskrit scholars-Dr. Thibaut, Dr. Goldschmidt, Dr. Von Thielmann, Dr. Goeke, Dr. Pischel, and Rich. Kiepert. An appeal on the part of the members of the French Institute to men of this stamp-many of them Associates of German Academies, Institutes, and Universities-seems to us quite uncalled for. Such men know the responsibilities which they owe to the world of letters probably better than the French "savants," not one of whom had a word to say about the "sacredness" of kindred institutions in Germany, when the military promenade to Berlin was proposed with the loud acclamations of the "Gentlemen of the Pavement" of Paris, and the silent approval of its learned bodies.

As regards the literature of the war, it is truly refreshing to read the dignified and manly manifestos of such leaders of German Science and Literature as Max Müller, D. F. Strauss, Theodore Mommsen, Emil Du Bois-Reymond, Berthold Auerbach, and others, by the side of the wild and incoherent screechings of the Victor Hugos, Edmond Abouts, Ed. Girardins, etc.

Since writing the above, and in curious confirmation of our remarks, an account of the battle of Sedan, in Sanskrit, written to a friend at Berlin on the day after the battle, has appeared in the Spener 'sche Zeitung, of the 18th September. The following is the text of this curious letter, to which we append an English translation:


Sedan, 2 Sept., 1870.-Hyo mahayud abhavat. Çatravah sarve nirjitah, sarvâ teshâm senâ, mahârâjâ ca svayam, baddhâh. Tvashta no vajrâm svaryam tataksha; ahanma 'him svavilau çiçriyânam (Rigveda 1, 32).

"Aham sukuçalo 'smi; yuddhe na mahad bhayam gato 'ham, yad etasmin kshetre supârvate padâtaya eva yoddhum çaknuvanti, turanginas tu nâ 'rhanti. Mahatyâm sevâyâm bhavatah çishyah."

"Yesterday a great battle took place. The enemy was thoroughly beaten; their whole army and the great king (Maharaja, Emperor) himself made prisoners. Tvashtar (Vulcan) forged for us the flaming thunderbolt; we defeated the Ahi (Python), who hid himself in his cave (Rigveda, 1, 32). I am all right; was not, during the fight, in great danger, because in this very mountainous country the infantry, not the cavalry, have to bear the brunt of the battle."

It is certainly characteristic of the Prussian army and its component elements, that on the day after such a battle, a Hussar officer has succeeded in reporting on it in essentially correct Sanskrit, quoting at the same time the Rigveda. The gentleman who has performed this astonishing feat is the Doctor Juris von Thielmann, a Junior Judge in the Berlin Court of Appeal, who, whilst devoting himself to the duties of his office, finds still time to occupy himself seriously with the literature and language of ancient India. Already, in 1866, he had fought in Bohemia; and the war of 1870 found him again in the ranks of the army. Truly an army containing such material is a precious one! May a happy return be vouchsafed to the gallant writer! Om, svasti!

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ECONOMY IN DOING GOOD.-The multitude of societies, unions, leagues, associations, philanthropic, propagandist, and disseminative, which exist and increase yearly throughout Great Britain, would astonish any one who had not made himself familiar with their variety. Some plan is wanted to enable these different societies to work to greater effect, and at smaller cost. An active movement in this direction-the Society for Organising Charitable Relief and Repressing Mendicity-has arisen in London, under the presidency of Lord Lichfield, but its efforts relate only to societies formed for charitable purposes. Mr. R. Bailey Walker, of Queen's Park, Manchester, has lately been engaged upon an inquiry into the working of the large number of separate organisations for promoting religious, social, political, missionary. benevolent, educational, and other objects, showing that such separate system of working is financially, economically, and effectively unsatisfactory, failing to attain the greatest amount of success possible on behalf of their special objects." He is also developing "an elementary plan of agency on behalf of all societies, the adoption of which would gradually tend to securing greater success in the attainment of their aims, with increased efficiency, economy, and harmony." The programme is very extensive, perhaps too extensive for complete success. The subject is one of great importance, for we all know that much good money, and still more precious time, is frittered away by the isolated action of these societies,money and time that, if applied in more systematic manner, might yield great results.

