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the age of thirty, his face was full and comely, and his person altogether such as obtained for him the appellcation of the " handsome Englishman." But the shock which his health received in Persia made him much thinner; and though he recovered his health, so as to live in England twenty successive rial illness, he never recovered his plumpness.

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"His features were small, but without the insignificance which commonly attends small features. His countenance was interesting, sensible, and calculated to inspire reverence, His blue eyes. had never been brilliant; but they expressed the utmost humanity and benevolence; and when he spoke, the animation of his countenance, and the tone of his voice, were such, as seemed to carry conviction with them even to the mind of a stranger. When he endeavoured to sooth distress, or point out to any wretch who had strayed from the comforts of a virtuous life, he was peculiarly impressive; and every thing that he said had an air of considerat on an sincerity.

In his dress, as far as was consistent with his ideas of health and ease, he accommodated himself to the prevailing fashion. As it was frequently necessary for him to appear in polite circles on unexpected occasions, he usually wore dress cloaths, with a large French bag: his hat, ornamented with a gold button, was of a size in fashion to be worn as well under the arm as on the head. When it rained, a small parapluie defended his face and wig. Thus he was always prepared to enter into any company, without impropriety, or the appearance of negligence. His dress for set public occasions was a suit of rich dark brown, the coat and waistcoat lined throughout with ermine, which just appeared at the edges; and a small gold hilted sword. As he was extremely susceptible of cold, he wore flannels under the linings of all his cloaths, and usually three pair of stockings. He was the first man who ventured to walk the streets of London with an umbrella over his head: after carrying one near thirty years, he saw them come into general use.

"The precarious state of his health, when he arrived in England from Russia, made it necessary for him to use the utmost caution; and his perseverance in following the advice of the medical practitioners was remarkable. After Dr. Lieberkyn, phy

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sician to the king of Prussia, had recommended milk as a proper diet to restore his strength, he made it the chief part of his food for thirty years; and though it at first disagreed with him, he. persisted in trying it under every preparation that it was capable of, till it agreed with his stomach. He knew that exercise was necessary to him, and he loved it. He was not one of those who had rather take a dose than a walk; and though he had commonly his carriage with him when he went abroad, he yet walked nearly as much as he rode, and with such a pace, that he used to say he was always more incommoded in the streets by those he passed, than by them who overtook him. By this rigid attention and care his health was established, his lungs acquired strength and clasticity and it is probable he would have lived several years longer, if the disorder, which was the immediate cause of his death, had left him to the gradual decay of nature.

"His mind was the most active that it is possible to conceive; always on the wing, and never appearing to be weary. To sit still, and endeavour to give rest to the thought, was a luxury to which he was a perfect stranger: he dreaded nothing so much as inactivity, and that modern disorder which the French, who feel it not so much as ourselves, distinguish by the name of ennai.

"He rose in the summer at four or five, and in the winter at seven; and having always business before him, he was every day employed till the time of retiring to rest; and when in health I am told, was commonly asleep within two minutes after his lying down in bed.

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Writing was his favorite employment, or rather amusement; and when the number of his literary works is considered, and that they were the produce only of those hours which he was able to snatch from public business, an idea may be formed of his appli cation. He wrote a find flowing hand to the last, when he pleased, without spectacles. And he had always one or two of the clerks belonging to his office, or to some of the charitable institutions in which he was engaged, to ive in his house and assist him. When Dr. Goldsmith, to relieve himself from the labour of writing, engaged an amanuensis, he found himself incapable of dictation; and after eying each other some time, unable to proceed

the doctor put a guinea in his hand, and sent him away: but it was not so with Mr. Hanway, he could compose faster than any person could write. His mode was to dictate for as many hours together as he could spare, and afterwards correct the copy; which was again wrote out and corrected, perhaps several times."

