Abbildungen der Seite

feffion. On the 26th of October 1787, a gentleman was apprehended upon letters of caption, by a meffenger from Edinburgh, for a debt due to the purfuer, a mounting to 1326 1. Sterling of principal, with intereft thereof fince the 14th of January 1778.

Gen. Garth was appointed commander, determined in May laft by the court of in chief, and Cols Hulfe, Pennington, and Greenfield to command the battalions. The guards had got all their baggage, &c. in readiness, and every day ex pected orders to march for Portsmouth, when the meffenger arrived from Madrid with the accounts of the convention being figned [p. 563.], upon which a ftop was put to the warlike preparations.

Letters received by the Alice and Jane, Slater, from the Bay of Honduras, which arrived at Plymouth Oct. 26. mention, that a fhort time previous to her arrival at Honduras, the Serpent floop of war, of 16 guns, Captain Gregory, which failed from Plymouth, June 27. under fealed orders, had arrived there, and had landed all the field-pieces, fmall arms, powder, hot, &c. that were shipped on board her at Plymouth, which were then faid to be deftined for Jamaica.

The Niger frigate of 32 guns was commiffioned in November, and the command given to the Hon. George Berke ley, who is also surveyor general of the ordnance, he being appoined together with Col. Moncrieffand Lt-Col.D'Aubant of the engineers, commiffioners to infpect the fortifications in the Welt India ilands. The Niger failed with thefe gentlemen on Dec. 6.

The Charlemont packet failed from Liverpool, Dec. 15. and had reached the Bay of Dublin, when the was driven back by a violent gale of wind. On Fri day, the weather became favourable, and the Captain again proceeded to fea, having during this interval increased his paffengers to the number of about 120. He again had nearly made the port of Dublin, when a second time he was for ced to put back. By this time the un⚫ eafinefs of the people became general, and the cabin paffengers were very importunate with the Mafter to land them at Holyhead, although he declared himself imperfectly acquainted with the coaft, and exhorted them to relinquish their intentions. His mate, however, confident of his own intimate knowledge, fucceeded in carrying the favourite point of the paffengers, and they accordingly fteered thither, the confequences were fatal: the mate, deceived by fome lights, mistook his courfe; the veffel ftruck on one of the rocks which fkirt the Welch coaft, foon after went to pieces, and fixteen perfons only escaped.


A cause of great importance, especially to magiftrates of royal boroughs, was

The meffenger carried his prifoner to the burgh of Annan; and on the evening of the day on which he was apprehended, delivered him over to the provoll of the place, in order that he might be incarcerated in the tolbooth, at the fame time, taking a receipt from the provoft for the body of the prisoner.

From motives of humanity and friend ship the prifoner was allowed to remain in the inn; the provoft and fome other gentlemen continuing with him till bedtime, when they left him to his repose. And the prifon being alledged in a fituation unfit for his reception, he was not removed thither till the following atter


The practice of Annan had, for many years, been, to allow prifoners for debt the privilege of certain apartments called open jail. This privilege was, upon the ufual conditions, granted this prifoner, who, if he had chofen, might have easily made his escape.

He afterwards brought a cessio bonorum againft his creditors, which was opposed by the purfuer. After fome litigation between the parties, the prefent action was raised against the magistrates of Annan for recovery of the above-mentioned fum of L. 1326, with expences, from them, in confequence of their not having committed the debtor to prifon in due time af. ter he was delivered to them, and baking kept him in such easy cuftody.

The caufe has been agitated before the court of feffion fince February 1787. Se veral interlocutors were pronounced by Lord Efkgrove as Ordinary, in favour of the defenders. But the cause was now finally decided in favour of the purfuer, and the magiftrates of Annan found liable for the principal fum, intereft, and expences.

Tuesday, Oct. 19. 261 rank and file, and 21 non-commiffioned officers, drafted from the 35th regiment, arrived in Edinburgh to complete the 55th. They left Hamilton that morning, and ar rived there in the evening, which is a march of 38 miles. Next afternoon they fet off for Newcastle, along with the light infantry company of the 55th regis ment, where they are to be embarked.

[blocks in formation]

The LONDON General Bill of Chriftenings and Burials, from December 15. 1789, to De-
cember 14. 1790; with the diseases and cafualties, &c.