BIBLIOGRAPHY AND THE OLD BOOK SHOPS OF EUROPE.Mr. Edward Howland has commenced in Lippincott's Magazine the publication of a series of papers, communicating the results of his several years' bibliographical rambles in the Old Book Shops of London, Paris, Leipzig, Amsterdam, Brussels, etc., etc. The papers of Mr. Howland, who is a great booklover and a gentleman of high culture, cannot fail to be interesting to our readers, and we therefore propose to reproduce them in the Record, commencing with the November Number.

AMERICAN PHILOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION.-This year's meeting of this Association, held in Rochester, New York, the last week in July, was not in all respects so successful as had been hoped and expected. The attendance of members was less than last year at Poughkeepsie, New York. For this the atrociously hot weather was undoubtedly in no small measure to blamejourneyings and crowds and warm discussions in prospect, when the thermometer is among the nineties, have a wonderfully domesticating influence. Papers, too, were not numerous, yet enough, with the accompanying business and discussions, to occupy three days, from Tuesday noon till Friday noon. What was especially gratifying about the whole affair is that the papers were of much higher average merit than those offered at Poughkeepsie, several being of a character to command the attention and respect not only of American scholars, but even of those abroad, and to constitute real contributions to philological science. They will, it is expected, soon be printed in a volume of the Association's "Proceedings." Professor Hadley, of Yale College, treated at length of the Greek accent, showing that its essential character was a variation of pitch, and that a tendency to a single favourite cadence of high tone, middle tone, short low tone-at the end of a word, would explain all the intricate and seemingly irregular rules of Greek accentuation; while the same tendency, with a slight modification, accounted equally for the rules of Latin accent. Professor Whitney supported his explanation by an essay setting forth the parallel laws of Sanskrit accent, as deduced from the rules of the Hindu grammarians. Professor Goodwin, of Harvard College, discussed a point or two of interest in Greek syntax (the construction of ov μn and drws un with the subjunctive), and proved to the satisfaction of the classicists present, that the canons hitherto accepted concerning them were ill founded, and that European scholars had unwarrantably tampered with the texts they edited, in conforming them to those canons. Mr. Trumbull, of Hartford, read a couple of Indian papers, of which one was especially important and entertaining, as it exposed certain errors into which even such men as Duponceau and Pickering had been led, and had led others, as to matters in Indian grammar and lexicography, besides showing up the numerable and inexcusable blunders of pretenders like Schoolcraft. Mr. Van Name, Librarian at Yale College, had been prompted by Thomas's grammar of the Creole-French of Trinidad to investigate that of Louisiana and Hayti, and sent to the meeting a valuable paper of the results he had gathered. A point in the history of English verbal forms

(the ending th or s in the plural, a relic of the Anglo-Saxon ath) was well set forth and abundantly illustrated from writers of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, by Mr. T. R. Lounsbury. Professor Whitney defined the present position of the inquiries touching the origin of language, calling particular attention to the question whether the first words were pushed out by the internal impulse to expression, or drawn forth by the external inducement to communication, as the question whose answer would be most fruitful of result. Dr. B. W. Dwight blew up the whole traditional system of Latin grammar, and sketched out a new system, which should better represent the results of comparative grammar. The infinitely controverted subject of Greek and Latin pronunciation was very slightly advanced by the recommendation that the Greek diphthongs av, ov, and ev, be uttered respectively as ou (in sour), oo (in poor), and ew (in pew), and was recommitted for further treatment next year. Professors Kendrick, of Rochester, and Haldeman and March, of Pennsylvania, were conspicuous in the various discussions which arose, and which were generally both lively and to the point. No such association, meeting in an American city, ever had to complain of a cold welcome, or of lack of hospitality; and Rochester, which had prepared itself to entertain twice as large a body as actually assembled, proved no exception to the general rule. President Anderson, of the Rochester University, did the public honours of the occasion, and acceptably, save as, in his address of welcome, he was ill advised enough to attempt to lay down for the Association the limits of what it ought and ought not to undertake. The next meeting is appointed to be held at New Haven, Connecticut, during the last week in July, 1871.

THE BREITMANN BALLADS.-In the Standard of Sept. 20, there appears a poem entitled "Der Breitmann's Vaterland," which most readers not familiar with Mr. Charles G. Leland's style might, on a hasty reading, have supposed had been written by him. We are requested by Mr. Leland to state that the poem in question is not by him, and that the ridicule of the King of Prussia and of Germany, expressed in it, is in the highest degree repugnant to all his sympathies and feelings. Mr. Leland is, as all his friends are aware, an ardent friend of the German cause, and we cannot but regard such an unauthorized use of his nom de plume as utterly unfair, petty and scandalous. It is well known that Mr. Leland intends, ere long, to publish a number of new Breitmann Ballads, including some on the war. We ask the English public whether such treatment of a stranger, now a guest among us, is worthy of a journal professing to be the exponent of all that is respectable (and we presume, by construction, hospitable) in Great Britain.-Trübner & Co., Publishers of the "Breitmann Ballads," 60, Paternoster Row, London.

