Abbildungen der Seite

tie in the Presidential vote, Vol. III.

Brissot, carries letter of introduction
from Jefferson to the U. S., Vol. I.
502; his letter to Dumoriez in respect
to Miranda, Vol. II. 435.
Brougham, his opinion of the causes of

the American Revolution, Vol. I. 170.
Buchan, the Earl of, his correspondence

with Washington and Jefferson, Vol.
III. 68.

Buffon, his dispute with Jefferson on a
question of natural history, Vol. I.
490, 491.

Burke, Mr., his opinion on introducing
politics in the pulpit, Vol. III. 425.
Burr, Aaron, takes seat in U. S. Senate,
Vol. II. 23; a candidate for Vice-
Presidency in 1796, 814, 315; nomi-
nated for Vice-Presidency in 1800,
533; obtains and publishes Hamilton's
private attack on Adams, 559; his
means of procuring the paper, 560;
Jefferson to, in regard to result of
election, etc., in 1800, 572, 573, 577;
how far the result in New York was
due to Burr, 573 et seq.; his political
standing in New York, 573, 574; his
supposed intrigues in New Jersey and
other States, 575, 582; his instruments
tampering with members of Congress,
576; his female correspondence, etc.,
581; tie with Jefferson in the electoral
vote, 581, 582; his letter to Gen.
Smith disclaiming being a candidate,
585; proceeding of the Federalists, 582
et seq.; the Federal caucus determine
to support him against Jefferson, 592;
Jefferson believes him acting in good
faith, 594; his conduct during the bal-
loting in the House, 604; effect of this
conduct on his standing, 612; his suit
against Cheetham for libel, 612; his
wager suit of Gillespie vs. Smith, and
its objects, 612; obtains Bayard's and
Smith's depositions to implicate Jeffer-
son, 617; attempts to surreptitiously
change the phraseology of Smith's
deposition, 617; his motives, 617, 618;
coquetting with the Federalists, 691;
does not receive a vote for renomina-
tion to the Vice-Presidency, Vol. III.
91; the circumstances under which he
left the office, 173; his expedition to
Western States in 1805, 174; his pro-
ject of a canal round the falls of the
Ohio, 174; stops at Blennerhasset's
Island, 174; proceeds to Lexington
and meets Jackson, 174; goes to New
Orleans, 174; his hints to Wilkinson,
174; returns to Washington, and at-
tempts to tamper with Eaton, Truxton,

and others, 174; his representations
to Eaton, 175; his projects, 176, 177;
his short-sighted and petty grade of
cunning, 177; his recklessness, 178;
his second journey west in 1806, 178;
his Bastrop purchase, 178; his con-
federates make preparations for an
expedition, 179; their different avow-
als of their objects, 179; they avow an
intention to divide the Union, 179;
Burr's correspondence with Gen. Wil-
kinson, 179; sends an agent to his
camp, 179, 180; copy of his letter to
Wilkinson, 180; further disclosures of
his agent, 181; Jackson's letter of
warning to Claiborne, 181; Wilkinson
makes active preparations to oppose
him, 181, 182; Wilkinson declares New
Orleans under martial law, 182; Wil-
kinson seizes Burr's agents and trans-
ports them to Washington, 182; inef-
fectual motion for Burr's arrest in Ken-
tucky, 183; further progress of his
expedition, 185; descends to Missis-
sippi territory, 185; arrested and car-
ried before territorial court, 185; bill
thrown out by grand jury, 185, 186;
he flies eastward, 186; he is captured
in Alabama, and taken to Richmond
for trial, 186; Wilkinson's prisoners
(Bollman and Swartwout) reach Wash-
ington, 196; the prisoners brought
before Judge Marshall and discharged,
197; Burr's arrival in Richmond, 204;
received as a political martyr by Fede-
ralists, 204; held to bail for a misde-
meanor, 204; his fellow-guests at a
dinner party, 204, 205; his counsel on
his trial, 205; grand jurors challenged
for favor, 205; Burr moves for a sub-
pœna duces tecum to the President, 205;
the spirit of the proceedings illustrated
by Martin's speech, 206; Wirt's reply,
206; Judge Marshall's observations
thereon, 207; Martin's attacks on the
President continued through the trial,
207 et seq.; the subpoena duces tecum
to the President ordered, 209; further
proceedings thereon temporarily sus
pended, 212; the manner of treating
the Government witnesses, 212; the
grand jury find a bill of indictment
against Burr for treason, 212; he is
committed to jail, 213; he is removed
therefrom to Martin's house, 213; ar-
raigned for treason, 213; removed to
"apartments" in penitentiary, 213; he
describes his "apartments," company,
etc., 213, 214; trial for treason opens,
214; its progress and result, 214, 215;
he is put on trial for misdemeanor, and
the result, 215-217; held to bail for