Females 884618038

Christened {Malal 971418980
| Buried Males



Decreased in the bu
rials this year 2711.


No. Age. No.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]


30 and 40


70 and 80

[blocks in formation]

5 and 10


40 and 50


80 and 90

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

90 and 100

[ocr errors][merged small]
[blocks in formation]

• There have been 38 executed, but only 14 of them were buried within the bills of mortality.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Nov. 18 27 45 29 22 51 15 13

Dec. 26 26 52 22 22 44 15 27 42 17 22 39


Total 286 335 621 267 278 545 163 183 346 251 241 492 2004 |100 & 105

[blocks in formation]



[blocks in formation]

2 Nervous fever 18 Stillborn 7፤
IObstruction in

2 the bowels

I Overgrowth

2 Pains
4 Palfy

Suddenly 19

I Swelling
1 Teething 169

I Vomiting

[ocr errors]

IO Water in the x



3 Rofe fever


I Head
163 Worms



Aberdeenshire freeholders,
queries put to refpecting
nominal and fictitious votes

Abyffinians cut fteaks from live
cattle 391
Africa, proceedings of the fo-
ciety for promoting difcove-
ries in 233
Agriculture, on the of Scot.
land, 396. See Books.
Air, fixed, in a well, a perfon
killed by 411
America: Gen. Washington's
fpeech at opening the feffions
96. Number of veffels which
arrived at New York in 1789,
147. A diftrict on the river
Potomack appointed for the
meeting of Congrefs 513. A
million of the public debt to
be paid 514
America, letters relative to
Dr Robertfon's history of 161
American Quaker, anecdote of

an 424

Anecdotes: Of the Marquis de
Pelleport, relative to the ta-
king of the Baftile 8. Of
Peter the Third of Caftile 25.
Of Buffon 233. Of Lord Dun-
dee 238. The pyeman and
grocer's dog 268. Of Mrs
Jordan 398. Of an American
Quaker 424
Animals. See Books.
Arabs eat lions 331
Archers, Royal British, shoot
for prizes given by the Prince
of Wales at Acton Park :
Gold medallion gained by
Lady Cunliff, and a filver
bugle horn by R. Hesketh 454
Arthur. See Books.
Affembly, General, meets 307.
Dr Walker moderator ib.
King's letter and bounty pre-
fented ib. Addrefs to the
King ib. Find Mr Burns's
call valid; and ordain the
prefbytery to expedite his fet-
tlement as minifter of Ren-
frew 308. Proceedings re-
lating to petition from the
prefbytery of Fordyce rela-
tive to an alledged fimoniacal
paction ib.

Mr Lawfon's
petition, craving permiffion
to preach as a probationer,
difmiffed ib. Find the pro-
ceedings of the prefbytery of
Aberbrothock in the fettle-
ment of Mr Gleg highly ir

the States of Namur ib. Car-
grefs fly in difguife for fafety
ib. Auftrians obtain a com-
plete victory, Bruffels fur-
renders, patriot party annihi-
lated, and the revolution com-
pleted ib. Convention of the
three allied powers and Em-
peror re-entablishing peace

Bank of England: Regula
tions by the directors rela-
tive to the transfers of stock

regular and incompetent, lb.
Confider petition of parifhi-
oners in Newlands, and pe-
tition of Dr Erskine and o-
thers, against a fentence of
the fynod of Lothian and
Tweeddale fuftaining Mr
Findlater's call from Linton
to Newlands, and enjoin the
prefbytery of Peebles to pro-
ceed speedily in his admiffion
ib. Refolutions refpecting
the teft act 352. Report of
the committee for the inclo-
fure, &c. of ministers glebes,
ordered to be tranfmitted to
prefbyteries for confideration
353- Report of the com-
mittee for the augmentation
of ftipends re-committed ib.
A room in the general regi-
fter-house given for receiving
the records of the church ib.
Report of Trustees on the wi-
dows fund ib. Petition from
the prefbytery of Zetland re-
fpecting a diftemper among
the fheep in that country, to
be laid before the Lord Ad-
vocate ib. Proceedings re-
fpecting J. Telfair fchoolmaf-
ter of Langholm 353, 4
Auftrian Netherlands: Jufti-
ficatory memorial of the Bra-
bantine patriots 39. Union Bible, King's printer profe-
between the states of Brabant cutes bookfellers for print-
and Flanders 40. Medal ing commentaries on the 255
struck in commemoration of Birth - day, anniversary of
the Revolution ib. Terms Thomfon's held at Ednam
of the fœderal union 90. Gen. 459