DR. BIRD'S PHYSIOLOGICAL ESSAYS.-Messrs. Trübner & Co. announce the publication, in a separate form, of the four following Essays, originally contributed by Dr. Robt. Bird, of the Bengal Army, to the "Indian Annals of Medicine," &c. :-Drink Craving; Differences in Men; Idiosyncrasy; On the Origin of Disease.

BIBLIOGRAPHY IN THE UNITED STATES.-Mr. James Kelly is now engaged upon volume 2 of "The American Catalogue of Books (original and reprints) published in the United States." The first volume of this work, comprising the issues between January, 1861, and December, 1865, was published in the year 1866, and forms a valuable continuation to Roorbach's catalogues. The new volume in preparation will contain books published between January 1st, 1866, and December 31st, 1870. Mr. Kelly's enterprise merits the patronage of the trade, librarians, and all bibliographers.

MR. HENRY CAREY BAIRD, of Philadelphia, publisher of Industrial Literature, is the grandson of the late Mr. Matthew Carey, who emigrated to America in 1784, to escape from political persecution. This gentleman commenced business in Philadelphia, in 1785, by publishing the " Pennsylvanian Herald," and afterwards the "Columbian Magazine," and the "American Museum." He then embarked in general printing, bookselling, and publishing, taking into partnership his son, H. C. Carey, and his son-in-law, Isaac Lea. The firm afterwards became M. Carey & Sons; Carey & Lea; Carey, Lea, & Carey; and Carey & Hart. In this firm Mr. H. C. Baird was a partner, and to its business he succeeded in 1849, since which time he has made his name celebrated as a publisher of technological and industrial books.


N.B. Publishers wishing the contents of their Magazines to appear in this list will please send a copy of each number as issued to the Editor, care of Trübner & Co.


A Repository of Music, Literature, and Art (Monthly). Philadelphia, 1870. Subscription, 6s. per annum, post free.

CONTENTS OF THE SEPTEMBER NUMBER. -Music. Romance: Homely Face.-Our Enterprise.-Criticism.-Music's Magic.-What Nots.-The Idler.-For the Young Folks: Bobby Nobbery.-Amusements.-Music, Art, and Literature.-Rossini.-Letter from London (The other Side.').-Witty and Wise.-Marry for Love: Song and Chorus: Words by E. R. Coates. Music by E. Mack.-Amateur Schottische. By E. Mack.-Miscellaneous Items.

American Antiquarian (The). A Quarterly

Journal devoted to the Interests of Collectors of Autographs, Paper Money. Portraits, etc. Published by CHAS. DE F. BURNS, Dealer in Autographs, Continental Currency, Engravings, and American Books, and Agent for Collectors. Vol. 1, No. 1. August, 1870. Subscription, 6s. per annum.

Atlantic Monthly (The). Devoted to Literature, Science, Art, and Politics. Boston, 1870. 1s. 6d. each number, or £1 per annum, post free.

CONTENTS OF THE SEPTEMBER NUMBER.-The English Note-Books of Nathaniel Hawthorne. By G. S. Hillard.-In the Old Churchyard at Fredericksburg. By F. W. Loring.-Joseph and his Friend. IX. By Bayard Taylor.- Charles Albert Fechter. By Kate Field.Threnody.- Little Ben. By Harriet Prescott Spofford.- Music a Means of Culture. By John S. Dwight.-Mountain Sonnets. By Lucy Larcom.-A Virginian in New England 35 years ago. II.-A Day's Pleasure. III. By W. D. Howells.-Half-Way. II. By George Barrow. A Handful of Translations. By H. W. Longfellow.- A Reminiscence of Benton. A Day with the Shovel-Makers. Reviews and Literary Notices.

Bankers' Magazine (The) and Statistical Register. (Monthly). Edited by I. SMITH HOMANS. New York, 1870. Subscription, £1 4s. per annum.