trial in Ohio for a misdemeanor, 217;
flies to England, 217; pretended im-
proper interference of the President
during trials, 217-220; Burr's subse-
quent career, 220-222.
Burwell, William A., his indignation
at Moore's lampoons and the sequel,
Vol. III. 118, 119; answers John
Randolph's newspaper attacks on the
Administration, 173.

Burwell, N., Jefferson to, on a course of
female education, etc., Vol. III. 447,

Cabell, Joseph C., Jefferson to, on right
to add to Constitutional qualifications
of members of Congress, Vol. III.
401; Jefferson to, on Missouri ques-
tion, 455, 460; his efficient services in
establishing Virginia University, 464,
et seq., 496; third rector of University,
465; Jefferson to, on the selection of
professors, 497; Jefferson to, request-
ing his aid in Legislature, 527; Jeffer-
son to, declaring he has been taught to
know his standard, 531; Cabell's an-
swer, 532; his further correspondence
with Jefferson, 535.

Cabell, Col. Nicholas, Vol. III. 464.
Cabell, Samuel J., presented by a grand
jury for a letter to his constituents, Vol. |

II. 376.

Cabell, William, of Union Hill, Vol. III.


Cabot, George, Vol. II. 517; his views
on Hamilton's attack on Adams in
1800, 562; informs Hamilton he is
accused of same vanity he charges on
Adams, 562; in favor of electing Burr
over Jefferson in 1800, 583; President
of Hartford Convention, Vol. III. 421;
his private character, 421.
Calhoun, John C., Vol. III. 320.
Calhoun, John E., Vol. II. 677.
Callender, James T., his conviction under
sedition law, Vol. II. 419; his attacks
on Jefferson, Vol. III. 16, et seq.;
sketch of his career, 18; Jefferson's
gratuities to him, 18; partisan state-
ments on this head, 18, 19; his subse-
quent career and death, 20, 21.
Camden, battle of, Vol. I. 269, 270.
Campbell, Colonel Arthur, commands at
King's Mountain, Vol. I. 281; strikes
the Cherokees, 307.

Campbell, G. W., his reply to Gardenier
in tenth Congress, Vol. III. 248, 249;
challenged by Gardenier and result of
duel, 249.

Canning, George, his negotiations with

American ministers, Vol. III. 235, et
seq.; his wheedling representations to

Mr. Pinkney, 272; his politics and
character, 273; draws a written propo-
sition from Pinkney, 274; his insult-
ing replies, 275, 276; his reply pub-
lished in a Massachusetts newspaper,
285; this undoubtedly his own act,

Capital, removed to Washington, Vol. II.
541; the town described, 542, 543; the
new capitol described, 542, 543.
Carey, Matthew, his statements in respect
to run of Boston banks on those of
middle and southern States in 1813
and 1814, Vol. III. 387, 888; reply of
Lowell, and Carey's rejoinder, 388.
Carmichael, Mr. Jefferson to, on Shays'
insurrection, Vol. I. 459; appointed
minister to Spain, Vol. II. 46.

