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BI'LANDER. s. [belandre, Fr.] A fmall veffel ufed for the carriage of goods. Dryden.

BILBERRY. s. [biliz, Saxon, a bladder, and berry.] Whortleberry.

John. BIGSWOLN. a. [from big and fwoln.] Turgid.

• To pray.

to drink.

BIDDEN. par paf. from to bid.

1. Invited.

z. Commanded.

T, BIDE. .#.

Bacon. Pope. BIDDER.. (from to bid.] One who offers or propoles a price. Addifon. BIDDING, 5. [from bid] Command; order. Milton. T. BIDE. v. e. [bidan, Saxon.] To endure; to raffer Dryden. 1 To dwell; to live; to inhabit. Milton, To remain in a place. Shakespeare. BIDE/NTAL. a. [bidens, Latin.] Having two Swift. BIDING. s. [from bide.] Refidence; habitaRowe. BIENNIAL. a. [biennis, Latin.] Of the continuance of two years. Ray. BIER.. [from to bear.] A carriage on which the dead are carried to the grave. Milton. BIESTINGS. [byrting, Saxon.] The first malk given by a cow after calving. Dryden. RIFARIOUS. 4. [Lifarius, Latin.] Twofold. BYFERGUS. a. [biferens, Latin.] Bearing fruit



rvice a year.


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a.[bifidus, Lat.] Opening with
a cleft.

BIFOLD. e. [from bizus, Lat. and fold.]
Twofold; double.


BIFORMED. a. [biformis, Latin.] Compounded of two forms.

BIFURCATED. a.[binus and furca.]

Booting out into two heads. Woodward. BIFURCATION...[binus and furca.] Division into two.

DIG. a.

BILBO. s. [from Bilboa.] A rapier ; a sword. Shakespeare. BILBOES. a. A fort of stocks. Shakespeare. BILE. s. [bilis, Latin.] A thick, yellow, bitter liquor, feparated in the liver, collected in the gall bladder, and discharged by the com mon duct. Quincy BILE... [bile, Saxon.] A fore angry fwelling. To BILGE. v. n. [from the noun. To fpring a

leak. BILIARY.a. [from bilis, Latin.] Belonging to the bile. Arbuthnot. BILINGSGATE. J. Ribaldry; foul language. Pope.

BILINGUOUS. e. [bilinguis, Lat.] Having two tongues.

BILIOUS. a. [from bilis, Latin.] Confisting of bile. Garth. To BILK. v. a. [bilaican, Gothick.] To cheat; to defraud. Dryden.

BILL. s. [bile, Saxon.] The beak of a fowl.

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BELLET. s. [billet, Fr.]

4. Fall of tomething.


1. A fmall paper; a note.

5. Diftended; fwoln.


6. Creat in air and mein; proud.



7. Great in fpirit; brave. BIGAMIST.. [bigamus, low Latin.] One that bas committed bigamy.


BIGAMY..[bigamia, low Latin.] The crime
of having two wives at once.
BIGBE'LLIED. a. [from big and belly.]


BIGGIN.. [beguin, Fr.] A child's cap. Shakespeare. BIGLY. ad. [from big.] Tumidly; haughtily. Dryden.


2. Billetdoux, or a foft billet; a love letter.

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BIND. s. A fpecies of hops.

BINDER. s. (from to bind.

1. The act of coming into life. 2. Extraction; lineage.



3. Rank which is inherited by defcent. Dry 4. The condition in which any man is born.


make ap


5. Thing born.


6. The act of bringing forth.

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Locke. BIRTHDAY. s. [from birth and day.] The day on which any one is born.


1. A man whofe trade it is to bind books. 2. A man that binds fheaves.


3. A fillet; a fhred cut to bind with. Wisem: BINDING. s. [from bind.] A bandage. Tatier. BINDWEED. s. [convolvelus, Latin.] The name of a plant.

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BINOCLE. A telefcope fitted fo with two tubes, as that a diftant object may be feen with both eyes.

BINO'CULAR. a. [from binus and ocuius, Latin.] Having two eyes. Derbam. BIOGRAPHER. s. [bies and you pw.] A writer of lives. Addifon. BIOGRAPHY. s. [Bios and yeápa.] Writing the lives of men is called biography. Watts. BVPAROUS. a. [from binus and pario, Lat.] Bringing forth two at a birth. BIPARTITE. a. [hinus and partior, Latin.] Having two correfpondent parts. BIPARTITION.s. [from hip tite.] The act of dividing into two.