CONTENTS OF THE AUGUST NUMBER.-Cashiers' Bonds.-Monthly Statement of Public Debt of the United States.-Daily Price of Gold, 1865-1870.-The Funding Bill of July, 1870, in full.-Legal Opinion on the New Law of Public Holidays in New York.-Amendments of the National Currency or Bank Act, July, 1870.-The Law of Mortgage.-Banking and Commercial Law.-New Laws of New York; Public Debt of Towns.-Law of Bills of Exchange.-Pennsylvania State Loans.-Letter of Governor Hoffman.- Private Bankers.Money Market for July.-Deaths, 1870.

Harper's New Monthly Magazine. New York, 1870. Illustrated. Can be supplied to India, China, South America, and the Colonies, or any part of the Continent of Europe. Subscription, 18s. per annum (exclusive of postage).

CONTENTS OF THE SEPTEMBER NUMBER.-The Mediterranean of the Pacific.-A Sunset Memory.-South-Coast Saunterings in England. Saunter VI., Part II.-The Daisies.-Among the Peaches.-Frederick the Great. X. The Invasion of Bohemia and the Retreat.-Up and Down. A Day among the Quakers.-The Message.-Se-Quo, Yah.The Old Love Again. By Annie Thomas.-In Wall Street.-Was it H, or K-With a Flower.-Anne Furness.- Female Suffrage.-A Dream of a Dead Face.-Anteros.-A Modern Bill of Fare.-Footprints of Charles Dickens.-Editor's Easy Chair.-Editor's Record.Editor's Drawer.

Lippincott's Magazine. An Illustrated Monthly of Literature, Science, and Education. Philadelphia, 1870. Subscription, 18s. per annum.

CONTENTS OF THE SEPTEMBER NUMBER.-Admetus: A Poem. By Emma Lazarus.-The Story of the Sapphire. By Lucy H. Hooper.By Steam and Paddle to Manitoba. By John Lesperance.-About Dogs. By Donn Platt.-Mexican Reminiscences. I., A Pilgrimage. By Barton Hill.-The House of Pennypacker and Son. By J. W. Watson.-Waifs from Field, Camp, and Garrison. By James Franklin Fitts. On the Hypothesis of Evolution: Physical and Metaphysical. III. By Edward D. Cope.-A Glympse of Quebec. By John Eston Cooke. Errata. By George H. Calvert.-Our Monthly Gossip.Literature of the Day.

Lyceum (The). Containing a Complete List of Lecturers, Readers, and Musicians, for the Season of 187071. Agents: The Boston Lyceum Bureau. Boston, 1870. CONTENTS OF THE JULY NUMBER.-Hints to Lyceums.-List of Lecturers of the Boston Lyceum Bureau; Season of 1870-1871.Lyceum Circulars: J. Adams Smith.-Rev. Henry W. Warren.A. C. Hamlin.-Rev. Selah W. Brown.-John J. Pinkerton.-Mr. and Mrs. Maddison Obrey.-Harry Bryant.-W. F. Mallalieu.-Burt G. Wilder.-William R. Emerson-Eleanor D. Rockwood.-Professor Moses T. Brown.-Mrs. Maria A. Stetson.- Charles H. Brainard.Colonel T. W. Higginson.-Wirt Sikes.-Alfred Burnett.-Alice E. Dutton.-Dr. Dio Lewis.-Rev. John Dickinson.-Colonel Carroll D. Wright.-Major E. A. Duncan.-Rev. M. Maury.-Jesse H. Jones.

S. B. Bartholomew.- Major-General A. B. Underwood.-J. Q. A. Brackett.-Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Smith.-Joseph P. Cobb.-Rev. F. E. Kittredge.-Rev. J. O. Peck.-Charles Carleton Coffin.-Matthew Hale Smith.-Miss Olive Logan.-Rev. W. W. Belden.-Arthur Pember.-Pelham W. Ames.-Josh Billings.-Thomas W. Knox.-Mark Twain.-D. R. Lock.-Rev. Rowland H. Allen.-Rev. Dr. Stockbridge.-Rev. F. N. Peloubet.-H. C. Barnabee.-John G. Saxe.Hon. Williams Parsons.-Professor J. C. Zachos.-Marcellus Walker. Frank Hervey. - Mendelssohn Quintette Club: Twenty-second Season.


Medical Gazette (California). A Monthly Journal of Medical and Surgical Science. Editors: J. D. B. STILLMAN, M.D., and W. F. MACNUTT, M.D. San Francisco, 1870. Subscription, £1 10s. per annum.

