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A new Plan for Seizing the Prize.-Admiral Farragut passes Port Hudson.Description of the Terrific Scene.-The Rams Lancaster and Switzerland make a fruitless Attempt to run the Batteries.-The Army Advance.-The Exhausting Marches. Admiral Porter's Ships confront Vicksburg in a night-passage of the Works.-The Peril.-The Success and Exultation.

GENERAL GRANT now determined to move his forces below Vicksburg, on the Louisiana shore, and take the rebel works in the rear. March 20, 1863, the great movement began: the Thirteenth Corps taking the lead, followed by the Seventeenth and Fifteenth, while to the Sixteenth Corps was left the charge of the communications and supplies.

General Grant wanted Admiral Farragut to sail above Port Hudson, while Admiral Foote went below Vicksburg, uniting in the reduction of batteries there, to clear the way for Grant, whose troops were to advance down the west side of the river; and otherwise to aid the bold enterprise as he might have opportunity. Admiral Farragut at once led with his flag-ship, the Hartford, followed by the Richmond, the Mississippi, the Monongahela, with the gunboats Kineo, Albatross, and Genesee, and six mortarboats; the latter were to assist in the bombardment, but remain below the batteries.

The fleet moved toward Port Hudson near the middle of March. On the 14th, just after noon, the mortars opened their fire on the fortifications, second to none in strength but those at Vicksburg, on the Mississippi. A detachment of troops was also sent in the rear, to confuse the garrison, while the admiral got ready for his nightwork. Then occurred one of those grand and unusual exhibitions of naval warfare, of which the passage of



Forts Jackson and St. Philip was unrivaled in terrible sublimity. The evening was dark, but Confederate scouts had watched the Union fleet, and given notice of preparation for some movement to the garrison.

Immediately a tremendous bonfire was kindled on the heights, and poured its flood of lurid light down the cannon-bordered bluffs upon the waters just where the ships would pass the most formidable works. In the reflected flames, each vessel and its motions would be distinctly visible as in the light of day. It was a crisis to try not only the metal of ordnance, but that of the admiral's character. He had never quailed in the moment of peril, and now was calmer than ever. Right onwand toward the flashing surface, over which frowned the heaviest rebel cannon, his squadron advanced.

A description of what followed is finely given in a letter penned on board the Richmond-a most graphic, vivid picture of the naval action.

"We had left the mortar-boats well astern, when a sulphurous light was seen gleaming on the shore, on our port side. Flashing up for a moment, a dull explosion followed. It was evidently an imperfect rocket. Another was essayed; but, instead of ascending, it ran along the surface of the river close to the bank. A little further up a third was tried, and with complete success. It ascended high in the air, where it burst in the usual manner. Instantaneously it was answered by a field-piece from the opposite shore, aimed at the Hartford. The admiral was not slow in returning the compliment. Three or four guns fired from the flag-ship in rapid succession testified to the alacrity with which the wager of battle was accepted.

"The return of the rebel fire by the Hartford was promptly followed up by a hot fire from the artillery pieces of the rebels, and quite a brisk action ensued between them. The scene, as viewed from the Richmond, was both brilliant and spirited. The flashes of the guns, both on shore and afloat, were incessant, while the roar of cannon kept up a deafening and almost incessant sound. Great judgment was here necessary to prevent the Rich

mond from running into the Hartford, and, in fact, to keep the war-vessels generally from running into each other.

"And now was heard a thundering roar, equal in volume to a whole park of artillery. This was followed by a rushing sound, accompanied by a howling noise that beggars description. Again and again was the sound repeated, till the vast expanse of heaven rang with the awful minstrelsy. It was apparent that the mortar-boats had opened fire. Of this I was soon convinced on casting my eyes aloft. Never shall I forget the sight that then met my astonished vision. Shooting upward at an angle of forty-five degrees, with the rapidity of lightning, small globes of golden flame were seen sailing through the pure ether-not a steady, unfading flame, but corruscating like the fitful gleam of a fire-fly-now visible and anon invisible. Like a flying star of the sixth magnitude, the terrible missile-a thirteen-inch shell-near its zenith, up and still up-higher and higher. Its flight now becomes much slower, till, on reaching its utmost altitude, its centri fugal force becomes counteracted by the earth's attraction, it describes a parabolic curve, and down, down it comes, bursting, it may be, ere it reaches terra firma, but probably alighting in the rebel works ere it explodes, where it scatters death and destruction around. But while the mortar-boats were at work, the Essex was not idle. Unmanageable as she is, especially in so strong a current, she did not follow the rest of the fleet, but remained at the head of the 'bummers,' doing admirable service with her heavy guns.

