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Meyer Brothers Druggist



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Dr. John Thomas McGill, president of the American Conference of Pharmaceutical Faculties, was represented on the cover of the MEYER BROTHERS DRUGGIST for December.


A Prosperous New Year.

Many Things Should be Done First in the New Year. At least, so you surmise as you think over the calls upon your time, your attention and your finances. We suggest that you place among the very first in the list the payment of your dues in the N. A. R. D.

Price List, Page 33. Bulletin for Buyers, Page 4. Want Advertisements, Page 1. Index to Advertisements, Page 2.



A Happy and Prosperous New Year is the wish of the MEYER BROTHERS DRUGGIST for the drug trade of America. It will be a happy year, if a prosperous one, and seldom are conditions such that it is as appropriate as at present to say that the year will be prosperous if the pharmacists are happy. The financial depression from which the country is now emerging was caused by conditions which were perhaps beyond human control, but the most dangerous feature of this depression is a spirit of unrest and particularly one of discontent and mistrust. The pharmacist, like the physician, is taught to keep a cool head and a steady hand during an emergency. This mental and physical condition 'engenders confidence and tranquility in others and has much to do with safely passing critical moments during a catastrophe or in times of trial of any kind. We believe that the most gratifying feature of the close of 1907 and the beginning of 1908 is the exhibition of confidence in the financial and industrial stability of this country, as evidenced by the citizens in accepting present conditions and making the most of them without mad rushes or other rash acts which excite the country and bring about a general panic. The date on which we are writing marks the close of the period covered by banks and trust companies which requires depositors to give sixty days' notice before drawing out savings accounts. The experience of our financial institutions shows that depositors are not only willing but anxious to let their accounts remain in the banks and trust companies, while many are opening new accounts or increasing those already established. Pharmacists are looked upon as public advisers and we believe that they have had much to do in their own communities and neighborhoods in reassuring their customers and bringing about the present satisfactory conditions.

The reports from industrial centers, like Pittsburg, announcing the reopening of mills and factories is an encouraging condition brought about much earlier than many students of financial and industrial economy anticipated. The obliteration of the premium on money in the New York City market is another welcome omen of better times. As we stated in a recent issue of the MEYER BROTHERS DRUGGIST, the country at large is in a prosperous condition and there is no reason why the year 1908 should not be one of happiness and prosperity for the public in general and our readers in particular.

Make the Pure Food and Drugs Laws Uniform.— In the MEYER Brothers DRUGGIST for January, 1907, we took occasion to question the propriety of the various states rushing ahead with state legislation along pure food and drugs lines. We counseled the committee on legislation of the various state pharmaceutical associations to go slow and where the fever of the

moment seemed sufficiently high to sweep everything before it, we advised following the national act as closely as possible in order to make the laws throughout the land as nearly uniform as could be secured. The national law was then new and, in fact, cannot now be considered old. It is by no means perfect but as the atmosphere clarifies the objections and criticisms and exceptions are less numerous than anticipated. For various reasons, the national law is likely to escape material amendments during the present session of the legislature. Thus, it will remain as it stands for at least another year. As the pharmaceutical world is beginning to realize, many of the state legislatures were ready to attempt to improve upon the national law without waiting for practical experience born of actual demonstration of the law in force. Of course, these improvements were merely theoretical and now we have almost as many pure food and drugs laws as we have state enactments on that subject. As a result, manufacturers, wholesalers and others who

do an interstate business find themselves subjected to the provisions of the federal law and to numerous state laws with varying requirements. The condition is not only unpleasant, perplexing and expensive, but has a decided tendency to prevent the full enforcement of state laws, as intended by the law makers. While the national government is not likely to tamper with the law at present, we suggest that those state legislatures now in session make an effort to remodel their laws in

accord with the federal enactment. The pharmacist who will stop for a moment to think of the endless trouble caused by the wide range of requirements in state pharmacy laws cannot help but realize how confusion is confused by a multitude of state pure food and drugs laws, each with special requirements of its