CONTENTS OF THE AUGUST NUMBER.-Diabetes. By James Blake, M.D.-Autopsies made by J. Letterman, M.D., Coroner of San Fran cisco. Reported by Edwin Bentley, Assistant Surgeon, U.S.A.Icterus Neonatarum in Three Male Children, born in succession of the same Parentage. By S. M. Mouser, M.D.-Bibliographical Notices. Reports: California Pharmaceutical Society. - Medical College Convention.-Natural History of Rheumatic Fever.-Miscellany.

Medical Gazette (The). A Weekly Review of the Medical Sciences. Editors: ALFRED L. CARROLL, M.D., and JOHN C. PETERS, M.D. New York, 1870. Subscription, 20s. per annum.

CONTENTS OF THE AUGUST (27TH) NUMBER.-On Vaccination as a Preventive of Small-Pox, from its present Stand-point. By William C. Roberts, M.D.-Clinical Reports: Tænia. By Professor Austin Flint.-Tania. By Professor Alonzo Clark.-Selected. - Editorial: The Control of Prostitution (2nd Article).-Professional Items.Miscellany.

Medical Journal (New York). A Monthly


Record of Medicine and the Collateral Sciences. by EDWARD S. DUNSTER, M.D. New York, 1870. Subscription, £1 10s. per annum, or 3s. per number.

CONTENTS OF THE AUGUST NUMBER.-Physiological Action of Nitrous Oxide, as shown by Experiments on Man and Lower Animals. By R. Amory, M.D.-Sunstroke and its Theory. By Eli Van De Warker, M.D.-A Case of Strangulated Oblique Internal Hernia, reduced en masse; together with Strangulated Ventral Hernia; Operation, Recovery, and Remarks upon the Accident of Reduction en masse. By Erskine Mason, M.D.-On the Internal and External Use of Mineral Waters. By A. Kessler, M.D.-Microscopical Characters of the Blood in Relapsing Fevers. By H. C. Hand, M.D.Proceedings of Societies.- Bibliographical and Literary Notes.Miscellaneous and Scientific Notes.

Medical Record (The). A Semi-Monthly Journal of Medicine and Surgery. Editor: GEORGE F. SHRADY, A.M., M.D. New York, 1870. Subscription, £1 4s. per

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CONTENTS OF THE AUGUST (15TH) NUMBER.-Lectures on the Palsies and Kindred Disorders of the Nervous System. By Meredith Clymer, M.D. -Lecture V.-Is there any Therapeutic Value in the so-called "Localized Movements?" By Charles F. Taylor, M.D.Antero-Posterior Symmetry, with Special Reference to the Muscles of the Limbs. By Elliott Coues, M.D. Article IV.-Progress of Medical Science Controversial Pamphleteering. - Reports of Societies.Correspondence.--Obituary.--Medical Items and News.-New Publi


Merchants' Magazine (Hunt's) and Commercial REVIEW. (Monthly.) Edited by WILLIAM B. Dana. New York, 1870. Subscription, £1 10s. per annum.

CONTENTS OF THE AUGUST NUMBER.-On the Classification of the People by Occupations; and on other Subjects connected with Population Statistics of England. By T. A. Welton, Esq.-Chinese Labour.- Crop Prospects. - Disturbing the Currency. -- Railroad Earnings for June.-The Reserves of the Banks.-Total Resources and Liabilities of the National Banks.-National Banks of each State.Wages for Factory Labour.- Life Assurance.-The Campaign in Europe. Semi-annual Dividends in Boston.-The Funding and Currency Bills.- Railroad Items. Miscellaneous Items. --Public Debt.-Commercial Chronicle and Review.-Journal of Banking, Currency, and Finance.

Modern Thinker (The). An Organ for the Most Advanced Speculations in Philosophy, Science, Sociology, and Religion. Edited by D. GOODMAN. New York, 1870. 7s. 6d. each number.

CONTENTS OF No. 1.-Egotisms. By the Editor.-The Last Word about Jesus. By John Fiske.-King Wealth Coming. By D. Goodman. -The Positivist Problem. By Frederic Harrison.-What of the Future?-The Future of Marriage.-Steam as a Factor in Sociology. By D. G. Croly.-The Sexual Question.-Scientific Propagation. By John H. Noyes.-Religion and Science (A Review of Herbert

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