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Si qui fuerit disseisitus,* vel elongatus per nos, sine legali judicio parium suorum, de terris, castellis, libertatibus, vel jure suo, statim ea ei restituemus; et si contentio super hoc orta fuerit, tunc inde fiat per judicium viginti quinque Baronum, de quibus fit mentio inferius in securitate pacis.


De omnibus autem illis de quibus aliquis disseisitus fuerit, vel elongatus,sine legali judicio parium suorum, per Henricum regem patrem nostrum, vel per Ricardum regem fratrem nostrum, que in manu nostra habemus, vel que alii tenent, que nos oporteat warantizare, respectum habebimus usque ad communem terminum Cruce-signatorum. Exceptis illis de quibus placitum motum fuit, vel inquisitio facta per preceptum nostrum, ante susceptionem crucis nostre; cum autem redierimus de peregrinatione nostra, vel si forte remanserimus a peregrinatione. nostra, statim inde plenam justiciam exhibebimus.


Eundem autem respectum habebimus, de forestis deafforestandis, quas Henricus pater noster, vel Ricardus, frater noster afforestaverunt; et de custodiis terrarum que sunt de alieno feodo, cujusmodi custodias hucusque habuimus, occasione feodi quod aliquis de nobis tenuit per servitium militare, et de Abbatiis que fundate fuerint in feodo alterius quam nostro, in quibus dominus feodi dixerit se jus habere; et cum redierimus, vel si remanserimus a peregrinatione nostra, super hiis conquerentibus plenam justiciam statim exhibebi



If any one hath been dispossessed, or deprived by us without the legal judgment of his Peers, of his lands, castles, liberties or right, we will forthwith restore them to him; and if any dispute arises upon this head, let the matter be decided by the five and twenty Barons hereafter mentioned, for the preservation of the peace.


As for all those things, of which any person has without the legal judgment of his Peers, been dispossessed or deprived, either by King Henry our Father, or our brother King Richard, and which we have in our hands,or are possessed by others, and we are bound to warrant and make good, we shall have a respite till the Term usually allowed the Croises; excepting those things about which there is a suit depending, or whereof an Inquest hath been made by our Order, before we undertook the Crusade. But when we return from our Pilgrimmage, or if we do not perform it, we will immediately cause full justice to be administered


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* In the original it is sometimes dissaisutus.

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Omnes fines qui injuste et contra legem terre facti sunt nobiscum, et omnia amerciamenta facta injuste et contra legem terre, omnino condonentur, vel fiat inde per judicium viginti quinque Baronum de quibus fit mentio inferius in securitate pacis, vel perjudicium majoris partis eorundem, una cum predicto Stephano Cantuariensi Archiepiscopo, si interesse poterit, et aliis quos secum ad hoc vocare voluerit; et si interesse non poterit, nihilominus procedat negotium sine eo. Ita quod si aliquis vel aliqui, de predictis viginti quinque Baronibus, fuerint in simili querela, amoveantur, quantum ad hoc judicium, et alii loco illorum per residuos de eisdem viginti quinque tantum ad hoc faciendum electi, et jurati substituantur.


No man shall be taken or imprisoned upon the appeal of a woman, for the death of any other man than her husband.


All unjust and illegal fines, and all Amerciaments, imposed unjustly and contrary to the law of the land, shall be entirely forgiven, or else left to the decision of the five and twenty Barons hereafter mentioned for the preservation of the peace, or of the major part of them, together with the foresaid Stephen Archbishop of Canterbury, if he can be present, and others whom he shall think fit to take along with him; And if he cannot be present, the business shall nevertheless go on without him; but so that, if one or more of the five and twenty Barons aforesaid be plaintiffs in the same cause, they shall be set aside as to what concerns this particular affair, and others be chosen in their room out of the said five and twenty, 'and sworn by the rest to decide that



Si nos disseisivimus, vel elongavimus Walenses de terris, vel libertatibus, vel rebus aliis, sine legali judicio parium suorum, eis statim, reddantur; et si contentio super hoc orta fuerit, tunc inde fiat in Marcia per judicium parium suorum; de tenementis Anglie, secundem legem Anglie; de tenementis Wallie, secundem legem Wallie; de tenementis Marchie, secundem legem Marchie; idem facient Wallensis nobis et nostris.


De omnibus autem illis de quibus aliquis Wallensium disseisitus


If we have disseised or dispossessed the Welsh, of any Lands, liberties, or other things, without the legal Judgment of their Peers, they shall be immediately restored to them. And if any dispute arises upon this head, the matter shall be determined in the Marches, by the Judgment of their Peers; For tenements in England, according to the law of England; for tenements in Wales, according to the law of Wales; for tenements in the Marches, according to the law of the Marches; The same shall the Welsh do to us and our subjects.


As for all those things, of which any Welshmen hath, without the

fuerit, vel elongatus sine legali judicio parium suorum, per Henricum regem patrem nostrum, vel Ricardum regem fratrem nostrum, que nos in manu nostra habemus, vel que alii tenent, que nos oporteat warantizare, respectum habebimus usque ad communem terminum cruce-signatorum; illis exceptis de quibus placitum motum fuit, vel inquisitio facta per preceptum nostrum ante susceptionem nostre crucis; cum autem redierimus, vel si forte remanserimus a peregrinatione nostra, statim eis inde plenam justiciam exhibebimus, secundem leges Wallensium, et partes predictas.