Did You Fail at a Recent Board of Pharmacy Examination? If so, do you expect to try again? One more question and we are ready for the point of our item. Did you try the examination just to see what it is like? We have been present at many board examinations and experience has taught us that a large proportion of those applying for registration trust to their lucky star or what is commonly known as "bull headed luck" to get them through the ordeal. The young men and women who are ambitious to register by examination should gain all the information they can by correspondence with the secretary of the board and a study of the sample sets of questions published in the pharmaceutical press. They should then carefully prepare to the best of their ability for the examination and put off from one examination date to another coming before the board until they are convinced that they are at least fairly well prepared for the test. If the record made on the examination proves unsatisfactory, the candidate failing to register should at once carefully study the situation and give particular attention to the features of the examination which proved difficult. In this way, the candidate will be certain to pass on second trial. There is really no ex

cuse for a candidate failing a second time, although boards of pharmacy record as high as ten or a dozen unsuccessful examinations successively taken by a single candidate. It is not many years ago that a candidate wrote at the bottom of his examination paper, "This is my sixth examination. Where does the board meet next time?" We are in full sympathy with those boards that refuse a candidate permission to come up for re-examination a third time, without a long period having elapsed since the second failure to register. Of course, time alone will not qualify a candidate and a thousand years would not help out some who apply for registration. But a thinking embryonic pharmacist will make use of the time and properly prepare for registration.

The Value of Practical Experience in the drug business was questioned to such an extent at one time that some teachers claimed that they could turn out graduates who had never spent a day in the drug store but who would be fully competent to assume the responsibilities of looking after the pharmaceutical end of a business, if not prepared to take complete control of the store. This position be-littled the value of drug store experience while it magnified the importance of college training. Just at present a reaction has set in and drug store experience is looked upon by the boards of pharmacy as the first consideration, if not the all important one when qualifying for admission to an examination for registration. Pharmacy, however, is not the only calling in which practical experience commands a high valuation. own government is placing its stamp of approval upon practical experience when it sends the great fleet of fighting vessels from the Atlanic Ocean to the Pacific coast. The real significance of this cruise is to obtain for both officers and men common every day practical experience so that our coast protectors will be as serviceable on one side of the country as on the other. The need of practical experience for the navy is the secret of the manœuvre, in spite of the fact that the yellow press, the world over, endeavors to associate the cruise with the relations existing between the United State and Japan.


United States Pharmacopoeia is of surmounting excellence according to the testimony of authorities in the leading nations of the world. It is but natural that those who use the authority every day have occasion to find many minor criticisms, but they should bear in mind that pharmacists in other countries have pharmacopoeias with shortcomings. As an example, the Danish Parmacopoeia for 1907 has gone to the extreme in brevity. The chemical feature has particu- | larly suffered, for the tests are cut down in number and detail. Strange to say, the new Pharmacopoeia Danica goes to the other extreme in pharmacognosy and introduces in great detail directions for the microscopical examination of powdered drugs. This is a feature which was carefully considered by the Committee of Revision of the United States Pharmacopoeia which decided that such tests are as yet out of place in the

pharmacopoeia of this country.

The English pharmaceutical press in reviewing the new Danish Pharmacopoeia holds up the United States Pharmacopoeia as the model. In less than three years, the United States Pharmacopoeial Convention will again convene and delegates should bear in mind that when they formulate instructions for the Committee on Revision, they are mapping out work which is to be regarded as of international importance in the pharmaceutical world.

The North Dakota Pure Paint Law has been declared constitutional by the Supreme Court. So it does not require a prophet to reveal the nature of Paint Legislation which will follow in the various States of the Union. It is likely that the paint manufacturers will now unite in the support of a Federal Pure Paint Law. The enactment of such a law will have a tendency to direct the nature and scope of the State Regulation, which is certain to come. Of course, the object of pure paint regulations is like that of Pure Food and Drugs Laws. It means honest labels. We hope the different States will wait for a Federal Law, and then pattern as closely as possible after the National Regulation. The difficulties following the heterogeneous Pure Food and Drugs State Legislation should serve as a lesson for those interested in Paint Laws.

Full Weights and Measures for Paint.-The Eastern Paint Manufacturers' Association, covering New York, New Jersey and New England has anticipated a National Paint Law, and decided to put up their goods in packages containing full net weight and measure of contents. The action of this organization will, no doubt, be followed the country over for a a National Paint Law is almost assured, and if it comes will certainly bring with it provisions for eight pints of paint to the gallon and sixteen ounces to the pound. Of course, prices will be advanced in accord with the additional weight and measure. The old containers were not dishonest, for the purchasers received their money's worth, but they failed to come up to the standard by which they were commonly termed.

Unsold Holiday Goods may become a dead loss if left around to be shop worn or carelessly packed away so that they will not keep over for another season. Certain kinds of holiday goods may be sold at a discount and something realized upon them. Others should be well packed and carefully stored away to await the next holiday season. We will be pleased to hear from the readers of MEYER BROTHERS DRUGGIST who have devised successful methods of selling holiday goods which are left over after the season has closed.

Telephones Are a Necessity in the Retail Drug Store and, not infrequently are they exceedingly expensive necessities. The Chicago R. D. A. has succeeded in securing very favorable terms from the telephone companies. This is one result of organization and we urge the retail druggists of this country to promptly meet their obligations for dues in the associations to which they belong.