Carr, Dabney, moves resolutions in Vir-
ginia Burgesses, 1773, Vol. I. 79; de-
scribed by Jefferson and Wirt, 82; his
schoolboy intimacy with Jefferson, 82;
marries Jefferson's sister, 83; his
death, 83; effect of his death on his
wife, 83; his children brought up by
Jefferson, 84; their subsequent career,

Carr, Dabney (the younger), Vol. I. 84,
231; his tribute to Jefferson, Vol. III.

Carr, Peter, Vol. I. 84; Jefferson's let-
ter of advice to, 435; Jefferson pre-
scribes a course of study to, 436, 437.
Carr, Samuel, Vol. I. 84.
Carrington, Paul, elected a judge of
General Court, Vol. I. 216.
Carrington, Col. Edward, Jefferson to, on

'Shays' insurrection," Vol. I. 463,
464; Jefferson to, on the federal Con-
stitution, 488, 489.

Carroll, Charles, his views of Hamilton's

attack on Adams, etc., in 1800, Vol.
II. 562; on the manner of choosing
Presidential electors in Maryland, 571.
Cartwright, Major John, of England, his
correspondence with Jefferson, Vol.
III. 500, 501; a misunderstanding
explained, 501, 502.

Cary, Col. Archibald, his first intercourse
with Jefferson, Vol. I. 21; reports
the resolutions for independence in
Virginia Legislature, 139, 141; he
crushes dictator project, 207; his cha-
racter, 207.

Ceracchi, Giuseppe, Jefferson to, Vol.
II. 199; the sculptor's visit to the
U. S. to execute a national monument,
199, 200; his busts of Washington,
Jefferson, and Hamilton, and medallion
of Madison, 200.

Chase, Judge Samuel, his conduct on
Callender's trial, Vol. II. 419; his

impeachment, Vol. III. 122, 123; his |
acquittal, and reasons therefor, 123, 124.
Cheetham, James, Vol. II. 573, 575, 576.
Chesapeake, U. S. frigate, attacked by
the Leopard, Vol. III. 224, 225.
Cincinnati Society, account of, Vol. I.
406; opposition of public feeling to,
406, et seq.; Judge Burke's attack on,
406, 407; Legislatures condemn, 407;
Jefferson's hostility to, 407-409.
Claiborne, Governor of Mississippi, Jef-
ferson to, on obtaining New Orleans,
etc., Vol. III. 62.

Clarke, Col. George Rogers, the Han-
nibal of the West, Vol. I. 248;
advances against Kaskaskias, 248;
surprises that and other British posts,
248; advances in winter against and
captures St. Vincenne, 249; intrusted
with taking possession of the territo-
ries of Virginia, 256; his conduct as
a diplomatist and soldier, 256, 257;
a striking instance of his nerve, 257;
his plans against Detroit, 273, 275;
chastises the western clans in 1780,
274; plans expedition against Detroit
in 1780, 293; skirmish with Arnold's
troops, 301.

Clarke, William, his and Lewis's western
exploration originated, Vol III. 37.
Clay, Charles, Jefferson to, on Burr's
conspiracy, Vol. III. 186; Jefferson
to, on his own pecuniary affairs, 200.
Clay, Henry, appears as Burr's counsel in
Kentucky, Vol. III. 184; the letter
by which Burr engaged his services,
184; becomes convinced of Burr's
guilt, 184; publicly refuses to receive
Burr's hand, 184; joins war party,
320; Speaker in Congress, 374; his
reply to Quincy's attack on Jefferson,

Clayton, John M., his questions, etc., in

U. S. Senate concerning statements in
Jefferson's Ana, Vol. II. 609-611.
Clergy, character of the early Anglican
clergy, Vol. II. 646, 647; character
of New England clergy, 647-651; hos-
tility of New England clergy to Jeffer-
son, 651, 652.