BIPED. s. [bipes, Latin.] An animal with two Brown.

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EIPE NNATED. a. [from binus
Larin.] Having two wings.
BIPETALOUS. a. [of his and
Confifing of two flower leaves."
BIQUADRATE. 2 5. The fourth power
BIQUADRATICK. arifing from the mul-
tiplication of a fquare by itfelf. Harris.
BIRCH Tree. s. [binic, Saxon.] A tree.
BIRCHEN. a. from birel.] Made of birch.

BIRD. . [bind or brid, Saxon.] A general term of the feathered kind; a fowl. Locke.


BIRTHDOM. s. Privilege of birth. Shake. BIRTHNIGHT. 5. [from birth and night.] The night in which any one is born. Mitan BIRTHPLACE. s. Place where any one is Swift. BIRTHRIGHT.. [from birth and right.] The rights and privileges to which a man is born; the right of the first born: Addifor BIRTHSTRANGLED. a. Strangled in being Shakespeare BIRTHWORT... The name of a plant." BISCOTIN. . A confection. BISCUIT. s. [bis and cuit, French.] 1. A kind of dry bread, made to be carried to fea. Knoll 2. Compofition of fine flour, almonds, and fugar.


To BISECT. v. a. [binus and feco, Lat.] To divide into two parts. BISECTION. from the verb.] A geometrical term, fignifying the divifion of any quantity into two equal parts.

BISHOP. s. [biycop, Saxon.] One of the head order of the clergy. South. BISHOP. s. A cant word for a mixture of wine, oranges, and fugar. Swift To BI'SHOP. v. a. To confirm; to admit folemnly into the church. BYSHOPRICK. s. diocefe of a bishop.

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BI'SSÓŇ. a. Blind.

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BISTRE. s. [French.] A colour made of chimney-foot boiled, and then diluted with


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Amach meat as is put into the mouth at

A fmall piece of any thing.

Swift. A Spanish Weft-Indian filver coin valued Lvenpence halfpenny.

44 bit the better or worse. In the smallest degree. Arbuthnot.

BIT... To put the briddle upon a horse. BITCH.. (birge, Saxon.]

1. The female of the canine kind. Spenfer. LA came of reproach for a woman. Arbath. T BITE. 4. pret. 1 bit; part. paff. I have but, or bitten, [bitan, Saxon.]

1 Te crush, or pierce with the teeth. Arbutb. To give pain by cold.

To hurt or pain with reproach.

4 To cut; to wound.


Compounded of bitt


BIVALVE. a. [binus and valva.] Having two valves or fhutters; ufed of thofe, fifh that have two fhells, as oyfters. Woodward. BIVALVULAR. a. [from bivalve.] Having two valves. BIXWORT. s. An herb.

BIZANTINE. J. [from Byzantium.] A great piece of gold valued at fifteen pounds, which the king offered upon high festival days.


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Rowe. Rofcom.


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2. Dark.


To make the mouth smart with an acrid

6. To cheat; to trick.

7. BITE. 2. 2. To take the bait. BITE...from the verb.]

1. The feizure of any thing by the teeth. Dry. 2. The act of a fifh that takes the bait. Walt. 3. A cheat; a trick.

4. A fharper. BITER. 1. from bite.]

1. He that bites.


Camden. A fifh apt to take the bait. Walton, 3. A tricker; a deceiver. Spectator. BITACLE. 5. A frame of timber in the Beerage, where the compafs is placed. Dic. BITTER. a. [biten, Saxon.]



King: Shak.

Dryden. Shak

3. Cloudy of countenance; fullen. 4. Horrible; wicked. 5. Difimal; mournful. BLACK-BRYONY. s. The name of a plant. BLACK-CATTLE. §. Oxen, bulls, and cows. BLACK-GUARD. §. A dirty fellow. A low



BLACK-LEAD, s. A mineral found in the lead mines, ufed for pencils.

BLACK. PUDDING . A kind of food made of blood and corn.

