Assembling Flann O'BrienA&C Black, 2 de jan. de 2014 - 256 páginas Flann O'Brien - also known as Brian O'Nolan or Myles na gCopaleen - is now widely recognised as one of the foremost of Ireland's modern authors. Assembling Flann O'Brien explores the author's innovative and experimental work by reading him in relation to some of the 20th century's most important theorists, including Derrida, Agamben, Freud, Lacan and Žižek. Assembling Flann O'Brien offers a detailed study of O'Brien's five major novels – including At Swim-Two-Birds and The Third Policeman – as well as his plays, short stories, journalistic output and unpublished archival material. The book presents new theoretical perspectives on his works, exploring his compelling engagements with questions of the proper name, the archive, law, and desire, and the problems of identity, language, sexuality and censorship which acutely troubled Ireland's new state. Combining a wide range of contemporary theory with a sensitivity to the cultural and political context in which the author wrote, Maebh Long opens up entirely new aspects of Flann O'Brien's writings, and explores the ingenious and the problematic within his oeuvre. |
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Termos e frases comuns
afterlife Agamben Annie argues Augustine Béal Bocht becomes beginning bicycle black box Blanchot body BON to TOK Bónapárt Brian O'Nolan céilidhe contains Corca Dorcha created Cruiskeen Lawn articles cycles Dalkey Archive death drive Derrida desire disgust Divney Dublin English eternity event existence fact Fairy famine father Flann O'Brien fragmentary fragments Freud Furriskey Gaeltacht gender hell heterosexual Homo Sacer human Ibid identity infinite Ireland Irish speakers James Joyce Jams O'Donnell Joyce's knowledge Lacan Lamont language literary living London male Maoldún Mick Mick's mother mumble mumble murder Myles na gCopaleen Myles's narrative narrator narrator's never novel O'Nolan object Orlick parody Pooka position present proper name queer repeated repetition Seanduine Selby sexual Shanahan Sheridan Sigmund Freud simply SIUC Slavoj Žižek space story Swim-Two-Birds theory Third Policeman trans translated Trellis trial truth undead University Press wholly woman women words writing Žižek