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First Lessons in Bookkeeping, for graded and district schools. New Introductive Bookkeeping, for high schools and academies. New Complete Bookkeeping, for normal and business schools. These books are practically self-teaching, and hence are labor-saving. They are sound in principle and practical in subject-matter. If you teach the subject it will pay you to investigate the merits of this system of bookkeeping. Specimen pages and an illustrated catalogue of a complete list of commercial text-books sent free to any teacher or school officer. Other Good Books. Mental Arithmetic, Civil Government of the United States, Descriptive Economics, Seventy Lessons in Spelling, New Practical Grammar and Correspondence. 'WILLIAMS' & ROCERS, PUBLISHERS,

Eastern Office, Rochester, N. Y.

ALL THE YEAR ROUND, a Nature Reader; Part II, Winter, by Frances L. Strong; illustrated by Gertrude A. Stoker. Ginn & Co. 102 pages.

OSWEGO METHODS IN GEOGRAPHY, by Amos W. Farnham. C. W. Bardeen. 127 pages; price, 50 cents.

UNIFORM QUESTIONS IN DRAWING, given at the uniform examination of the state of New York series, June, 1892. C. W. Bardeen. 178 pages, paper cover.

MANUAL OF COMMON-SCHOOL LAW, by C. W. Bardeen. C. W. Bardeen, publisher. 290 pages; price, $1.00.

CONCRETE GEOMETRY, for beginners, by A.R. Hornbrook. American Book Co. 201 pages.

COMPOSITE GEOMETRICAL FIGURES, by Geo. A. Andrews, A.M. Ginn & Co. 57 pages.

MACBETH, edited by S. Thurber. "Academy Series of English Classics." Allyn & Bacon. 110 pages; price, 20 cents.

STUDIES IN READING AND LITERATURE, by W. H. Skinner. J. H. Miller, Lincoln, Neb. 75 pages, flexible cover.

CHILD OBSERVATIONS, edited by Ellen M. Haskell; introduction by E. H. Russell. D. C. Heath & Co. 267 pages; price, $1.50.



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THE FACTS Of Life, FRENCH SERIES, No. I. Home Life, The School, Traveling, Plants. Imported by C. Scribner's Sons. 114 pages; price, 80 cents.

MCKINLEY'S GRAND MARCH, composed by M. R. Rishell. The title page contains a correct picture of McKinley. Price, 40 cents per copy. All readers of THE JOURNAL will receive a copy at half price, by sending 20 cents in silver or postage stamps to the Union Musical Co., 265 Sixth Avenue, New York.

Webster's International

The One Great Standard Authority,



Pamphlet free.

So writes Hon. D. J. Brewer,
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The purpose of which has been not display nor the provision of material for boastful and showy
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Words are easily found *** Pronunciation is easily ascertained,

Meanings are easily learned * * * The growth of words easily traced, and because excellence of quality rather than superfluity of quantity characterizes its every department. *** GET THE BEST.

G. & C. Merriam Co., Publishers, Springfield, Mass., U.S.A.

Does this mean you? The Public-School Publishing Co. can sell you a good flag, a good organ, a good kodak, a good stereopticon, or good picture of Washington or Lincoln, on such terms as will save you money. Write and ask us, and satisfy yourself that this is so.

It is reported that the legislature of Massachusetts has passed a law forbidding any agent of the State Board of Education, to own a copy-right of any school-book. They must be kept virtuous, you know.

Pioneer History Stories of the Mississippi Valley by Dr. Chas. A. McMurry, is a very attractive little volume intended to introduce the children to the study of the history of the United States. They are adopted for the Pupils' Reading Circle of Illinois. Send 50 cents to the Public-School Publishing Co., Bloomington, Illinois.

She stood alone on the cliff. The wild winds tossed her hair and blew her dress tightly around her girlish figure. Below her boomed the surf. Slowly she raised her head. Her white lips moved. "And must I ever suffer thus?" With a low moan she stooped and picked up a scrap of paper the wind had blown to her feet, She read: For all pain and suffering use Pond's Extract. She was answered.