Clinton, DeWitt, Vol. II. 677; his first
speech in U. S. Senate, Vol. III. 31;
his review of the conduct of the Fede-
ralists, 32, 33; a candidate for the Pre-
sidency in 1812, 376; 631.
Clinton, George, unsuccessful candidate
for Vice-Presidency in 1792, Vol. II.
102, 120; his attitude in the New
York election of 1800, 573; nominated
to Vice-Presidency in 1804, Vol. III.
91; his character, 91; renominated
or Vice-President, 253.
VOL. III.-44

Clinton, Sir Henry, captures Charleston,
Vol. I. 260; violation of the capitula-
tion, 261; his proclamation recalling
paroles in South Carolina, 278; orders
executions, 278; his plans in fall of
1780, 283, 284; dispatches Gen. Leslie
to Virginia, 284; dispatches Gen.
Phillips to Virginia, 322.

Cobbet, William, Vol. II. 396, 400, 413,
419, 603.

Coles, Edward, produces a reconcilia-

tion between Jefferson and Adams,
Vol. III. 366, 639, 640.
Committees of Correspondence, where
originated, Vol. I. 79, 80.
Committees of Safety, organized in Vir-
ginia counties, Vol. I. 99; their pow-
ers, 99.
Congress, meeting of, 1774, Vol. I. 98;
session of, 1775-6, 133; news of pro-
hibitory Act received in, 135; enact-
ments, 138; preliminary measures to
Independence, 139; legislative instruc-
tions, 139; Independence moved, 142;
why action was delayed, 142; the de-
bate, 143; Committee on Declaration
appointed, 143; factions in, 146, et
seq.; supposed anti-Washington party
in, 147–152; Declaration of Indepen-
dence reported, 164; original resolu-
tion for independence passed in com-
mittee, 169; vote of Colonies on, 169;
debate on the Declaration, 170; amend-
ments, 170; its passage, 171; factions
in, 1779, 255; meeting in 1783, 392; re-
signation of Washington, 392; action
on treaty of peace, 392-394; Committee
of States chosen, 394; Commissioners
of the Treasury appointed, 396; ces-
sion of Northwestern Territory by Vir-
ginia, 397; ordinance for government
of Northwestern Territory, 397, 400;
temper of the House, 401; second
Congress (under the Constitution), in
1791, Vol. II. 23; parties and promi-
nent members in, 23, 24; meeting of
third Congress, 193; proceedings on
British orders in Council, 230; second
session of third Congress, 251; pro-
ceedings on President's speech, etc.,
252; meeting of fourth Congress, 270;
speech of President and addresses of
the Houses, 270, 271; resolutions of
the two Houses on receiving flag of
France, 280, 281; action on Treaty of
London, 286, et seq.; party manoeu
vres in respect to it, 292; the speakers
for and against it, 293; reaction in its
favor, 294; question taken, 294, 295;
special session of fifth Congress, 349;
warlike addresses of the Houses, 350;
their ardor cooled by news of French

victories, 351, 352; second session,
378; Sprigg's resolutions, 383; war
measures, 388; war spirit bursts out
anew, 393; provisional army ordered,
etc., etc., 393, 394; quasi-war, 394;
naturalization laws changed, 394; alien
and sedition laws passed, 394-396;
Lloyd's treason bill, 397; third session
of fifth Congress, 455; President's
speech and address of the Senate,
455-457; "Logan law" passed, 467;
posture of Federal leaders who voted
for it, 467, 468; Federal leaders
"gravelled," 477; scene on report on
alien and sedition laws, 479; army
bills arrested by appointment of Com-
mission to France, 479; sixth Con-
gress meet, 511; parties, etc., in, 511,
512; measures of, 524-527; the elec-
tion law, 527; bill to repeat the
provisional army law defeated, 528;
enlistments suspended conditionally,
529; other bills, 529; the Robbins
affair, 529, 530; Senate orders Duane
to appear at its bar, etc., 531; sedition
laws sustained, 532; second session of
sixth Congress, 571, et. seq.; rules for
Presidential election adopted, 580; the
votes opened and counted in the
Senate, 581; the House proceeds to
ballot for President, 594, et seq.; vote
by heads, 595; the continued bal-
loting and result, 594, et seq.; French
treaty approved by Senate, 623; Judi-
ciary bill passes, 623, 624; sedition
law expires, 626; seventh Congress
meet, 676; leading members in each
House, 677, 678; reporters admitted,
688, 689; judiciary act repealed, 689-
691; new apportionment bill and bill
fixing military peace establishment,
691; other important bills of the ses-
sion, 692; second session of seventh
Congress, Vol. III. 24; President's
message, 24-27; proceedings of, 29, et
seq.; resolutions on Spanish withdrawal
of right of deposit at New Orleans, 29,
30; Ross's war resolutions in Senate,
31; Breckenridge's substitute, 32; the
latter prevails, 36; petition of the ex-
judges, 36; attempt to change the
manner of voting for President and
Vice-President, 37; admission of Ohio,
37; law against importing slaves, etc.,
37; navy increased, 37; Yazoo claims,
37, 38; various bills, 42; dry docks,
42-44; special session of eighth Con-
gress, 72; leading members in each
House, 72, 73; President's Message,
73-75; Senate ratify treaty for pur-
chase of Louisiana, 75; resolution in
the House to carry it into effect, 75;