Bankrupts, lift of, 52. 104.
156. 208. 260. 312. 364. 416.
468. 520. 572. 624
Barbadoes, number of negroes
annually imported 73
Bark, medicinal properties of
a, lately procured from North
America 128
Barrington, the noted, trial
of 455. Found guilty ib.
Addresses the Judge ib."
Barrow, Dr, defcription of wit
by 501

Beauty, pinrefque, obferva-
tions on 236

Bell, the cathedral of Glafgow
refounded 411

Bennet. See Books.
Benyoufky, Count, memoirs of
318. 369. 445

Vander Merfch imprifoned Blair's fermons, vol. 3. 290
by congress 193. Declara- Bligh, Lieut. commander of
tion ib. Various proceedings the Bounty armed ship, tried
and skirmishes between the by a court-martial and ho
Austrian and patriotic armies nourably acquitted 563. Lift
303. Representation of the of the court 651
Belgic provinces to the Em- Bodies, dead, remarkable pre-
peror 451. Gen. Schoenfeld fervation of 105. How pre-
defeated by the Auftrians 506. ferved at Palermo 159. On
Representation of the three the different states of thofe
allied powers ib. Anfwer found in a cemetry at Paris
507. State-paper from the 425
three allied powers 555. Em- Books:
peror's manifefto rejected606.
Van Eupen and Vander Noot
take a folemn oath never to
acknowledge the Emperor ib.
Proposal of congrefs for no
minating the Emperor's third
fon hereditary fovereign, and
articles propofed by the ge-
neral, rejected 607. Auf-
trian general's declaration to

-Reid's effays on the active
powers of man 19. On man's
benevolent affections ib.
-Tranfactions of the London
fociety for the encourage-
ment of arts, &c. vol. 7.
Dimensions of a larch-tree at
Blair Drummond 21. Com-
parative trial of the root of
carcity with other plants ib,

IN DEX to the Effays, Books, History, &c. 1799.

Recipe for curing the fcab in
theep ib. Paper made from
withen 22. English wool-Bowles's verfes to Howard
fpun to a furprising fine- on his state of prisous and la-

nefs ib.
-De Bourgoanne's travels in
Spain: Anecdote of Peter the
Third of Caftile 25
-Confett's tour through Swe-
den, Lapland, Finland, and
Denmark 25
-Cox's travels in Switzer-
land: Courts of justice, re-
ligion, revenues, and popu-
lation of the Grifons 26
-Smellie's philofophy of na-
tural hiftory. Sketch of the
contents 74. On the infancy
of animals 74. Savages re-
markably attentive to their
children 76. Characters of
animals 117. And artifices
in catching their prey and e-
fcaping enemies 179
-Taylor's medical treatise on
St Bernard's well; with fe-
lect cafes: qualitics of the
water 80. Operation and ef-
ficacy 81. Where injurious
or beneficial 83
-Polwhele's English orator:
Influence of the vices of the
great on village fimplicity 85
Agnes de Courci, a tale.
By Mrs Bennet: Edwards's
funeral described 86
Vaillant's travels in Africa


zarettos 133


Paul and Mary. An Indian -Reflections on the French
ftory 130
the ecclefiaftical and civil con-
revolution, with a view of
ftitution of Scotland, its a-
Tranflated from the French:
griculture and
nue of the British empire:
affocia---Sir J. Sinclair on the reve-
View of the English revenue
tional refources 432. Reves
fince the Conqueft 431. Na-
nue of Scotland 433

Second report of the philan.
thropic fociety 187
tion for promoting difcove-
-Proceedings of the
ries in Africa 233. Hiftory
character of the female fox
of Mr Ledyard 234. His

-Jamiefon's forrows of fla-
very, a poem 121
-Ryan's hiftory of the effects
of religion on mankind: In-
fluence of the gofrel in abo-
lifhing favage and inhuman
practices 122

