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stimulants; and to such the Pyrola may be useful. But of its efficacy in real cancer we require more evidence than is at present possessed, before we ascribe to it the power of controlling so formidable a malady.

Dr. Miller of Franklin informs me that he has used a decoction and cataplasm of this plant with apparent success in various chronic indurated swellings. It acts as a topical stimulant, and when long continued, not unfrequently vesicates. Tumours of long standing have in several instances disappeared under its use.


Pyrola umbellata, LIN. Sp. pl. GMELIN, Flora Sibirica. ROTH, Flora Germanica.-Bot. Mag. t. 778.-MICHAUX, Flora Americana, i. 251.-Pyrola fruticans, PARKINSON, Theatrum, 509.-J. BAUHIN, Hist. plant. iii. 536.—Chimaphila corymbosa, PURSH, i. 300.-NUTTALL, Genera, i. 274.


MITCHELL, Inaugural Dissertation.-SOMERVILLE, MedicoChirurgical Transactions, vol. v.—WOLF, Dissertatio Inauguralis.


Fig. 1. Pyrola umbellata.

Fig. 2. Pistil of Pyrola rotundifolia.
Fig. 3. Pistil of Pyrola secunda.

Fig. 4. Pistil of Pyrola uniflora.
Fig. 5. Pistil of Pyrola maculata.


Fig. 6. Pistil of Pyrola umbellata.

Fig. 7. Section of the same, shewing the length of the style.
Fig. 8. Five toothed calyx of P. umbellata.

Fig. 9. Five leaved calyx and incrassated pedicel of P. ma


Fig. 10. Anther magnified of P. secunda.

Fig. 11. Ditto of P. rotundifolia.

Fig. 12. Stamen magnified of P. umbellata.
Fig. 13. Ditto of P. maculata.

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