the struggle on and passage of the re
solution, 75-83; struggle reopened in
Senate on latter resolution, 82, et seq.;
Louisiana erected into two territories,
87; bankrupt law repealed, 87; Con-
stitutional amendment submitted, 88;
Mediterranean fund, 88; impeachment
of Judge Pickering, 88, 89; second
session of eighth Congress, 120; Pre-
sident's Message, 120, 121; impeach-
ment of Judge Chase and his acquittal,
122-124; constitutional amendments
offered thereon, 124; meeting of ninth
Congress, 149; prominent members in
each House, 149; President's Mes
sage, 150-152; confidential message
on affairs with Spain, 152; Randolph's
and Bidwell's resolutions thereon,
153; President's Message on British
captures, etc., 159; various motions
thereon, 159, 160; bill passes to pro-
hibit certain British importations, 160,
161; small military appropriations,
161; National (Cumberland) road
originated, 161-163; coast survey
originated, 163; other bills, 163;
memorial accusing the Government of
complicity in Miranda's Expedition in
1806, 168; action of House thereon,
168, 169; second session of ninth
Congress, 189; President's Message,
190-193; special message on English
relations, 193; the non-importation
act further suspended, 193; the House
calls for information in regard to
Burr's conspiracy, 194; President's
Message thereon, 194; panic in Senate
and its passage of bill suspending
habeas corpus, 195; this rejected with-
out a reference in House, 195; reac
tionary feeling in respect to Burr's
conspiracy, 196; Broom's resolution
for better securing privilege of habeas
corpus, 197; voted down, 198; bill
prohibiting importation of slaves, 198,
199; different parties in respect to
naval defences, 199; bill authorizing
President to accept services of volun-
teers, 200; want of an Administration
leader in House, 200, 201; meeting of
tenth Congress, 239; prominent mem-
bers, 239; President's Message, 239-
242; bills for military preparations,
242; Embargo recommended and
passed, 242-244; supplementary em-
bargo bills, 247, et seq.; proceedings on
Burr's trial communicated, 244; reso-
lution in Senate to expel John Smith
as an accomplice of Burr, 244; report
of committee thereon through J. Q.
Adams, 244, 245; further action 245,
246; Gardenier's charges against the

Administration, 247, 248; the replies
of Johnson, Campbell and others, and
the sequel, 248, 249; bill to raise seven
regiments of regulars passed, 249;
second session of tenth Congress,
276; President's Message, 276-279;
Embargo sustained by a stronger vote
than it originally received, 280;
Giles's "Enforcing law," 280, 282; the
publication of Canning's letter compels
President to communicate the corres-
pondence, 285; how received in Con-
gress, 285, et seq.; Key's speech, 286;
bill passed for extra session, 286;
the policy which was settled by this
vote, 286, 287; bill for raising an army
of volunteers, 287; Nicholas's resolu-
tion to terminate Embargo and issue
letters of marque and reprisal, 288;
Randolph's amendment defeated, 289;
bill passes to terminate Embargo on
fourth of March, 289; Quincy's resolu-
tions preliminary to an impeachment
of the President, 289; they receive
one vote, 289; resolution for arming
merchant vessels voted down, and
non-intercourse law passed, 290, 291;
action of Congress on purchase of
Mr. Jefferson's library, in 1814, 408,