"All this time the Richmond had to hang back, as Admiral Farragut seemed to be so enamored with the sport in which he was engaged as to be in no hurry to pass by. Once or twice, in consequence of the dense column of smoke that now rolled over the river, our bowsprit was almost over the taffrail of the Hartford, and there was an incessant call on the part of Second-Lieutenant Terry, who commanded the forward part of the ship, to stop the engines. And here I may as well say that this gallant young officer behaved in the most chivalrous man


239 ner throughout the entire engagement, cheering on the men, and encouraging them, by his example, to stand to their guns like men, though little of this they required to induce them to perform their whole duty.

"The Richmond had by this time got within range of the rebel field-batteries, which opened fire on her. I had all along thought that we would open fire from our bowguns, on the top-gallant forecastle, and that, after discharging a few broadsides from the starboard side, the action would be wound up by a parting compliment from our stern-chasers. To my surprise, however, we opened at once from our broadside guns. The effect was startling, as the sound was unexpected; but beyond this I really experienced no inconvenience from the concussion. There was nothing unpleasant to the ear, and the jar to the ship was really quite unappreciable. It may interest the uninitiated to be informed how a broadside is fired from a vessel of war. I was told on board the Richmond that all the guns were sometimes fired off simultaneously, though it is not a very usual course, as it strains the ship. Last night the broadsides were fired by commencing at the forward gun, and firing all the rest off in rapid succession, as fast almost as the ticking of a watch. The effect was grand and terrific; and, if the guns were rightly pointed -a difficult thing in the dark, by-the-way-they could not fail in carrying death and destruction among the


"Of course we did not have every thing our own way, for the enemy poured in his shot and shell as thick as hail. Over, ahead, astern, all around us flew the deathdealing missiles, the hissing, screaming, whistling, shrieking, and howling of which rivaled Pandemonium. It must not be supposed, however, because our broadsideguns were the tools we principally worked, that our bow and stern-chasers were idle. We soon opened with our bow eighty-pounder Dahlgren, which was followed up not long after by the guns astern, giving evidence to the fact that we had passed some of the batteries.

"While seated on the 'fish-davit,' on the top-gallant forecastle-the Hartford and the Richmond blazing away

at the time-a most fearful wail arose from the river; first on our port-bow, then on the beam. A man was evidently overboard, probably from the Hartford or the Genesee, then just ahead. The cry was:. 'Help, oh! help!' 'Help, oh! help!' 'Man overboard,' called out Lieutenant Terry; throw him a rope.' But, poor fellow, who could assist him in such a strait? We were in action; every man was at his gun; to lower a boat would be folly; in fact, it could not be done with any hope of success. Consequently, although the man was evidently a good swimmer, to judge by his unfailing cries for help for a long time, nothing could be done to rescue him, and he floated astern of us, still sending up that wailing cry for help, but without effect. The terrible current of the Mississippi was too much for him, and he, without doubt, sank beneath the waves of the mighty river.

"Just after this fearful incident firing was heard astern of us, and it was soon ascertained that the Monongahela, with her consort, the Kineo, and the Mississippi were in action. The Monongahela carries a couple of two hundred-pounder rifled Parrott guns, besides other ticklers. At first I credited the roar of her amiable two-hundred pounders to the 'bummers,' till I was undeceived, when I recalled my experience in front of Yorktown last spring, and the opening of fire from similar guns from Wormley's Creek. All I can say is, the noise was splendid. The action now became general. The roar of cannon was incessant, and the flashes from the guns, together with the flight of the shells from the mortar-boats, made up a combination of sound and sight impossible to describe. To add to the horrors of the night, while it contributed toward the enhancement of a certain terrible beauty, dense clouds of smoke began to envelope the river, shutting out from view the several vessels, and confounding them with the batteries. It was very difficult to know how to steer to prevent running ashore, perhaps right under a rebel battery, or into a consort. Upward and upward rolled the smoke, shutting out of view the beautiful stars, and obscuring the vision on every side. Then it was that the order was passed: 'Boys, don't fire till you see the flash

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