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legal judgment of his Peers been MAGNA CARTA disseised or deprived, by King Hen- KING JOHN. ry our Father, or our Brother King Richard, and which we either have in our hands, or others are possessed of, and we are obliged to warrant it; we shall have a respite till the time generally allowed the Croises; excepting those things about which a suit is pending, or whereof an Inquest has been made by our Order, before we undertook the Crusade. But when we return, or if we stay at home, and do not perform our pilgrimage, we will immediately do them full Justice according to the laws of the Welsh, and of the parts aforementioned.


We will without delay dismiss the son of Lewelin, and all the Welsh Hostages, and release them from the engagements they entered into with us for the preservation of the peace.


We shall treat with Alexander, King of Scotts, concerning the restoring of his Sisters, and Hostages, and Rights and Liberties, in the same form and manner as we shall do to the rest of our Barons of England; unless by the engagements which bis Father William, late King of Scotts, hath entered into with us, it ought to be otherwise; and this shall be left to the determination of his Peers in our Court.


All the aforesaid customs and liberties which we have granted, to be holden in our Kingdom, as much as it belongs to us towards our people; all our subjects, as well Clergy as Laity, shall observe as far as they are concerned, towards their dependants.





Cum autem pro Deo et ad emendationem regni nostri, et ad melius sopiendam discordiam inter nos et Barones nostros ortam, hec omnia predicta concessimus; volentes ea integra et firma stabilitate gaudere, facimus et concedimus eis securitatem subscriptam: videlicit quod barones eligant viginti quinque barones de regno, quo voluerint, qui debeant pro totis viribus suis, observare, tenere, et facere observare, pacem et libertates quas eis concessimus, et hac presenti carta nostra confirmavimus. Ita scilicet quod si nos, vel justiciarus noster, vel Ballivi nostri, vel aliquis de Ministris nostris, in aliquo erga aliquem, articulorum pacis aut securitatis transgressi fueremus, et delictum ostensum fuerit quatuor baronibus de predictis viginti quinque baronibus, illi quatuor barones accedant ad nos, vel ad justiciarium nostrum si fuerimus extra regnum, proponentes nobis excessum, petent ut excessum illium sine dilatione faciamus emendari; et si nos excessum non emendaverimus, vel si fuerimus extra regnum, justiciarius noster non emendaverit, infra tempus quadraginta dierum, computandum a tempore quo monstratum fuerit nobis vel justiciario nostro, si extra regnum fuerimus, predicti quatuor Barones referant causam illam ad residuos de viginti quinque Baronibus, et illi viginti quinque Barones, cum communa totius terre, distringent et gravabunt nos modis omnibus quibus poterunt; scilicet per captionem castrorum, terrarum, possessionum, et aliis modis quibus poterunt, donec fuerit emendatum secundum arbitrium eorum; salva persona nostra, et Regine nostre, et liberorum nostrorum; et cumfuerit emendatum intendent nobis sicut prius fecerunt.


And whereas for the honour of God, and the Amendment of our Kingdom, and for quieting the Discord that has arisen between us and our Barons, we have granted all the things aforesaid; willing to render them firm and lasting, we do give and grant our subjects the following security; namely, that the Barons may chose five and twenty Barons of the Kingdom, whom they shall think convenient, who shall take care with all their Might to hold and observe, and cause to be observed, the Peace and Liberties we have granted them, and by this our present Charter confirmed. So as that, if we, our Justiciary, our Bai-1 liffs, or any of our Officers, shall in any case fail in the performance of them towards any Person; or shall break through any of these Articles of Peace and Security, and the offence is notified to four Barons, chosen out of the five and twenty aforementioned, the said four Barons shall repair to us, or to our Justiciary if we are out of the Realm, and laying open the Grievance, shall petition to have it redressed without delay; and if it is not redressed by us, or, if we should chance to be out of the Realm, if it is not redressed by our Justiciary within Forty Days reckoning from the time it has been notified to us, or to our Justiciary if we should be out of the Realm; the four Barons aforesaid shall lay the cause before the rest of the five and twenty Barons; and the said five and twenty Barons, together with the Community of the whole Kingdom, shall distrein and distress us in all the ways possible; namely, by seising our Castles, Lands, Possessions, and in any other manner they can, till the greivance is redressed to their pleasure, saving harmless our own Persons, and the Persons of our Queen and Children; and when it is redressed they shall obey us as before.

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In omnibus autem, que istis viginti quinque baronibus committuntur exequenda, si forte ipsi viginti quinque presentes fuerint, et inter se super re aliqua discordaverint, vel aliqui ex eis summoniti, nolint vel. nequeant interesse, ratum habeatur et firmum quod major pars eorum qui presentes fuerint providerit, vel preceperit, ac si omnes viginti quinque in hoc consensissent, et predicti viginti quinque jurent quod omnia antedicta fideliter observabunt et pro toto posse suo facient obsevari.


And if any one of the five and twenty Barons dies, or goes out of the Kingdom, or is hindered any other way, from putting the things aforesaid in execution, the rest of the said five and twenty Barons may choose another in his room, at their discretion, who shall be sworn in like manner as the rest.


In all things that are committed to the charge of these five and twenty Barons, if, when they are all assembled together, they should happen to disagree about any matter; or some of them summoned will not, or cannot come, whatever is agreed upon, or enjoyned by the major part of those who are present, shall be reputed as firm and valid, as if all the five and twenty had given their consent; and the foresaid five and twenty shall swear that all the Premisses they shall faithfully observe, and cause with all their power to be observed.

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