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"As Citizens of the United States, we cannot "remain unconcerned fpectators of the alarming "picture of national diftrefs, prefented by Congrefs "to the world, in their late addrefs; we are far from " condemning their unreferved communication. If "expedients are the refources of the weak, fecrecy "is the cloak of the bafe mind. We wish they "had gone farther, and propofed a radical cure for 66 a radical evil. The confederal constitution, whilft "it presents a comedy to the reft of the world, will prove in the end a tragedy to ourselves, and our "diftrefs will be attended with fo much ridicule, that we fhall lose the confolation of pity.

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"Government without coercion, is a propofition "at once fo abfurd and self-contradictory, that the "idea creates a confufion of the understanding-it "is form without fubftance-at beft a body without

a foul. If men would act right, Government of all "kinds would be useless-if States or Nations, who " are but affemblages of men, would do right, there "would be no wars or diforder in the universe. "Bad as individuals are, States are worse."Clothe men with public authority, and almost "univerfally they confider themfelves as liberated "from the obligations of moral rectitude, because "they are no longer amenable to justice.


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"Congrefs, with a prefs, during the life of paper money did wonders. Since it naturally died, they have had the power of emitting bills and borrowing money, without funds to gain credit; of "raifing an army, and equipping a navy, without "the means of building a thip, or fubfifting a fol"dier; of fending ambaffadors, who divulge our "diftress abroad, and render our poverty more fplen"didly confpicuous, making treaties, which they " cannot enforce the execution of, and with nations "who can derive every advantage from us better


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"without them; and finally, they prefent them"felves a fpectacle fo ludicrous, that we cannot help "being diverted at our own calamities.


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"The melioration of a conftitution, founded on "fuch falfe and incompatible principles, feems in every view almoft impoffible; but expedients propofed, which require the unanimous concurrence "of thirteen feparate Legislatures, differing in inte"refts, diftinct in habits, and oppofite from preju"dices, have fo repeatedly failed, that they no longer "furnish a ray of hope.-We pray therefore for the day when we fhall fee a National Convention fit, compofed of the beft and ableft men in the Union, a majority of whom fhall be invefted with the power of altering it. It is now fo bad as to defy "the malice and ingenuity of fortune to make it "worse."



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After feveral fruitless attempts to form a National Convention, compofed of deputies from all the thirteen States, one was at laft affembled at Annapolis, in Maryland, to which delegates were fent from every one, Rhode Island excepted, which continued refractory for a long time, notwithstanding threats like thefe: "Rhode Island has refufed to co-operate in this bufinefs. From her antifederal difpofition


nothing better could have been expected. To "that State it is owing that the continental impoft "has not taken place. To her may be charged the

poverty of the foldiers of the late army, the heavy "taxes of our citizens, and the embarraffed ftate of the public finances. It is, however, fincerely hoped and wifhed, that her diffent will never "more be permitted to defeat any federal measure. Rather let her be dropped out of the Union, or apportioned to the different States that furround her." It was an atrocious calumny to accufe Rhode Island of the crime of having caufed the heavy taxes which preffed upon the people. Thofe taxes arofe cut of



the rebellion, into which Rhode Island had been dragged by Maffachufetts. Nor was it very confiftent with thofe notions of liberty, of unalienable rights, and perfect independence, which had been fo long and fo loudly inculcated, to compel her to join in what he did not approve of, upon pain of being "dropped out of the Union," or "apportioned to the "different States furrounding her." But Rhode Island was small and weak; circumftances quite fufficient to encourage the other twelve States to act towards her with infolence and injustice. They did, however, forbear from fuch conduct. Leaving her to feel the fatal effects of her obftinacy, they proceeded to form a Federal Conftitution. The Convention of Deputies met for the purpose, and chrofe General Washington for their Prefident, on the 14th of May, 1797. The feffion clofed on the 17th of September, in the fame year, when the Conftitution, as it now ftands, was agreed upon, and prefented for the ratification of the respective States. When the firft Congrefs met under the new Conftitution, fome amendments were added.

Several of the States ratified with great reluctance; and it is not too much to fay, that a majority of them yielded from a dread of anarchy, rather than from their approbation of the new Conftitution. North Carolina, though fhe had fent Deputies to the Convention, refufed, for a long time, to ratify the inftrument which that Convention had agreed on. Rhode Island fill continued refractory; and though the Constitution was, at last, ratified by all the States, there fiill exifted, with refpect to it, that difference of opinion and discontent, which fowed the feeds of thofe factions that have fince poisoned the felicity of a country, which, with fome abatements as to climate, might, by a well-poifed and efficient government, have been rendered one of the happieft in the world.



