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work and paintings. These boats were each made out of a single trunk, and many of them were of great size. One was found to be ninety-six Columbus now bore off for Cuba, resolving feet long and eight broad. to sail severa. hundred leagues along the coast, and discover whether it were really the continent. A large group of islands, through which his ships now passed, he called the Queen's Garden. When coasting along Cuba, he frequently sent the boats ashore, with several men, who might inform themselves of the character and products of the country, and inWhile thus engaged, they saw a quire of the natives as to its extent. singular manner of taking fish among the natives of one of the islands of Queen's Garden. "Like as we with greyhounds do hunt hares in the plain fields," says Peter Martyr, "so do they as it were with a huntThis fish was of a form before unknown to ing fish take other fishes." the Spaniards, having on the back part of the head a very rough skin. The creature is tied by a cord to the side of the boat, and let down into the water. When the Indians see any great fish or tortoise, the cord is loosened, and the hunting fish fastens upon it, retaining its hold with so much force that the prey is drawn with it to the surface of the water, and there secured.

Columbus pursued his voyage till he had sailed along the coast of Cuba three hundred and thirty-five leagues. The natives could not tell him the extent of the country, though they knew that it exceeded twenty day's travelling. Comparing these circumstances with his previous notions, he arrived at the conclusion that "this country was the beginning of India, which he had intended to come to from Spain." He caused this decision to be published on board the three ships, and all the seamen and most skilful pilots fully concurred with him in the opinion. They all declared under oath that they had no doubt upon the subject. The Admiral also swore to his belief, and the clerk formally attested it, on board of the Nina, on the twelfth of June. At this very time, a shipboy from the mast-top could have seen the open sea beyond the islands to the south; and if Columbus had continued his course in that direction but a single day more, he would have arrived at the end of his imagined continent. But in this error he lived and died: supposing Cuba the extremity of the Asiatic continent.

The Admiral relinquished all further examination of the coast, and stood south-east to an island which he named Evangelista. He here became inclosed in a large bay, which he had supposed a channel openThe water in some places in this sea was as ing to the south-east. white as milk; and according to one writer, there were sometimes such a multitude of tortoises that they arrested the progress of the ships. At length they were once more coasting along the beautiful and luxuriant An shores of Cuba. Here Columbus sought for a pleasant and convenient harbor, where his weary crew might find refreshment and repose. incident occurred here, while the Admiral was hearing mass upon shore, An old man, of great dignity and gravithat is of considerable interest. ty, came towards them, and behaved very reverently all the time that When the mass was over, he presented the ceremony was going on,

with his own hands to Columbus a basket of fruit; and when he had been some time entertained there, he requested permission to speak a


few words through the interpreter. The amount of this speech is has given by Peter Martyr:

"I have been advertised, most mighty prince, that you have of late with great power subdued many lands and regions hitherto unknown to you, and have brought no little fear upon all the people and inhabitants of the same; the which your good fortune you shall bear with less insolence if you remember that the souls of men have two journeys, after they are departed from this body; the one, foul and dark, prepared for such as are injurious and cruel to mankind; the other, pleasant and delectable, ordained for them which in their time loved peace and quietness. If, therefore, you acknowledge yourself to be mortal, and consider that every man shall receive condign reward or punishment for such things as he hath done in this life, you will wrongfully hurt no man."

Columbus was much pleased and affected by the eloquent wisdom of the old man, as it was conveyed to him by the interpreter. He answered that the chief cause of his coming was to instruct the islanders in the true religion; and that he had special commands from nis sovereigns of Spain to subdue and punish the mischievous, and defend the innocent against violence from evil doers. The old man was delighted with the Admiral, and was desirous to accompany him upon the voyage, notwithstanding his extreme age. The entreaties of his wife and children alone prevented him. Columbus remained several days in the river, and on taking leave of his old adviser, he steered south for the open sea. Storms and adverse winds, however, detained him a few days about the island of Queen's Garden, and again visiting Jamaica, he was received with great kindness and confidence.

On the 24th of September, they had reached the eastern extremity of Hispaniola, and pursued their voyage towards the south-east. It was the design of Columbus, at the present time, to complete the discovery of the Caribbee Islands. But the fatigues which he had suffered during

the voyage had completely exhausted him. Besides his great mental exertions, he had shared in the bodily labors of the expedition, with more unwearied activity than the best of his seamen. He had shared all their privations and toils with them. His body and mind at length sunk under these continued and unintermitted labors. A deep lethargy fell upon him, and his crew were fearful that he would die. He could neither remember, nor see, nor hear; and was carried back in a state of insensibility to the harbor of Isabella. What was his surprise and joy, on recovering his faculties, to find here by his bedside, his brother Bartholomew, whom he had not before met with for thirteen years, and whom he had supposed to be dead. He had been appointed by the Spanish Government to the command of three ships, and had received orders to assist his brother in all his enterprises. He reached Isabella just after the Admiral had departed for the coast of Cuba, with supplies of provision that arrived at a fortunate moment, to allay the discontents of the Spaniards, and to alleviate the maladies under which they had been suffering. Meantime the Indians had become much incensed by the outrages of the soldiers, and several Caciques united for their destruction. This was the state of things when the Admiral reached Isabella, and it was not till the island was restored to obedience, that Columbus determined to return to Spain. His enemies at court were many, active and influential, envious and malignant; and by their influence such accusations against the Admiral were laid before his sovereigns, that they determined to send a person of trust and confidence to Hispaniola, to inquire into the alleged abuses. Columbus received this emissary with dignity, and acknowledged complete submission to the will of his monarch. On the 10th of March, 1496, he set sail from Isabella on his return to Spain, leaving his two brothers to administer the government during his absence.