Coolidge, Joseph, Jr., marries a grand-
daughter of Mr. Jefferson, Vol. I.
177; a present from Mr. Jefferson to,

Cooper, Thomas, his conviction under se-

dition law, Vol. II. 418; remarks on
this case in Life and Works of John
Adams, 418, 419; his political pam-
phlets, 521, 522; a professor of Virginia
University, Vol. III. 465; appointment
cancelled, 465; Jefferson to, on sus-
pension of specie payments by the
banks, in 1814, 402, 403.
Cornwallis, Lieut.-Gen., Vol. I. 260;
advances on Camden, 261; defeats
Gates at Camden, 269, 270; suspends
operations, 270; renews them, 278;
his executions and other cruelties in
South Carolina, 278, 279; the conse-
quences, 279; orders Ferguson to ad-
vance from Ninety-Six, 280; battle of
King's Mountain, 281; falls back on
Wynnsborough, 282; his movements
in fall of 1780, 284; pursues Morgan
after battle of Cowpens, 308; pursues
Greene, 308; moves towards Hills-
borough, 309; conduct at battle of
Guilford Courthouse, 312; advances
on Virginia, 328; his march across
North Carolina, 328; reaches Peters-
burg, 328; his advance, and pursuit of
Lafayette, 333, 334; dispatches Simcoe

to the Point of Fork, and Tarleton to
Charlottesville, 334; his atrocious con-
duct at Jefferson's estate of Elk Hill,
339-342; an instance of his personal
plundering, 340; his barbarities in
Virginia, 344.

Cowpens, battle of, Vol. I. 307.
Coxe, Tenche, Jefferson to, Vol. II. 228;
Jefferson to, on proposal to devolve
the Government on the Chief Justice,
etc., 578.

Crawford, William H., Jefferson favors
his election to the presidency, in 1824,
Vol. III. 508, 509.
Crowninshield, Capt. G., brings home
the body of Lawrence, Vol. III. 379.
Crowninshield, Jacob, appointed Secre-
tary of the Navy and declines, Vol.
III. 135; in Congress, 193; death of,
249, 250.

Cutting, Mr. Jefferson to, on English
decisions controlling American courts,
Vol. I. 508.

Dacre, Captain, his testimony on subject
of impressment, Vol. III. 381.
Dale, Commodore, dispatched to the
Mediterranean, Vol. II. 665, 666.
Dallas, Secretary of State, of Pennsylva-
nia, Vol. II. 157, 160, 165, 266.
Daviess, U. S. Attorney in Kentucky,
moves arrest of Burr, Vol. III. 183;
subsequent proceeding and Burr's tri-
umph, 183, 184.

Davis, Matthew L., the biographer of
Aaron Burr, Vol. II. 559; Burr's
eidolon in political morality, 559; his
connection with the publication of
Hamilton's attack on Adams, 559; his
misstatements in regard to New York
election in 1800, 578, et seq.; sup-
posed reasons for his fabrications
against Jefferson, 573, 574; his state-
ments in regard to opening presiden-
tial votes in Senate in 1800, 580, 581;
other illustrations of his veracity,

Dayton, Jonathan, Vol. II. 24, 103, 230,
350, 575, 629; his action in U. S.
Senate on treaty for purchase of
Louisiana, Vol. III. 75, 84.
Dearborn, Colonel (afterwards General)
Henry, Vol. II. 295; appointed secre-
tary of war, 635; sketch of his pre-
vious life, 636; Jefferson to, in 1814, on
the political apostasy of Massachusetts,
Vol. III. 421; Jefferson to, on Mis-
souri Question, 460; Jefferson to, on
death, 474.

Decatur, Stephen (afterwards Commo-
dore), his gallantry in Tripolitan war,
Vol. III. 125, 138, 139; President's

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