When you want books, chemical or physical apparatus, a magic lantern, a kodak, slate blackboards, or any aids to your work, even to


On account of the International Fair to be held at Toronto, Sept. 1-12, 1896, the Wabash railroad will sell excursion tickets from Chicago to Toronto at one fare ($12.40) for the round trip. Tickets will be on sale and good going August 31 to Sept 3, inclusive, and will be good for return passage until Sept. 14. Train service first-class. For maps, time tables, sleeping car reservations, etc., call at Wabash ticket office, 97 Adams street, Chicago, or write to F. A. Palmer, A. G. P. A., same address.

Dean C. H. Thurber, of the University of Chicago, read an interesting paper on "Horace Mann, the Educator-Statesman," before the Pedagogical Club, of the University of Chicago, on May 4. It appears in the University Record, of May 29.

In voting as to who the four greatest Americans were, the school children of one of our large cities agreed upon Washington, Lincoln Hamilton, and Webster. It would seem very desirable that all school children should know how these heroes looked in life. The most excellent portraits which have ever been published of them for school room decoration are made by A W. Elson & Co. in their series of the "Makers of Our Nation." The portraits of Washington Lincoln, and Hamilton are now ready. Send for Catalogue, giving full description and information as to prices to the Public-School Publishing Co., Bloomington, Ill.

a bicycle, it may be for your advantage to ad- FRANKLIN COLLEGE,

dress the Public-School Publishing Co. Usually we can get these articles on specially favorable terms, and we are willing to share our advantages with our subscribers.


is the offer of a reward for"any case of catarrh not cured" by certain "cures" or "blood medicines." Nothing is said regarding the number of bottles required, and therein lies the deception. The makers of Ely's Cream Balm have never resorted to such devices. Cream Balm is an elegant preparation, agreeable to use, and immediate in its beneficial results. It cures catarrh. You can rely upon the fact that it contains no mercury nor other injurious drug. 50 cts.

NEW ATHENS, O. 72d year. Board, tuition, furnished room and books, $2.80 to $3.00 a week; total cost, $140 a year. 8 courses; no saloons. Thoro, safe. Catalogue free with plan to earn funds. W. A. WILLIAMS, D. D, Prest.



By H. W. EVEREST, President of the Southern Illinois
State Normal University. It discusses vital questions.
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Carbondale, Ill.



-SPEAKERSFor Home and School. New Catalogues FREE. DE WITT, Rose St., N.Y. -DIALOGUES

We can sell you an excellent, large, Wall Map of your State for $3.00, postpaid.

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Maps of the Continents, or Physical Maps, at very low prices.

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The Public-School Publishing Co. is happy to announce to our friends that Dr. Charles


McMurry's Special Method in Science is ready Cream Balm

for distribution. Price, 50 cents. Send in your orders.

Supt. Edwin S. Monroe, who was promoted from the principalship of the Mt. Vernon, Ind., high school to the superintendency last September, has been re-elected for a term of two years and at an increased salary. Prof. E. G. Bauman was chosen as principal of the high school and Mrs. J. N. D. Butcher and Miss Effie Grimes as assistants.

The Public-School Publishing Company has published a new edition of DeGarmo's "Tales of Troy" in full cloth and good style. Price 40 cents per copy; liberal discount to classes. It is the best of supplementary reading for fifth, sixth, and seventh grades, for the reason that it makes the reader acquainted with the chief events of the Trojan War, as narrated by Homer and Vergil. Our literature is full of allusions to these narratives. Besides, the

Is quickly absorbed. Cleanses the Nasal Passages, Allays Pain and Inflammation. Heals the Sores, Protects the Membrane

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Gives relief at once and it will COLD IN HEAD


A particle is applied directly into the nostrils and is agreeable. Price 50 cents at Droggists or by mail.

ELY BROTHERS, 56 Warren Street, New York.



stories are intensely interesting. Order of COLLEGE....

Public-School Publishing Co.

