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(The numbers refer to the numbered sections in the text.)

1. What are the source and origin of parliamentary law? 2. What two kinds of assemblies are there and how do they differ as to the right of membership?

3. State the proper method of organizing deliberative bodies. To whom is control of the same entrusted?

4. A asserts that he has been elected a member of the board of county commissioners, and demands admission to their sessions. What credentials must he produce in order to establish his right?

5. A deliberative assembly announces that it will be governed with regard to the order of its proceeding by Roberts' Rules of Order. May it modify these rules at all?

6. (a) What is meant by a quorum? (b) Suppose that the provision of law by which the deliberative body acquires its powers, requires that a majority of all its members be present before it may transact business. May it act in the absence of such majority?

7. Jones, a director in a corporation, upon arriving at the meeting place of the directors, learns that the presiding officer has violated the rules prescribing the regular order of business, and has disposed of a matter in which Jones was interested, out of its turn. Has Jones any just cause of complaint?

8. In the absence of by-laws or other specific regulations, how is the will of the assembly to be ascertained?

9. Assume that the presiding officer of a deliberative body desires to make an argument upon one side or the other of a question. What ought he to do?

10. In choosing a clerk or recording officer what qualifications should be considered?

11. State in a general way the duty of the recording officer with reference to keeping a record of the proceedings.

12. One member of a deliberative assembly is addressing the chair. Under what circumstances may another member interrupt him?

13. Suppose a member of a deliberative body is expelled. What remedy, if any, has he to gain reinstatement?

14. A makes a motion, B seconds said motion. Upon its being

inquired into, it is ascertained that B is not a duly qualified member of the body. Ought the chair to entertain A's motion?

15. To what extent, if at all, may the chairman of his own motion bring the consideration of new business before the assembly?

16. When a member desires to be heard in any matter how should he proceed and what ought the presiding officer to do in recognition of such proceedings?

17. Upon being recognized by the chair what should the member next do in order to bring the matter in which he is interested before the assembly?

18. Who may present petitions and in what way should they be called to the attention of those who are to pass upon them? 19. What is the necessity of, and the reason for, a second to a motion?

20. At what point in the proceedings may the propriety of a motion be questioned or its debate be entered upon?

21. How should the vote on a motion or resolution be taken and recorded?

22. How should the chairman proceed to bring the matter before the body for deliberation and determination?

23. Under what circumstances, if at all, is the presiding officer permitted to cast a ballot?

24. A motion is regularly before the house. What other motions, if any, may properly be entertained before proceeding to its consideration?

25. Name the usual subsidiary motions and state their several uses and purposes.

26. What is the effect of a motion properly made and carried to lay the principal motion or resolution on the table? 27. The principal motion is before the assembly; subsidiary mo

tions have been made; a member desires a ruling on the original motion. What should he do?

28. When may a motion to postpone indefinitely be interposed and is such a motion ever debatable?

29. What is the object of a motion to postpone a matter in question to a definite time?

30. The chairman desires to submit the matter to a committee; there is no standing committee for such purpose. May he appoint a special committee without definite authority from the assembly?

31. By what two proceedings may defects in a motion or resolution be corrected?

32. An amendment to the main proposition is offered; an amend

ment to this amendment is offered. Ought the chairman to consider the latter before the former has been disposed of? 33. Name, define and classify privileged motions. Under what circumstances are such motions available?

34. Under what circumstances is a motion to adjourn proper, and when, if at all, is it open to debate?

35. Suppose a motion to adjourn to a special time and place is made. Is such motion debatable, and if so, in what particular?

36. Under what circumstances is a motion to take a recess privileged and when is it open to debate?

37. Into what two general classes may questions of privilege be divided and what is the order of preference between them? 38. Who decides whether a question suggested by a member is privileged or not?

39. A member of an assembly is discussing on the floor some matter extrinsic to the regular order of business; motion is made to take up instead the regular order of business. Should such motion be entertained?

40. Classify incidental motions; state their use and purpose. 41. A question is stated; a member desires to object to its consideration on the ground that decision thereon is outside the purposes of the assembly. May he do so, and if so, in what manner?

42. When may a member raise the question of order? 43. A appeals from the ruling of the chair. Who ultimately decides the appeal, and to what extent, if at all, may the chairman participate in the discussion thereof?

44. Under what circumstances may a member demand the reading of papers bearing upon the question in issue?

45. A member makes a motion and later on desires to withdraw it. How should he proceed and what should the chairman do?

46. A matter is proposed for determination contrary to some established rule of procedure. If it is otherwise a proper matter for consideration, how may this objection be overcome?

47. What incidental motions give an assembly complete control of its business?

48. State which incidental motions take precedence over the


49. What is meant by a vote to reconsider, and what matters may be taken up for discussion by virtue of such motion? 50. Where it is necessary for two deliberative bodies to take action upon the same matter before the same can be fully determined, and a disagreement arises between them, what is the proper course of procedure?

51. A member having been recognized by the chair, under what circumstances may he properly be interrupted?

52. A committee is appointed; the chairman of the body appoints a chairman of such committee. Is the committee bound to abide by such appointment?

53. In what way should the committee report the result of its deliberations to the body? Is it necessary that its corclusion be unanimous?

54. When the committee reports, what action should next be taken ?

55. Under what circumstances is it proper for a deliberative body to resolve itself into a committee of the whole? State in a general way how such committee should proceed.

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