"In his natural disposition, he was cheerful, but serene. He enjoyed his own joke, and applauded the wit of another; but never descended from a certain dignity, which he thought inde. spensably necessary. His experience furnished him with some anecdote or adventure, suitable to every turn the discourse could take, and he was always willing to communicate it. If in the hour of conviviality, the discourse took a turn, not consistent with the most rigid chastity, he was not forward to reprove, or take offence; but any attack on religion, especially in the company of young people, was sure to meet his most pointed disapprobation. In conversation, he was easy of access, and gave readily to every one the best answer which occurred; but not fond of much speaking himself, he did not always bear with patience, though commonly with silence, the forward and importunate; them with whom every man, and every thing, is either the very best, or the very worst possible; who exemplify, for the instruction of their auditors, those common ideas which it is not possible could escape them; and think loudness, and the gesticulation of unne cessary warmth, can supply the place of argument and politeness. If the mirth degenerated into boisterous laughter, he took his leave : 66 My good companions," he would say, "were too merry to be happy, or to let me be happy, so I left them." He spoke better in public than was to be expected of one who wrote so much, and pointed to his subject; though he was sometimes seduced into an elogium on the usefulness of the merchant, a character for which he entertained great reverence.


Although he himself never drank wine undiluted with water, he partook willingly of the joys of the table, and that felicity of conversation, which a moderate application to the bottle excites among men of parts; but he knew how the love of company infatuates young people, and the dangers to which it exposes them, The writer of this character is indebted to him beyond the power

of expression, particularly for his advice, which he had the method of administering without giving disgust; and he never received so serious a caution, as when at a public meeting, at the desire of sir Joseph Andrews, he sung a song better than Mr. Hanway expected.

“In his transactions with the world, he was always open, candid, and sincere. Whatever he said, might be depended on with implicit confidence. He adhered to the strict truth, even in the manner of his relation, and no brilliancy of thought could induce him to vary from the fact; but although so frank in his own proceedings, he had seen too much of life to be easily deceived by others; and he did not often place a confidence that was betrayed. He did not however think the world so degenerate, as is commonly imagined: "And if I did," he used to say, "I would not let it appear; for nothing can tend so effectually to make a man wicked, or to keep him so, as a marked suspicion. Confidence is the reward of truth and fidelity: and these should never be exerted in vain."

"In his department of commissioner for victualling the navy, he was uncommonly assiduous and attentive, and kept the contractors, and persons who had dealings with the office, at a great distance. He would not even accept a hare or pheasant, or the smallest present, from any of them; and when any were sent him, he always returned them, not in a morose manner, as if he affected the excess of disinterestedness, but with some mild answer; such as, "Mr. Hanway returns many thanks to Mr. —



the present he intended him; but he has made it a rule, not to accept any thing from any person engaged with the office a rule, which whilst he acknowledges Mr. — 's good intentions, he hopes he will not expect him to break through." With all this goodness, Mr. Hanway had a certain singularity of thought and manners, which was, perhaps, the consequence of his living the greater part of his life in foreign countries, and never having been married. He was not by any means an inattentive observer of the little forms of politeness; but as he had studied them in various realms, selecting those which he approved, his politeness differed from that of other people. His conversation Bad an air of originality in it, which was pleasing, far different

from that of some very polite circles, in which a whole evening may be passed in perpetual chat, without a single idea being started that has not had its round before."

"He knew well how much the happiness of mankind is dependent on honest industry, and received a pleasure, but faintly described in words, when any of the objects of his charity cleanly apparelled, and with cheerful and contented countenances, came to pay their respects to him. He treated them as his acquaintances, entered into their concerns with a parental affection, and let them know, that on any real emergency they might apply with confidence to him. It was this, rather than the largeness of his gifts, that endeared him so much to the common people he never walked out but he was followed by the good wishes, silent or expressed, of some to whom he had offered relief. To meet the eye of him whom he had obliged, was to him the highest luxury; and no man enjoyed it oftener."

Mr. Hanway was a firm believer in the great truths of christianity; and his piety was pure, fervent, rational, and sincere. Besides his travels, and several miscellaneous productions, he also published a number of small pieces, calculated to convey useful, moral, and religious instruction to the lower classes of mankind.

* Authorities. Pugh's Remarkable Occurences in the Life of Jonas Hanway, &c. Svo. 1787. Hanway's Travels,

&c. &c.

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