We, the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, enfure domeftic tranquillity, provide for the common defence, promote the general welfare, and fecure the bleffings of liberty to ourselves and our pofterity, do ordain and establish this Conftitution for the United States of America.


All legislative powers herein granted, fhall be vested in a Congrefs of the United States, which fhall confift of a Senate and a House of Reprefentatives.


I. The House of Representatives fhall confift of members chofen every fecond year, by the people of the several States: and the electors in each State fhall have the qualifications requifite for electors of the most numerous branch of the State Legislature.

II. No perfon fhall be a Representative, who fhall not have attained to the age of twenty-five years, and been seven years a Citizen of the United States; and who fhall not, when elected, be an inhabitant of that State in which he fhall be chofen.

III. Representatives and direct taxes fhall be apportioned among the feveral States which may be included in this Union, according to their respective numbers, which fhall be determined. by adding to the whole number of free perfons, including those bound to fervice for a term of years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three fifths of all other perfons. The actual enumeration fhall be made within three years after the first meeting of the Congrefs of the United States; and within every subsequent term of ten years, in fuch manner as they fhall by law direct. The number of Representatives fhall not exceed one for every thirty thoufand; but each State fhall have at least one Reprefentative; and until fuch enumeration fhall be made, the State of New-Hamp fhire shall be entitled to choose three; Massachusetts eight; Rhode Ifland and Providence Plantations, one; Connecticut, five; NewYork, fix; New-Jerfey, four; Pennfylvania, eight; Delaware, one; Maryland, fix; Virginia, ten; North Carolina, five; South Carolina, five; and Georgia, three.

IV. When vacancies happen in the Reprefentation from any State, the executive authority thereof shall issue writs of elections to fill fuch vacancies.

V. The House of Reprefentatives fhall choose their Speaker and other officers; and fhall have the fole power of impeachment. SECTION III.

I. The Senate of the United States fhall be composed of two Senators from each State, chofen by the Legiflature thereof, for fix years: and each Senator shall have one vote.


II. Immediately after they fhall be affembled, in confequence of the first election, they fhall be divided, as equally as may be, into three claffes. The feats of the Senators of the firk class fhall be vacated at the expiration of the fecond year; of the fecond clafs, at the expiration of the fourth year; and of the third clafs, at the expiration of the fixth year: fo that one third may be chofen every second year. And if vacancies happen, by refignation or otherwise, during the recefs of the Legislature of any State, the executive thereof may make temporary appointments until the next meeting of the Legislature, which fhall then fill such vacancies.

III. No perfon fhall be a Senator, who fhall not have attained to the age of thirty years, and been nine years a Citizen of the United States; and who fhall not, when elected, be an inhabitant of that State for which he thall be chofen.

IV. The Vice-prefident of the United States fhall be Prefident of the Senate; but shall have no vote, unless they be equally divided.

V. The Senate shall choose their other officers, and also a Prefident pro-tempore, in the abfence of the Vice-prefident, or when he fhall exercife the office of Prefident of the United States.

VI. The Senate fhall have the fole power to try all impeachments. When fitting for that purpose, they fhall be on oath or affirmation. When the Prefident of the United States is tried, the Chief Justice fhall prefide: and no perfon fhall be convicted, without the concurrence of two thirds of the members prefent.

VII. Judgment, in cafes of impeachment, fhall not extend further than to removal from office, and difqualification to hold and enjoy any office of honour, truft, or profit, under the United States. But the party convicted fhall, nevertheless, be liable and fubject to indictment, trial, judgment, and punishment according to law.


I. The times, places, and manner of holding elections for Senators and Reprefentatives, fhall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof: but the Congrefs may, at any time, by law, make or alter fuch regulations, except as to the places of choofing Senators.

II. The Congrefs fhall affemble at least once in every year: and fuch meeting fhall be on the first Monday in December, unless they fhall by law appoint a different day.


I. Each Houfe fhall be the judge of the elections, returns and qualifications of its own members; and a majority of each fhall conftitute a quorum to do bufinefs: but a fmaller number may adjourn from day to day, and may be authorized to compel the attendance of abfent members, in fuch manner, and under fach penalties as each Houfe may provide.

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