When Columbus arrived at Cadiz, he found three caravels in the harbor ready to set sail for Hispaniola. By these vessels the Admiral dispatched letters to his brother, to inform him of his safe return, and to give him further instructions in respect to the government of the colony. He then immediately repaired to Burgos, at that time the ordinary resi dence of the court. The sovereigns were absent; but they both soon returned, not only to give him a favorable reception, but to load him with thanks and kindness. The accusations of his enemies were passed by in silence, either as entirely unfounded, or as of no weight, when compared with the great services and unquestionable fidelity of Columbus. The Admiral was encouraged by this unexpected reception. He requested the immediate equipment of six ships, three of which were to be freighted with provisions and necessary utensils and implements for the colony at Isabella, and the rest to remain under his own direction. This demand appeared very reasonable, but the sovereigns suggested that it was immediately important to found a solid establishment, on which succeeding colonies might be modelled. The propriety of this was obvious. It was arranged that the sovereigns, at their own charge, should transport a large number of sailors, soldiers, laborers, mechanics and artists to Hispaniola. To these, surgeons, physicians, and priests were added. The A imiral also obtained permission to carry a nunber

of musicians, to solace their labors, and amuse their leisure hours; law. yers and advocates were expressly excluded by edict, in order to prevent quarrelling in the new dominions. Nothing could have been more prudently devised than the greater part of these regulations. There was one proposal of Columbus, however, extremely pernicious to the interests of the rising colony. He suggested the transportation of convicted criminals, and of those confined in prison for debts which they could never hope to pay, as a commutation for the punishment to which they would otherwise be subject. This advice was given in consequence of the present difficulty of procuring men willing to embark in the expedition. The evils which had befallen their countrymen deterred those who could live in peace and prosperity in Spain from going to the Indies; but the proposition of Columbus was most unwise and unjust.

Much delay occurred in the preparation for the voyage, owing to the obstacles thrown in the way by the cold-blooded enemies of Columbus; but the expedition was enabled to set sail on the 30th of May, 1498. The Admiral pursued a more southerly course than he had before taken, and on the 31st of July, made an island which he called La Trinidad. He continued coasting to the south-west point of Trinidad, to which he gave the name of Point Arenal. Near this place the ships cast anchor. A large canoe here put off from the shore, in which there were about five-and-twenty Indians, who cried out to them in a language which no one in the ships could understand. Columbus endeavored to prevail upon them to come on board, but to no purpose. They remained gazing at the ships, with the paddles in their hand, ready for instant escape. Their complexion was fairer than that of any Indians they had before seen. They were almost naked, and, besides the usual bows and arrows, they carried bucklers-a piece of armor which they had never before seen among the natives of the New World.

Columbus, having tried every other means to attract them, and in


vain, determined to try the power of music. He ordered a sort of Indian dance to be executed on the deck of his ship, while the musicians on

board sung and played upon their different instruments. The natives mistook this for a signal of battle, and immediately discharged their ar rows, and on a return from a couple of cross-bows, commenced a rapid


Without knowing it, Columbus was now really in the neighborhood of the continent. While anchored at Point Arenal, the extremity of the island of Trinidad, he saw high land towards the north-west, about fifteen leagues distant, which he called Isla de Gracia. This was the province to which he afterwards gave the name of Paria, and which formed a part of the continent. They found in Trinidad the same kind of fruits that abounded in Hispaniola. There were also large quantities of oysters there, and a great number of parrots, with every variety of beautiful and brilliant plumage. In the strait formed between Trinidad and the main land, they were nearly swallowed up by the violence of the waters. Two very rapid currents, setting in from opposite quarters, lifted the ships violently to a great height, on a mountain of surges, but the waves gradually subsided, and they escaped without injury. To this pass Columbus gave the name of Boca de la Sierpe, or the Mouth of the Serpent. They soon found themselves, by the assistance of favorable breezes, in a tranquil gulf, sailing quietly beyond the reach of danger.

Columbus was astonished to find the water of this gulf fresh, and to observe its great smoothness and stillness. It was at a period of the year when the rain fell in large quantities, and the swollen rivers emptied themselves so copiously, as to overcome the natural saltness of the sea. He found many good harbors, as he proceeded towards the north, much cultivated land, and many rivers. Going ashore at different times, the seamen found grapes, apples, a kind of orange, and a great many monkeys.

On Monday, the 6th of August, a canoe, with five men in it, came off to the nearest caravel, and one of the Spaniards requested them to carry him ashore. Leaping into the boat, he overset it, and the Indians were taken and carried to the Admiral. Their complexion was like that of the natives they had seen in the neighborhood. The Admiral treated them kindly, and gave them hawks' bells, glass beads, and sugar. They were then sent on shore, and gave so favorable an account of their visit, that great numbers collected about the ships. These were received in a similar manner, and brought bread, and water, and a sort of green wine, to exchange for the trifles that the crews were willing to give them. They all carried bucklers, bows, and poisoned arrows. On the next day, a number of friendly Indians came on board, bringing bread, corn, and other provisions, together with pitchers of a white beverage, like wine, and a green liquor made from maize and various fruits. They set no value upon the beads, but were much pleased with the hawks' bells, and held brass in very high estimation. Columbus, on the following morning, took six Indians, to serve as guides, and continued his voyage. He next touched at a point which he called Aguja, or the Needle. country about was very populous and nighly cultivated, and so beautifu that Columbus gave it the name of the Gardens. Many of the inhabitants visited the ships, with wrought cotton cloths about their heads and


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