Bind the MEYER BROTHERS DRUGGIST for 1907. A Prosperous 1908 for the readers of the MEYER BROTHERS DRUGGIST is our wish.

Women Interested in Pharmacy.-Eleven Brooklyn women canvassed the city for funds to be used in U. S. P. propaganda.

Sunday Closing is making headway at Ft. Worth, Tex., and, no doubt, other sections of the Lone Star State will follow the good example.

to change the date of the 1908 meeting of this organization. After due consideration the council finally decided to let the date remain as agreed upon by the association which is to meet at Pertle Springs, Warrensburg, Tuesday, June 9. The board of pharmacy will hold a meeting at the same place on Monday, June 8.

A Poison Book for British Columbia.-The editor of the British Columbia Pharmaceutical Record requests suggestions for a Poison Book, suitable for the use of pharmacists in that country. The problem of the United States is to find inducements for the pharmacists to use a Poison Book when a suitable one is

It Is 1908 and we suggest that you practice writing prepared for them. The Poison Register Provision of

the date for a few minutes in order to make sure that the letters you write this month are not dated a year behind time.

It Seems to be Necessary to again warn the retail drug trade against signing contracts without reading them or buying goods from representatives of concerns unknown to the retail drug trade.

The Physicians and Pharmacists, of Wheeling, W. Va., and those in the vicinity of the Hudson River, New York, Pharmaceutical Association are working in harmony to the mutual interests of both professions.

The California Pharmaceutical Society has been re-organized as the California Pharmaceutical Association. The old charter called for annual meetings at the "principal place of business," which was San Francisco. The new organization, like other state associations, is permitted to meet wherever the will of the majority decides.

Fraternal Baltimore Physicians and Pharmacists. -It is real pleasing to note the cordial relations existing between the medical and pharmaceutical professions in Baltimore. The joint meetings are certainly productive of much good, and have a tendency to overcome the influence of those doctors and druggists who go around with chips on their shoulders.

Boric Acid as a Preservative for Foods.-The Pacific Coast Borax Co., firmly takes the stand that boric soda has a legitimate place as a preservative. The question is one which is often decided but seems to as frequently re-occur. Meantime, most people will prefer a little boric acid with preserved foods rather than spoiled goods without the preservative.

Damage Suits Against Pharmacists.-These are likely to occur at any time and pharmaceutical organizations should arrange for insurance in such cases the same as physicians enjoy in case of malpractice suits. We are reminded of this by a suit recently brought against a Baltimore pharmacist who claims that the pharmacist is responsible for the death of her husband. She asks for $10,000 damages.

Date of Mo.Ph.A. Meeting.-Some confusion seems to exist on account of a proposition which was made

State Pharmacy Laws is frequently observed in the breach rather than the enforcement.

The Board of Food and Drug Inspection for the enforcement of the National Pure Food and Drugs Law clature in the official announcements. We notice that should study the Pharmacopoeia and follow its nomen

F. I. D. 80 refers to bicarbonate of soda instead of sodium bicarbonate. Perhaps this is excusable, as the decision is intended for grocers rather than pharmacists. Still, it would do no harm to use the pharmacopoeial names as long as it is the standard prescribed by the law.

A Large Quantity of Radium.-Cable dispatches announced that the Imperial University Laboratory at Vienna has succeeded in separating three grams, or about forty-six grains, of Radium from ten tons of Uranium Pitch Blende. This large amount of the expensive element will be used in studying the physical and chemical properties of what is as yet a little known substance. Thus far, Radium is of great scientific interest but of little practical use. It is used to a limited extent in the treatment of certain forms of ulcers.

Lemons Are a Medicine in Missouri.-The Missouri dealer who was arrested for selling lemons on Sunday and convicted of violating the Sunday law, appealed his case and won out on the ground that lemons are medicine. The court had to decide the degree to which a substance must be used as a medicine in order to be classed in that important list of articles. Practically the entire organic and inorganic world of creation has or is now contributing to materia medica. There are few substances that cannot be considered medicinal.

A Greater New York City Pharmaceutical Association will be the result of the proposed amalgamation of local associations if the plans formulated by prominent members do not miscarry. Of course, there is opposition from some of those active in associations which should be coalesced with other organizations. We feel, however, that it is by far best to have a central head for the pharmaceutical interests of a city like Greater New York. In St. Louis, the pharmacists began with a city organization and have gradually developed local associations in the south, west and the

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northern sections of the city. Such a process of evolution and growth brings about a perfect understanding between the smaller associations and the city organization of which they are really a part.