BLACK-ROD, s. [from black and red.] The ufher belonging to the order of the garter; fo called from the black rod he carries in his hand. He is uther of the parliament. Locke. BLACK. &. [from the adjective.]

1. Having a hot, acrid, biting tafte, like


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1. A black colour.



2. Mourning.


3. A blackamoor.


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Newton. Dryden

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2. A blifter; a puftule. BLADDER-NUT. s. [ftaphylolendren, Lat.] A plant.

BLADDER-SENA. s. A plant.

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4. The point to which an arrow is direct 5. Aim.


6. Object to which any thing is directed.

BLADE. s. [blæð, Saxon.] The fpire of grafs; To BLANK. v. a. [from blank.]
the green shoots of corn.
BLADE. . [blatte, German.]


1. The fharp or ftriking part of a weapon or inftrument.

2. A brisk man, either fierce or gay. L'Efr. BLADE of the Shoulder. s. The fcapula or Shoulder fcapular bone.


To BLADE. v. a. [from the noun.] To fit with a blade.


BLA'DED. a. [from blade.] Having blades or
BLAIN. s. [blegene, Saxon.] A puftule; a



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1. To damp; to confufe; to difpirit. Ti 2. To efface; to annul. BLA'NKET. s. [blanchette, French.] 1. A woolen cover, foft, and loosely woven

2. A kind of pear.



Pe In a blan

To BLANKET. v. a. [from the noun.
1. To cover with a blanket.
2. To tofs in a blanket.
BLA/NKLY. ad. [from blank.]
manner; with whitenefs; with confufion.
To BLARE. v. n. [blaren, Dutch.] To be
low; to roar. Not in ufe.

To BLASPHE/ME. v. a. [blafphemo. low Lat
1. To speak in terms of impious irreverenc
of God.

2. To fpeak evil of. To BLASPHE'ME v. n. To speak blafphemy

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To BLASPHEMER. s. [from blafpheme.] A
wretch that fpeaks of God in impious and
1 Tim. 1. 13.
BLASPHE'MOUS. a. [from blafpheme.] In-
piously irreverent with regard to God.
Sidney. Tilletfer.
BLA'SPHEMOUSLY. ad. [from blafpheme
Impioufly; with wicked irreverence. Swift.
BLA'SPHEMY. s. [from blafpheme.] Blafph-
my, is an offering of fome indignity unte
God himself.


BLA'MEFUL a. [from blame and full.]
Criminal; guilty.
BLA'MELESS. a. [from Llame.] Guiltlefs;


innocent. BLA'MELESLY. ad. [from blameless.] Innocently. Hammond. BLAMELESNESS. s. [from blameless.] In



BLA'MER. . [from blame.] A cenfurer.
BLAMEWORTHY. a. Culpable; blamable.
To BLANCH. v. a. [blanchir, French.]
1. To whiten.

2. To ftrip or peel fuch things as have hufks.
3. To obliterate; to pafs over.
To BLANCH. v. n. To evade; to fhift. Bacon.
BLANCHER. . [from blanch.] A whitener.
BLAND. a. [llandus, Latin.]
Soft; mild;

To BLANDISH. v. a. [blandior, Latin.] To
fmooth; to foften.
BLANDISHMENT. s. [from blandish; blan-
ditia, Latin.]

1. Act of fondnefs; expreffion of tenderness by gefture.

2. Soft words; kind speeches.

3. Kind treatment; carefs.



BLAST. s. [from blære, Saxon.]
1. A guf, or puff of wind.


2. The found made by any inftrument el wind mufick. Milton. 3. The ftroke of a malignant planet. Jul To BLAST. v. a. [from the noun.] 1. To ftrike with fome fudden plague. Ad 2. To make wither.

Shak Stilling fleet.

3. To injure; to invalidate. 4. To confound; to ftrike with terrour." SI. BLA'STMENT. . [from blaft.] Sudden ftroke of infection. Sbal.

BLATANT. a. [blattant, Fr.] Bellowing as

a calf.

To roar.


To BLATTER. v. n. [from blatero, Latm.1
BLAY.s.[from bleak. A small whitish river fift.
BLAZE. J. [blare, a torch, Saxon.]

1. A flame; the light of a flame. Dryden
2. Publication.

3. A white mark upon a horfe. Swift. To BLAZE. v, n,

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