Arthur's expofition of the
Affembly's fhorter catechifm


-Skinner's ecclefiaftical hif-
tory of Scotland: Firft A-
merican Bishop confecrated
by the Scots Epifcopal clergy


-Gilpin's obfervations on pic--Letters from Ld Rodney,
turefque beauty: Scenes of relative to the capture of St
Loch Leven 236.
Mary's escape from the caftle Advice to the future lau-
Queen Eustatius 438
how effected 237.
dote of Ld Vife. Dandee 238-Pilkington's view of Derby
Anec- reat by P. Pindar 440
-An effay on fhooting: On fhire 486
the shot of fowling pieces 287
-Courtenay's reflections on
the French revolution; and
the conduct of the diffenters
-Blair's fermons, vol. 3. 290
in England 289
Philo-Theodofius; with a
new character of Mr Burke

-Underwood's treatife on the
difeafes of children: Means
fuccessfully used for reftoring
to life infants apparently ftill-
born 127
—London medical journal, vol.


for 1789. part 2. Ewer's
account of the medicinal pro-
perties of a bark lately pro
oured from N. America 128

-Williams's lectures on edu-
by which a boy almost an i-
cation: Successful experiment
diot was taught to read 295
De Non's travels in Sicily
and Malta: Account of an
—Amusement; a poetical ef-
enormous chefnut-tree 296
cenfured 299
fay; by H. J. Pye: Whift


the fource of the Nile 330.
-Bruce's travels to discover
Arabs eat lions 331.
Bruce fhipwrecked and plun-
dered 332. Abyffinians cut
Source of the Nile 434. De-
fteaks from a live cow 391.
fcription of Geeth 435. Of
Mr Bruce prefented with a
the Queens at Sinuar 477.
maffy gold chain 546. Hard-
fhips, &c. experienced in the
defert 547

lated from the Perfian, by J.
-Poems of Ferdofi. Tranf.
Champion 334
—Reports of the humane fo-
ciety 337
England :
-Devil upon two fticks in
Character of a

prudent husband 386
—Adventures of John ofGaunt,
Duke of Lancaster. By J.
White 388

[ocr errors]

-Report of Highland fociety
of Scotlaud, on Shetland wool
-lugenhoufz's experiments in
-Arthur, or the northern en-
natural philofophy 490
chantment. A poetical re-
mance, by R. Hole 495.
J. Bruce, the Abyffinian tra-
-A complimentary epistle to
veller, by P. Pindar 496
-An inquiry into the princi
duties encourage smuggling,
ples of taxation 540. High
while low duties will increase

—Letters on education. By
C. Macaulay Graham 541.
The negro equalled by few
in children 543
On the variety of difpofitions
the French 551
Europeans. Translated from
-Burke's reflections on the
Remarks on the behaviour of
revolution in France 589.
the populace to the King and
Queen when Dauphinefs 592
Queen 590.Description of the
Crown of Britain not elective
.640. Conformation of Bri-
Syftem of finance 644. Con-
ftate of France contrasted641.
tish conftitution and prefent
-Letters on agriculture, plan-
clufion ib
correfpondence-book of the.
ting, &c. Selected from the
Bath fociety 595
the midland counties; inclu-
-Marfhall's rural economy
ding the management of live
fuck, &c. vol. 5.: On the

the revenue 593


practice of letting out males Cagliari, Capt. Sutherland's re-
by the feafon 423. Gene- ception at 375
ral principles with regard to
the improvement of the breed
of live stock 598


Cairns of Memfie, account
of 53
Calonne. See Books.

113. Reform of reprefents
tion 170. Ifle of Man 17%
279. Capt. Williams 171.
173. Speaker's ́falary 172.
India budget 225. Tobarro

Calonne's confiderations on Campomanes, M. See Ro- excife-bill 227. 324. Budget


Canal between Forth and Clyde
completed 409
Caroline Montgomery, history
of 209. 270
Cat, hares brought up by one

Caverns in Derbyshire 486
Cenfures, private, Synod of
Lothian and Tweeddale on

Challenge, one imprisoned for
fending one 52
Chancellor, Ld, his opinion
in the cause Bruces v. Bruce
Character, obfervations on the
focial 537
Character of the K. of Swe-
den 110