Paul O. Martin, of Effingham, Ill., is one of those nominated by the executive committee of the Ill. Ph. A., as a candidate for the state board of pharmacy. He is a thorough pharmacist, a good business young man and a drug clerk. There is a growing sentiment throughout the country to recognize drug clerks on boards of pharmacy, and Mr. Martin is one who will, if appointed, ably represent the entire profession as well as the clerks.


Course in Food and Drug Analysis.-In order to meet the demand for chemists, arising from the passage of the National Food and Drugs Act, June 30, 1906, the Massachusetts College of Pharmacy, Boston, Mass., offers, beginning with the session of 1907-'08, a special course in "Food and Drug Analysis." This course requires the full time of the student for one college year, and the lectures and laboratory work pertain entirely to foods and drugs. A student entering upon this course must necessarily have considerable knowledge of qualitative and quantitative analysis, organic chemistry, and drugs. Therefore this course is open to pharmacy and technical graduates, and to others who can show credentials of having had the training outlined above. Persons that have not had this training can, by devoting a year to preparatory work at the Massachusetts College of Pharmacy, and taking selected courses with this object in view, fit themselves for the course in Food and Drug Analysis.

Illinois Practice Law Recently Amended.-The following addition to the medical practice act of Illinois was passed by the House, October 22, and was adopted by the Senate, November 1:

Sec. 2b.-The State Board of Health shall be empowered to establish a standard of preliminary education deemed requisite to admission to a medical college in "good standing," and to require satisfactory proof of the enforcement of this standard by medical colleges: Provided, that the board shall not recognize examinations of applicants for admission to medical colleges, that have been conducted by the faculty or officers of a medical college: And provided, further, that the diploma of an approved high school or equivalent school having a course of studies requiring an attendance through four school years, or a certificate of having passed a satisfactory examination before the state superintendent of public instruction, or like state officer, in the studies embraced in the curriculum of such approved high school shall be considered satisfactory evidence of preliminary education: And provided still further, that the Illinois State Superintendent of Public Instruction shall be empowered to exact a fee of five dollars from each applicant for such examination. The board shall also be empowered to determine the standing of literary or scientific colleges, high schools, seminaries, normal schools,

preparatory schools, and the like, and the board may, in its discretion, accept as the equivalent of one or more of the sessions or terms prescribed in its requirements governing medical colleges in "good standing" attendance in a literary or scientific college in "good standing" as evidenced by a degree from said institution, providing that the standards of said literary or scientific college are fully equal to those of the State University of Illinois.

The Pharmacist Should Keep a Prescription even if he does not own it, and possession is fully nine points in law under such circumstances. Recently a medical journal claimed that the prescription belongs to the physician. We are pleased to find the Journal of the A. M. A., taking a more rational view of the subject as shown by the following:

"Answer. The ownership of the physician's prescription is a question which has never been decided by the higher courts. In one case in Ohio it was decided that the files of prescriptions in a drug store belonged to the druggist, and that the prescriptions were not a part of the general stock of the drug store, and, therefore, could not be held under the mortgage covering the stock in the store. In Missouri, under a statutory provision, prescriptions are required to be preserved by druggists, and therefore are held, to an extent, to become public papers. (State vs. Davis, 108 Mo., 666.) The case of the R. C. Stuart Drug Co. vs. Hirsch, 50 Southwestern Reporter, 583, decided by the Court of Civil Appeals of Texas, March 22, 1899, expresses the opinion that a druggist has a property right in prescriptions. The court says that there was testimony in this case tending to show that there was a qualified right to the use of the prescription in the person depositing it; if asserted; but otherwise, and between the druggist and third persons, the druggist was entitled to it. The general trend of opinion, which seems to be the just one, is that the prescription is an order from the physician to the druggist, but the patient who pays for the prescription has an undoubted right of property in it until he surrenders it to the druggist to be filled. Thereafter the prescription belongs to the druggist to keep on file for his own protection of the public and the physician."


Can Write On Both Sides.--The postmaster general recently issued an order permitting postal cards to have writing on a part of the address side. This concession was granted some time ago in the matter of souvenir cards. The new order includes everything in the way of cards, and has been brought about by the souvenir craze. That the face side of postal cards may be divided by a vertical line placed approximately one-third of the distance from the left end of the card; the space to the left of the line to be used for a message, etc., the portion to the right to be used for the address only. A very thin sheet of paper may be attached if completely adhered to the card, and such paster may bear both writing and printing. Advertisements, illustrations, or writing may appear on the back of the cards and on the left third of the front.. -[Philatelic West.

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