Classic Stories for the Little Ones, by Mrs. McMurry, and Robinson Crusoe for Boys and Girls, by Mrs. McMurry and Mrs. Husted, are two of the most popular books for primary grades. They are prepared to be studied in the school, and the teachers' edition contains an appendix giving in detail the method of teaching them. Hundreds of teachers have expressed their approval of them. These

books are to be studied and mastered by pupils the same as the other reading lessons. They are not for entertainment, but for the education of the children, and are to be treated as seriously as any other text-book. That is a misconception which treats this literature study in primary grades as something used for diversion, and not something to be studied and dwelt upon until the educational value has been realized.

Send 35 cents for pupils' edition and 40 cents for teachers' edition of either one of these books. They are elegantly bound, printed on good paper, and illustrated. Address

Bloomington, Ill.


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and expenses paid monthly to collect and appoint agents. New patented DISH WASHER. No more scalded hands, chipped or broken dishes. Highest testimonials. No canvassing or traveling. Address, with stamp,


Are You Satisfied with Your Position?

The Public-School Bureau

Invites correspondence with Teachers, who are earnest, capable, progressive, willing to be investigated, and want employment, or wish to better their condition.


Will obtain full information, and blank form for registration.

No Teacher, whether employed or not, should overlook the advantages offered by being in line for advancement or employment. Be convinced by requesting information of


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We offer $100 reward for any case of catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last fifteen years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions, and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm.

WEST & TRUAX, Wholesale druggists, Toledo, O.; WALDING, KINNAN & MARVIN, Wholesale druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, actIng directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price, 75c per bottle. Sold by all druggists.

The Daily Advertiser, Montgomery, Alabama, speaks in very high terms of the closing exercises of the State Normal School for colored people. It commends especially the work of Pres. Patterson and Prof. Henry Talbot. The principal address was made by Rev. J. T. Brown, pastor of one of the colored churches. According to the brief outline given, it abounded in sensible advice to the educated negroes.

I Never Thought of That!


Railway Company lights its through trains with electricity.


Railway runs through the most attractive farming sections in Illinois, Wisconsin, Iowa, Missouri, Minnesota, and Dakota.

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Wounds, Bruises, Sunburn, Sprains.


Lameness, Strains, Soreness, Fatigue.

Always rub with it after EXERCISING, 80 AVOID LAMENESS and be in good condition for the next day's work.


-Weak, Watery, Worthless.


Sent by mail

for 50c.

POND'S EXTRACT CO., 76 Fifth Ave., New York.

A ticket-seller in a theater once owned a parrot that was quick at learning to repeat the phrases he heard. Thus, among other things, he was soon able to exclaim, "One at a time, gentlemen! one at a time, please!" for this sentence was constantly in the mouth of his master. The ticket man went to the country for a summer vacation and took the educated parrot along with him. One day the bird got out of his cage and disappeared. His owner searched all about for him, and finally toward evening found him despoiled of half his feathers sitting far out on the limb of a tree, while a dozen crows were pecking at him whenever they could get a chance. And all this time the poor parrot, with his back humped

up, was edging away and constantly exclaiming, "One at a time, gentlemen! one at a time, please!"-Harper's Round Table.

Once more we call the attention of teachers and school boards to Yaggy's Physiological Charts. They are very complete and beautiful, and when not in use can be closed up in a compact and safe form. For teaching the effects of alcohol they present some of the most striking illustrations we have ever seen, and they are not fancy sketches. The price of the charts is very moderate. See ad.

The Interior is published in Chicago and occupies a place in the west similar to that of the Outlook in the east, except that it is, perhaps, a little more ecclesiastic. The number for August 13 is devoted to matters educational and is excellent in both form and content. Hon. Benjamin Harrison's "Talk About the Little Ones" is immense. Men show their comprehensive grasp of the world best when they talk about matters outside of the range of their vocation and special field of study. Judged by this, or almost any other standard, exPresident Harrison must be classed among our great men. We hope to publish in our next number this contribution of his to our pedagogical literature.

If you have not "McMurry's Special Method In Reading," send 30 cents to the PublicSchool Publishing Co., and a copy will be mailed to you. It is a book of 137 pages, neatly bound in flexible cloth, and is good for both Inspiration and guidance to the teacher seeking more light on the dark subject of what to do to interest the children in reading.

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