Characteristic sketches of the
King of Naples 473
Cherokee chiefs arrive in Eng-
land 564

the prefent and future ftate of
France 639. Statement of
the deficiency in the finances,
and increase of the national
- debt 540
Books, new, catalogue of 23.
84. 122. 185. 238. 290. 336.
· 393.437. 492. 540. 597
Boroughs, magiftrates of, li-
able for debts of prifoners
committed to their charge if
not properly fecured 652
Bounty armed ship, mutiny on
board 145
Bourgoanne. See Books.
Bowie, A. mechanical inven-
tions by 256
Bowles. See Books
Bridewell, Sir J. Dalrymple's
fpeech on the propofed Edin-
burgh 147. 149
Britain Great: On its par-
Eftimate of its population 214.
State-papers relative to the
negotiation between andSpain
417-422. Refources of 432.
Table of its worth 482. Con-
vention with Spain 529
British navy: E. Howe's line 543
of battle 645. Ships put in Circuit-trials 202.-204. 460.
commiffion from May to Sep--463
tember 646. Since October
647. Flag officers ib. Ab.
ftract of 648. Lift of Adm.
Elliot's fleet 650
British wool fociety prefented
by Ld Sheffield with Spanish
fheep 565. Refolutions of ib
Brown, Mary, particulars of
her life 528
Bruce. See Books.
Brutus, letters from, To the
Rt Hon. C. J. F** 188 To
Lt-Gen. B. 217. To
R. B. S 218. To the
321. To E.


P. of W-
B 373. 576
Buffon, Count de, how he ac-
quired his habit of early ri-
fing 233
Burials at Edinburgh 52. 104.
156.208.260. 312.364.416.
468. 520.572.624
Burt, S. a convict, difcovers
a confpiracy 515. Remar-
kable circumftances of his
cafe ib.

230. Lottery-bill 282. King's
meffage refpecting Nootka
Sound 282. Committee of
supply 287. Mr Hafting
324.524.633. Subftitution of
other punishments in lieu of
burning women 324. An-
baffadors to Spain 324. A
merican claims
325 326.
Dr Willis's pension 326. Ou
Major Scott's letter ib. Ton-
tine bill 328. Speech 319.
Prorogation and diffolution
330. Election of a Speaker
522. Mr Addington chofen
ib. His address to the King
ib. King's Speech 523. On
the Addrefs 524.
581. Horne Tooke's petition
ib. Expence of armaments
582. 587. Spanish conven-
tion 585. New taxes 588.
On the impeachment of Mr
Haftings 633.-638
Confederation, French grand,



Chefnut tree, account of an e-
normous 296
Children, favages remarkably Confett. See Books.
attentive to them 76. On the Convicts, confpiracy on board
variety of their difpofitions the Scarborough difcovered

Clarence, D. of, entertains the
Admirals andCaptains at Port-
fmouth 612. Generous be-
haviour to his fhip's com-
pany ib.


Copper mine in Shetland 568
Corn, on its importation and
exportation 176
Corporation and test acts. Sa

Cotton wool imported in 1789.

Crimes, report of the fociety
for the prevention of 187
Cullen, Dr W.: Edinburgh
magiftrates vote him a piece
of plate 47. Addressed by
medical societies 48. Monu-
ment to be erected for ib.
See Deaths.

Clergy, fons of, focieties in- Coulter, W. of Glasgow, be-
ftituted in Edinburgh for their queaths 2001. for establishing
benefit 157. And at Glaf- a humane fociety there 516
gow 268
Courtenay. See Books.
Coins, ancient filver, found at Cox. See Books.
Birdstone 255
College of Edinburgh: Par-
ticulars relating to the old 163
Commons, curiofities in the
laft Houfe of 385. A lift of
441. Lift of contested elec-
tions 630
Commons, Houfe of: On the
addrefs, 10. 525. Corn, 11.
61. 329. Slave-trade II. Na-
vy-ettimates ib. Exchequer
bills 61. 581. On tin 61.
Weights and measures 61.
227, Army and ordnance ef-
timates 61. Mutiny-bill 65.
Corporation and teft acts 65.

Cumberland on the focial cha-
racter 537

Cumberland, Duke of, ceremo-
nial obferved at his funeral 631
Dalrymple, Sir J. his fpeech
on the Edinburgh Bridewell
147. 149
Dead apparently, on the reco

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